Post'em faggots
Post'em faggots
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post the template nigger
template for all the fucking retards out there that can't use google
How do you expect anybody to interpret this?
>dad of war
>a game
also there's no paid mods on skyrim and the new lightning and AA are much more advanced that the shitty ENB version
i agree about titanfall 2 though, it's the only mutliplayer game that looks fun to me.
well meme'd
very carefully
I'm pretty easy to please so I've been having a good time.
Really digging the shit filter on the grades there.
reddit the post
straight out of r/Sup Forums
>Unrelated, Ben Kuchera is run over by a car
>Mr. Rogers is revived only to be executed on stage
Do we have any Konami conference or something?
>SFV, Shenmue, New resident evil title, Death standing. indie game and VR titles published SIE and released on Steam
Wow Sony is actually funding more actual PC games that doesn't require adopting W10 ecosystem than Microsoft. Those people who think that Xbox won and is actually doing good for the gaming community can go fuck themselves!!!
What a shitty E3.
Really, what a waste of fucking time...
kill yourself
>all these people who missed the Kadokawa stream
Better template.
edgy, bet you'll get a lot of (You)s
Missed the conf, look like I didn't miss much. I was expecting a rerun from last year + vr so I guess my 2/10 hype stayed the same
It wasn't meant to be edgy though.
why so much B for Sony when your hype is a 2/10, is it kindness tot he brand or something? The mixed message is anything but suspicious., like a Juvenile "who care ok it's FUN" rant
you need a hug
>giving a B to Ubisoft and a C to Bethesda
>giving an F to both Sony and Microsoft
christ almighty what are you doing
>FFXIV goes B2P/no subs
It would be really nice. Sometimes I miss Eorzea, but I don't miss it enough to pay a sub, especially because I still remember why I quit in the first to place.
Not being impressed with two conferences that had nothing worthwhile to show.
Also, I gave Sony an F-.
>Scalebound has my attention
After that horrid gameplay? What the fuck? Might as well not show anything at all.
This entire E3 has been such a goddamn disappointment. I don't think I can name a single game I'm excited for.
you're a massive faggot. You know you don't have to prove anything to Sup Forums, right?
I didn't post my image to prove anything to you faggots.
OP told posters to post scorecards, so I posted my scorecard.
>Dishonored 2
Masterful work here, friend.
Why didn't Microsoft just update the Xbone to a better version with the advanced graphical power of the cloud????????
I have a thing for Microsoft so I'll be one of the few that gives their presentation a higher grade than Sony's
IDK. E3 has always been about video gaming rather than video games so it was really exciting to see the changes they announced like background music, play anywhere, Minecraft multiplayer, S and Scorpio, Clubs/LFG etc. Very little about VR which is the new waggle for now.
Showing Shenmue was insulting considering the whole Kickstarter thing. And like last year with the nostalgia card and Shenmue Sony played the Crash Bandicoot option.
And Capcom is a plagued studio like 343. Literal trash devs
Incoming shitposts
>adding the useless kadokawa
Demon Gaze 2 by itself has more gameplay than every other games announced combined
keep'm koming kikes
>didn't watch PC show therefore Sony won
Bannerlord is the best thing that's been shown at E3 in years.
6/10 conference, didn't really show us much. New Dishonored 2 gameplay and Prey reboot is interesting though
5/10 Sports again, I feel like they have to showcase it for the sake of shareholders. New battlefield looks OK.
7/10 new console and Scorpio official announcement. Games were fine but I'm not I tested in scalebound at all.
2/10 who is their conference for, multicultural hackers who like to snowboard and dance ?
8/10 played it safe by bringing the heavy hitters, but a lot of the games won't even be released this year. At least TLG finally for a release date.
your grades barely relate to your comment, are you a pro journo? You sound like one "it's has major flaws and crashed and last 2 hour : 9.5/10 my goty"
No need for a fancy picture, here's the results:
EA: 0/10 It's shit
Bethesda: 0/10 It's shit
Microsoft: 0/10 It's shit
Ubisoft: 0/10 It's shit
Sony: 0/10 It's shit
Kadokawa: 2/10 for Root Letter localization, the rest looks like shit
Now to wait for the actual E3 taking place in September
>mfw Sony and Microsoft had really good conferences
hats off to sony for not talking as much as MS did and being way less cringy, but seriously those two actually surprised me
8 out of 10 cards gave a zero to EA. . . wtf is this meme?
Sony paid me more
It's preferences.
Like no matter how good Quantic Dream makes most of their bullshit look good in a trailer I refuse to fall for them because they're all generally garbage. But hey some people are hyped for the new game, that's fine.
nothing was good about EA
The protagonist of Watch Dogs 2 is a nigger. That automatically gives Ubisoft a negative rating.
The Last Guardian looks like garbage and the video make it seems like it plays like garbage. It's been in development for 10 years and it's gonna be released in october. There's no way they can fix it in time. That game shouldn't be a +++, it's embarrasing and disappointing.
Hey that, like, just your opinion man.
The textures, models and animations look like they belong in a very alpha build, come on. Some textures are super blurry and some colors pop too much. This shit is very unfinished and I won't be surprised if they delay it again.
Or it's actually supposed to look the way it does because it's a type of "art style"
>control tower simulator x
>legitimately went to twitch the other day
>looked at most viewed channel
>it was lirik playing a control tower simulator
He can't play some games so they're shit
The only one that matters
Square still hasn't presented yet! Wednesday KH for 30 minutes
>Cute Traps
I missed what now? Where?
Top secret Kadokawa stream. It's not on Youtube.
I know what you mean.
As for scalebound, it only has my attention because of the multiplayer aspect. Even then, it isn't quite like the game I want to see. Bayonetta 2 came close.
Making poor color design choices may be an art style, but it's a shit style. Poorly painted and low resolution textures it's objectively wrong, some of these textures look like generic stock.
Updated with Sony.
What happened with giantbomb and southpark?
2016 current gen game
This rating system I can get behind
I feel like I haven't seen a decent E3 conference in the past two years and even the ones from 2-4 years ago at best would get 8-9/10s
How are people rating things 8/10 and giving A's to this conference?
>all and all
Hey kid, this is an 18+ imageboard. I'm going to need you to close your browser or we'll have to contact your parents.
>Cliffy B Trans Bathroom Game
u w0t?
Wish I could make this up.
e3-chan was definitely more fun to watch than the conferences
*Dishonored *enthusiasts *tonally *too *incredible *shovel *celebrities
Severely lowered expectations and being pleasantly surprised.
Peko-Chan saved E3!
>watch dogs 2
>david cagetroit
kill yourself senpai
Agreed! Kadokawa's stream was great.
EA: Sports
Bethesda: It had like a single game and that was from last year
Ubisoft: Cancerous as usual but had a good game and a possibly good game.
Microsoft: Had some ok games. Two new xbones but xbones are obselete if you have Win 10. Still trying to force Win 10 on people. E-celeb shit.
Sony: 15 minutes of fucking nothing and then some pretty good games for a while. New crash would have been better than Crash remake. Kojima, Last Guardian, mecha dinosaurs, possibly good spiderman game. Probably still won't buy a PS4 because I'm lazy and cheap.
Nintendo: Zelda NX better give me a goddamn blowjob if it's the only thing they're showing all event
Fuck off.
The last time They tried to do something not looking shit they ended up with SoTC running at 10fps
Solid D-, kept up from F because of Titanfall 2 looking like more of the same and I liked Titanfall.
C-. Some great (Dishonored, Quake) some bad (Card game), bunch of shit I don't care about.
C+. Scalebound looks slow-paced for a Platinum game and everything I saw felt underwhelming.
Porting games to PC is great, I just don't trust them to do it well. This model is a huge boon for them as a company, though.
ReCore looks great still.
Everything else was pretty mediocre, with some shit being worse.
C-. In a rare showing by Ubisoft, they managed to not shit the bed entirely. For Honor looked neat. South Park looks like more of the same, which is okay, not great.
Division stuff looked alright but it's not like I'm going to end up playing it.
Steep seems interesting, but I can't see myself paying $60 for it.
>PC gaming
Didn't watch. Was boring last year and saw a bit of Day9 hosting this year. Seemed more watchable but I had better shit to do.
B+. Last Guardian+Horizon release date, FF15 coming soon too.
Kojima showing up and showing us the totally not Silent Hill game was a nice treat.
RE7 might be a return to the horror genre, but that series is now a wild card. Was surprised at the trailer though.
Infinite Warfare looked surprisingly fresh and interesting.
Would give higher score to Sony, but too much riding on last year's coattails, plus VR shit and various stuff holding it back.
Oh, and Kadokawa:
Cute girls and cute girls (male)
Austin got triggered when he herd the word "coon" over and over again and made everything super awkward for a solid 30-50 minutes
>Vavra blowing him the fuck out in the comments
But user, Nintendo amended their statement.
They're now showing Pokemon, as well as Half Genie Hero.
pekolulu is best girl
EA: EA/10
Just same old same. Funny how they are now pushing indie games as a way of PR to make people not hate them
Bethesda: 4/10
Dishonored 2 looks nice and wonder how Prey will be. As for hating on Quake I will say this. The E3 Doom look HORRIBLE (slow hallway with bad gunplay) so I'm waiting until the game actually comes out.
Microsoft: Windows 10/10
I would have thought they would cancel their gaming division by now. I don't know why they are doubling down but whatever. Until their fix their Window 10 Store I'm still only going to buy on Steam/GOG.
Ubisoft: 2/10
South Park was really the only good thing personally. They seem like they tried not to be as cringey/meme as last year.
Haven't seen Sony yet so I'm holding my rating for them.
>People putting Microsoft lower than Sony
You're triggered because there's a gender-neutral bathroom in a game that doesn't even feature pissing or shitting as game mechanics? Wew.
They could possibly save some face by off-loading some of the Poke hype onto E3. GO is supposed to launch soon isn't it?
I never played Shantae but her games look like they're good, so cool.
I just looked that game up
Is the opening to the first game by Megurine Luka?
This is the best one.
dude what
I mentioned the bathroom because its the only notable thing about the game. Would have rated it as a negative even if that didn't happen, its just looks generic as fuck.