Did anyone else notice the fucking C-section scar on Reedus' chest?
Did Kojima really make some kind of fucked up male pregnancy game?
Death Stranded
he's obsessed with naked men
Its actually Chico who cut himself open to feel like his waifu who got vagbombed
This is chapter 3
>Sup Forums stills gets excited for kojima games
>after mgs4
>after mgspw
>after mgsv
o i am laffin
Aww yeah, we getting all mpreg in here. It's everything I ever wanted
Pic related
Cross shaped scar
What the fuck is this game even about? What genre is it?
>C-section scar
Consider suicide.
>Stranded Snake
I'm ready lads
>small waves
>on a small island
I assumed everyone noticed it. Not sure how you miss it since it took up the entire screen
What a lot of people seem to have missed though is the umbilical cords coming out of the dead whales on the shore at the zoom out.
>did anyone notice this huge noticable thing that was focused on multiple times?
I still don't believe that this is literal. The trailer is not what the game is like. There won't be any ghost oil hands, or sky corpses in the actual game. Kojima's a weird enough dude to release a trailer that's just symbolism for the themes of the game.
Just like how this is an MGS4 trailer that has nothing to do with MGS4:
we don't know :^)
MGSV was literally the best gameplay of any MGS game
You're a shitposter if you say otherwise
nigga had apendecideus
Hideo Kojima.
Either way I'm buying it regardless.
Fuck, we need an eugenics program ASAP.
reedus and the baby were attached by umbilical too
You could smuggle anything inside the guts of someone. Drugs, Bombs, Hentai, you name it.
He said its like Uncharted meets the Division
So its a action shooter at the very least, with a lot of story and maybe a semi open world.
Kojima might be good but he's also childish and somewhat narcissistic.
it's probably an horror game just to spite Konami. it's what fans have been asking since PT, too.
dont whales have genes similar to humans? also their blubber turns to oil or something, the black liquids
It's Reedus's moron
He's already said that it starts as an action game and "things are not as they seem"
Reedus is probably stuck in a state of limbo being tortured emotionally for killing his pregnant wife. This is Quiet Mountains.
I didn't expect Kojima to be into mpreg, but I'm not surprised.
Weakest of bait
something mysterious and cool that will turn out to be shit
Reedus = Adam
Strand = Eden
Floating men = Archangels
Dead sea animals = Great Flood
C-scar = Adam's rib
Empty Handcuff = Eve
Eventual skull spacesuit = Ark
Both are acceptable
Even babies
usb stick necklace
learn to english
Look at the post 2 posts up from yours, then kill yourself for being retarded.
considering that men don't have wombs, only dead babies.
>somewhat narcissistic
Bit of an understatement
The fucker has his name appear 10 times in the intro to MGSV
Or invisible super babies
Those were crosses in the sky?
Quiet is uglier than Joost, how is that possible Kojicucks
We've already seen space suit skeletons and saw floating humanoids in the sky, probably those skeleton aliens. The baby had a weird black umbilical cord. I think he was their test subject.
It's a tranny so technically a man.
Are you trying to prove him right by posting Chico
>A Hideo Kojima Game
So progressive
The baby is a sign of femininity. The fact it disappears from his hands while he holds a scar on his naked manly body is a metaphor for transexuality. He starts with handcuffs that are no longer tying him just before he embraces his femininity because he's taken the decision to overstep society's boundaries. The dead bay signifies anguish, lack of hope. The men towering over him and flying high above in a still position signify the harsh and bold oppression that he, a transexual individual, suffers from a society ruled by ironclad patriarchy. The death strands that connect to his body are the signs of the kind of control society has over an individual, left unable to pursue his true path to happines and thus he's fated to dwell in a place of sorrow and dread, like the beach he's at with the dead animals for this oppression is anathema to life.
Doesn't sound that bad, I'd give it a shot.
It's weird how the girl she was modeled after is cute but quiet is so... not
>game takes place in purgatory
>the guy committed suicide by disemboweling himself
>dead whales because he forced social commentary about the Japanese whaling thing
>also protagonist was a whale fisherman before he killed himself
>the baby represents his wife's son that got aborted/miscarriaged for more forced social commentary
>now he's in purgatory surrounded by all the death he caused in his life
>also Kojima is totally not a hack
>>Sup Forums stills gets excited for kojima games
>>after mgs4
>>after mgspw
>>after mgsv
>o i am laffin
You're the one who played his entire catalog.
Is there anything worse than the scorned fanboy? idol worship turned into hate obsession.
He's actually Chico, who is Quiet, who is now turning back into Chico, who is now older.
Chapter 3 confirmed
>Shows trailer
>Says "this is real time"
>Post-show interview
>"Well, we have some contenders for the engine we're going to use, but we haven't made a decision yet"
I don't get it Kojomo. Are you still pretending like the game is still in the planning stages? What engine was the trailer in, if it was captured in real time? Isn't that your engine? What is your deal?
>that face
The Son I'll keep coming sounds to me like the story of a father speaking of death, which by some reason is the image Kojima show us.
I will guess this could be themes of the game but it is too soon to tell. Still trailer was hype as fuck.
I love this evangelion theme shit.
>Female to Male Trans gets Pregnant
>Lol It's a real Pregnant man, fellas
it's something alright.
>you gots a probrem wis zat you mothafucka?
>Death Stranded is Hideo Kojima Presents THE BIBLE
>only dead babies
If you try hard enough, you could smuggle a live baby inside of someone, regardless of their uterine status
>"It's an amazing game," Kojima says. "We're thinking about everything all at once, including the plot, characters and game systems. Since certain parts are fairly new, we cannot help but experiment.
>"While not to say that it's open-world, users who enjoy today's AAA games (The Division and Uncharted, etc.) will be able to easily enjoy it. When it is announced, you might think ‘that's not that outstanding,' but you'll understand when you see it and play it. The genre is action."
>still have to decide the engine
so the release date is set for late 2018 I guess
he doesn't want to reveal the engine yet, and that interview was terrible Dorito Pope is trash and that translator was an imbecile
>people think this meme is actually what was written
This whole trailer really seems symbolic as fuck
The handcuffs feel like how Kojima felt working for Konami. His baby (Metal Gear) was taken away from him but the umbilical cord also seems like hes saying that he was pretty attached to the series as well. Or it could represent PT/Silent Hills as he created something new and it was taken away from him. I dunno, maybe the five dudes floating in the air are supposed to be Metal Gear 1-5 and how he is walking away from it.
Or, and this is probably the reasonable explanation, its just typical batshit Kojima crazy.
Either way, Im pretty hyped about this
Its pretty annoying, just from a gameplay perspective
We fucking know who you are, we dont need to see your name mentioned 10 times for 10 different but not actually different things you narcissistic twat
>evangelion theme shit.
it's called christianity
Fuck you Peace Walker is awesome.
This is the closest we got to an accurate theory
Bless you user
Why dided hes have handprints all over him did he was got raped?
>Kojima crazy shit finally isn't restrained by MGS
I thought the trailer was well done despite being literally nothing.
Also why is it that Kojima seems to have a talent for finding great fucking Trailer music.
>MGS VI - Norman Reedus' Butt
Can't wait.
That's still wrong
yeah but honestly, that's human centipede levels of disturbing. May make a good plot to a Psycho-horror.
Judeo Christian, Abhramic, whatever. Point is Eva cranks it up to 11.
Reedus = Gamers
The Baby = The Gaming Industry
Floating Men = Gaming Journalism
Dead Sea Animals = Video Games
Tar = DLC
C-Scar = Nostalgia
Empty Handcuff = Always-on DRM
Crabs = Crabs
So is this PT?
This is the most logical theory I've seen so far,here have a webm and a (you)
what is it wit Kojima and profile shots
would have been a 10/10 interpretation if you had used pronouns like xir instead
Because the man has literally done no wrong when it comes to trailers. He should just start making movies outright.
But here's the question.
How does the cyber skeleton suit play into this whole mpreg whale genocide ghost molestation?
Could be a autopsy scar. I think he's dead and in the afterlife., hence the oil, dead fish and whales.
It was his belly button He had a tube running from his belly button to the baby's so i'm guessing he's some form of machine/man who doesn't know it. possibly even a clone. He is the baby.
No need to mansplain me.
In-engine just means it isn't pre-rendered. They rendered it in real time on a $3000+ PC and recorded it. It doesn't mean it uses the same engine as the game or that it is running on the target hardware.
What does Reedus' ass represent
>So is this PT?
Closest we're ever going to get
Except for maybe Resident Evil 7, I mean who the fuck saw that coming.
An empty open world game with a shitty metaconcious prentious plot. A slight upgrade from Suda51
>Crabs = Crabs
What happens in Konami, stays in Konami
Except crabs, that shit will follow you home, fug you Joost
someone post this on tumblr,we need to increase the sales
>Sup Forums too stupid to understand metaphor.
I shouldn't be surprised. He's obsessed with cloning and body doubles, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that.
>He said its like Uncharted meets the Division
no, he said players that liked them will enjoy his game because his game is a 3rd person action shooter too
Nothing at all
Here's my take on it:
kojima has confirmed that the mascot is called ludens. ludens is first referred to in a russian 1987 novel (source: en.wikipedia.org
the opening lines of the trailer are from william blake's auguries of innocence (poetryfoundation.org
finally going into the trailer, immediately the beached whales and dead wildlife directly links to the poem, showing the destruction of nature through humanity. the disappearance of the baby can also show the divine retribution of mankind by not being able to continue living on earth as mortals in order to allow nature to be reborn, as nature is all interconnected (see; the umbilical cords on mammals)
going into norman reedus' character and the 5 beings, there is a definite religious allegory as well. not only from the cross on his stomach but also to the positions the figures are taking, creating an homage to crucifixion. this can take on two tones. either that norman is humanities only salvation; as a jesus figure or; that he is a christlike figure fallen from grace and must save humanity through the destruction of gods
It's simple, really.
The future is fucked and pollution destroyed the world, but to save humans and other animals from extinction they developed a cloning method that works like asexual reproduction, their own bodies clone and gestate the offspring without needing partners, but they need to be linked to a central station deep in the sea with the umbilical cords.
The five floating guys and invisibility are trailer-only symbolism.
Reedus = Kojima
Handcuff = Obligations to his fans
C-Scar/Baby = MGS, his baby, being taken away from him by
Floating Men = Konami
Tar = His rage at what it all has become
This is going to be Kojima's evangelion
>forgetting the baby which is half the fucking trailer
It isn't an MGS game and his record outside of MGS is great.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that Reedus has no bellybutton.