Post scorecards

Post scorecards

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I finally understand why Americans grade on a curve.

Sony just fucking nailed it. I'm honestly surprised.

So this is what a Sonygger looks like


>God of War looking GREAT

who cares
didn't watch

What the fuck did they do to God of War?

Fuck Sony
Fuck God of Last of Us
Fuck the Crash cocktease
Fuck all the Over the shoulder walking sims
Fuck all of it.


Because it does. I was watching it on the Gamespot stream, and everyone in the chat was collectively orgasming over it.

Sup Forums is in their own little bubble.

Just because my HYPE is 10/10 doesn't excuse some of the little things.

>liking last guardian's pretentiousness and Resi VR
>not liking GOAT of War

So who had the worst conference, EA or Ubisoft?

I have no idea man. What the fuck where they thinking? It doesn't even look gory anymore. The gameplay looks slow as fuck and braindead and even the animations look like shit. It basically The last of us, axe wielding edition, but with shittier animations.


I hated the Last of Us user, and the positive is that the last guardian is finally coming out so people will finally stop using it as a defense pole

I don't even own a console this last two generations, but it's hilarious how people are hating so much on the conference that showed most games and most gameplay by far. SO many people in Sup Forums are retarded mongrels, it's amazing

And the more games that remind me of TLOU, the better.



>Sup Forums is one person
>if everyone in the chat liked it then it must be good!

Plato would be sad to see all these fallacies user.

>2/10 for EA is a F+
>6/10 is a C
>2/10 for Ubi is a D

I think you're pretty autistic and don't know how to score your own shit

>I hated the Last of Us user

So you have shit taste then. Ah. That makes sense.

this is the worst report card ever written


>literally as shallow and scripted as a PS1 game
>it's good user

Kill yourself you fucking spic.

According to your chart, Ubisoft is winning E3.

t. Neofag

Hype != conference quality. What's wrong with that?

>PC Gaming show

Are you retarded?


Still nothing mind blowing but still not a bad E3.

Also in terms of context what I mean is stuff like that Final Fantasy VR thing could potentially be cool but from what I am seeing it just looks like a tech demo and barely looks like an actual game. It would be nice if someone could've talked a little bit about it.

Oops, i misplaced the spot, since i misse dubisoft, im really sorry.

lel kill yourself neofag. I liked TLOU, mostly for the multiplayer, but not every game needs to be slow paced action/cinematic experiences.

Terrible E3, as usual

All I wanted was REmake 2 and another glimpse at FF7. I got nothing.

EA - 6/10
>Battlefield looked decent, Titanfall looked amazing

Bethesda - 5/10
>Honestly I forgot what they shown that was new

Sony - 8/10
>GOW looks like shit
>Zombie survival game #2314 looks like shit
Only things I cared about personally, show was great though, trailer after trailer with very little spaking

Microsoft - 6/10
>games looked good, horizon 3 and gears looked decent, scalebound looks bad, recore could be good
>I play on PC so more games I guess
I feel sorry for xbros though

PC Show - 4/10
>I didnt care really about the stuff they shown, some stuff was neat I guess

Ubisoft - 6/10
>southpark looks dope and that' all folks

Nintendo - 0/10

Overall, PC won but I am getting a Neo for Horizon, Persona, Nier and a few other games

Compared to everyone else, Sony fucking killed it this year. What I liked the most is that they didn't do any bullshit (besides the performance at the start and a bit of VR shilling), they just kept showing game after game.

I'd go out on a limb to say that Sony "won". The only way Nintendo could top them is by making Zelda the literal GOAT.

>Liked the pretentious orchestra
Ok fag. Filtered.

Incoming shitposts

>Sony wins for narrative dependent scripted events
Sup Forums truly is the most normalfag board

>all these sony fanboys

Why didn't Square have a conference?

Awful E3 so far aside from Ubisoft.

>ubisoft = A-

Kek taste user

Neogaf is just as shitty as Sup Forums. I live in the fucking middle ground, get on my level.

>didn't meet any of your expectations

So is this Sonygger general?

>god of war looked great

>South Park BTFO liberals/jewllywood

Matt and Trey are literally Jewish you cocksucking retard.

Its tomorrow. See E3 trailer lineup.

very convincing

Ha bite ur tounge

Sorry, fixed version right here.

you put sony shit in the ubisoft spot faggot.



How to spot the redditor

scores may change during recapping material from E3 but overall Microsoft and Sony stood out the most to me

I will marry E3-Chan!


because not that much to show
the KH 2.8 trailer said KH3 news in winter
FFXV got trailers at Microsoft/Sony conference
Dudesex got demo on streams
FFXIV doesnt get it's content shown until fanfest

>TFW Sony's was shit, but stil the best

What an underwhelming year.

Can we at least all agree that EA had the worst conference.

I know they like to ham it up with the sports shit, but they really outdid themselves this time.

Almost everything looked like shit in the sony conference, the same blend of "cinematic" gameplay, kojimas game didn't reveal anything about it and can hardly be judged, crash was like being shit on, the only good things about it was that it was trailer after trailer and the last guardian has a release date, other than that I cannot see at all why people are hyping the conference up so much.

Is that an actual conference? I thought it was just showing off a bunch of shit, not anything new.


D+, Titanfall 2 looked awesome but that was it
F, literally nothing
B-, some cool stuff but too much Minecraft
C+, South Park, Wildlands and Watch Dogs 2 look fun
A-, game after game after game

Not trolling.

I don't browse Reddit.

>Can we at least all agree that EA had the worst conference.

there is pretty much unanimous agreement on that from every post and report card ive seen

>mfw there are much more obvious trolls in the thread and these niggers are calling me out on God of War

Well what do you guys want from me? I expected nothing after the shittiest E3 yet, and got something that looked solid to me. I never touched a God of War game though so maybe that's why?


Pretty much my response, except I'd knock down Bethesda lower.

kys tripfag

>game after game after game

>god of angry dad

We all know who the real winner is

I'm seriously considering that. My scorecard is always open to being changed when new information and presentations come out.

>gave msoft a higher score than them

Feeling a little triggered aren't we?



can you post this template


>Best part of Sony conference for me was Prompto being a little shit wearing the VR helmet.

Not the actual VR part, just him being smug about it.

>Anons get rejected infront of everyone
>Angry Asian Man kicked off the air for autism
>Lots of cute
Best E3

This, nobody can even compare.

literally who

>the in a nutshell videos are already coming out

Any others? I love this shit.


What was so good about Sony's? It was worst than last years. Crash trilogy remaster, I mean seriously? God of War: We want TLOU Audience

Interested in what Kojima is gonna do with his game but a trailer doesn't offer jack, and I really wish companies stopped doing this for E3.

Last Guardian release date tho, and Spidey game looks fun.

Horizon: Motion Blur DUDE xD I seriously hope you can turn it off, shit makes the game look unplayable imo


Literally best part of E3


Mostly nothing new and I nearly fell asleep during the Dishonored 2 demo, but nothing grossly offended me and a new quake is cool

C+ Best show so far, showed games that actually looked like games

Didn't watch

God of War is totally dead now
Horizon looked cool
Kojima's game looks like a movie
None fucking stop about VR stop forcing VR down our throat
Spiderman looks cool
Last Guardian looks cool
Most of the games looked like walking simulators
Detroit is another movie
Call of Duty looks cool.

Fuck you Sony and Activition for that crash fuckover.

Has there ever been an E3 this disappointing.

>All these people who don't recognize Kadokawa

They're the parent company behind pretty much 80% of all books and magazines in Japan. I don't play many weeb games and I know this much.

Although I'm also surprised they decided to show themselves this E3. Like, whatever the hell for?

senpai we've known the FFXV release date for a while now

Epic meme!

>no FF7R
>no DMC5
>no Ace Combat
>no FromSoft
>no Shenmue
The Orlando fag picked the wrong target

>people actually think any of the conferences deserve anything more than a D+
neo-Sup Forums everyone.

>liking literally 20+ minutes of sportshit

This is the only card I can take seriously

E3 sucked all around this year.

>winning anything
it was fucking shit

>C+ Best show so far, showed games that actually looked like games
Nice try shill

Time to get the Xfags mad as fuck