This will save PC gaming.
This will save PC gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying PC gaming needed to be saved
I signed into the xbox app to check it out
The app sucks ass and all my old xbox friends are MIA
I think I can live without xbox exclusives
At least now I can play games with my faggot friends who whine about "b-but PeeCee 2 xpensive!"
>implying there will be cross platform play
Didn't you watch the conference?
All of the games in the OP are confirmed for CrossPlay. The only one that isn;'t 100% crossplay is Gears 4 and that's only for the PvP aspect for obvious reasons.
>This will doom Xbox gaming
fixed it for you.
>PC finally gets games
>* also available on other platforms
Nope, after E3 I'm conviced that it's finally dead.
I don't understand how this works. If I don't have an Xbone, can I buy Forza for example and just automatically play it on my PC, or what? Does the game have to be activated on a console first?
And is it just a fancy marketing facade for streaming the game to your PC from the Xbox, or are these cross-platform games actual PC programs?
>"This will save pc gaming".
You sad piece of shit...
This will kill the Xbox brand
>implying that Xbox and PC aren't the same thing.
you can buy the game on your pc. If you have a bone whoop de fuckin dee you can play it there too.
>bigger playerbase
>if ANY of these games allow modding, it will go down to xbros
Upgraded to 10 already.
Nope. It will unify both Xbox and Windows 10 gaming into a Microsoft gaming superplatform.
>putting Xbox onto the PC will kill the Xbox brand
As an xbox user I can't see why pc users would support gabe. Yea he leveraged and made pc viable but he did his job. He doesn't even make games anymore and never will.
>happy that games will be played on PC
>sad that the bone and future xboxes will be relegated to door stoppers
Once I finish up MCC, Forza Horizon 2 and sunset overdrive I'm selling this motherfucker
Shouldn't they be saving the Xbone?
crossplay between consoles and PCs would be a fucking shitshow anyway, gamepad vs m+kb is disgustingly one-sided
>Implying it wasn't dead already.
>Implying people will buy Scorpio and a play on pc.
this will save XBOX and PC GAMING
Paid online mate
Why the fuck would someone buy an Xbox One now?
Assuming FPS
1.Install steam anywhere
3. ???
4. profit
I watched E3 just for this to show up.
and it's worth it. It looks fucking epic and I can't control my hype.
How can Steam even compete?
Fuck off valveshill.
>xbox was always a shitty PC that had halo exclusive
>halo now on PC
>literally no reason to buy an xbox
they just shot themselves in the foot
>Why the fuck would someone buy an Xbox One now?
Building a performance gaming PC is not cheap.
The same reason people have bought consoles forever
Xbox one is dead
Microsoft is not
>he buys games from windows store
>Why the fuck would someone buy an Xbox One now?
Because we live in a world where retards will still think spending $300 on a console + whatever you have for your TV + $50 a year for online and everything else is cheaper than a gaming PC. Besides, they don't even stop to consider the stupidly infinite catalogue of games PC has, going through all it's history, across emulating, up to just straight up pirating videogames. People just focus on what they have infront of them and that's a living room with doritos and Fifa 17.
Casuals are retarded, you should know this.
How will this work with physical games?
it wont
>feature only avaliable if you buy on Windows10™ built-in Microsoft™ Windows Store™
Because it's still about 1/3 the price of a decent gaming PC. Also normies and parents won't buy a gaming PC unless they've got a friend to help them.
>parents shopping for their kid
>"my son wants to get the new xbox games, do you guys have any quad core systems with at least 8gb of ram and an rx 480 in it?"
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that none of these games will be on steam
>these terrible games will save pc gaming
t. redditor
Oh do you really need to be a valveshill to realize how super shady windows store is?
How is this going to work if I buy retail?
Can i give the disc to my cousin and activate a key on the Xbox app for my account?
Digital PC copy like Quantum Broke.
Maybe this time its not limited only to those who pre-order.
im sure gog will be selling their precracked pirated copy
Well I doubt Halo Wars 2 for obvious reasons aswell
1. Not if you know what you're doing.
2. No jewish bouncer guarding the internet club
3. More games, cheaper games.
i didn't want these games when they were console exclusive
putting them on pc doesn't make me want them either
games made primarily for console players are not what the pc audience wants to consume
There'll be a code within the case for PC activation.
Of course there's limitations and the game will only work either on console or PC. Not both at the same time
I dobt they would do that since the last Tomb Raider proved how bad for sales windows store is.
If they take the option of buying said game on steam i will just not play it, its from microsoft anyway, its probably shit at best.
>not both at the same time
I'd assume so, kind of like SteamShare
But this is a weird new feature so you cant be 100% sure
Oh comeon man, I generally play on the PC but Forza looks comfy as hell, the PC scene is actually quite lacking in racing games
I think it's actually gonna be linking accounts. Microsoft will catch on that people are getting a xbox copy and selling the pc copy if they continue giving codes
the thing is that normalfags don't know that, so they will keep buying it. they're usually too busy to give a shit about all those things unless they have a friend who's aware of it and tells them.
but even then, $299 for a console to play the same games on is still far heaper than $600+ for a rig you hae to put together or even more for a pre-built. It's especially a good deal if you know you wouldn't use the PC much and just want to play games like with any other console.
The Xbone's not obsolete, but the PC is basically an example of the consumer getting what they pay for.
>But this is a weird new feature so you cant be 100% sure
Of course I'm just assuming how it'll work, but I honestly have no fucking clue how they would not allow other people to take the disc and play the game themselves.
>inb4 please insert xbox disc into PC to play videogames
I get FREE Windows Store gift credit from Microsoft with Bing Rewards. I can literally get FREE games just for using Bing.
When was the last time Steam ever did that for me?
I can finally play Forza on my PC, so I'm on board with it. It won't kill Steam so I doubt it'll do anything to the PC market.
>Bing Rewards isn't available in this country or region.
Fuck you too shill
You use Bing, which is punishment enough for you and your kind.
>SFV, Shenmue, New resident evil title, Death standing. several indie games and VR titles published SIE and released on Steam
Sony is actually funding more actual PC games that doesn't require adopting W10 ecosystem than Microsoft. Those people who think that Xbox won and is actually doing good for the PC community can go fuck themselves!!!
Please leave MICROSHILL
Is Gears of war Ultimate Edition any good on PC? I've been wanting to get it. The whole "own it on both platforms if you buy once" thin is kind of enticing.
>mfw the games are only available on the win10 store
Maybe when they move the actual Games from the Windows Store to the Xbox app and rehaul the shit out of their back end, but we've already put up with this shit with Quantum Break, Womb Raider and KI.
>everything is on their DRM and service
>they sell copies of their operating system by getting people to upgrade once he free deadline ends
>also sell new versions of Xbone and limited edition elite controllers just in time for holidays
>make games exclusive to PS4
>*also on PC
>on a third-party client independent from Sony
>no new hardware to sell beyond a niche VR headset that costs more than a console
>console AAA shit I never cared about
>all this PC - Xbox friendship bullshit
>even GoW announced for both
>still no fucking Halo
Go back to playing Undertale, brother.
>xbox games are all on pc
>"xbots btfo!!!"
>"no exclusives xD"
>"sony will never do this"
>dumb fanboy sees Microsoft getting appreciation for bringing their games to the pc platform
>"b-but sony have more games on pc"
>"t-they're the good guys!!"
>"I'm a cuck!"
Was Halo 3 online that good?
I only had Halo 2 and it was pretty fun but didnt hold a candle to Halo CE
>saving what's thriving
fuck off, xfats. nobody cares about your shit.
So was anything mentioned about Sunset Overdrive on PC, or is that still a rumour?
People really are underestimating the stupid amount of money Micro$oft is making out of people going to Win10.
The amount is enough for them to jeopardize an entire division for the sake of getting more people to adopt Win10.
Windows 10 dual-booter here. he Xbox App has a store which you buy games from, then it goes into your Xbox library just like on the 360. The games will probably be linked to your account and will be accessible from console and PC, but only Windows 10 and Xbone.
Also with Windows 10, apps are not .exe files, they're some other format. This is why there are no cracks or pirated versions of the games, and it's also a pain in the ass to stream because you can't use window capture or game capture since no .exe.
pretty neat that I can just carry a console to my friend's house rather than my desktop for a few games
might get a super bone or whatever the fuck it's called
Rumor, just like MCC. It's not going to happen.
it doesnt need saving but im looking forward to it
Never have, never will.
Or it could destroy us. We need to be free of microsoft trying to fodder us into spyboxes.
right to privacy is already fucked enough by the NSA and google, why let microsoft use us as food for advertisers just to play vidya?
why? it was goty last year
Hey now that Gears 4 will be on PC should i
A. Sell my Xbone to build a PC
B. Shoot my Xbone with my AR15 and build a PC
C. Stay on Xbone.
It was fucking amazing. I would just go online, play some ranked lone wold, shotty snipers, Team CTF or Team Slayers or Swat or whatever and it was fucking great. People actually played the game and knew how, the ranked system worked out perfectly and the game itself was fantastic in multiplayer.
Then you could just browse the list of recent players and join costum games, and holy fuck that was just an entirely new game altogether. People came up with amazing modes and maps, and you could easily lose track of time and end up playing the whole fucking day just zombies, or races, or whatever.
It was honestly one of the best online experiences ever and nothing else will compare.
Take it all at face value, no nostalgia here at all sir.
This. Winbot 10 shills need to fuck off.
there's no real reason to own a desktop in 2016, just get a PS4 and keep your Xbone
>This will kill Xbox
Thank you, Philip.
>A. Sell my Xbone to build a PC
Don't be dumb
>Sell my Xbone
You won't get much for it.
May as well shoot it. It's more fun than you'd have playing it.
the only people who should have to worry are brown people
You have nothing of value worth stealing, lol get real
Build a PC if you know that you will actually use the PC frequently. Otherwise, just keep your console.
You might also want to make sure you do your research before building the PC, and read the motherboard manual when you get your parts to know where each wire goes.
>Windows 10
>Windows 10 store
Rocket league has cross play between PC, PS4, and XB1.
There's no appreciable difference in skill levels. But then again it is best played with a controller.
>B. Shoot my Xbone with my AR15 and build a PC
I've never understood the people who decide to destroy something of value for fun.
>can probably get 150-200 depending on where you sell the xbone
>seriously considering just shooting it, which buys you 10 seconds of "huh that was cool" and then you feel like a fucking dipshit when no one will give you a cent for it
Hey you actually give good advise. I've been wanting to build a PC for a while, but have been holing it off. But now that I can with all my poor fiends who play console, I'm gonna spend about $1200 building me a PC.
Most gamers aren't interested in building PCs and manually maintaining their gaming system, updating drivers, fixing compatibility issues, cleaning out unnecessary files... Consoles automatically maintain themselves; all the player needs to do is just turn on the console and just start playing.
Consoles are convenient and deliver peace-of-mind. People like that.
Console lovers will stick to the Xbox One, PC gaming lovers will stick to the PC.
The unified platform will deliver the freedom of choice to all gamers with no more compromises.
Yeah you're right. I sold my PS4 with a few games for 250. I think I can get more on my Xbone since i have a ton of games for it.
Remember the good ole days of HLG and pissing people off... And the fucking custom games. Too bad Reach was a shit show.