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The real Sony shota will always be Spike
I wanna snuggle is his beard
What do you think notKrato's new name will be? Kratos is "strength" or "power" or something in Greek I think. In Icelandic, which I think may be the closest modern language to old norse, the equivalent of Kratos would be Styrkur.
>Sony managed to turn "kill a thousand enemies during gameplay while kratos is yelling" game into a "walk forward while watching scripted shit and occasionally watch kratos kill a big monster outside of gameplay" moviegame
I hate Naughty Dog. Their moviegames were so successful that now Sony demands every single player franchise, new and old, become moviegames too.
What did that troll say? All I caught was "vallhalla".
It's not bait, it's just that I'm tired of boring moviegames. I want some game with my game.
It was a tutorial section. I doubt we even play with Kratos in the game. Which is probably why they didn't show the real deal.
it was a live demo you see the guy playing as him retard
>more god of war
fuck this system
it's god of war but without any gameplay
>I doubt we even play with Kratos in the game.
Interview with the dorito pope, the devs said the whole game will be played as Kratos. So the kid probably dies early on.
>thinking this might be a reboot or in some alternate norse universe
>See Spartan Rage
I meant in the real game you buffon, out of the start.
Yeah, i know but i'll believe when i see it. Those devs love to lie thinking they can decieve everyone. Either we play as that kid, it serves as a companion or maybe both. I'm not very fond of Kratos having a companion so...we'll see.
I hope we see him grow up into a hot piece of ass.
That kid better fucking die. I'm not going to play the game if it's you babysitting that little shit the entire time
>mfw no Ni no kuni 2
>Literally vanished since last E3
Best coming through.
So how is Kratos going to explain his Greek adventures to this kid?
Will he tell the kid that he fucked up humanity once?
>"Don't be sorry, be better"
What did Kratos mean by this?
He's not a fan of Obama
It is norse though? More of a new ark than reboot though
the game its about kratos learning to be a good dad
with odin asking him to train loki
Is this true? Is that actually loki?
Now this is actually a plot twist I'd like to witness
Is that Kratos' wife's son? Can't wait to see the buck.
>Rewatch trailer on youtube
>skip to 4:59
Now that you mention it...
I want to protect that little king
you forgot the E
I wanna fuck that nostril
wait for your dadsun
>Krato's son
>rail thin
>a wimp
>nice kid
>has the personality and mannerisms of a kid who lives in the 21st century when it's supposed to be like 10,000 B.C.
Why isn't the kid strong? Is he a half breed? Yeah, ok, but it's like the kid has never trained in his life.
Am I the only one that finds this weird?
>Mixing Greek mythology with nordic.
How does this shit make the final cut?
It's Loki
also, witnessed
probs not his kid
have you even read the old myths? some the most bravest heroes started like this kiddo
that would make sense considering none of the enemies target him
since he's part troll or whatever
normies and cunts who havent read mythology since high school.
Hello Gogoris-santa. Welcome to the Sup Forums Sup Forums forums.
I would like to congratulate you on you trips. They are quite nice.
That's still Kratos.
at 341208279
No, I havn't read that fan fic yet.
ok, but you'd think the God of War would be training him as an infant or young child.
You'd think somebody growing up without a computer and commercial electricity would be stronger than a sickly looking boy. Wouldn't you think all those crazy beasts and wilderness would at least put some muscle on a child?
at 341208514
Greetings and thanks. Make sure to block this.
That's pretty dope. Not enough Cristo-Greek-Egyptian themes in ANYTHING these days.
Not everyone gives a shit about religions or history.
Age of mythologies already did the same thing you stupid Fuck and that even had Egyptian mythology go eat a bag of dicks
acutally thats not half bad
>kratos trying to redeem himself and control anger
>kratos raising loki
>loki's eventual downfall
>kratos must kill loki
>kratos must now kill all the norse gods
now if only they could do something with that shitty gameplay.
That's sad. They could learn something about the world with that.
Many roads bitch nigga
>Game shows tutorial
I'm not excited about the game but shut the fuck up, dude.
Literature and philosophy are more important, name-fag.
>implying religion and history do not involve literature and philosophy already
Nice try, trip-friend.
But it's an open world game or a corridor game?
I'm actually surprised, they didn't look for a shitty excuse to keep the twinblades and are trying a different main weapon
how do you think the new "square, square, triangle" will look like?
still a corridor game, like every GoW
some big area between 2 corridors isnt open world
>It is norse though?
The giant/troll/ogre or whatever straight up yells "Valhalla". Between that and the runes on the structures there's no doubt.
The kid is the actual protagonist, the XP gains were for him not the old man
Yeah I noticed this too. Pretty sure we'll only see Kratos for the intro.
the "tutorial" for the other games wasn't about walking around
dev already confirmed that you're kratos for the whole game
The plot twist is the kid is Kratos
Last Guardian boy was cuter.
>no... dont be sorry
>be better
ugh -18 year old faggot
You guys are retarded. The kid is going to fuck up and get killed. The first demo of is of him chickening out and fucking up.
They don't make a fully playable adult male and then not have you use him for at least an hour. Beardbarian is going to be the main playable character.
Kid has confirmed magical powers, he shot a lightning arrow.
yeah sure try to be a father for a boy when the only way you know to do it it's some retarded spartan warrior hood ritual that almost killed your brother, and your previous experience were only a little girl that you killed and another one that sacrificed so you could start the end of the fucking world
hes tellin u to git gud
I mean the bow might be magical itself, Kratos' axe is.
>They pull an MGS2
>The game REALLY starts after a time skip
>You play as Kratos' wife's son for the rest of the game
Most likely possibility
I wonder if Kratos slams that boipucci.
He his a spartan afterall.
get Japan on it
fuck off SJW, spartan's werent gay
>reading is for essjaydouble(You)s
Only Sup Forums
They were EXTREMELY gay. What are you on about?
There could be sections where you play as the kid, like playing as Ellie in the Last of us.
Spartans literally LITERALLY had a military unit comprised entirely of homosexual couples.
historical revisionism.txt
spartans (and ancient Greeks in general) had close male/male relationships but there's no evidence whatsoever to show that these were sexually consummated or considered to be romantic. When they were, it was considered to be debauched at best
>I would know what it's like to be a spartan. I'm a fat piece of shit who's never worked a day in his life.
Fuck off nerd.
>wife's kid
Spartans fucked other guys but it wasn't gay you faggots
I expect RDR ending.
It's the same Kratos that survived the shit he did in all the other GoW games (hence tapping into some Spartan Rage) but the Gods are better prepared to kill this time around and stop him before he starts seriously fucking shit up.
Kid watches him die, grows up with the same furious hatred his dad had.
Spartans actually all god castrated, so they couldn't ever touch balls.
It was never gay.
Wasn't all this shit discussed to death back when that movie came out?
OP made a typo, he meant to write QTE.
These games with kid companions are starting to get stale.
Feel like a forced and easy way for "good narratives" and emotional pullings of the heartstrings now. Needs to end.
>Implying they aren't both Aryan religion.
This is semi related but how many games actually deal with a father/son relationship?
Most of the time one or the other dies early on.
Father/Son relationships are all about reinforcing the idea that females are objects to be owned and abused. It's inherently problematic.