discuss your disappointments and how spiderman actually looks good though
Thread for people who actually like playstation and aren't drones
Spider-Man looks great! I seriously hope there aren't a shit ton of DLC costumes.
Also inb4 "Pre Order now at Gamestop to receive the exclusive Disney Marvel's The Avenger's Captain America: Civil War Spidey Costume. POWER TO THE PLAYERS"
I don't care about Crash so the biggest disappointment for me was the Star Wars VR that I thought was Rogue Squadron.
It kills me that people claim to be sony fans and then suck their dick when they release more feels simulator movie trash.
>no Ace Combat
>no DMC
I'm disappointed in those things
I don't think it was a particularly good conference.
Of course Kojimbles' latest ruse has me excited, and the resident evil has me intrigued.
new Crash is a fucking abomination
I've already forgotten the name of the zombie game, but it looked pretty fucking rough around the edges
Horizon looks neato, but it doesn't look like they took my suggestion that the protagonist should stop fucking talking to herself nonstop
oh, and of course, I'm excited for david cage's latest trainwreck of shitty french hack writing, and how he'll horribly mishandle the subject matter so bad it becomes comedy gold. and the resultant best friends playthrough.
I'd only ever owned Nintendo consoles until a week or so ago but I think Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian looked cool. Nothing new they announced looked interesting though, and I was holding out for P5 news the entire time.
>new Crash is a fucking abomination
The gameplay or the design?
I enjoyed it especially the fact that they mostly showed gameplay footage it didn't stop to show 5 minutes of some person talking about their job and stuff
Good conference.
Shitty games.
>mostly showed gameplay footage
It was back to back of fucking CG cartoons for manchildren.
I'm interested in Horizon.
Didn't care for SotC so I didn't bother watching the Last Guardian footage.
>Good Tier
First quarter of God of War
Resident Evil VII
The Android game
Lego Star Wars
>Meh Tier
Kojima's game
First Days Gone trailer
>Shit tier
The rest of the GoW trailer
Days Gone home gameplay
Did I miss anything?
the design; i looked away when gameplay started
it's fucking skylanders, i'm not interested at all
Only excited about Spider-Man, minus the costume, and Last Guardian.
Im not sure why people are saying Sony won. When alot of these games are multi platforms or feel like rehashes.
>Im not sure why people are saying Sony won
Loyalists need to suck the dick of their company 24/7 or they run out of precious nutrients.
Add FF XIV to Good tier and Last Guardian on Meh tier
Horizon is helping me pull the trigger on buying one of the originals when the Neo comes out. Mad that all we got was 1 second of Persona 5, though
GoW honestly looks like shit but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.
>no From Software, DMC5, Persona 5, KH3, Ace Combat 7, Gravity Rush 2, Red Dead 2
>literally every game is now The Last of Us
>they completely changed how God of War plays so it can be The Last of Us
>another fucking zombie game
>crash is a remake
I appreciated the fact that it was basically trailer after trailer, but only Kojima's game and Spiderman really appealed to me. I'm about as big of a sonygger as you can be and I'm pretty dissapointed.
very dissapointed
I just wanted to see some action gameplay.
wheres Yakuza 0, wheres Attack on Titan or Toukiden 2, where the fuck is Nier 2!
fuck xbox had scalebound and while that looks like classic platinum Im more hyped for Nier
persona 5 delayed
only good thing was Kojimas new game and Horizon which was the closest thing to some cool gameplay
Forgot Nier 2 as well in Man, what the fuck.
That's just who Sony is now.
PS2 is dead, when will you people realize it?
It's like the Nintendo fans who think it's still SNES time.
agreed on all points
The ONLY thing that actually interested people was RE,
We've known about Horizon0D for a year now
Last Guardian... fuck me i've been waiting for this shit for way too long im almost desensitized now
Konami's out of the way so everyone will stop blaming that over Kojima's bullshit
*Fuck me, if fucking cawadoody allows me to take position on one of those fighter jets for a whole match im fucking buying that shit, FUCK YOU BAMCO
The Crash announcement was underwhelming, Death Stranding looks more like an avant-garde art piece than a game, I don't like the suit design for the latter game, and no DMC5. I'm pretty confident in saying this is the worst E3 yet.
Microsoft had nothing, Bethesda managed to fuck up Quake, and the single announcement to come out of this entire thing that had any merit was the Berserk Musou, and that wasn't even at E3.
I GUESS out of the press conferences so far, Sony was the best, but that's really not saying much. Most of what they showed off looks like typical post-apocalyptic shit.
Why does Sons of Walking Dead look and sound so bland? The gun fired and sounded like a peashooter