I thought Kotaku is going bankrupt
why is their site still up
I thought Kotaku is going bankrupt
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they're going until it's finalized
Gawker media filed for bankruptcy. That doesn't mean everything they own just diappears.
Because anons are retarded and literally thought declaring bankruptcy would put then out of business
I fucking hope so.
>How is this considered journalism
What's the problem? They're clearly reporting on a murder
They're still going to be bought out by the lowest bidder.
Thread theme
It's already been bought by someone else, they're not going anywhere
IGN bought them out
They're going to stick around, but they'll be shilling for big corporations more often now
highest. They have to make the maximum of money to give it to Hogan
Ziff Davis bought them, they'll either stay as they are or will merge with IGN.
The only tears coming from konami are tears of joy, they are making more money than ever without wasting all that money on video games.
>patricia hernandez
why is this meme still around
Kotaku is owned by Gawker Media, which just filed for bankruptcy protection. They're not going anywhere, though. Gawker is simply going to get purchased by another big business, likely Ziff Davis according to recent reports, and will continue on.
I hate Kotaku, and Gawker, as much as the next guy, but the best that's going to come out of this is some internal restructuring.
IIRC there's only one offer at the moment.
Well, i'm surprised there is even one, considering the '''''''worth''''''' of kotaku
>gaming journalism will figuratively be all under one umbrella
welp, guess Sup Forums truly will be the only unbiased news source.
At least shitkaku will be sucking corporate cock instead of the sjw cock
This is why children shouldn't be allowed to comment on things they don't understand.
Again, the offer is for Gawker media, of which Kotaku is just a part. And yes, it's well known that the people of this board don't hold Kotaku's journalistic integrity in high regard, but that doesn't change the fact that Kotaku remains one of the most popular news outlets for gaming journalism. Kotaku isn't "worthless" just because it blatantly pushes a SJW agenda, and you aren't happy about it. It's still part of a larger company that pulls in more than $45 million a year.
So yeah, there's an offer, and it shouldn't be surprising, even with the Hogan judgment
This news has shown me how many people have absolutely no idea what bankruptcy is.
Not-ant-sized version of .gif where?
It means those faggots will be living in a cardboard box and sucking dicks to pay for their starbucks coffee
No, they'll probably try to "preserve their integrity" or some shit.
Gee, I sure hope Nick Denton is going to be okay, you guys!
Maybe we should start a GoFundMe and help this guy out
good one
I'm pretty sure Konami is just currently run by modern day Yakuza.
Their buddies at IGN bought them. Friendship
I didn't realize that The Governor from The Walking Dead owned Gawker
>believing armchair lawyers from 8cuck
Why would ign buy another gaming news site? Isn't that redundant? They'll just be competing with themselves.
Of course he's British.
Kojima the god
Norman Reedus the first apostle
Are you an idiot? Why do you think big publishers buy out rival dev studios?
I watched their upload of the Death Stranding reveal on youtube because it was one of the first results and it had obviously been recorded from a poorer quality stream than the one i had watched. Easily found it elsewhere perfect quality. They're corpses splayed out on their keyboards at this point already. They're in the process of putrefication
Because they filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Try reading past the headlines next time.
Nigger, do you even capitalism?
A monopoly on information about video games is worth a fortune. It means that video game companies and marketers have to suck ign's corporate dick if they don't want to be blasted in their reviews.
that can't be real
I mean, you are, right now, defending Kotaku.
That's critical cuck level, swedes would balk at the sight.
It's just the opposite tho. The parent company of both get huge leverage over the industry with this move.
Yeah bought by fucking
>not Shinkawa
You're right, it's not.
This sounds more like Jezebel anyway
user it's a video gaming journalism site, why would it talk about anything else?
I'm surprised it wasn't Polygon.
Shinkawa is Jesus, the son
Nope. Not defending them at all. I hate Kotaku and have actively refused to visit their site so as not to give them pageviews for years now.
At the same time, however, I can also recognize that though I may not like them, they are still one of the largest news outlets in video game journalism. That, along with their affiliation with Gawker media, means that they are actually quite a valuable asset, despite their perceived lack of journalistic integrity. The thing about discussing business and finance is that you don't get to just stick your fingers in your ears and say that things are "worthless" simply because you don't like them.
Grow up.
stop making gamergay threads spergbot9000
Kotaku is worthless
geoff, the pope
Wasn't gwaker as a whole owned by a russain based company?
and does gwaker still have to pay hogan?