>There was more Star Wars content in the Sony conference than EA
>It's just more generic OT/ST Imps vs Rebs shit
I just want to kill clones for the glory of the Confederacy. Why can't I do this Sup Forums?
>There was more Star Wars content in the Sony conference than EA
>It's just more generic OT/ST Imps vs Rebs shit
I just want to kill clones for the glory of the Confederacy. Why can't I do this Sup Forums?
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Shameless self bump.
Fuck off, Clanker.
I want to fuck that battledroid.
I'm right though. Clone wars is getting cucked put of games every time because of community wide nostalgia goggles.
At least we're not little girl scouts like you faggots.
>One of the main characters for that new Lego SW show is a roger roger
>no space vietnam level
It's only a matter of time until Clone Wars content shows up in EA's games. I would be shocked if it wasn't in Battlefront 2 as DLC at least. They already included some things from the prequels stylistically with the bubble shield.
Also, as shit as Attack of the Clones was we got some fantastic Clone Wars content but that's all we've had for years. It's nice to have a focus on the Galaxtic Civil War again.
>all sorts of different eras of star wars!
>tie fighters
>empire 2.0
I'm fucking pissed, look, I like the original trilogy, but spice it up a little EA, please.
fucking clankers think they can post anywhere they want.
i agree with you though. frankly, the Clone Wars just make for a better war setting.
and after finishing the CW show im dying to make some scrap metal with my DC-15A
Normies are just too simple minded to grasp anything outside of the GCW/Sequel shit as Star Wars. It's sad when people call clones stormtroopers and don't know what a battle droid is.
there seems to be a blanket ban on prequel imagery on most new Star Wars products, aside from the occasional cartoon episode or joke cameo character.
While I haven't watched the show yet, I know there's a ton of CW stuff in Rebels.
There's also CW characters in that awful mobile game.
The best LEGO Star Wars sets are prequel stuff as well, they just put out an awesome Juggernaut.
>the prequels did their best to retcon or ignore the original trilogy
>the new movies are doing their best to ignore the prequels and all EU media
>people still care about Star Wars lore and the series as a whole
Say the rusty tin cans literally sharing a name with a girl scout buzzword.
Spoken like a true soldier of the Republic.
When the FUCK are they going to balance imp/reb fighters in Battlefront?
75% of wins are ALWAYS rebels.
A Wing range WAY powerful.
Tie Fighters/Interceptors A SHIT.
Disney entirely wiped all EU lore. None of it is canon anymore.
>Maybe I can be your girlfriend tonight~
>-Initiating pleasure sequences-
>"Gimme a piece of that meatbag ass."
They tried to half-ass it. Saying everything in the EU does exist, but that Disney and Abrams 'don't acknowledge it'. But yes, for all purposes, its been thrown out. Through the act of Disney and Abrams ignoring it on purpose.
And that's when I no longer cared for Star Wars, because the books and video games were better than the movies. Well that's not true. I stopped caring about Star Wars with the prequels.
Honestly I agree, the games are the best, followed by the books, and it really says something when the best video media from star wars is a fucking cartoon network animated show.
It's just being handled worse than ever now.
i mean, that's how it is in the universe. the X-wing was pound for pound better than the tie-fighter with shielding, hyperspace engines, more armor, missiles, etc etc. it wasn't until they put interceptors on the field with good pilots that they could stand against them
keep talking about Star Wars videya but also POST CLONES
In the movies themselves, the point was that the Empire had way more ships (and troops and everything else). So the rebel ships had to be strong enough to take out 10 enemies. This is actually based on America vs Japan, where the Zero was the super cheap and fast plane vs the Corsair which was huge and bulky, but could survive a fight better. Which is the model the X-Wing/Tie Fighter games actually went by.
In the end however, Star Wars canon has been fucked over so many times, now a Tie Fighter is suppose to be just as powerful or even more powerful than an X-Wing. Depending on plot convenience. Its also stupid that 'rebels' would have access to better equipped and stronger ships. Though that is explained in the EU. Which I won't go into here.
Defective clone identified
>all this CIS propaganda
>Call of Duty has full-on space battles before DICE's Battlefront did
Might as well kill yourselves, EA.
Never ever
Clone meatbag scum need to die.
>Because the Republic Commando game isn't canon, but Delta is because of their appearance in the show, Sev never died in the canon.
Holy shit thanks Disney
CIS did nothing wrong, and would be the good guys if it wasn't for Sheev's existence.
>You will never mow down trandos with a heavy ACP repeater to save Sev
>all the best books and games aren't canon
>but the prequels still are
Time to jump off this wild ride.
>Upper government is a bunch of selfish and greedy corps who just want power.
>Good guys.
Nah, son.
You had 10+ years of prequel shit games
It may be hard for you to remember that since it's practically all your childhood, but it's there.
Now fuck off.
>Saying everything in the EU does exist, but that Disney and Abrams 'don't acknowledge it'.
Christ, how fucking wrong you plebs are.
It ain't canon, period. Anyone can still cherrypick shit from it to make it canon, but don't expect entire characters and their EU storylines to appear intact.
Geez, how autistic and angry you are.