Why does Sup Forums hate sony so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate sony so much?


Even the PCucks here are Nintendrones

because they are winning

they are usually the ones who shitpost on Sup Forums alot, and they got a bad rep because of it. an actual sony fan is just a normal sony fan

Sour grapes, mostly.

Autists also think Sony killed gaming because the main drive of the PS2 originally was that it was also a DVD player, even though it was Microshit that turned consoles into just gimped PCs as opposed to their own thing.

Success breeds jealousy.

Every year I try to go full idort and get a PS4.

Every year their lineup is shit and I don't even bother.

These are the people that make me hate sony.
sonyggers are the reason for 90% of my filters.

>yet you own an xbone and a wii u
why am I responding to bait

>being so triggered by people with different feelings you need to use filters
You should probably stay on GAF and stop coming here.

Because playstation is the election of the normies, and Sup Forums hates normies

playstation could have sold on name alone after the PS2. sony changed to microsoft's format because they thought it was better. they crushed the original xbox, they didn't need to be a gimped PC but they chose that path.

Liking sony is fine. It's just that every person who posts about it is a shitposter. I don't filter bloodborne threads, I don't filter exclusives threads, nothing like that. It's just shitposter buzzwords and nobody shitposts buzzwords like sony fans.

Forza, Multiplats, W101, DKC:TF, and Mario Kart and not poor.

It's not bait if it's true. Enjoy your 30 day early Watch Dogs 2 DLC I guess. Sony is now a Telltale console.

I don't like Sony but they fucking dominated this E3.

That speaks more for the quality of other games rather than the quality of theirs though.

I also want to note that in Sup Forums's distorted reality, the more they shittalk something, the more/better of an impression it had on them, and every single thread is about this conference.


EA and Microsoft did better and they had a weaker conference then previous years. Sony was fucking horrible. I legitimately would be furious right now if I watched it in a theater.

yeah, no, not at all.

why does sony hate video games so much? why do i get the feeling that every "game" shown could be beaten on youtube?

That's because you are a jealous little P(uck, and can't handle the bantz

Because they beat Xbox.

They didn't beat Microsoft, though.

Pretty much this. Straight to the point, no pussyfooting around with mobile garbage, and with minimal talking. The VR made me want to throw up, but they at least gave me an incentive to buy the PS4, instead of just stick with my PC for all the Microsoft games.

I have a PS4.

I just hate their underage fanbase

Why would I give a shit about anything shown at a western E3 conference when I have Japan and games like pic related?

Explain without using >muh cinematic or >muh movie and without listing games that you wanted when they barely had enough time to show all the games they had.

Stay mad sonycuck

Because sonyggers are a fucking cancer that shit up the entire board just because they're insecure

Because Sup Forums hates everything.

That was last gen. This gen is infested Sony shitters.

We have small dicks and feel really threatened by Sony Pony cock.

No money. Nintendo is the best because they are cheaper and only release 2 good games a year.

this is true.
source: am pcuck and nintendrone

That's because Wii U and Xbone are bricks.

tbqh the sonyfags aren't as bad this year as they were last year

Sony literally showed QTE games, VR trash, and Tomb Raider with robots. Seriously dude get over it, that conference sucked nuts.

Explain why those games are bad.
No memes.
No buzzwords.

Because of Sonyggers
I have absolutely no stake in the console market, I don't care at all
But Sony fans are insufferable, shitposting faggots who think that they're better because they support a certain gaming system
They also deflect all criticism by claiming that their opponent is a buttmad xbot/pcuck/nintenyearold etc etc etc

I haven't seen any annoying sony fans. Literally every thread is hating on them.

It's been popular for a while.

Nintendo is going to win E3 tomorrow with Pokémon Sun and Moon. Screencap this.

itt sony circle jerk

I don't hate Sony but I don't like them either. I don't like Microsoft either. I am honestly convinced the only good conference was PC Gamer and I don't care about Nintendo.

All I want from Nintendo is Dragon Quest 7 3ds release date

I fucking love Nintendo but they can't even win their own conference with sun and moon

>Liking sony is fine.
>It's just that every person who posts about it is a shitposter.
>These are the people that make me hate sony.
>sonyggers are the reason for 90% of my filters.

Make up your mind.
Doesnt this also make you apart of the problem?

Because PCucks flaseflag shitpost as sony fans

I would quantify it as them having higher quality than the other companies also, this time around. The stage setup was slick, the simultaneous multiple camera angles meant that awkward shift between that plagues so many conferences was cut drastically, the live orchestra was basically the very picture of opulence, and they listened to people and cut the bloviating talking points and speeches to a minimum. If that isn't solid execution and proper usage of feedback, I don't know what is.

Because most modern gamers began properly getting into games when the 360 was the top dog and LE PS HAS NO GAEMS meymey was in full swing.

>he uses filters for something other than blocking out spoilers

you take this place way too seriously kid

because they're popular and also many people here legit bought into the WII U + PC IS BEST COMBO shilling

No matter how much I hate something I never filter it
If you want that shit, go to reddit

Not humble in victory

Not gracious in defeat

Post yfw Scorpio sells 100 million consoles and ps4k flops and all the sonyggers jump ship.


PS4 exclusives:
>God of War
>Days Gone
>Detroit: Become Human
>Spider-man PS4

Xbox ONE exclusives:

Sony is fine. when people don't even CARE enough to shit post about you (microsoft) that's when you're in trouble


Can you name any fanbase that deviates from that? Nintendo fans sure as shit weren't humble in the Wii utterly dominating everyone. Sounds like you're just foisting unrealistic expectations on one particular group.

be gracious

Literally every fanbase does this