New DOW 3 Gameplay
Discuss? It looks promising
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Why? Is dawn of war 1 really the only good warhammer game we will ever get?
I want it to be grimdark in the forty-first millenium, not right now.
It looks like moba phone shit. Terrible gfx
you're not going to get a decent discussion going. all its going to be is MUH COLORS. Sup Forums cant handle a bit of a visual change.
dawn of war 2 was good you nigger, battlefleet gothic got the Grimdark warhammer 40k feeling captured perfectly, Space marine was also good and Space hulk death wing looks amazing
looks like complete ass, this entire company needs to be purged.
BFG got the "fucking Eldar, what the shit were they thinking" feeling captured perfectly. I'm hoping when they release the Space Marine fleet they'll nerf the Elfdar.
>dawn of war 2 was good
Ramming eldar scum into oblvion for the emperor is great though.
It looks good and bad to me,
The game play and animations looks good, and I'll probably enjoy the game.
But it doesn't look like it has the atmosphere and feel that I want for a Warhammer game.
I'm not a tabletop player, but the main guy's model seem a bit off, and I could be wrong..
>dawn of war 2 was good
Hey, look at me, I'm the imperial guard. I can send out 25 WHOLE guardsmen in my campaign.
No, it wasn't good. Look at the people playing DoW1 right now and then compare it to the people playing DoW2 right now. There's no fucking competition. It didn't capture the feel of 40k at all.
it was. if you like the table top, also dawn of war 1 level of casualties for space marines is retarded chapters only have around 1-2 thousand battle brothers at a time.
It looks like a mobile game.
I give up.
>it didn't capture the Feel of warhammer at all
Looks neat.
I'm assuming its just going to start out with Eldar, Space Marines, and Orks again?
The cinematic trailer was so bad ass.
What the hell.
jesus why, i just want another good 40k game, hell Total War actually got me interested in Fantasy with atleast the Orcs
Gabriel, who was wearing terminator armor, JUMPED. Not even normal space marines can just jump 12 feet straight in the air like that. At least not in power armor, or from a standing position.
That's a good voice actor. Unfortunately I can't say the same of the game.
Being in pre alpha it isn't really possible to tell but since it's being made it at least has the potential to be good instead of nothing.
It was pretty good, I had more fun with both the singleplayer and multiplayer then what i did with dawn of war 1, I love both of the respective games, my only issue with DOW1 is the limited amount of zoom available
Honestly, to me the fact that you don't like it shows that you're not even a real fan of Warhammer 40k because as far as things go the game feels the closest to a real time version of the board game, the fact that space marines and chaos space marines doesn't die in massive droves like little bitches was great
>real fan of warhammer 40k
>plays space marines
pick one
Why is it suddenly a requirement that everything pop out like a unit in a mobile game?
Why and how did he do a flying somersault with a thunder hammer in terminator armor?
What's with the little ticks for the hp bar instead of a solid bar?
Relic, please do your best. I'm trying to hold onto my hope.
>Not a real fan of warhammer
Please don't do this. Both games were good at different things. These threads still have as much potential to be good as the new game.
It looks like Dawn of War 1 with modern gwaffix. Pretty much what I wanted DoW2 to be from the start.
What's the issue here senpaitachi?
You're being a cheeky fucking cunt if you think that the Space Hulk missions and that last stand against the Tyranids didn't capture the feel of WH40k
Fuck off with your "durr all battles must be Ultimate Apocalypse" sized bullshit. This ain't the 31st millenium
Looks like a piece of shit. Stop being delusional.
Everybody go home. No sequel to Dawn of War today. Just more MOBA garbage for literally nobody to enjoy.
>Why is it suddenly a requirement that everything pop out like a unit in a mobile game?
Because people complain that they can't read the flow of battle or that things become too confused during large engagements. So the devs crank it up to 15 then if they're smart will listen to feedback and dial it down to the point where the units are still easily spotted at a glance without having to be too vibrant.
>planatery annihilation art style
>shit gfx
>terrible particle effects
>shots have no weight behind them, looks like pew pew lasers
>terrible voiceovers
kill me now, I'm done.
Why can't there ever be an RTS where I can easily understand what the fuck is going on?
>Fuck off with your "durr all battles must be Ultimate Apocalypse" sized bullshit
I'm sorry, did we play the same game?
Thinking that 14 fucking guardsmen cannot win against an entire csm base, or make for a satisfying battle, is not being a "cheeky cunt". It's being realistic. And it doesn't need to be apocalypse size to be good, have you even played DoW1?
>Implying UA is bad
>implying relic should purposely TRY to make their game worse than UA
Sorry, I prefer RTS games to moba-shit.
3 squads of guardmen and a squad of elite storm troopers with a whatever the fuck that tank is being led by a lord commisar and a Imperial general certainly could do alot of damage added to the fact that they are constantly dying and being reinforced negates your argument, and thinking the blood ravens or any chapter could field so many space marines as they did in DOW 1 is retarded they only have around a thousand battle brothers at a time along with the fact that if we were to go large scale battles the imperial guard, tyranids and necrons would unstoppable.
>imperial guard, tyranids and necrons would unstoppable.
not if they are dying by the hundreds.
must be some artifact the blood ravens liberatedstole
its just retribution that's bad, DOW2 worked well for the elite space marine squad feel, it fumbled with things like guard and even eldar
chaos rising was great
im talking about single player, i wasnt fond of the multiplayer, though DoW1s MP was only good for casual shit with friends anyways
Necrons dont die they teleport away and repair, tyranids and imperial guard can die in the billions and be fine, Space marines are arent huge millitary force like they were they dont have the numbers or firepower the guard has.
>3 squads
>five people isn't a bare-bones squad
>if you had more than 15 guardsmen, then the IG'd be way to powerful!
You're joking, right?
And also, mods like firestorm over karauva fix the space marine weakness you're speaking of, yet you're arguing that mods are bad. Might you be retarded?
DOW2 retribution multiplayer is quite enjoyable. and guardsmen act like they should able to gun enemys down in large numbers but vulnerable to heavy weapons and melee.
is that tiny thing suppose to be a titan?
the guy has optimized his heros to negate damage and regenerate the health of his guardsmen, if you just send out mass waves of guardsmen they get slaughtered pretty quickly.
the only god damn thing that matters is last stand
has it been confirmed yet
Whats happening with Eternal Crusade?
Did anything new for that come out?
Your post reeks of idiocy. I swear it's like you idiot haters like to get rekt on the same old arguments that have always been there for why your reasoning's dumb.
There are more people playing DoW 2 though
Wanna know why? Because DoW 2 actually had depth past baby tier blob v blob shit. DoW 2 is far more like actual 40k in the movement tactics and the large variety of abilities and builds making two people playing the same army feel completely different in a way DoW1 couldn't deliver.
>It didn't capture the feel of 40k at all.
>30k numbers is all that encompasses 40k
>Series like Gaunt's Ghosts, Ultramarines, certain Ciaphas Cain novels, etc. don't exist at all where a stupidly tiny number of Guardsmen/other characters cleverly take out threats when outnumbered
>Apparently every battle has EVERY single member of a Space Marine company deployed rather than a small number both in tabletop and lore
God, you're so full of shit.
Eldar got released
They've just put Eldar in.
> Is dawn of war 1 really the only good warhammer game we will ever get?
>They turned Dawn of War into an ASSFAGGOTS
super-wew, lass.
What is with the titanlet?
>threats when outnumbered
You see, this concept doesn't exist in DOW2
You are full of shit.
>There are more people playing DoW 2 though
Also if you add up the number of people playing the first DoW games and compare it to the number of people playing DoW2 games
more people are playing the first one
when did they add that? i dont remember that shit at all.
>being this passionate about dawn of fucking war 2.
You have to be fucking trolling.
Hey, I liked the chess game.
>There are more people playing DoW 2 though
Because its newer than DoW1, also, DOW1 is massively seperated by multiple titles, which all up add to nearly the same number as DoW2
Fuck off retard
Couple of decades ago or so. They were part of Epic until GW started making huge models for 40k.
>Fuck off with your "durr all battles must be Ultimate Apocalypse" sized bullshit
>eldar in before the orkz
>baby tier blob v blob shit
Your opinion is shit. All those vehicles(which you could add different sponsoons to), all those squad-based customizations, all those different units, and you think it was blob v. blob shit? Every single faction besides necrons and eldar played great and had tons more "your dudes" type of options. If I don't want to play as space mariney mc-space maroonis, then I'm shit out of luck in DoW2. I don't really care about david angelos, I'll be honest. I couldn't give a single fuck.
Shame you can't have more than one or two vehicles on the screen at a time, right?
Yeah I forgot about this. Looks like we get our republic commando in a different flavor, looks gorgeous
he might have just played dow2 first. I know I did. Could never get into dow1 with the windows 98 tier graphics.
dont know why you guys are fighting, considering its 2016 and all game devs are sjwcucks who only know how to make mmos, assfaggots and phone games, this game is probably going to be shiny shit. What I really fell in love with in dow2 was the crazy good voice acting. And what did this trailer show? 1 faggot being generic shit.
Pretty hyped, everything shown looks better than I expected
it does, a well placed art strike can decimate an enemy army and the imperial guard bunker that allows them to reinforce can allow you to hold the line on important points.
>When it's not necrons who are the endgame big bad but rather the fucking Tyranids.
Fuck those stupid overpowered in the fluff losers I want my space tomb keks.
you can, infact you can have as more Lemon russ tanks than Dow 1 which only allowed two at a time to be deployed.
>DoW1 was good
>DoW2 was shit
>DoW3 was shit
So DoW4 when? Im hoping this is a one good, two bad cycle.
>durr all battles must be Ultimate Apocalypse
What part of Warhammer 40K aren't you getting? If it's not over the top then why fucking bother.
Except it's not the 'nids, it's the orcs. They've even conquered other galaxies.
Angelos sounded different, what the fuck?
Looks good, but what about my Guardsmen?
Any idea if they're on release?
>infact you can have as more Lemon russ tanks than Dow 1 which only allowed two at a time to be deployed
So you're telling us that you did, in fact, not play dow1.
orks eldar and marines. Thats it.
>female space marines
I'll pass
Most likely will be shafted for an expansion yet again.
Krieg sub-faction with fearless infantry and buttloads of artillery please
Guess they can't handle THE MIGHT OF THE BAANEEBLADE
If they're having it in again, they really need another VA like the one in DoW1. He was awesome as fuck.
Maybe that's because you are a fucking casual.
Why should I have play a game that has an obviously inferior engine
Also nice showing of mods if you actually did play DoW2 you would know that it allows for twice the amount of troops and vehicles
>we want the MOBA audience
Seriously though, I do want tighter control over my units, mostly because pathfinding in DOW2 sometimes got awful and there was a 'delay' with units following orders.
However, Gabriel shouldn't leap around like Mario and the Marines move around like marionettes.
I seriously hope I am being trolled.
It does though. It can be from anything like being able to reinforce from any spot to having bigger numbers like IG/Tyranids to just picking a different set of troops/vehicles to maybe you wanting to pick one guy vs a full squad for particular abilities.
The numbers difference that is possible makes a far larger difference than the one in DoW1 especially due to how much more different units are from each other.
Nobody plays Soulstorm in any serious manner though. It's all mods, while the main game is very unbalanced even after the patches that eventually cleaned some things up. DoW2 is played for the complete opposite reason because of the variety of builds and strategies involved in playing the game.
I dunno. Bring up some real points instead of parading the same old bullshit everybody blindly says here without actually playing the games.
Only people who still fuck with DOW1 are mod users which have never been used in any balanced or in depth way. DoW2 has always offered more options and better balance.
Yes. In DoW1 the differences between the units were surface level. DoW2 added so many more abilities which are major game changers to where that matters more than just the anti infantry anti tank surface level decisions of DoW1.
>If I don't want to play as space mariney
But the game has six factions though. Don't tell me you're only talking about the single player which also has far more depth than any DoW1 campaign.
Also, like the other guy said, you can field more than two tanks in DoW2 technically. In fact many IG builds have often three or four vehicles on the field at once. You know...about the amount that most tabletop IG armies have.
>I couldn't give a single fuck
Of course you don't care about these games or else you would have said something that wasn't entirely wrong.
Nope. Been on the train since vanilla DoW1.
>Nobody plays Soulstorm in any serious manner though
>It doesn't matter if more people are playing they're not doing it seriously
See, I'm not the guy you were arguing with, I don't mind DoW 2 that much. But to take the game so personally you have to have some ulterior motives. It never struck me as the kind of game that would generate such an angry reply.
I'm not calling you a shill, just some idiot playing devil's advocate and a faggot probably.
>every single DoW thread is ruined by 1 DoW2 faggot who cant accept its a shit game
You wont accept it, but ill say it to save everyone time.
DoW2 is a shit game. End of discussion.
>you can, infact you can have as more Lemon russ tanks than Dow 1 which only allowed two at a time to be deployed.
>that's wrong, did you even play the game?
>Why should I have play a game that has an obviously inferior engine
More people play CoD than most other types of shooters. Doesn't make those other shooters with more depth worse. My original point was to show that DoW2 is far from dead and has a very active community for both Last Stand and more competitive matches. DoW1 is to RTS what CoD was to shooters.
But I am not play devil's advocate. People wanted a return to the more braindead approach to tactics in DoW1, and we got it, and it's fucking awful. I am mad because after having kept my mouth shut to these anti-DoW2 faggots for so long even though THEY have always been the ones to shit up the 40k threads with their vitriol, that same vitriol possibly lead tot eh series going in an even worse direction. Don't make judgments about things you have no clue what you're talking about.
Because that's so much more common than the usual group of faggots who shit up comfy DoW threads where everyone likes everything with "fuck DOW2 man where are my large scale battles?" which reeks of pretension since they have the absolute most passing knowledge of Warhammer.
I thought it looked pretty good.
>Mod players don't count
I fucking told you earlier to not start this shit
RTSes benefit immensely from strong modding communities and those who play with any number of mods enabled are just as "legitimate" as those who play vanilla.
In any case, a pretty huge fucking portion of people who play DoW2 only play Last Stand or the multi with Elite Mod.
Yeah, this. It looks much more like an RTS than DoW2 was. I even enjoyed DoW2 as well.
>the differences between the units were surface level
Gabriel Angelos' voice is not the same
>make DoW2
>people cry its not like DoW1
>Make DoW3 to be like DoW1
>people cry its not like DoW2
>people cry its not like DoW1, enough even though the footage looks exactly like DoW1
The mech animation looks really, really good.
Not a fan of how static everything else looks.
Yeah, because part of my whole shtick in this topic since the beginning has been the more in-depth gameplay approach of DoW2 and why it doesn't deserve the hate and never did. It allows for a more interesting experience with a more serious base of fans. Even the main most popular mod for DoW2 if any are used is Elite Mod which is just as much a different take on the game's balance (not more or less balanced just different) rather than the kinds of whacky shit DoW1 based itself from.
>RTSes benefit immensely from strong modding communities
What the fuck, no. RTSs have always worked better with communities that explore the game's depth with a variety of builds (SC, SupCom, DOW2).
Yeah, and DoW 2 has that, subtract basebuilding, add a variety of abilities and make the differences between varying types of units even further from each other, with a huge emphasis on what needs to come out exactly when.
Definitely not Paul Dobson.
Looking at his IMDB page, he doesn't have any 2016 credits.
Wondering if he's involved in the whole potential SAG-AFTRA strike thing.
>original topic yesterday
>actual fans who knew their shit, recognized DOW3's flaws, understood DOW2 was great
>even got some discussion going towards the books and certain aspects of tabletop
>this topic
>full of so called "fans" who pretend to act like they know their shit; still spew the DOW2 is awful meme
>any and all references to lore and tabletop are mostly wrong, continuing to enjoy being fake fans
>it was. if you like the table top
I love the tabletop, I play it every weekend. Dawn of war 2 was fucking garbage.
>DoW1 space marine casualties
In which manner do you mean this? Cinematics? Possible unit death over campaign?