Sony didn't win, you sonyggers are fucking crazy if you actually think this

>no shenmue 3
>no persona 5
>no indie shit (indie games on ps are objectively the best)
>no no man's sky
>no red dead 3
>no ps4.5
>VR shit
>david cage
>remastered crash
>meanwhile no remastered FF7
>legos can talk now
>shitty zombie game
>Horizon Zero Skyrim's protag won't shut the fuck up

Are sonyggers fucking delusional or something, how come they keep posing as microshills and nintendrones spamming "SONY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT" and "I SHOULD'VE BOUGHT A PS4" threads? This was easily worse than their 2006 conference and somehow, even before Nintendo has had their conference, they've won? Are sonyggers the worst posters on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no armored core
>no ace combat
>no red dead
>no dmc
>no japanese voices for P5
>no gravity rush 2

what a shitty e3

No Gravity Ruhsh 2

What is it with Sony being embarassed of their own games?

>legos can talk now
a bit late on the bus with that one, son

>david cage

I don't think that happened. Everything else is accurate though

>WAHH Sony did'nt pander directly to meee wtf!
kill you self you fucking baby

i can't believe xbox actually won this year

did anyone see this coming?


Yeah, it was sad but so was the whole E3 until now.

as an idort, tell me how the xboner benefits me over the PS4

go ahead


xbox would have one if they didn't throw the concept of exclusives out the window. Literally nothing to make me drop my PC.

*Windows 10 and Xbox One exclusive

kek, Xbox won NOTHING

Yeah, PC just won E3 instead.

>No RD3
What? I haven't been paying attention today, but really?! This E3 has been the most disappointing thing. The only thing I'm even a little excited for is skyrim remastered.
Is Rockstar going to showcase it at there's or did they already go?

so you can't

Microsoft, Bethdesa, Ubisoft, hell even EA gave everything their fans wanted, what's your excuse, faggot?

Movie "Game" kill everything
Where is gameplay era like PS 2

no one saw this coming, xbox blew the competition the fuck out.

im still in shock

THIS. Out of the consoles, Nintendo is the least cucked:

Nintendo > PS4 > Xbox

sonys presser was fucking TRASH! op is 100% right!

Microsoft, then

>GOD OF ORDER1866: My Wife Son Edition

>all this salt

>rscottycuck working overtime because the outcome he wanted didn't happen

Go cry about it in your cuckshed, retard. :^)

>Microsoft, Bethdesa, Ubisoft, hell even EA gave everything their fans wanted

Can't showcase anything remotely Japanese;
Too busy wanking over shitty prerendered trailers for shitty cinematic games.

But wait, those trailers are running live*.
Oh yes, just look at those graphics!
(*on PC hardware)

Not him, but besides Bethesda they totally did. And even bethesda is debatable.

You're mad as fuck. Go play your "Halo" game and watch some lets plays.

I don't know about the others but we certainly don't have TES VI.

>Legos can talk now
where the hell have you been

Post yfw Nintendo wins e3 for the 8th time in a row

PC won, Xbots are on suicide watch

Shenmue 3 is a kickstarter project and people already know about it
Persona 5 is coming out soon
Indie shit is exactly that
No Man's Sky is also coming out soon
Red Dead wouldn't be happening at E3, Rockstar don't reveal their games at E3.

Sony's conference had more in it than Microsoft's and less cringe than Ubisoft so so far is the winner.

>Bethesda is debatable
I watched their press conference and the fans nearly shat themselves at any mention of Elder Scrolls. Half the fucking thing was Dishonored 2 and half the audience were browsing their cell phones.

>Ubicucks wanted Watch_Dogs 2 and Tom Clancy shit
>Bethddrones wanted Skyrim HD more Fo4 DLC Prey 2 and Dishonored 2
>Microshills wanted Forza Dead Rising Halo Wars Gears and Indie Shit
>EA fags just wanted BF1

Yes, they did. Sony gave fuck all.

I think they just cum to the cinematic experience, seriously.
>majority of the footage pre-rendered cutscenes
>shit framerate in most of the games they showed gameplay for (CoD and GoW were fine)
>turning God of War into Skyrim
>turning Resident Evil into a shitty streamer jump-scare game
>hyping everyone up for Crash just to announce a remaster
>the trailer fucking up in the beginning, so they had to pull the band out quickly to do damage control
>no new consoles or hardware, just an announcement for the price of their VR headset
>shitty VR games

Seriously, the cinematic and the whole casual-drawing flair was pretty, but when you looked at it objectively for the gameplay, it was awful. The Nintendo Treehouse will save us in that regard.

Bethdesa has said that TES VI isn't happening anytime soon, you set youself up for dissapointment, bucko.

I agree. Horizon, Spiderman and RE were the most interesting things there

You guys need to stop bullying Sonyfriends, Sup Forums is their safe space.

>remastered crash
>not Twinsanity remaster with every removed content and more

>You guys need to stop bullying Sonyfriends, neogaf is their safe space.


I enjoy the evolution of these not-fair console wojaks.

it doesn't

the microsoft was a dual xbox/pc conference

console exclusive is all that matter to some people

>you can't win unless you have X
So who won in your opinion because neither presentation had those games.

Stop being so mean, you can go out and talk about PC, NX, and Xbox with your real life friends. Sony fanboys don't have that luxury.

>my face
>my soul

You realize that in order to play any of the Windows 10 games, you have to make a MS account and use the Xbox app, buying through the Xbox shop?

Windows 10 is an Xbox OS.

stay mad

You are going to get fucked by Mario 21 and Zelda 11 tomorrow
and don't forget to buy or newest batch of amiibos

You realize that xbox sales are going to take an even further hit as there's no reason anymore to purchase hardware from microsoft

Detroit is a david cage game, new friend.

It hurts being a medievil fan.
Oh well. The games still hold up.

Except there is. Want to play Scalebound but don't want to upgrade to Windows 10? Get an Xbone. Want to play Scalebound but don't want to buy an Xbone? Play it on your Windows 10 machine.

It's a win-win for Microsoft either way lol.

Wait a second, they didnt show off FF7 Remaster? I know good and well that it will be shit but it was literally the only thing I was looking forward to this year's E3. Holy fuck how could they pass that up?

>Microshills wanted indie shit

I got bad news for you

Can't have opinions on Sup Forums OP, gonna have to have this thread archived or prune. Your choice :^)

>"Sony didn't make sequels! Where are all of my fucking continuations!"

They announced like 15 fucking new ips or complete reboots. They are trying new shit. Stop being a faggot

You realize the Xbone is a $299 console and normies won't flock to $500+ PCs, right?

A decent pre-built for gaming is incredibly overpriced, and people aren't going to start learning to build cheap but cost efficient PCs to play games for Windows 10. Windows 10 games will basically just be reason for people who were going to buy/build a PC to make sure they have the OS.

The microshit faggots did it earlier and nintoddlers will donit tomorrow. Saying this is just a Sonnygger thing is fucking retarded.
Also welcome to Sup Forums you newfag fuck

ID@Xbox showed tons of really neat looking indie titles though??

t. XCuck.

15? Really? Lolno.

That's it, I'm a #microshill now.

Xfags HATE indie games. It stretched back to 2013 when PS outmaneuvered Xbox on them and Xfags told themselves they only wanted billion dollar AAA blockbusters. Which they weren't getting anyway, but that's another point.

Why was the PS4-Neo or whatever the fuck it's called not shown?

>Upgrade to win W10 for free
>or buy a 300 quid paperweight
did you think long and hard about this argument?

>Normies will flock to the xbox
For what reason? Anyone with a decent computer can now play all of the xbox exlusives, and use their money to purchase a PS4 covering both console libraries.

There is literally no reason to buy another xbox console, and normies will continue to flock to the PS4

>It's been 16 years since a real MediEvil sequel was released

The console space has it's own numbers through marketing.

Not saying the pc space is small, it isn't. But tyrone, jose and 15 year old billy aren't gonna walk into a pc shop, pick compatible parts and build it.

>not admitting Sony won

Unlike MS they didn't waste 90% of their conference showcasing old stuff everybody knows about.

Who here enjoying the post e3 bantz? It's the best part of e3

I said they won't flock to PC, not that they'll also just all go to Xbox. Some people just want to play games and like the Xbox library, but don't want to get an expensive PC. People who already have PCs will upgrade to Windows 10and MS will win either way since they're getting the sales from normies like before and now more PC sales on their Windows 10 app.

go back to your kiddie toys, pissbaby. every adult knows that sony won. I just wish the playstation vr was out now so I could put it on and travel to a world where this piece of shit ass thread didn't exist.

see list

It was a fucking dissapointment.

this bait right? or are sonycucks really this delusional?

They most likely baited Microsoft in unveiling their shit first so they can wait until the PS experience in December and make it stronger.

E3 hasn't really even started yet tbqh famalam. Just the conferences. But from what has been shown sony easily won.

Hasn't been very great.
>there will never be another E3 2013 clusterfuck.

can't upgrade for free now, dipshit.

Tell me who won and why, lads.

they pussied out last minute as they realized they couldn't compete with xbox


e3 won


doubt it.

Not even remaster. They JUST dont care anymore. Truly suffering

Because all the other conferences total shit. At least they had video games. quit being a fucking crybaby

Yes, I too was very happy with that Beyond Good and Evil 2 reveal, and the new Rayman.

I didn't see a xbox conference. I saw a windows 10 one though.

What games? The two that actually had gameplay? Why do people keep conflating trailers with video games? Stop.


How did this place turn into Sonygger domain so quickly?Did something happen on neogaf for so many people to migrate here? I'd understand if people shilled the Vita since it's actually good but most Sonygger's don't even know it exists. There's literally nothing to play on my PS4. Greatness awaits, I guess.

microsoft won, that's for sure


>you didn't like this thing i liked? omg fucking entitled crybaby!!!!!!
Let people have an opinion, jesus fuck.

Compared to the M$ and EA shitshows they were a 1000x better
