No one fucking won E3

No one fucking won E3.

I was waiting for Sony to atleast show some games off after this shit show of an E3, but nothing. Literally movie after movie, and then selling VR for $400. I literally sat here in disbelief that it was already over.

E3 showed that gaming is fucking dead. I need a new hobby, any suggestions?

>Crash remaster
>God of War
>lol movies

just stop

what about nintendo

They ruined God of War. It was about the gameplay, and they turned into Last of Us. The same with Horizon

>Crash remaster
Wow I can't believe it, Crash is going to save the day. What a meme.

Did Sup Forums make a spongebob e3 strip this year?

>God of War: Bring Your Wife's Son to E3 edition

>scripted events
>didn't even show Crash remaster, just Skywarriors or whatever it's called
>God of War was butchered into The Last of Us

If you think Sony won anything, you might be a stupid fanboy.

It's okay, cuck. I'd be worried too if I was a nindie fan right now.

You say this every year, AND you keep coming back!

Get outta here you goober.

>calling anyone a cuck when Sony introduced Cuck of War: My Wife's Son Edition and Strong Woman Riding a Black Bull: A New Cuck

Seriously, kill yourself, kid.

>if you criticize Sony, you must love Nintendo!


Enjoy your one game tomorrow, cuck.

PC Gamer was alright... I thought it was alright.

You're the reason people hate Sony's fucking fanbase.

>You're the reason people hate Sony's fucking fanbase.

I wish I cared.

W10 users won E3, obviously. The conference was pretty much "you basically own an xbox one now".

Microsoft won cus it got a lot of people to move to W10 and their plan for world domination has gotten stronger.

Dawn of war looked kinda okay. It's probably in alpha, but still one of the few things I would play. Only good things are Tekken and Dawn of war. I wanted a SFV trailer of Balrog, but oh well.

>any suggestions

Seek help before you sperg out in a gay bar and dozens end up dead.

why are sony fans so laughably pathetic

Calling games movies just because they are on the Playstation is fucking dumb, especially when Ubisoft LITERALLY showed a movie at E3.

>E3 showed that gaming is fucking dead. I need a new hobby, any suggestions?
Just make your own video games!
Oh and by the way, E3 is for AAA video games only.

They literally ended their presentation with gameplay from a brand new IP. What the fuck more do you want?

not as pathetic as using a ten year old movie meme


Apparently Kojimbo's game is going to be action oriented, at least according to his interview with the Pope, and is in no way PT or Silent Hills. Looks like ayylmaos have invaded Earth and are stuck or some shit.

>No one fucking won E3.


Get off Sup Forums and do something.
Anything. Find your own hobbies.

See you tomorrow.
If you really gave up on games you wouldn't even have said shit, you're just looking for validation so you can whine some more. Just move on already.

>Games i didnt like

This thread

But at the same time, I don't think Sup Forums is into AAA video games too...


This is VR's fault. It's basically the virtual boy all over again.

Try drugs.