Ok, we need to have a serious discussion about this shit. Every other game coming out has some VR gimmick. Its waggling 2.0.
t. Never tried VR
Except waggling was actually popular
It's not $400.
It's $450 because you must have the camera.
It's $500 if you have to get the move controllers.
I think sony is handling vr the best game-wise while the vive has the upper-hand control-wise. Most of the games that use it from what they showed were just optional.
>not learning how to program and model and making your own waifu
vr could be cool you fucking cynic
fo4 is a step in the right direction
rpg's in vr sounds incredible fuck you user
Found the redditor. It's a shit gimmick for absolute mongs
Thats what they said in the 80s.
Found the average Sup Forums poster. Talking out the ass about something he never tried.
I'm pretty sure fo4 didn't exist in the 80's.
>vr could be cool you fucking cynic
>rpg's in vr sounds incredible fuck you user
Yes they did say this in the 80's. Still applies now. Even more so considering we have the tech.
we didnt have 6 teraflops in the 80s
When we didn't have the fucking technology. We didn't stop pursuing 3d graphics because it looked like fucking garbage at first.
honestly, my serious concern was that, watching (maybe it'll be different if I actually try it) a clip of a VR run, the camera is so jittery from the subtle movements a head makes, I actually experienced motion sickness.
I have never felt motion sickness from playing a game before, but watching it was like 'holy crap, I feel queasy!'
I love VR and hope every first person game incorporates it.
This is coming from a person that hated wagglin and thought 3D was a neat feature, but not a revolutionary one.
carmack said anything over or under 110 fps causes nausea in vr
>When we didn't have the fucking technology
You can't save a bad concept with better technology. Early arcade games were a hit despite being only a few KBs on 480i screens, less if we're talking about the Gameboy.
How is it a bad concept
its 1000+$ since you got to buy the PS4 Neo and don't say you don't because you want those high resolution graphics or else its uncanny valley for you.
It can. Personally I've never experience VR sickness. I played Quake on my phone using GEARVR and it was pretty good time. Even when the game is between 40-50 FPS. I have a friend though who got rid of his rift because he threw up.
That's because it's not your own head movement you silly dum-dum. When it's yourself moving it feels perfectly natural.
VR has some of the most vehement apologists I've ever seen post.
does this technology have mods for obese neckbeards?
VR has some of the most vehement detractors I've ever seen post.
I remember about 5 years ago NIVIDIA put out all this 3D software able crap, a bunch of games came out where you could wear your 3D glasses and so on. Never caught on, VR will be interesting. I personally think the products are to expensive, bulky and in their infancy to become a gaming staple right now.
>I personally think the products are to expensive, bulky and in their infancy to become a gaming staple right now.
Absolutely. In a few years though....
pricing aside, shutter glasses were awful to watch content with. VR is the first time it's actually comfy to see in 3d, and with a lot more immersion for games
ehhhh, so many attempts at introducing more peripherals into gaming have failed. I'm gonna stay keenly pessimistic, it's just another thing to pay for in my mind. It detracts from the substance of games, the day VR becomes a selling point is going to be a sad day
good thing I'm perfectly fine with 40fps
I figure it might be that. something I do wonder is if my much more motion sickness prone friend (they can't even play any FPSes because of this) might actually be able to enjoy VR since, as you pointed out, it's their head moving.
Would be cool to play TF2 with them. Or Guns of Icarus, though I don't think the latter will have VR support.
I'm glad to see most of it is totally optional.
Forcing it onto people will make people despise it in a real fucking hurry.
might be less optional at first since they want to push headsets
I played a VR demo at a Microsoft Booth some shitty graphics Golf Thing but i understood how it works. A few days ago
Its supposed to put you in that world and give you visual depth that resembles the real world. I guess the best way to desrcibe it is that your are that first person player character in that world.
In my honest opinion VR can only be used for this following types of games.
First Person Shooters.
Car Based Games Racing
Flight Games and Mecha Games.
Ideally a game like DriveClub with a racing seat with a good wheel and shiftters would be the greatest experince one can get gaming wise. Or a battlefield game where the field is destoryed in fron of your real eyes.
But third person action games or any other type of games would be retarded as fuck.
Let me know when i can go in the world SAO style.
>But third person action games or any other type of games would be retarded as fuck.
What about swordplay games? I honestly feel a game like Skyrim would be a blast in VR, the only issue is movement.
Only issue? It's the biggest issue. That's why so many games have that retarded "teleporting" mechanic.
VR RTS has the potential to be amazing
Serious? Ok. No one is going to put real effort into a VR game until: 1. There are enough VR headsets around to make a meaningful profit off a AAA or even AA game and 2. Devs figure out what works and what doesn't work in VR (this is where making a bunch of gimmicky shit is useful.) Until these two things happen, VR will suck.
It's going to be huge. Many of you don't realize how much the technology is going to rapidly get better in the next 5 years. It's the internet all over again.
Regardless all I care about are waifu simulators.
you contradict yourself by mentioning both sides of the same coin
>VR as big as the internet
No. AR will be but VR isn't going to be that significant for a long time, if ever.
You forgot horror games so people can shit their pants, aka the first generation of VR games.
You also forgot the power of the benis, Summer Lessons and DOAX Paradise. huehuehue
It's not mandatory.
My brother, let's not be fooled as well. The fellow degenerates lurking in every board can't wait for the chance to be an annonymous shadow surrounding a cute user trap for bukkake parties.
Might not be Playstation Experience..
Why are the Oculus and Vive even trying?
Playstation VR has the best screen, highest refresh rate and will be PC compatible. There's no contest.
OP, I was exactly where you were and then I finally got to try it. I'm glad I got to try it before E3 because I'm hyped as fuck for more VR stuff.
But don't take my word for it. Really. People can talk about it all they want but you have to experience it to understand it. Several US cities have Vive units on demo, and it is usually worth the drive to try it out unless you live in the middle of nowhere. It's free and definitely worth a shot, even if to say you tried it and it sucks.
Im joking you know it's Sonyfags surrounding a lone nintendo boy in a secret VR room.
technically AR will eventually just merge with VR
Both Sony and Oculus are killing VR right now, which is kind of funny.
I guess Valve is also partly to blame for not developing at least one actual VR game, but at least they aren't actively harming the entire market
Just don't be an early adopter into VR. Wait for bugs to get worked out, good games to come out for it, and the price to drop.
There, solved your problem OP.
>But third person action games or any other type of games would be retarded as fuck.
But you didn't actually try any user?
I thought this way too, then I tried Windwaker on my DK2, and enjoyed it greatly, even if it was buggy and had a bad resolution.
I do believe that 3rd person WILL be a huge thing in VR. It will just depends on the type of game, the level design, etc.
So I do have some VR experience, and I DO believe it's the future. I really don't see how anyone couldn't see that.
Will it remplace a monitor? No, I'll still play many games on it.
Will I use it more than my monitor, when the right games comes on it? Yes.
Dunno why people keep comparing it to 3d and gimmick controllers like kinect.
That's really silly, that's like saying that color TV and flat screens were gimmicks too.
But I'm not buying this gen, don't want to pay this premium price, and the REAL good games won't be out before a few years anyway.
VR will never take off. They've tried so many times now but long enough for people to forget or people too young to know.
It's the 3D glasses of gaming. Novelty all the way.
Was it just me or was the only real seller for the demo the space pirate trainer? the whale demo was cool, but I wasn't that immersed for some reason? I'm not sure why. Tiltbrush was fucking cool, but as a nonartist I can only find limited enjoyment out of it.
>Another "I didn't try it but it won't work"
Seriously it's really really good fun. VR is great
How the fuck do you VR third person games?
that makes no sense much less immersive?
>slow and floaty casual game
The problem with VR is that they should be spending their resources on porting old games to VR systems. Nobody wants to risk money on new experiences that aren't really that great either way.
Porting old games to VR gives the user a point of reference as to what VR can do for video games.
VR's main gimmick is eye cancer.
Yeah, visible light is so harmful.
3D didn't catch on with small unobtrusive eyeglasses.
How the fuck is a brick strapped to your face gonna catch on?!
>How the fuck do you VR third person games?
>that makes no sense much less immersive?
What's wrong with it? It just means you are a ghost/god, controlling the world. It isn't even that unusual a concept. The world is just as real as third person, it is still a virtual world just as with first person.
Kinda hard to explain.
A game isn't 'immersive' because you're in the place of the hero.
It's immersive because you're there, in this world, even if you're controlling a guy 3 meters away from you.
I really dunno how to put it.
Only way is to try it out.
"immersive" is such a buzzword too, kinda hard to describe that. How many times did you ever felt a game was 'immersive'?
I could count them on my right hand. (only one coming to mind would be mirror's edge 1, and that's simply because of the godlike sound design and my fear of falling)
You're pressing a radiation-emitting screen right up against your eyes. Do the math, tard.
Personally I feel like VR is going too far down the rabbit hole. I don't want it to exist
This right here. The tech or visual fidelity or whatever crap you want to point at doesn't mean shit. The big wall that's going to hold back VR is that no one wants to wear a big ass visor on their heads, no matter how "comfortable" it is.
I mean there's still a stigma against wearing glasses and many people actually NEED those.
>I mean there's still a stigma against wearing glasses and many people actually NEED those.
What shithole do you live in, seriously
Immersive to me means like I legit feel like I'm IN the world.
If I go to a disney park and go through a theme'd section, I feel like I'm IN lilo and stitch world, or magic world, or whatever the fuck, because it's all around me and it looks real, I can walk up and touch it. It's immersive and such.
>radiation-emitting screen
>Everything isn't already radioactive
>I'm not using a radiation-emitting screen right now
>do the maths
>Gives no numbers
Good try. Now go back to school.
> radiation-emitting screen
And what part of the electromagnetic spectrum does that radiation belong to?
>many people actually NEED those.
Yeah nerds do
The amount of light hitting your eyes is still the same as a typical monitor in a lit room and far less than sunlight which also includes far more harmful kinds of radiation.
Calling light "radiation" doesn't magically make it more dangerous.
Yeah, but you could be in the world and still not be the guy moving. Doesn't change much really.
>Immersive to me means like I legit feel like I'm IN the world.
You would get that in third person. Because what makes it real is the world being actually immerse, it doesn't matter it isn't first person as a game. You are thinking in 2D, not VR.
>Ok, we need to have a serious discussion about this shit.
Let me tell you something:
We can't.
Since people can't play it, people shit on it.
Literally every thread about VR now is about how "gimmicky" it is, instead about great it is.
This happens with literally every product people can't try before they buy.
Sup Forums shits on most console games because Sup Forums is mostly PC players
Don't expect proper discussion about VR on Sup Forums, reddit is the only place you can talk about it without shitposters.
>reddit is the only place you can talk about it without shitposters.
>Since people can't play it
Okay. Who here lives in some backwater swamp village where a Microshit store or Gamestop isn't at least a 20-30 minute drive away?
EVERYONE here has a vive demo setup nearby to try, no? or are these demo stations that exclusive? I thought they were all over the place by now
>VR can only be used for this following types of games.
You are closed-minded as fuck, senpai
You could play literally any 3D game in VR.
Lucky's Tale does it and I mean hell, there's not much else types of 3d games besides first and third person
You also forgot to mention tabletops.
>reddit is the only place you can talk about it without shitposters.
not everyone is an amerilard m8
"Waggling" was great you retarded Monroe.
Great arguments.
I'm ( )
not this faggot, and I don't give a shit about
Vive is USA only? There are stations all over the world I thought?
That's no excuse, I've met a turk, an italian, and a german in altspace VR.
All who had vives.
So for all 2 of you (or 1 of you) that actually own a fucking vive, what are your favorite games for it? what feels really immersive and fun? I keep hearing good things about hover junkers and elite dangerous, but apparently E:D isn't even a vive game?
I have a Gear VR and it's cool to just look around and see a virtual environment around you. Even in that little shitbox the sensors are pretty good, it picks up all the fine little movements of your head so it feels pretty natural. I imagine the more expensive headsets are at least as good.
I'm interested in getting one of them but I probably won't purchase any of the first generation displays. The PSVR -might- sway me to buy if there's official PC support for it (which normally would be a ridiculous thing to expect, but they did make an official remote play app for Windows so they're not against the idea of their shit being used with a PC)
Otherwise I probably won't dive into expensive VR until eye tracking & foveated rendering is standard on them.
Xortex, Holopoint, Audioshield, and SPT are my favs. I just got Hover Junkers recently and it seems alright but I suck at it.
Haven't tried E:D since I'm not sure if I want to invest in a HOTAS. Apparently it's bugged for the Vive so it's really blurry. Not sure if they fixed it yet.
>The PSVR -might- sway me to buy if there's official PC support for it (which normally would be a ridiculous thing to expect, but they did make an official remote play app for Windows so they're not against the idea of their shit being used with a PC)
They also said this
>In an interview with Nikkei (as translated by Gamesindustry.biz), Sony Computer Entertainment executive vice president Masayasu Ito suggested that PC compatibility could be added at a later date, even if it wasn’t present on launch day. “Since the PS4’s internal parts are similar to those of a PC, this is a possibility,” Ito said. “Right now we’re focused on games, so we’re not at the point of announcing anything, but there’s a possibility to expand into various field.”
I bought a Vive thinking there would be games I would want to play AND afford. Of course I got the package of Tiltbrush, Job Simulator, and Fantastic Contraption.
>Here are the games I bought/received in bundles.
Tiltbrush is cool
Fantastic Contraption is ok
Job Simulator is fun
Audioshield is fun
SPC is boring, not sure if I'm missing something or why people like it
Giant Cop (early build) is like a more objective-based Job Simulator.
Modbox is good, needs better workshop integration and more features though
Nighttime Terror: Dessert Defender is meh
Spells n' stuff has nobody playing it, so I don't know if it's fun
>Cool free mini-games/demos:
Altspace VR has some fun minigames and people are always online, I'm on there frequently to meet other people with VR
Portal Stories: VR is great
Surgeon Simulator is ok
>Best experiences have been for demos for games not out yet:
Budget Cuts is fun and has big potential
Brookhaven experiment is real and has big potential
Vertigo Demo is cool and looks promising
Spell Fighter VR is good, though I spent an hour just trying to enable voice commands to find out they aren't implemented properly yet, so I haven't really spent enough time playing it
There's actually a lot of things I've been meaning to try out, there's quite a few games I want to purchase but I'm making sure I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on early access games that don't get finished and are good enough as-is. also mostly horror games because HOLY FUCK HORROR IN VR IS REAL, I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF TO PLAY BROOKHAVEN. SHIT'S TOO REAL I CLOSE MY EYES WHEN THE SPOOKS GET CLOSE. And I'm one who was fine playing Alien Isolation and other indie jumpscares.
I don't see it replacing traditional gaming any time soon and this is coming from a person with a Vive.
That said, I think it is a cool tech suited for a different purpose.
I really enjoyed simulating an indoor shooting range, or playing billiards on it for instance.
I still play games traditionally on my PC, M+KB is faster and more efficient input method for traditional gaming. I consider VR as a separate medium altogether.
Manipulating objects in 3D space in 6DoF with high dexterity and efficiency is better suited for VR than using a gamepad or M+KB. Having decoupled head and hand movement can be a boon there as well.
The tech has many limitations currently
>Locomotion is a massive problem, moving mapped to buttons feels unnatural and weird.
>The cable is a nuisance, solution must become cordless by either integrating the PC to the HMD or wireless transition of video to display.
>DPI is low but tolerable, display needs more resolution and better optics.
>HMD needs to become lighter and smaller
>Controllers would benefit from a better 3D haptic system for the hands
>The product would benefit from NLOS tracking system that cannot be occluded
>HMD would benefit from eye tracking
It's anyone's guess how long it would take for the technology to mature, right now it is a solid proof of concept and luxury item.
I have no doubt in my mind that someone will mod in OpenVR support for PSVR. People already have PS Move working on PC.
>I don't see it replacing traditional gaming any time soon
Faggot, I'm and I hope it DOESN'T replace traditional gaming.
VR is supposed to be an alternative way to play games, not replace them entirely.
Some game genres should come about that will only be practical in VR though, mainly dexterity-based games like Job Simulator.
Do we have a "VR apologist" bingo?
Here's some ideas for squares
>you just haven't tried it
>you're just mad you can't afford it
>you should support it even if it's shit so that it might be better in the future
>muh immersion
>it's a revolution
Anything else?
SPT, my bad, Space Pirate Trainer
>you just haven't tried it
refute this
>you're just mad you can't afford it
refute this
>you should support it even if it's shit so that it might be better in the future
>even if it's shit
no one has said this
>muh immersion
refute this
>it's a revolution
in terms of experiencing games?
refute this
>who cares about videogames? VR has a lot of other uses so you should support it anyway!!