So we're all in agreement?
They Saved E3
So we're all in agreement?
They Saved E3
They usually do.
>interactive cartoon is an exciting videogame
There weren't any funny jokes in the "gameplay" sections but ripping on MCU was okay.
They were definitely the only good thing about the ubisoft show but it wasn't enough to save anything.
At least the gay fish and Jesus jokes got fags on twitter mad.
DC >>> Marvel
Is Douchebag the player character again, or are we another new kid?
I hope my OTP is in it.
Watching Giant Bomb crew look so unpleasant during the showing of this game made me really think I don't like GB anymore
Same kid
Same kid, you start as the King but since it's a new game the kids are playing, all your gear and stats are shit despite being the best ones from the old game.
Is it funny or sad that television cartoon makers had to save a video game convention.
Klepek's going to guest at one of their night shows. Can't wait to hear them talk about South Park.
Fucking awful
How did they punch-down at E3?
They only made fun of Star Wars and Marvel.
PC Principal was there I guess but he exists to poke fun at both sides of that conflict.
Don't worry, it is.
Just kidding, they're on opposite sides.
>fucking South Park ripping off Civil War
>Spider-Man game
>Dishonored 2
Only things I'm looking forward too fml
>show no gameplay
>game of the year 10/10
It was the only good thing there aside from Kojima
female player character confirmed?
This. SoT wasn't very good and the show has been trash for years now so it's pretty sad that this is what people are hyping themselves up over.
there was gameplay
>CDN$ 79.99
They showed three gameplay videos m8, are you blind?
They showed off how the combat works, is that not gameplay?
It's the same kid as last time, so there can't be, unless they make some kind of sex change joke
>show no gameplay
Did you happen to skip over the section where they talked about nothing but combat?
They showed gameplay.
Kyle is Kiteman, one of the worst super villians made up.
can't wait to see this game.
>Not made by Obsidian
>How dare they punch down on black people by making a raccoon joke.
>Those poor little niggers how can they bear being punched down on like this.
>As a 30+ white man in a 12 year old's body and with a horse for a wife I need to let people know I do not stand for this and I feel it's my duty to make people know that it's only ok to make fun of things as long as I don't feel hit by it.
that was wendy but it means girls are playing
i don't think that would stop them as much as having to rewrite dialogue with cartman and come up with an explanation as to why he's letting a girl play with them
Just the fact that they made the tumblr fags shit themselves in rage and shat on Marvel made them win E3.
I don't know about saving E3, but they definitely triggered some people.
>obsidian bailed
>developed by ubisoft
going to be shit
>missed the part where they actively improve paper mario's gameplay
>Being this triggered over something that's been around since fucking 2009
What word?
What were they triggered by?
>implying they won't fight or not fight each other and then rekindle there love
Tweek x Craig is the OTP. Boyzu Ravu cannot be destroyed so easily.
>he doesn't call raccoons coons
Sometimes I just call them little niggers
The Coon
Wait a fucking minute, does this person not realize that Giant Cop is a satire that's ultimately on his side? Or is he aware and looking for something to throw a fit over, anyway?
This is the game I'm most hyped for from this E3. The gameplay looks fun & I'm a fan of the humor that South Park offers. Why the fuck is this E3 shittier than usual?
"Punishing Up/Down" is such a fucking bullshit concept.
The fags who believe in it will be the first to say Trump supporters are poor, low class and low educated. A perfect example of 'punching down'.
But they do it because they don't give a shit when it's people they don't like.
>the video ended with PC principal
glad they know
>aim their fire at the wrong thing
So is he pissed they're mocking Capeshit or angry at the black joke?
>The fags who believe in it will be the first to say Trump supporters are poor, low class and low educated. A perfect example of 'punching down'.
Yes, this is how the concept of "punching up" actually gets applied.
Saving this for GB threads, thanks.
not when it comes to movies they aren't.
live action shows:
animated movies:
>Live action shows
Arrow, Flash, and Super Girl are fucking low budget corny trash. Have you seen Daredevil and Jessica Jones?
I put daredevil and jessica jones under the movie umbrella
and jessica jones was trash that should have been half as long as it was.
flash, meanwhile, is amazing. constantine was good, supergirl is, afaik, pretty good, and arrow was good.
she is going to flip out when she learns about coon skin caps
how fucking sad is it that this is what the medium has become
>caring about capeshit
Also you're implying "it" is even going to play the game or give a shit about it once "it" forgets about it in a day.
>he likes a different autistic thing than I do!
oh youre PC too bruh?
Exactly, if you're at all in the position to attack and bully someone that person obviously can't be in a position of power above you. If they really were you'd be silenced or dead because they'd have special priveledges/protections that you don't have.
>putting something that isn't a movie under the movie category
>directly ties in to their movies, compared to the arrowverse which is a separate canon from the movies
>not aired on TV
>When a TV show ties into a movie that means it isn't a TV show
He wants them to use their influence in pop culture to champion gay and womyns rights or something equally retarded
Did this person delete the tweets?
what did xhe mean by this?
Huh? Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh?
sarcasm probably
lmao they deleted all the tweets you capped. be sure to tweet this pic to them
yup. coward lol
Haven't seen the gameplay yet, which video game are these hacks ripping off this time?
Did they rip-off something in the last game?
It's called Paper Mario. Sadly it was the best paper mario we got in years.
I will only give you Animated movies to DC
By that logic agents of shield is a movie and therefore better than DC.
How did they rip-off Paper Mario?
lmao I bet they shit their pants when PC principle came out talking about microaggressions
Still RPG but it's on a grid now
It looked fun, and made me want to try out the first one
I seriously hope this isnt your honest opinion and your just trying to meme or some shit you kids get off on
As if Aisha gives a shit. The last new Whose Line episode had everyone calling her a tranny and she was laughing her ass off.
DC as a company is fucking awful.
>How did they rip-off Paper Mario?
For instance, the everything. Oh except those ten year old shit and cum jokes.
I seriously hope you're just pretending to be a braindead faggot
Pulling and pushing enemies and changing turn order was a big selling point of Evolution 1 and 2. I think they're dreamcast games but got mashed together into one game for the gamecube.
>Mario invented turn based combat
So is the Stick of Truth pre order thing only instant if you do a digital pre order?
ok so they use the art style is that your point? The art style they have used in their animation since 1997?
fuck off kid. Youre not even worth the time with your shitty bait.
git gud
>"Go ahead I bet you don't even get halfway through phase one on your franchise DC Comics!"
That hurt. That really hurt. being an RPG means its ripping off Paper Mario? I never played Paper Mario or The Stick of Truth but that picture just makes it look like they're both RPGs. And by saying "the everything" isn't really helping your case.
that type of battle system is not the exclusive domain of the mario franchise.