Do people really give a shit about VR?
Do people really give a shit about VR?
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Did it get any good waifu game? That's all I care about.
Care enough to make Sony and MS release a mid (not even, really) life cycle upgrade to accommodate the damn thing.
Just the latest thing tech companies are trying to push. Will suffer the same fate as 3D.
As a DK2 user, it's pretty great when it's done right and should be something to look forward to as the tech improves.
It's just sad that it's become trendy to be hypercritical of it. Either people say we should stick to 2D monitors forever or they make some cringeworthy rant about how it's not "real VR" until we're in the Matrix.
End of the day, talk is cheap and people like to fling shit. They'll change their tone when they get to try it on a good game.
Summer Lesson got a japanese release date today.
The mass market will never accept VR in this form. I've heard your bullshit when 3D televisions were being pushed - it failed, because people don't want to put on glasses to watch tv. People will be even less receptive of monitors mounted on their head that makes them look dumb.
Path of least resistance might occur, but i doubt this is going to replace general gaming. Though 3d shutter glasses sucked balls in the first place with ghosting, dark viewing, low contrast, flicker... etc...
I'm sure it has better applications in areas other than video games.
I care about the waifu sims and that's pretty much it.
Cm3d2 already has vr support so that's something
I just want VR Harvester to be a thing
some of the games looked pretty fun and I would play them if I had a VR head set
however none of them are appealing enough to make me buy a VR headset, and so the games which I'm sure are fine will go unplayed.
I do.
I'm hoping we get porn.
Or idolm@ster.
Maybe, but I would find it hard to believe that normal fags will spend $400 on a video game accessory.
Once October comes by I think you'll be really surprised by PSVR sales
I can tell you after finally trying it that I definitely don't. The Vive was fun, but in a different context. Like, a gimmicky hanging out "check this out!" kind of context. Games aren't made better by it, it's a complete waste of money.
I'm surprised by how wowed people are. Seriously, it's just like you're wearing goggles, I at least expected my peripheral vision to be covered but it wasn't. It's literally just like using the gyro on the 3DS to look around in Ocarina of Time 3D but strapped to your face with better resolution. It's just not there yet. Not even close IMO.
Also, it's augmented reality technically, not virtual reality. Fuck this generation.
VR has the strongest foothold with Sony, the current PS4 is capable at it's lowest performance from my understanding, becoming a motivator for people to purchase the Neo.
It is more entry level than the current PC crowd as well, it's all a gamble on the companies part, it's their money to lose and gimmicks have lead to critical failures in the past.
Look at Kinect.
It helps that Sony does have games, Resident Evil 7 anyone? There's also been a terrible representation of FPS on Sony platforms, VR would gain appeal if there were multi platforms that accommodated it.
That's an immature attitude. 3D suffered because there wasn't enough good content and the glasses weren't that great at showing a clear stereo image.
HMDs have a screen (or screen division) dedicated to each eye. With eye distance tailored to the user, it's perfect 3D. Players can feel the scale of environments and objects, instead of them just poking out a bit.
Plus 3D is only a small part of VR. The headtracking does wonders for the illusion of being there. Anybody who says "I can just turn with the mouse" to argue against it, just looks like an idiot to everybody.
Yeah, it's going to be a long time before HMDs can beat monitors on resolution. Plus sometimes you just want to chill and not be inside the action. It's nice as an option though.
Not at all.
Everyone in Japan that tried it at Game-On shat on it due to the shitty pixel density.
Not at this fucking state. It's just a monitor taped to your face.
Didn't you see the teds in FFXV? You can let teds drive you around in VR. I'm sold based japan never forgetting basement dwellers ty japan
"People" don't give two shits about VR.
Retards do though.
Nah you retard vr is future go away and be obstinate elsewhere
teds related
Yes, until they realize how limited the applications are, at least in regards to intergrating it into out already traditional gameplay styles.
In other words, it's a gimmick.
If I were to guess, it will probably last as long as the motion control gimmick.
But it will always exist for porn games, though.
Why do you think it needs "traditional gameplay styles"? It already offers things no monitor or controller setup can ever do.
I get that you think you're being all intellectual but you just come off sounding wilfully ignorant.
Now i do. Sadly, because i'm poor.
It's at an awkward stage right now. Give it more time before you buy one to let the technology advance.
Wait, doesn't that steam VR do the same shit? is PSVR just to play exclusives? if it's on PC and it has VR on the PS4, then the steam one would have VR as well?
or would multiplat on PC literally just not support VR just to fuck over the steam headset?
>companies already competing over VR
>it only came out like 3 months ago
Open source!
not that party pooper but I'd love traditional style games in VR. By traditional I'm meaning 3rd person games, a long while ago somebody likened it to playing with an action figure in a digital 3d space. This would be great imo
I want it to succeed just for hentai and waifus
What's it like to fuck your VR waifu ? is it really immersive? I just don't get how it'd make it good since I've never had the chance to try it. Do you feel like you're actually there?
Why are the Oculus and Vive even trying?
Playstation VR has the best screen, highest refresh rate and will be PC compatible. There's no contest.
I have a Vive and adore it. Aside from a few issues, I really do get immersed in the experience and it's an amazing sensation. Watching my mom fiddle with it the first time was great
It's just right now there's not much content for it yet, and the tech is still pretty cumbersome and awkward. But if it can stay the course and improve on what it already does, I'm super excited for the future.
If you get the chance, play Pool Nation VR. It's definitely the killer app at the moment
Everything you said is wrong, except MAYBE the part about pc compatibility
Oculus and Sony are doing their best to kill VR right now. Oculus is trying to split the tiny as fuck market and literally paying devs so they don't release on the Vive, Sony is flooding PSVR with utter "2D" shovelware that just had VR tacked on as a selling point
Actually fucking is not immersive. At all. Your brain kinda notices that you aren't actually fucking anything. Watching cute girls doing cute things with other cute girls is pretty hot though, as is dressing up your maids in VR
Worked fine on the DK2. Also played fast paced games like Quake with a VR mod and felt fine.
I just think it's extremely limiting to see VR as an addon to existing games.
>Everything you said is wrong
The screen is literally DK2 tier. As in the prototype/devkit that was already outdated when it released years ago
It is.
You're wrong.
The Morpheus looks so comfy. I want someone to roll their face on my back while they wear one.
>those people in twitch chat spamming "RIP VIVE"
when its mainstream in 5-10 years then Ill get it. At the moment youre literally paying for prototypes and shit quality parts
>I gave him a (you)
If you want to convince me you better start using bad food analogies
You're still wrong.
Are Sony console owners really going to fork out
$400 just for the VR headset? It's $500 for the camera and the controllers with that thing.
In before Neo is mandatory.
Fun fact about Oculus
They bought FINISHED vive/"multiplat" games. They literally paid developers to remove vive support from the finished game so it can become a touch exclusive.
Nope, they're just trying to force it on us. Hopefully it will go the way of motion controls and 3D tv's.
So what's it it for Zuckerberg to create this segmentation?
Well since I can't afford it. No
The french fires are america
>It already offers things no monitor or controller setup can ever do.
Yeah, brain cancer.
It's the 360 all over again and vive is the better system
People will for mostly porn, buying a closed console vr headset may be a mistake in the long run
I'll give more of a shit once there are more VR games than job simulator
That's why the Razer VR will be a good choice. Opensource games.
>tfw bought a vive last week
I'm thinking of shelling out 400 US dollars for this.
No, much of the hype is completely artificial
Take it from somebody who owns a DK2 that I got for very little money, no buyer's remorse
It's the future for connoisseurs of lewd chinese cartoon games. And cockpit / simgames.
But yeah, the mainstream crowd that wants "Skyrim in VR" or "COD in VR dude" will get disillusioned really quickly
I think I'd love it for a few air combat sims and driving games, and similar sort of 'cockpit' style games, but I don't play those sorts of games enough to make the investment in a headset.
I'm still not sure if people can capitalize properly on it in other genres, but I hope so.
I hope not
I don't see people spending 400$ or was it 500$ ?
For a single pair of loser glasses
>Do people really give a shit about VR?
... Y E S
Try it out yourself and you will see
poorfags gonna poor
I played alien isolation with the rift. So, yes, It is terrific.
>tfw been waiting since pic related for VR to be real
>tfw this is the first step
Just the same way we cared about motion controls -- approximately 3 months before people are bored with it.
>even the diehard oculus fanboys on the official subreddit have gone completely hostile towards anything oculus now
Took them long enough to realize, better late than never
I only care about fully immersive VR, and that that probably won't exist in my lifetime.
I imagine there would be a lot of trust and ethical issues too.
Like what's to stop you from being locked into it, unable to move your real world body or end the program.
What's to stop that tech from going Puppet Master on your brain? Even if it's impossible to screw with memories and the like, they could fiddle with your emotions when looking at advertisements, etc.
This shit is the best fap mate.
Source: An actual vive owner.
Stop listing to non VR owners.
gear vr owner here
I don't have porn games but even just regular VR porn is retardedly hot. roomscale VR porn where you can walk around the scene and view it from any angle must be completely fucking bonkers.
>VR porn where you can walk around the scene and view it from any angle must be completely fucking bonkers.
This is why I love it, I just hide the male character model and get in its position.
I need to watch out for my carpet though I came so fucking hard the first time I tried it
While it's not something you can interact with, I'm hoping 3D capture film becomes more of a thing soon.
I think there's a play being written just for that. No audience or stage, just a 3D set with the actors playing the parts while the player can walk around them.
Friend, we should raise grunties together in a hidden area.
Why do I have a feeling the only people that care about VR are the nu-males and lesbians in the San Francisco area?
Because you're an idiot?
And why do you say that?
I hope it gets popular
Then maybe we will get hentai games VR
Because he's a nu-male.