Are you idiots forgetting the MGSV fiasco? Why's this hack getting so much people to gargle over his spunk?
Are you idiots forgetting the MGSV fiasco? Why's this hack getting so much people to gargle over his spunk?
Because, ostensibly anyway, the MGSV fiasco wasn't his fault, it was Konami's.
fresh from norman reedus' instagram
I'm personally just excited to see him do something other than metal gear.
>keeps asking for more money and schedule delays
>over and over again
>konami gets sick of his shit and tells him to finish it
>it's konami's fault
Konami is shitty for many reasons but MGSV was completely Kojima's fault.
MGSV suffered a lot from internal strife. My theory is that Kojima deliberately fucked the budget on the game because he's been wanting to get away from Metal Gear for years. The only way to get loose when you're a cash-cow for a shitty company like Konami is to screw the budget. MGSV was just an exit ticket for him, I expect Death Stranding to be a return to form.
>keeps asking for money
the game was 80 mil which is literally nothing for a big AAA game. CD projekt which is almost indie spend 81 mil on witcher, and bethesda took 100 mil plus on the garbage that was FO4 so what are you talking about
>schedule delays
He talked about the delays and he said it was delayed once do some more research
>a bullshit fan theory is fact
Yeah & Todd ruined Elder Scrolls because he wanted to get away from it
See i can bullshit too
>deliberately sabotages sequel to the series that makes everyone like him
>this is a good thing
It was far more than Konami has ever spent on a single game
Sup Forums loves MGSV because it was western enough for them, despite the rocket punch, fulton, gravity fulton, zombie soldiers & story line theatrics.
It wasn't a weeb game, honestly!!
It was probably because of the ugly chick - Western game written all over it.
Hey you're back again. Just got BTFO by Kojimas next art house masterpiece huh?
i have no interest in the game until a month after release and I can see how it is.
I really don't give a fuck whos at fault for MGSV. He put his name at the start of every single mission. He's taking as much blame.
Did you see that fucking trailer? It was fucking perfect, Kojimbo may make shitty games but got damn it he is entertaining as fuck.
>ugly chick
>literal model
fuck off kawaii uguu grey alien cunt
I loved mgsv it had excellent gameplay
>It was far more than Konami has ever spent on a single game
Thats hardly Kojimas fault when the company he works for only wants to spend money making pachinko machines.
so he's the reason konami doesnt have money to make castlevania?
But it's okay for him to sabotage games that his fans i.e. you, were looking forward to?
This. And this game doesn't seem different desu
>Writer/Director Hideo Kojima
>Producer Hideo Kojima
>Script by Hideo Kojima
>A Game by Hideo Kojima
>Game design by Hideo Kojima
>Kojima studio of Kojima Productions
Kojima seems like he'd be a cunt to work with.
>the MGSV fiasco wasn't his fault
>spend all the budget in jack bawer
>spend all the dev time in dinners with your waifu
But MGS5 has fantastic gameplay though. There isn't an open world game out there like it that does as in-depth in mechanics as MGS5 does.
You can say that with a straight face after witnessing the route Konami is currently taking? I understand too much praise for a single person is never good, and no man should be untouchable, but let's face facts. Konami held him back, especially with the direction they wanted to go. Maybe now that he's off his leash he'll bring something to the table that everyone can admit is quality, finished work. If not, then lynch him, sure, but don't judge him based off of MGSV alone. He poured everything he had into that series, and it was a massive success. Don't let recent failure blind you from a past of success. Besides, don't you wanna take a ride on the cruise, even if it isn't Metal Gear themed?
You have bad taste in European type models senpai.
Well thinking Dutch chicks are hot must be some neck beard fetish.
FYI AMWF is a score in Kojima's pocket, no matter what the white female looks like as long as it's in the weight and shape limits.
Koijimadrones love taking his tiny yellow weiner up their assholes.
what games do you like to play?
People are sheep
You're delusional.
If Konami would have not put a deadline on the game and kept going Kojima money, it wouldn't have fixed the problems with the game, SUCH AS:
>The retarded story
>Vocal Chord Parasites
>The Medic being Big Boss Bullshit
>Everyone magically knowing where you are when one random guard spots you
>The crappy open world with nothing in it
>Big Boss/Medic having pretty much no voiced lines
>Skullface's not making sense and being a retarded villain
>Nothing being solved in the end and nothing making sense.
>No real/good boss fights
>No escape sequence
>No part where Snake loses all of his weapons and has to escape.
All of these things were in the fucking game because Kojima wanted them to be in. He is SO retarded he actually thought that vocal chord parasites, a language of nukes and Skullface were "cool" and would make for a GOOD game that people would like. He's THAT retarded.
In conclusion, Kojima is a retard. If you're still on his side after knowing all of that, you are retarded as well. For people who say, "I am not buying another Metal Gear Solid game unless Kojima's name is on it!" You are retarded too. All Metal Gear games made by Kojima to come out past 3 have been fucking horrible. The ONLY GOOD METAL GEAR GAME on the PS3 generation and further was Metal Gear Rising Revengance, a game that KOJIMA DIDN'T FUCKING TOUCH.
Are people who appose Kojima the most cancerous contrarians on Sup Forums?
You spend money to make money user, if they stuck with it, it would have made it back instantly. Kojima pretty much was Konami for 12 years
MGS5 was a great game.
It's you under age faggots who hyped it up to be something it wasn't that are the problem, mostly because you were 5 when MGS2 came out.
You wrote all that text to sound like a nitpicking entitled underaged idiot.
Kill yourself
Just read over my post and forgot to mention more stupid fucking shit:
ANYONE could have written a better Metal Gear Solid V. I could have, YOU could have. Let's think about it this way: If Kojima wanted to make a new Metal Gear Solid game about Big Boss, he could have set in the game in the 90's instead of the 80's and had EVERYTHING be pretty much the same.
If he wanted to call Big Boss something besides Big Boss, don't call him Venom Snake, call him SALADIN.
If he wanted to have a sexy sniper companion, don't call her Quiet, call her SNIPER WOLF.
If he wanted to have Big Boss control a big base, let's not have it be Motherbase/Outer Heaven, let's call it ZANZIBAR LAND.
The list here goes on. Every single character in Metal Gear Solid V doesn't mean anything and could have been written better by anyone but Kojima.
The game shipped 6 million copies by the end of 2015 (ie. within 4 months), and who knows how many since then. I'd say that's a good return for an 80 million dollar investment.
>I know exactly what happened during a development process I know nothing about will never because I'm dedicated faggot
Off yourself
So you are an entitled piece of shit preteen?
Just end it already.
I don't really claim that I know what happened, but given the information we have and what we can conclude from it, Metal Gear Solid V was made by Kojima, he looked over the whole game in it's state, he wrote the story and said, "Yeah, this is okay."
Thus, it's his fault. He suddenly became shitty at making Metal Gear games past Metal Gear Solid 3.
t. Konami Entertainment
Kill yourself
What retarded ideas. Please stop posting.
Not that guy, but I can't believe you're trying to defend Metal Gear Solid V. What the fuck is there to defend? It's just a bad game. Also,
Kill yourself.
What's so bad about my ideas? The foundation for a good Metal Gear Solid story concerning Big Boss was all there, Kojima just didn't use them because he wanted to FREAK US OUT with an EPIC PLOT TWIST that he already pulled in Metal Gear Solid 2, and would be impossible to pull in the modern age where everything gets spoiled and the internet exists.
>It's just a bad game
Nah, it's pretty fun to play.
Nice rebuttal, really shows your age.
The story has problems, but the game is fantastic regardless of the entitled underaged opinion of someone who probably played the series recently.
Why do you keep fucking posting? "Fun" isn't a good argument because that's entirely subjective.
Sure, you can imagine that a generic open world first person shooter is "Fun", but others might not think that.
In fact, given the mechanics alone, Metal Gear Solid 5 isn't "fun". The fact that as soon as one guard spots you, they all INSTANTLY know where you are completely breaks the entire game. Reflex mode is so fucking overpowered you can sprint through every level and still get S ranks even if you use it.
Neither is "bad" you hypocrite.
You didn't say WHY the game was fantastic. You just said that it was fantastic and then called the poster an "entitled underage" person.
Even from a gameplay standpoint the game is not "fantastic".
It's like he's the only one that matters.
He's made some good games, but everything is getting totally bogged down by his ego. It's the same reason why the star wars prequels were shit. George Lucas had far too much control and was doing the directing, scripting, producing, etc.
Kojima has a massive fucking ego.
Yeah I agree, most people could have made a better MGS5 script. But that's not saying much.
People would have been leagues more disappointed with this than they would even with the twist that we got. This is literally the most obvious shit possible and there's no way it would live up to the absurd theories people were spitting out through the years. Keeping some of the factions and characters new was a plus, and certainly not the biggest problems with the game.
What the fuck, mate. I JUST pointed out reasons why the game isn't "Fun" or "Fantastic".
How about you give some fucking EVIDENCE like I am?
>a concept that has been established since day one makes it a bad game
>I have no idea how Metal Gear works
Please stop posting.
Turn off reflex mode pham. The rest of us did without any autism.
I've played Metal Gear Solid V for an accumulated 227 hours. I've probably talked about 40 hours with my friends about how ass the fucking game is.
You say that it wouldn't live up to any of the hype that people had been talking about, but maybe it could have at least TRIED to live up to that hype instead of completely miss a ton of plotpoints that actually would have made it THE MISSING LINK and the END OF THE SAGA.
>opinions are evidential
Oh boy.
Metal Gear Solid is an anomaly. It has -amazing- mechanics and gameplay, but it's wrapped up in an incredibly bland and shitty environment which doesn't have any impact or intensity.
You're literally running around incredibly bland environments, knocking out 3 ish guards at a time then attaching balloons to them.
If MGS5 had a more structured, and linear sneaking mission, akin to Shadow Moses, The Big Shell, or Groznygrad it would have been a much better and satisfying game.
MGS5 just feels like you're randomly stumbling around and then it just ends because they needed to end it.
Retards think it was Konami's fault Kojima blew 80 million trying to fuck a horselady.
kill yourself already
>completely breaks the entire game
No it fucking doesn't you hyperbolic faggot. You can evade and hide just as you could before.
>I have no idea how arguments work
>Are you idiots forgetting the MGSV fiasco?
what fiasco? it's the third best Metal Gear
Again, you didn't respond with any evidence you fucking retard.
This isn't my own anecdotal subjective experience, the fact that you are spotted and ALL GUARDS ARE ALERTED TO YOUR POSITION is something that ACTUALLY HAPPENS IN THE GAME TO EVERYONE WHO HAS PLAYED IT.
Not just me.
Turning off Reflex mode does not fix the glaring problem that the game was built around using it, and all the guards instantly know your position if one spots you.
Just because a design concept was in the game since day one does not make it okay. In Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, if you were spotted by one guard, they had to radio it in before all the other guards were alerted.
>The newest Kojima game is literally a Gulf of Mexico Simulator
BP....BP never changes.
This is absolutely unfucking real.
You fucking retards are ACTUALLY defending Metal Gear Solid V. A blatantly poor game and you're all defending it.
I thought that Sup Forums was generally considered to have some kind of taste, but holy fuck have you all convinced me otherwise.
Almost had a passing grade, but you left out "objectively" in your post
Honestly I think ground zeroes is a better game than MGS5.
i didn't respond with any evidence because i'm not the guy you originally replied to :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
i was just pointing out you being retarded :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
and you're the only one who thinks that's stupid
so it's a subjective point
>it was MEANT to be shit
>making up subjective crap to support argument
>caps lock
>quoting the wrong person in reply to the previous person
Yeah, that's damage control.
>>Everyone magically knowing where you are when one random guard spots you
That's factually untrue, the alert is localised to a relatively small area given the scope of the world. You can be on the run from some guards and find others that don't have a fucking clue you're there, and aren't looking for you, BEFORE the alert on the previous guards has lifted.
you idiots like God Hand and the first Baldur's Gate and even NWN2, you never had taste
It's a fine game.
Stop posting, you dumb faggot.
>If I sound exasperated then it makes you wrong!
Like, SERIOUSLY, I can NOT believe I am reading this right now. UGH.
This is all made up by your imagination, you dumb idiot.
Post discarded.
Sorry, everyone on the base will know where you are. WHOOPS.
"Fine" is just "Fine", Fine is not "Good" or "Fantastic". Please just say that the game is average as balls, unlike the previous Metal Gear games with in fact, WERE fantastic.
I am just stating this all because I love videogames, and I want good videogames, and have evidence to back up why these games are good. I want good games like the previous Metal Gear Solid games to survive.
I never thought the Metal Gear Solid was the kind of series that would bow to industry trends like generic open worlds. I thought that it would take the concept and completely flip it around or do something interesting, but no. You're all retards who like the most generic game as long as it has a fake "open world" for you to "explore" and find nothing in.
Go play the latest Ubisoft game you fucking faggots.
Well said.
Kinda heated, aren't you?
>Post discarded.
i win
>Sup Forums
>having taste.
It took you this long to realize it?
>Sorry, everyone on the base will know where you are. WHOOPS.
It's a big distinction because it means you don't get swarmed, and that holds true, At worst, it slightly fucks with your immersion, but it doesn't at all kill the game.
>Sup Forums loves MGSV
are you browsing same Sup Forums as the rest of us?
Guy I just want you to know I've played MGSV for 300 hours and I agree with you on most points
>I know the character of a person I have never met in my life
Stop posting, you idiotic child.
when did MGS2 apologists start popping up on this board? you faggots used to not be allowed to post
fuck off, PW is better than that piece of shit and PW is a piece of shit. V is miles ahead of 2
You realize metal gear solid one also had all the guards knowing your position as soon as you were spotted. But you probably think that's fine because muh muh muh first game. Fuck off you austic retarded faggot. MGSV was a fine game and though the ending was sorta shitty it was a needed end to the series.
hes literally, LITERALLY the only guy making anything close to original content in the industry
yeah, Sup Forums is the only website on the fucking internet that has even the least bit of resentment for mgsv
sort of like skyrim
MGSV was good. Most of Kojima's games are good.
I want to wait and see what this game is like, I have the inclination that it will also be good, but will reserve judgement until I see gameplay.
I don't like the open-world meme either, and I believe it's partially to blame for the unfinished product that we got, but I'm certainly not enough of an exaggerative retard to think that it renders the game terrible.
He plasters his name on every fucking chapter.
He has a massive fucking ego. That's undisputed fact.
Every game: A Hideo Kojima Game
Honestly, i dont know what the fuck happened during MGSV development. But Kojima is a really interesting personality when it comes to the gamedevs scene, and mgs 2 is one of my favorite games ever.
I fucking loved the Terrence Malick vibes on Death Stranding's teaser and i'm fucking hyped, judge me faggots.
And fuck MGSV, Kojima clearly didnt have the proper tools to reach his ambitions, plus, i had fun on some segments of the game.
suck my dick Sup Forums.
Because it's the first new IP Kojima has done in 20 years
How did it even end the series? The twisty end only answered some minor question about MG1&2 that no one really asked
as long as we all agree MGS3 was the black sheep of the franchise and has none of the things that make MGS unique and appealing
So he effectively killed the LoS games too?
How is that a bad thing? It's not like we were going to get good Castlevanias from them.