>France has been 100% cut out of Battlefield 1
Dear EA and DICE. Go fuck yourselves and die in a ditch you horrifyingly worthless pieces of shit.
>France has been 100% cut out of Battlefield 1
Dear EA and DICE. Go fuck yourselves and die in a ditch you horrifyingly worthless pieces of shit.
everybody who isn't a misogynist or racist knows that WWI was fought and won by Muslim women warriors and strong black soldiers, France didn't do jack shit
But the British and Germans did most of the fighting. What are you bitching about? France were raw garbage in both WW1 and WW2. We basically just used your shit country to fight in. Think of France as a boxing ring, and it starts to make a little more sense.
what do you mean there's a french man right there on the coevr
ribbit ribbit hon hon hon jacque cousteau?
You mad Pierre?
Maybe your country should have actually done something significant during ww1 besides losing a lot of soldiers.
>Britain...did most of the fighting
No they didn't.
EA didn't cut France out, France only surrendered themselves
Why do people feel the need to post useless "satire" like this?
>The French Sitting out
At least it's historically accurate now.
You're a fucking idiot, and no doubt American too.
>We basically just used your shit country to fight in.
I'm not French. I'm American. But for EA and DICE to ignore both France and Russia when making a game about WW1 is fucking awful. It's to a new level of shitfuckery.
It's like if France made a game about the American Revolution where the French military fought the British and founded America. People would fucking riot.
Actually they did.
Literally invented tanks.
What the fuck are you talking about? France were in it until the end.
> British and Germans did most of the fighting
> France were raw garbage in both WW1
Christ. A WWI game is announced and every pleb on Sup Forums comes out of the wood work spouting retardation thinking they're a fucking historian.
As a ally of France and a EU citizen I second this.
It's funny how Americans think that most of the rest of the world care about black people the way they do.
Nope. One of the most irrelevant fighters besides Murica.
> France cut out
> Ottoman Empire is in
Based DICE
I'm not even French champ. Are you having a fit over there or something?
Why do people feel the need to criticize "satire" like this?
Americans are uneducated, delusional cunts who get their knowledge from wikipedia pages and "ponder"(a big word for 2 seconds of thinking) over social/racial matters all the time shitting out bigger nd bigger bullshit with each passing day.
But, you know, they don't have any culture, like we EU citizens do. That's why they create pointless bulshit and plague the world with it, they need to fill the void that real countries fill with culture and history.
1. France is going to be a full-on DLC, so EA has the chance to bankrupt the entire French nation.
2. Black person on OP's image is supposed to push the Harlem Hellfighters DLC, which adds African-Americans to the game (but no Puerto Ricans, I guess.)
3. France had the most casualties on the entire Western Front, out of all the Entente powers.
>mfw Sup Forums is studying history and everything about WW1 in order to be contrarian about Battlefield 1
>It's like if France made a game about the American Revolution where thenFrench military fought the British and founded America
The French were an enormous help during the Revolutionary war, and you wouldn't be far wrong in thinking they were the reason the colonists won. And to be fair, that war was mostly British vs British. Hell, some of the founding fathers of the United States were born and raised British.
>studying history
>going wo wikipedia
end yourself swiftly
>2. Black person on OP's image is supposed to push the Harlem Hellfighters DLC, which adds African-Americans to the game (but no Puerto Ricans, I guess.)
Ironic because IIRC a few of them defected to France because of how horrifyingly shit the US was.
I think the whole "cuck" projecting thing is starting to get to them. It must be hard living in a country where you have worry about Niggers soiling your women.
what about Russia?
Source on French cut?
>devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on a subject
Fuck off retard, people with IQs over 60 are talking.
My question exactly. Eastern front ignored as always.
Russia is akin to China in the way they fight. Just flood the enemy with numbers and hope you can overwhelmed them. Literally shit tier at war and always have been.
But it does make sense to cut Russia if you consider that the game is set when they exited the war
But remember, expansion packs.
Good luck with "acquiring knowledge" from ~ 10 pages of wikipedia cunt. I bet you didn't read a single fucking, proper history book in your miserable life.
>I bet you didn't read a single fucking, proper history book in your miserable life.
You're legitimately retarded then. Good on ya m8.
Are frenchies just insecure faggots or do they really think that a video game is the same as a lengthy documentary?
It'll probably be DLC. They'll add in winter maps, Russian troops, and probably a mini-campaign for the Russian Empire's fall to Communism.
>acting like the entente powers didn't do this also.
Generals fight to thier means. If they had more troops, they would have used them.
I appreciate this shitpost. Not much shit on Sup Forums makes me chuckle anymore, but this did.
-Sincerely, a blogposter
Dodage the facts all you want. We both know you're a dumbfuck.
>He says as American music and American movies and American games top sales in all countries ever
We're globally the most overrepresented nation in terms of media, enjoy our noculture :^)
>Russia during WW1
Well considering that they stayed AFTER the war was over, America isn't North Korea, and neither is France, they didn't defect, but just chose to stay
Wrong war.
>>France has been 100% cut out of Battlefield 1
implying they won't jew you with frenchie dlc
>he thinks people in EU spend their time like people in burgerica
Typical ameriburger.
Enjoy your delusions and being overweight in front of a pc/tv.
Fuck both of you edgy little shits. France suffered unrecoverably in that war and they get glossed over because a couple of slimey limeys held ancestral grudges.
>He says Euros don't do what we do
>On a videogame imageboard
>Created by an American
The American campaign should just be a bank simulator.
It's not frenchfags. It's Sup Forums being the faggots they are.
>Trailer is released
>Sup Forums goes crazy, it's the death of CoD!
>Uh oh even the normies are liking it. Better find some inane bullshit to complain about but there's nothing to complain about yet, there's just a trailer... Oh wait, is that a NIGGER???????? THERE WERE NO NIGGERS IN WW1 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
And now that there's more known about the game they're finding new things to bitch and moan about as if it's a documentary or a re-enactment.
Right. History isn't a base, core part of education for every single civilized country. There's no way I've ever dealt with an actual history textbook. You got me. Like I said, people with IQs over 60 are talking here. Fuck off ya daft cunt.
>Implying France doesn't have the best track record in modern history in terms of warfare
>Get taken by surprise by the Germans, who have lost most wars
Stormweenies are really the worst
Have the American campaign be a scenario where the Germans successfully encouraged Mexico to invade.
Who says it's satire?
When did Sup Forums become so full of french fries?
First everyone here expecting me to care about the Paris massacre and now MUH FRENCH REPRESENTATION
But France is Muslim?
What about Russia?
Don't be silly guys, they are clearly saving them for the inevitable expansion/DLC
Well meme'd
Ummm OP france was barely in the world war
they were basically defeated by the nazis in a few seconds lol
what an idiot........... probably some frenchman who can't deal with reality....................
>not replacing france with america and releasing the US as the last DLC of the game
it would be so meta
>History isn't a base, core part of education for every single civilized country
You're fucking dumb on a whole new level if you think that what you get in school is enough or even relevant.
Fucking americunts, polluting the world with their stupid opinions.
>suddenly people give a shit about the historical accuracy of video games
I have no question that no one would care if we weren't in the current extremist political climate
No France, Russia, or Belgium.
Three countries that got railed the hardest left completely out.
world war 1 was just an excuse to use zeppelins you fucking morons lmfao
I don't understand, they cut France as a side to play on but has French weapons in the game?
I mean, is DICE retarded? I know the France surrenders meme is from WW2 and they didn't participate past the Battle of France. But millions of French fighting men died in WW2, an entire generation of men gone.
But they make sure Harlem Hellfighters are available?
>french defeat
One of those WW2s was meant to be WW1.
You heard it from 4chans biggest mongoloid first folks. If you don't have a masters in history, you're a fucking retard!!!!
Guess the vast majority of the world is retarded then, eh?
French weapons, french location, french vehicles.
They had to shoehorn americans in because god forbid they can't play their own nation.
I want off this ride.
Atleast Italy is in
I don't know what's worse, that you have no idea what you're even saying or that you'll die alone and poor.
>France has been 100% cut out of Battlefield 1
This has to be a ruse.I don't like the French,I think that they are self centered turds and still i know that you are not having WW1 without them.
If there are no French in this game i am going to boycott it.
That would be like having WW2 game without the Germans...
DICE and EA are going full retard.
>good luck with acquiring knowledge from 10 pages of researched information about the subject
ya w/ever..........
america saved them anyway as usual
> Play game as French in WW1.
> French shouting "VIVA LA FRANCE". Etc.
> They died not knowing they left behind a generation of cowards.
>caring about story in a video game
>They had to shoehorn americans in because god forbid they can't play their own nation.
It's being developed in Sweden, by Swedes.
Please clarify what you are trying to say.
>america saved them
>WW1 America doing jack shit
>yeh whatever I just got two wars with 30m+ deaths each mixed up
>yeh whatever who cares
>fuck history
Because they want the american audience.
>4.39% of the French population perished in this war
>it was one of the most populous countries in the world at the time
>not even a mention in a game about WW1
Nice going EA. Better stuff in a bunch more niggers instead of actual people who thought in the war.
>country turned into a battlefield for the other powers
>millions dead
>eastern half looks like the surface of the Moon if the Moon were half made of rotting corpses
>100 years later they don't even get to be in the video game
Is any country in the world more cucked than France?
History is fairly irrelevant because we are never seeing a clear view of history, it's always "History: as told and interpreted by the winners"
Even in modern times there are still tons of people trying to revise history. A ton of them flood /his/ on a daily basis.
>Most successful nation in military history
>Don't get to be in fucking World War 1
have you seen the game?
It's typical Eurokek revisionist history with the guise of being "just" a video game.
Not having the French in a WW1 game is like not having the Russians in a WW2 game.
>and they didn't participate past the Battle of France
That's just wrong, look up Charles de Gaulle and the Free French forces.
>It ruins any credibility you had
>You know people will think you're wrong based on it
>Implying the animeposter isn't shitposting
lol, America schooled the Germans while Great Britain threw away it's soldiers in ottoman controlled land and the French higher military command couldn't figure out how tank warfare.
Pretty sure they've already made historically accurate WW1 games for history buffs.
They blew.
It's a Japanese culture site, user, no matter how much that angers you.