Why can't Microsoft handle their beloved franchises like Sony?

God of War HYPE
That was this best thing I've seen so far all E3.

Looked nothing like the old games which I enjoyed

Literally just a Last of Us clone, which frankly pisses me off

Fuck off

>The one company who doesn't want to have a recognizable character and focus more on multiplats
>That shitty smash clone
>Ape Escape spin offs
>Implying they are any better

>Literally just a Last of Us clone
kill urself my man

Kills a deer
>now you are ready to kill monsters and have sex with persians...


You're delusional if you dont think they purposely modeled the combat to be last of us

Fuck off Microsoft shill

Uncharted of War

Get the fuck out of here sonygger

Why the fuck did they make GoW4 a last of us clone.

Wouldn't it of been better to have the how pick be old marcus? Oh wait this is cherry picking

because microcuck wants to pander to women and niggers.

That wasn't even a God of War game. What the fuck. It was just a reskinned last of us or some shit.

like shit?

no thanks

I highly doubts you faggots even heard of some of Sony's older titles, its like someone liking Capcom because they weren't in the 80's to engoy Mega Man so they don't hate Capcom for killing the series and then you faggots only start to like these dead series then Sony actually tries to care about them.

The combat is definitely different, but you can't just call it TLOU or Uncharted.

I feel that after 5? games now, it was time to change shit up more than adding a new series of enemies and gods. This seems very fine, especially with how much Norse mythology is very different to handle.

Slow as fuck combat.

>War of Souls

Oh wow, they actually did it. They turned God of War into a fucking "muh feels" cinematic experience.

If you think that what they showed looked anywhere as fun to play as any of the previous God of War titles then you are mentally disabled.

Stop being a Sony cuck. They just killed the franchise.

could you imagine having to sit through that shit more than once?

>after 5 games it's time to rip off something else

I can't say for sure, it sure as hell won't be as good of an action game but in other ways it could be as good or better. Such as exploring the mythology and setting.

Are you high?

This looked like God of War: Last of Us

Fuck off movie asshole

>This seems very fine, especially with how much Norse mythology is very different to handle.
I hope English isn't your first language.

>not a hack and slash
>instead its a follow the path to reach the next movie segment

I'm so turned off of the game already

>implying that the old god of wars weren't just as good at doing that but had actual gameplay

>Making god of war a cinematic naughtydog-lite shitfest

God of War turned into a blatant Skyrim clone with a touch of TLOU

Fuck off it looks shit

Nice original character design and concept Sony

Maybe it gets better later...

>People unironically thought that this looked good

Remember goy, we're for the playarsss (^;

Sony shill please fuck off.

They killed a great series for no reason.

Looked like the beginning. Stay salty.

>God of War turned into a blatant Skyrim clone with a touch of TLOU
>Fuck off it looks shit

Are you guys paranoid, this is the best shit ever

Not a shill just hoping something good can come out of this e3 some how. Hoping they just showed the emotional opening and the real game is completely different similar to what Ori did.

>Slower combat
>Walking sections
>Unskipable in game cutscenes

I see

I was unimpressed by the trailer

and I fucking loved GOW 1 and 2

I remember GoW3 had some walking seciton. Not many though.

Don't really want to compare a E3 stage demo to final games though. Especially since this looks really tutorial-tier stuff near the beginning of the game. I expect Kratos to get a more unique weapon even though his axe/hatchet has some powers

Looks awesome. Looking forward to a great dragon fight.
May wind up breaking my tradition of waiting for the God of War games to drop down to $20 before picking them up with this one.

are you joking? gears 4 is an actual video game

god of four looked like an awful movie game

>walk forward walk forward walk forward
>scripted bullshit
>walk forward walk forward walk forward
>cringeworthy dialogue written by a 7 year old
>walk forward walk forward walk forward
>scripted bullshit
>walk forward walk forward walk forward
>random enemies appear, get killed by pressing square once
>walk forward walk forward walk forward
>random enemies appear
>press square a few times
>cutscene ensues and kratos kills the monster outside of gameplay

it's not even a fucking video game.

>No Too Human sequel ever

They got rid of the best part of God of War?

For what reason?

that's someone's dad cosplaying as Kratos on a game that feels nothing like God of War

Lol that Gears studio has existed for years and has made absolutely nothing.
Of course they only produce shit
Gears 1 ultimate looks like a remastered old 360 game.

Not all microsoft studios are that bad

>god of war
This is everything but god of war.

I though Halo Wars 2 had a really good trailer and the beta is pretty fun so far

Greatest dad indeed.

Very impressed with this. So far its the only title that has shown a generational development from the nonsensical hack and slash to a slower paced more brutal God of War. Personally I love it, and its much needed focus on character development and interaction.

Please try harder not to be THIS obvious of a marketer.

please cuck yourself out of existence