Fake outrage over WD2

Why all the fake outrage over Watch Dogs 2?

I'm seeing people trying to attack every petty thing about the game, in hopes it fails just because of the black protagonist

It's the same shit with mafia 3, Sup Forums being it's usual sperg self

I liked the first one because it wasn't over the top haxor crap. This is over the top haxor crap. So fuck off with your shit game

I'm hype about mafia 3 and Battlefield 1. 99% of th discussion of the black protags in those games are just memes.
Watch_dogs 2 looks lame inside and out, it looks like absolute fucking dogshit just like the first game. People are only trying to push the "racists only hate it because muh black protag" because they know the game can't stand on it's own merits.

I have a question for you OP, why do you think the outrage over Watch Dogs 2 is fake? Why are you surprised that people would be fed up with the horrible business practices of ubisoft and their rushed, broken games. Why do you think this outrage is somehow not valid just because a character is black? It's perfectly valid, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Better response than I can make. Everyone should read this.

second reply best reply

i think its some kind of marketing strategy


Alright, I can agree with a few of those points. I dont want another ghostbusters shitstorm, but Im seeing an awful lot of bitching about petty asf reasons.

and A LOT of those are cause the protag is black

Same here, I think Mafia 3 and WD2 just look like trash.
BF1 however does rustle my jimmies because of the black protag. It's 'historically fair', but at the same time they probably won't depict the segregation or racism of blacks in it, which simply makes it blackwashing.

battlefield 1 protag didn't piss me off, but the rap music in that latest trailer kind of did. I love rap, but for gods sake keep it out of trailers for world war one videogames it just sounds ridiculous


Hacking in the first game was the worst way to approach almost everything.

only if you are impatient, there were ways to clear out entire areas using just hacks. i think that's one of the reasons they let you listen to music on foot, because you have to do so much observation to get it right.

It's Sup Forumstards and newfags who think Sup Forums ever gave a shit about things like this.

>I have a question for you OP, why do you think the outrage over Watch Dogs 2 is fake? Why are you surprised that people would be fed up with the horrible business practices of ubisoft and their rushed, broken games. Why do you think this outrage is somehow not valid just because a character is black? It's perfectly valid, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
If the outrage is about that, then why is almost every single post or complaint about the protag or the "not Trump"?

There SHOULD be outrage about the game being shit, but there's none. It's all "MY WHITE GENOCIDE"

Stop bitching about the black protagonist if you want people to take you seriously.

its ok

Because Watch Dogs 1 sucked

people posting WE WUZ KINGS isn't complaining about the black protag, it's posting memes.
People are complaining about the "we're so hip and cool guys, we r leejin" approach in the same vein people complained about the "oh so hilarious we're so hip and edgy" style of sunset overdrive. I think you're only finding that people are angry about the black protag because that's what you're LOOKING for. because you don't understand that 99% of the posts on Sup Forums are hyperbole or shitposting. If you go searching for Sup Forums in every post you'll find it often, not because of any legitimate crossboard threat but because Sup Forums memes have disseminated around the site and ubisoft is a perfect target for the labels.
If Sup Forums really did care about black protagonists you would have seen no discussion of those telltale walking dead games a few years ago, GTA San Andreas wouldn't be as universally loved as it is, and nobody would be playing left for dead 1 or 2.

Gee, it's almost like people are taking any opportunity they can to shit on ubisoft, and aren't put off just from the game having a black protag.

I don't give a shit about any of those games, but >WE is the best meme in years.

>black protagonist

I don't see why people are bothered by this. Hackers are literally niggers. Did people throw a fit when San Andreas starred a black guy? No because you expect black people to do these things.

Sup Forums newfags invading Sup Forums.

Maybe because watch dogs was shit and theres no reason to believe the second one wont be shit?

Casual faggot neck yourself

And some more

why don't games just let you customize your character? then people can be white or a trans chinese Somalian if they want

>black, gay protagonist
>conservative white antagonist parodying Trump
>the single most DIVERSE(tm) team of good guys--err, good individuals of all races and sexualities--to ever take center stage in a video game

Ubisoft is pandering like they've never pandered before.
