Resident Evil 7

>Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate.

>Courageous PS4 owners can get a taste of this exciting new chapter of the Resident Evil series by downloading the “Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour” demo.

We win, bros. Survival Horror is back! Get rekt RE4-6 fans.

Other urls found in this thread:!/ja-jp/cid=JP0102-CUSA04763_00-BH70000000DEMO01?smcid=ps4

Wait, there's a demo? Is it up yet?


Also, why the fuck is it first-person?

Because VR

Also because the most terrifying games are in 1st person. Even Silent Hill used that effect

I'm not holding my breath. Is it PS4 exclusive? Almost all of their titles are on PC these days.

Because it's a YouTube scare bait game.

This isn't Resident Evil.

Anyone else want to admit they are too afraid to play a horror game in vr?

Is that girl Natalia Wesker?

Hol up, demo?

Fucking when?


Where the fuck are the explosions and zombie ass kicking and co op? They've fucking ruined the series.

It actually looks like a fucking Silent Hill game.

Aren't they just trying to ape PT's success? It didn't make sense to have a first person demo for a Silent Hill game either.

Hope is not a shit of game like pick related

Afraid of further ruining my eyesight, maybe.

>there will be people who legitimately think this
kill me

Holy fuck I didn't even think of that.

this is an ironic post right?

Fuck you action fag, if not for your shit we wouldn't of had to complain.

BUT NO CAPCOM HAD TO CATER HARD TO THE ADHD WIGGERS SO TYRONE COULD TELL HIS FRIENDS HE GOT DAT RESIDENT ZOMBIE GAME DAWG. Yknow why you got catered to? Because you're easy to fucking please. Throw in flashy explosions tons of ammo and zombies and you're fucking set, You're EASY MONEY.

Yeah, it looks like a modern Silent Hill game alright.

It doesn't look like a classic Silent Hill, though.

I was hyped until they mentioned VR.

If you were to watch the trailer without that VR shit looming in your brain, you'd probably guess that the first-person part is just a tutorial/prelude.

VR is optional bruh.

Resident Evil 7: Silent Hill VR

Stop fucking arguing you retards, we don't even know how it plays yet. At least wait for the demo to drop before shitposting.

Funny how they don't mention the demo is for PS Plus only.

Does anyone know who's the developer? Is it even Capcom? An American studio under Capcom's name? Why does it look like a Youtuber game?

I like how both regions' titles do this shit

No they're gonna release another piece of outdated mediocre shit like SH Homecoming and Alien Isolation because they didn't have the balls to stick to their guns and keep going with the action Kino awesome games like RE6 that millions of true fans prefer.

Yeah. When they say "She's back" I think they're talking about Alex in her body.

>It needs autistic enemy designs and boring yet forced characters for it to be a proper RE

Fuck off. I'm glad it's breaking away from its cringey past

That's real fucking neato

Resident EVII: Biohazard in Japan is named Bioha7ard: Resident Evil.

>derelict plantation mansion in rural America
So the villains will be evil white males?

Is it up? I can't find it.

who has a ps4 without plus?

Resident Evil is the subtitle of Biohazard 7? Cool.

Resident Evil always had action

since the beginning

This is just PT with an RE sticker slapped on it.

>we don't even know how it plays yet
Slow and full of jumpscares . I heard at least 2 faked as fuck "Oh fuck what was that!" In that fucking game.

And somehow


People are comparing this to SH1-4

Just kill me please

sometime tonight for PS4 users with PS plus. Can't find it in the store yet though.

Doesn't mean the whole game won't be that perspective.

Did you read the article?
>This free demo of Resident Evil 7 is available exclusively to all PlayStation Plus subscribers at this time,

And they'll all be contrarian Sup Forums weebshitters who believe nips can do no wrong

Me. Like fuck I'm gonna pay 50 bucks a month for something I'll never even use.

Demos out.
In Japan.!/ja-jp/cid=JP0102-CUSA04763_00-BH70000000DEMO01?smcid=ps4


>at this time

>first person

A year

Why do you want to play a Resident Evil game if you don't actually want to play Resident Evil?

In 10-20 years, when the inevitable remake comes out I hope they call it BioRe7ard

I think they're only comparing it thematically because of those last pictures with the scribbled faces and shit. It's nothing like Silent Hill.

Fuck you.

>America is the only country in the world
It's out in Japan you bellend.

>using the Final Fantasy style letters in place of numbers

That's my only real complaint.

God I really fucking hope so honestly.


Where's the fucking demo?

refer to

Wasn't 6 supposed to be the final game in the series?

Only 4 did which is arguably the worst of the originals.
No PT does not count

> RE 7 takes place in the Arklay mountains during the first incidents of grisly murders occurring in the forest.

E3 is in America you retard.

yes they did. They said it twice actually. Once in the video right after they said it was available, then near the end when he was recapping tonight he mentioned the demo again and said is was for ps plus members. I swear some of the shit I've read on here today and last night makes me think Sup Forums is full of retards who didn't actually watch any of the conferences or they did and just have shitty memories or attention spans.

So the demo is JP only?
Fucking really?

for the vr you idiot. third person when you're not using vr.

Who are the developers?

Are you dumb?


holy shit

I haven't kept up with Resident Evil
Is Umbrella Corp still relevant and making zombies?

6 literally ends with a sequel hook.

nigga spencer died before RE5

Umbrella stopped being a thing after RE3. RE4 started a new era where everyone tried to create their own bioweapons without Umbrella as competition.

>source: my ass

They have to end the series here, they can never top that perfect title-number amalgamation after this.

Sorry bud, link in the OP confirms it's after RE6

Neo Umbrella is, I think.

Is it going to be called biohazard: resident eVII_

>wouldn't of
>would not of had to complain


>Change everything
>Still call it 7

I dont get it. At this point just call it RE and be a proper reboot.

This has to be edited somehow, I can't even register it as a 6 anymore.

Did you miss all the third person screenshots they showed? Fucking retard.

>Takes place in WWI

>Resident Evil ∞
>∞ is a virus capsule under the title
There's still a way

>Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6

ugh; fucking please, capcom. just wipe the slate clean and be done with it.

Explain this. Looks like he finally reached the immortality.

Is the demo up on PS4 yet?

>we outlast now
Fuck this retarded gay fucking nigger cunt shit.

>resident eVIII
>resident evil I
your face when the next one is a reboot

Flashback maybe? The list of RE characters who are old men in wheelchairs is pretty small.

Outlines are added to make it look like they're wearing clothes.

Holy shit, they really are calling it "Biohazard 7: Resident Evil"?


You could say the same thing about 4. Stop looking for meaningless things to complain about.

These are the people who made a 6 out of a guy sucking a giraffe's dick with a filter over it. They can make anything work.

Could be him. It'd be ironic as fuck if it was an extremely burned and crippled Albert.

So Im thinking this takess a page from RE3.5, where leon was infected and having halucinations?

Im excited for it.

Plus RE2 is still coming out so if they want to try to innovate more power to them. playing the demo tonight once its out.

You've seen fucking whooping .0000001 percent of the game so far. Settle down child.



RE4 is the best RE, however the old playstyle is overall better, this game could be amazing.

>post yfw wheelchair man is actually Marcus and Billy comes back