Let's set the record straight.
Let's set the record straight
MGS2 was not an interactive experience.
it was a trainwreck that took MGS4 to fix
>this is what plebs actually believe
says the elitist
go back to "playing" your dumb flick garbage
I will go back to playing a game that does not have it's head so far up it's own ass in terms of writing
>MGS2 was a trainwreck that took MGS4 to fix
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
it's true.
it took MGS4 to:
*explain what the Patriots were
*settle once and for all the "was MGS2 a simulation" questions
*make Raiden a decent character
holy shit you're stupid
>holy shit you're stupid
Why? Because MGS2 had a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up
stop with your Sup Forums memesterism
no it didn't, it ended perfectly. the actual plot of MGS2 isn't the point
>guns of the patriots fixed sons of liberty's plot
now I've read some retarded shit but that takes the cake
mgs2 worked better as an ambiguous ending to the series than mgs4 ever did
At least MGS2 let's you play it more than 4 does.
>needed to be tied up
did you take the entire game literally?
holy fuck
Death Stranding looks like pure unadulterated kino. Kojima tried to hit that mark with TPP but sadly missed, he has always been just short.
MGS2 is still goat of the series until further notice.
>it ended perfectly
ambiguous as fuck ending is not "perfectly"
the gameplay of MGS2 was not good
>did you take the entire game literally?
No but it was still a damn mess
>mgs2's loose ends needed to be tied up
you must be in high school.
>ambiguous ending is bad
spotted the underage
>a damn mess
it's a perfect recreation of shadow moses
are you saying mgs1 was bad
>you must be in high school.
>spotted the underage
here we go again. Someone hates MGS2 and then the rabid fanboys call that guy "underaged"
>it's a perfect recreation of shadow moses
now that's a good joke.
>it's a Sup Forums steals and misuses a Sup Forums meme episode
>I didn't understand the themes or realize the high amount of detail so it was a mess
Go to bed Konamibabby
Kojima is leading video games into a new era
Vidyakino is here to stay
I only like Snake Eater and MGR:R. Seriously the only ones worth playing.
>People defending MGS2
Holy shit
If there were any themed
>rabid fanboy
nah I'm just mature enough to appreciate an ambiguous ending without demanding all plot threads be tied up in an orderly manner
you might have OCD if you let that sort of thing bother you
I agree, though I don't think metal gear solid 2 was a trainwreck, it was still an amazing game, 4 definitely helped to improve the entire series
It wraps the message/theme the game is trying to convey. How was it ambigious?
I don't have OCD but the ending was too ambiguous
the game was conveying a theme?
yeah, its theme was "meme"
not even kidding, look it up. mgs1's was "gene" and mgs3's was "scene"
It's so funny how MGS2 haters always type and sound retarded.
Well, since a lot of hardcore fans are going to shit on you for this, I'll try and explain the standpoint MGS2 fans are coming from.
The patriots were never supposed to be explained, they were a symbolic idea of information control through conformation bias during the rise of the internet. As they say, they are formless, an idea, a "meme" in the sense that Dawkins defined it in his novel "The Selfish Gene"
>It was very clear that MGS2 was a simulation if you paid attention to a lot of the clues, but that gets into the idea of "what is reality" brought up at the end.
Raiden is allegorical to you, the player. He's not supposed to be likable, in fact he was design to be the complete antithesis to the fan-favorite Solid Snake. Raiden is a vessel used for the ideas, and not so much of a "character" like Solidus or others.
MGS2 has plenty of flaws, and is by no means perfect, but the reason people such as myself and those in this thread love it so much is how it went all out to be an abstract, post-modern exploration of identity, information, memetic control, etc. The reason most say that 2 is the perfect conclusion to the series is because, in reality, MGS1 was the perfect conclusion to the original Metal gear trilogy. 2 Wasn't necessary after 1, so Kojima used it as a vessel to explore ideas that gaming had not (and still hasn't in some ways) tackled at that point.
Hope this clears things up a bit.
Information and information control you dumb fuck
>yeah, its theme was "meme"
there weren't any memes in MGS2 and I don't mean the retarded internet macros.
>Raiden is allegorical to you, the player.
this bullshit?
>Information and information control you dumb fuck
which they also mentioned in 4 but from a more reliable source.
Death Stranding > All
>This whole thread
Fuck off Sup Forums
What the fuck is Kino?
>it was a trainwreck that took MGS4 to fix
All the weird shit in MGS2 wasn't meant to be explained, the point of the story was to show that what matters are the experiences, not the payoff.
you're going all out, aren't you
>there weren't any memes in mgs2
go read the selfish gene and tell me what the definition of a meme is, then tell me how that definition doesn't apply the the patriots
kino is a Sup Forums meme
don't fall for it
sage and report
>the point of the story was to show that what matters are the experiences
and it was a horrible experience that I touched once and never looked back
I know the context of Meme. Armstrong explained it.
>there weren't any memes in MGS2 and I don't mean the retarded internet macros.
>To begin with -- we're not what you'd call -- human. Over the
>past two hundred years -- A kind of consciousness formed layer by
>layer in the crucible of the White House. It's not unlike the way
>life started in the oceans four billion years ago. The White House
>was our primordial soup, a base of evolution --
>We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality
>Americans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us?
>As long as this nation exists, so will we.
user the patriots literally state that they are the memes of the US government.
>this bullshit?
Care to explain rather than write it off outright?
It it didn't need any explanation you fuck.
Besides MGS 4 plot is literally
Get this Sup Forums meme shit outta here.
Forced Sup Forums shit.
>the gameplay of MGS2 was not good
best in the series senpai
>I know the context of meme
I don't think you belong on Sup Forums after stringing those words together
>listening to the AI after youtube.com
no wonder the MGS2 fanboys are crazy.
>best in the series senpai
marred by horrible level design and that I played Twin Snakes before MGS2 didn't cause me to be blown away because of it.
context of the word meme in regards to the MGS universe
What is this horrible "Sup Forums" language you speak of?
>Sup Forums invented kino
the pleb is strong
MGS4 may be garbage but it's literally the deepest game in the series.
I am NOT defending it, I am not saying it's a good game, it fucked the lore up I know and everything.
But it's still a deep fucking game, like holy shit. So many layers that are hidden under a bed of shit.
> but it's literally the deepest game in the series.
How so?
Oh you're the kid who skipped the most important cutscenes. I remember you. How's it going?
>Sup Forums memes merging with Sup Forums memes
It's like syphilis merging with gonorrhea
Do we even know what the gameplay in Death Stranding will be like?
>the AI who went full retard
>important to listen to
no thanks. If they removed the whole "I need scissors 61" bullshit or had the AI be represented by a different avatar, then they would be worth listening to
>needing gameplay
this is why you will never understand
Nope, but Kojima said he wanted to make an action\adventure game of some sort.
we need to bring in other boards to fight them. I'm thinking /s4s/
>the Old Snake/Kojima allegory
>the war economy metaphor with video games
>themes of the accumulation of scene, meme and gene into SCENE. (example of this: the nanomachines change the soldiers scenes, memes and genes in order to become effective soldiers, but Snake has something they dont have that makes him the better solid, and it's the unique SENSE)
There are many essays and articles that go on about this, but I recommend reading this one. It's the first one that really turned my head on MGS4.
Every time someone links that video I watch the entirety of it. Man MGS2 was awesome.
Neat, thanks. I enjoy reading intepretations of the MGS games.
If you're into this shit, try reading "The Boldface Lie" in regards to MGSV. Put a new light on that game, and makes me want to revisit it from a different perspective.
Looks like pure wank if you ask me
>Looks like pure wank if you ask me
like that critical closeup video of MGS2
alright instead of saying "Sup Forumsshit pls go" how about we actually answer the question.
What the fuck is a Kino?
>Looks like pure wank if you ask me
It started with the cinema, flick, movie and film memes.
but cinema with a fancy e wasnt enough, so they used kinography.
but now kinography was shortened to kino.
it wasnt until earlier this year that kino was truly popularized through "capekino"
a Sup Forums meme
Basically means high-quality art in this context.
Wow, that's really pretentious.
>The contents of her songs increase in the complexity of their sequences. Taking the visuals and songs of Sunny's cooking sequences alongside Big Boss's and Ocelot's speeches, we find that sets create a motif within MGS4: pi (a foundational set of one dwindling digit), the Fibonacci numbers, periodic elements, a train line, her songs in order, the creation of the Saga's Snakes in order of the games' releases, and Big Boss's set [0, 1, 2, 10, 100]. Through these sets, MGS4 creates an image of inorganic, digital, forward-moving processes undertaken to no end other than to move their sets forward another slot – perhaps as a commercial videogame series might progress to no meaningful end except continuing its existence.
Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums. I know it's hard to believe but it's true.
then why does Sup Forums create no original memes and just copy Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes?
I don't have trouble believing that at all.
>he doesn't experience all media with a full understanding of kino
Rising is arcade
MGS 3 is Game
MGS 2 is Video Game
Kino is correct
What would a Kino no Tabi video game be like?
Did some Slavs start some stupid meme on Sup Forums or something?
thats pretty far out but is still worth noticing
some parts are really good though, like one of the last tidbits pertaining to ocelot's boss fight and how it connects to sense
It would be the kino of video games
I suppose a minimalist, nonlinear-story, calm adventure/exploration game might fit it best
Kino's Journey by Telltale
>he thinks Slavic languages are the only ones who use the word "kino"
> The scene in which this plays out shows Venom smirking to himself when Big Boss explains the situation. In a bizarre way, the player feels the same emotions. “Alright. I’m Big Boss. Sounds good!” but once the realization dawns on Venom and the player as he sees his reflection, his emotions change. He no longer sees himself. He sees a bloodied, demonic Big Boss glaring right back at him. The man that stole his face in a constant reminder on what happened to him. In response, he smashes the mirror. The realization of this makes him angry. This is outright betrayal in the worse way.
>tfw metal gear rising 2 NEVER
maybe its for the best guys...
If you're expecting an explanation of what merit Andy Warhol's body of work and pop art in general has, there's tons of pieces on the matter else where. Needless to say, it deserves more thought than "you were the bad guy all along DX!!!: the video game" does.
Please no; what I could see being best would be something with the same creative direction as the old Game Maker exploration games (e.g. Seiklus, An Untitled Story, Knytt), but not the collectathon elements.
I know, right? Venom Snake is a far more interesting character with this in mind.
Back to Sup Forums faggot.
>The patriots were never supposed to be explained, they were a symbolic idea of information control
I hope you know that the " symbolic " term has no bearing on the real world if they are not reserved to the world of ideas or language that idea falls through the floor, the metal gear 2 is not concise as history has a lot of cliches and momentum that claim to be allegorical in the original frame when everything is happening actual level and finally tries to make a call to the metaphysical of the narrative with that explanation campbell by codec " you are a player and defended the status quo has no real ideas blah blah dialectical materialism, alienated, marxist language etc etc etc "
without going any further the metal gear 3 it is much more introspective when trying to put the player in a situation
even the metal gear 4 does not need to recycle a story to end writers have to take a break and explain what was the idea of his narrative
>Leave game kino to me
>I will save the industry myself whether it wants to be saved or not
Has there ever been a more alpha game developer?
The extent of his character is that he has a messiah complex.