Who wore it better?
Who wore it better?
>who memed it better for the casual masses
I hate these band wagon jumping fuckers.
You know damn well they don't give a single shit.
at least sony didnt have fag ribbons
thank god
Why hasn't Nintendo of America changed their profile?
Nintendo hates fags
Based Nintendo.
Fag industry for fag countries.
I hate fags but I hate Muslims more so I'm not complaining.
Yes the faggotry at E3 was quite annoying this year.
Nintendo is admittedly acting out of character and deciding not to pander to idiots
The Muslim shooter. He wore their aids infested blood.
the internet was a mistake
liberalism in a nut shell
what is this gay shit?
Also, do we have some sort of antifaggot flag i could wear on my profile?
This, the ribbons they wore at Bethesda and Microsoft conferences seemed like an afterthought. Even though sony guy's speech wasn't eloquent, it seemed heart felt and didn't seem like they were purely pandering.
Right looks better. Left tries to keep the xbox brand colour but looks like shit as a result
Weird, since that's their core fanbase
Social media was a mistake.
E3 2016 was the year of faggotry and VR gimmick shit.
Yes, it's called the American flag.
omar did
Because Nintendo has zero reason to give a shit? They don't need to put on some facade, plus they know it won't get them any new fans.
since when has nintendo gotten into politics
yes, change your profile to furfaggot guro to show “““““protest””””” as to how little you matter as a petty fucking underage individual
not even mad, just the truth
Just put grayscale stripes over your profile pic and tag it with #straitpride That should weed out any whiners on your feed/list.
>Even though sony guy's speech wasn't eloquent, it seemed heart felt and didn't seem like they were purely pandering
$0.10 has been deposited in your PSN account.
-Neogaf admin
I'd say Sony took it saw and MS lubed/rubbered it up.
Ever since Wigger Wednesday
Why are gays so defensive?
They don't care like most people however most would pretend they do care
Its called social obligation
>Nintendo unironically doesn't give a shit about faggots
>nintendo's fanbase screams faggotry
>celebrating mental illness
>tfw Bethesda's conference was the most disappointing.
So edgy
This, all Nintendo fans are already dedicated gays and headcases. No need to pander to them even more.
Being gay is a mental illness?
Honest question
Why did gays take one of the spectacles everyone can experience and ruin it by fagging it up?
This is news to you?
no it's completely normal to be attracted to the same sex/gender lmao
Americans are the fucking SJW faggots. Seriously their propaganda is making it's way here and it's fucking obnoxious.
Its weird. I remember when the Paris shit happened, everyone here was outraged about a few dead frogs and felt we should all be outraged.
But aparrently when its gays and not frenchies, its our obligation to be against anyone showing support to the community?
why do you think /lgbt/ was made
It's a legit question, why is everyone dickriding the faggot flag? We already show SJWs we don't care about their shitty agenda on vidya.
Because that is what they do, attention deprived faggots ruining shit for everyone else.
This, rainbows are fucking cool and they had to ruin it. Now I can't like rainbows because everyone will think I like men.
Fucking faggots.
Am I an SJW now for not being a homophone
It's called pandering to an irrelevant demographic for more: power, fame, money etc.
Because they dont get into politics/current news and simply focus on games?
Thats what I like about them.
They also ruined the word Gay, which was supposed to mean very happy.
Ah, when they aren't pandering to you, its an issue.
Kill yourself
Couldn't the gays have made some logotype of some kind instead of stealing the rainbow of all things?
The rainbow used to be for everyone. But now the rainbow is for the gays.
I'm neutral master race, videogames shouldn't be pushing shitty agendas, no matter what side they on. Why they wearing the faggot flag all of sudden? Is this the anniversary of dicksucking or what?
Is that true gai in french means happy too
"The internet was a mistake" --Vint Cerf
Well if they want me to buy their games and or hardware/software yes. Pandering to blatant faggots has no place in vidya.
That's Europe's fault for that. It started in Sweden and now it all went downhill from there.
yeah, isis flag
they are not american
Feeling sad for 50 gays who were victims of islamic homophobia is agenda ? Wtf
A day of rememberance for the largest mass shooting in the countries history is not an agenda you alt right fuckhead
Why are you so offensive?
the shooting happened 2 days ago
let it go already
>this webm every single fucking time
>he build his character on one stat
fucking plebs
NoA localized it.
>people would literally rather side with ISIS than gays
Gay here, if you believe changing your shitty avatar accomplishes anything other than giving you false sense of superiority and righteousness, you should kill yourself
No, being sexually attracted to the same gender as you is completely natural.
They'll gladly lose you as you are an irrational minority that has been ignored for over 20 years
No one is being offensive. though. Maybe you gays should get thicker skin. And no I don't mean cocks.
So what if these companies are genuinely sad about the event and want to show their support?
No it's actually called advertising.
No it fucking didnt yes liberal enlightened values started in europe and made it the best continent again but you americans created this cancerous regressive liberalism that is even worse than communism
>siding with either
Kill yourself, retarded fear mongering polititard.
What the fuck?