Resident Evil 7 Multiplatform

Exclusive whorers btfo'd

Good, exclusives are cancer. Why do you fucks get off on other people not being able to play great games?

You gotta justify your purchase somehow.

Because now that Microsoft is actually doing some good, Sony ponies gotta justify their blind devotion any way they can.

Well duh


Cancer for everyone instead of just ps4

Good dog knows what's up.

Duh, exclusivity is retarded, especially for a large publisher with no ties to any hardware manufacturer.

No one cares

Why is it a fucking PC horror game, i want REmake for Next Gen, not fucking Outlast

well of course. its a capcom game, not sony. what were you expecting?

Only first-party titles are given the production values and budget of something like Uncharted 4.

>Only first-party titles are given the production values and budget of something like Uncharted 4.

>Mfw that trailer

I literally got nothing out of that except that it might be a walking simulator, in which case IF IT IS, I've abandoned all hope for the future of this series and god help Capcoms souls. A horror focus is one thing, and I'm all for it returning to its roots...but this looks like a complete abandonment.

I really hope that was just a camera going through environments and its more than walking around and shit. PT was not a complete game, and copying a incomplete game will just make for a incomplete experience. Jesusfuck I hope they're not going this route.

in b4 defenders, pooinloo marketing agencies and such.

its literally a game made for youtubers to play and pretend to be scared, while millions of retards and 12yo watch and buy it to do exactly the same

Sure whatever but when's that demo I need it right the fuck now

Game looks pretty shit though

Aren't they releasing a demo? I guess you could just play it and find out yourself, but it's probably just what they showed in the trailer.



who the fuck thought RE7 was going to be an exclusive in the first place?

I think the jews are only giving it to psplus members

Depends on what platform the demo will be on. I refuse to buy a PS4 or Xbox because it's a waste of my money to do so.

I mean in general user... Why do people want to not let others play potentially great games and why do people cheer when they see other people blocked off from it.

Water is wet.

Last time that RE got a exclusive contract was on fucking GC.

And a year later they broke the contract.

because if it's common knowledge that your platform of choice is proprietary and inferior to PC the only thing there is left to justify your choice and the platforms existance at all is an exclusive library.

Yeah, because those last couple of Resident Evil games have been so great. Enjoy your dead multiplat trash.

to bad sony still won

>mfw I actually liked 6

Xbots won't experience master race VR though hahahaha nigger bitch faggots