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what did he mean by this?
He's deliberately taking the piss out of his broken English.
This was literally the most pretentious thing I've ever seen.
I was laughing out loud while watching it.
>This was literally the most pretentious thing I've ever seen
You're like a baby.
>im 12 and everything that tries to be art is pretentious
No, but that trailer was pretentious.
>btw my favorite films are Star Wars and Pulp Fiction :)
Fuck, I have some clues. Shinsekai Yori book or anime. He read book 100% because it was top one seller. Not LN shit, real novel. Dumping useful info from manga
Why are you (and some others on Sup Forums) calling this trailer "pretentious?" Would you call anything with vague symbolism at all "pretentious?"
I'm not exactly calling Kojima some creative genius, but when did Sup Forums become so vehemently anti-intellectual?
For a trailer without any gameplay, I thought it was well-made and interesting.
Could some good guy tell me the name of the song?
brb fapping to Reedus' butt
It was a vague teaser showcasing the tone of the game.
suck it up, if the game turns out to be as interesting and provoking as the trailer theres nothing wrong with the trailer showing this
“Cantus” is the name we gave to 呪力 (juryoku, cursing power). It’s psychokinesis, but as far as I know it’s pretty much omnipotent. As explained by the fake minoshiro (the Tsukuba branch), psychokinesis was scientifically attested in year 2011 by the Azerbaijani cognitive scientist Imran Ismailov. Before then, just like in our society now, superpowers like psychokinesis are considered mere fantasies.
He realized that much like the observer effect in physics, in cognitive sciences as well observing a system has effects on the outcome. If you think about it, this has been common sense in pharmacology for ages, that’s why they always include placebo as well in every experiments. Ismailov realized that if they want to scientifically prove the existence of psychokinetic powers, they need to avoid the observer effect. People working on the experiment, expecting it to fail in disbelief have a negative effect on the experiment subject. So to minimize the influence of observers, everyone taking part in the experiment in any way only knew their little bit, and not the whole. No one knew all the details, not even the place and time of the experiments
Can't wait for a bunch of cryptic "amazing" trailers and it ends up being Phantom Pain 2 and the game is garbage.
Kojima is past his prime and will never make a good game again.
I bet the doctor and nurse laughed out loud when your whore mother gave birth to such an ugly sack of shit
You faggots are going full circle I swear.
The pretense is assuming that any of the imagery in the trailer had meaning.
>it's literally okay when the nips do it
If this was a SJW indie dev, the reaction would be completely different.
No it wasn't. There is a difference. Someone making a pixel art game or walking simulator with no real direction other than the desire to make art is pretentious. Kojima is a man who has a clear vision and wants to see it come to life through his medium. He's not creating just to create. I doubt he's trying to make art just for the sake of it being called art. I'm a huge believer in video games are not art but I was proven wrong tonight.
>don't understand the high IQ trailer
>start to feel insecure about this
>w-what can I do, I guess I really am retarded
The trailer is amazing and i want to be hype but the trailer of MGS V was also amazing...
The first identified esper was a 19-year-old girl called Nona Maldanova. During the experiment she successfully moved a light plastic ball inside a transparent tube. The success of the experiment had dramatic results. After the first case, there was no stopping to psychokinetics showing up one after another. In the end about 0.3% of humankind awakened to psychokinetic powers. Even that small number with their (at first) feeble powers managed to cause huge disturbance in society. Especially that according to resources from that age, a large number of PK users showed signs of the schizoid personality disorder.
As I said, at first their powers were very weak. Scientists thought that PK’s source of energy was the burning of sugar in the brain. But evolution showed once again that it still has a strong grasp on humankind. Once people started using PK for crimes, such as in the case of Boy A, society started to fear them, and we all know that if society as a collective starts to fear something, then society as a collective starts to act to erase that threat. PK users were hunted, and of course they fought for their survival. That was exactly the threat of death and natural selection that was necessary for evolution to blast down the doors.
>Everything bears no objective meaning to me hence I'm of the intellectual variety.
If it was SJW there would be hamfisted imagery that does not leave their political leanings to the imagination.
If this was a SJW indie dev, the trailer would be completely different.
It's okay when Kojima does it because he has fucking credentials and experience unlike some low key twitter posting dumb shit.
You probably don't have a job because you never write your experiences and just spew bullshit like "ITS OKAY WHEN HE DOES IT! IF IT WAS ME YOUD HAVE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REACTION!"
Anti Kojima fags haven't given me a sound argument yet. None.
So... What are the chances of this game just being what Silent Hills was originally going to be?
>all these mad drones
I didn't know Patrice Wilson was making a game.
Del Taco isn't working on it so pretty low.
>the high IQ trailer
Explain to me all the symbolism.
I'm waiting :^).
give me 3 books and 3 films you consider deep and high IQ.
Symbolism is fine - even blatant symbolism is fine. Look at Orwell (Animal Farm) - or C.S. Lewis, whose allegories hit like sledgehammers. Just becase symbolism is blatant, doesn't mean it is bad.
Now, if the imagery has no meaning, then it could be fine as well - it might hit on more surreal notes.
Ridiculously shitty ass trailer
Just some "look at all the hidden meaning behind this stuff" shit
>high iq trailer
>the high IQ trailer
it needs to be illegal for patrice wilson to make videos, he's a fucking madman
the dark tower
star wars
More like "look at all the hidden meaning in norman reedus' behind"
its okay to say you are stupid :)
So are we gonna be able to see his dick in the actual game or not?
Will the game have realistic dick physics?
Anyone have that edit with Giant Rei's head in the water?
Gas yourself!
>dead crabs on the beach
What did Kojima mean by this?
Nope, even the Witcher 3 guys said dicks are hard to make. If Slav magic can't make it happen, nothing can.
He just hates crabs
Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?
So what was the scar on his stomach anyway? I thought maybe it was a c-section scar as some kind of symbolism, but a c-section scar is only one cut and not a + shaped cut like that.
its a literal death stranding.
>>don't understand the high IQ trailer
It's going to have to do with him being the only one who didn't get killed by the umbilical cords, or something of the sort
He probably got his stomach removed or somethin
This kills the crab
>shitposting the same thing in every Kojimbo thread
Bravo, you aren't pretentious at all
Pulp Fiction is great, you fucking cumguzzler.
It's a kojima c-section , remember how Joy's looked? Though this one looks less dumb compared to hers.
5 floating figures were 5 clones of him that were dead. 6th clone is the baby and it's dead and gone to join others. 6 tags on the necklace to contact his clones.
Bullshit. If Kojima wants dicks, you'd better believe there's gonna be dicks.
Kojima is Norman. The shackles are from when he was locked up at Konami. The baby is MGS which is why he cries and then it leaves. The scar is from his time at Konami, it's somthing for him to remember them by. The vast sea is him being free. The 5 figures are 5 MG games. Which represent like 5 ghosts from his past.
no it's not you tasteless faggot
>if the game turns out to be as interesting and provoking as the trailer
It's a Kojima game; it won't.
Seriously, get through the five stages and accept that MGS was good because of the people Kojima was reigned in by, not because of Kojima himself.
It's in the fucking trailer at the end
Revengeance, subsistance, ghost babel, integral, stranding?
As much as i enjoy that Hideo is giving a huge fuck you to Konami by announcing a game at the Sony both less than a year after he was sacked, i really hope this comes out for PC.
I hope he finally saw what happens when you sell on PC.
How deep does the lore go?
Thank you playstation
Xbox cucks mad they won't get to play this LUL.
>I didn't understand it, so it's bad!
>It was so bad that I was even laughing! Aren't I cool, Sup Forums? I'm jaded and cynical just like you!
God you are fucking retarded.
>I hope he finally saw what happens when you sell on PC.
Yeah his upcoming games were cancelled and he got fired, this is a PS4 exclusive buddy.
So how did Kojima manage to get a real-time concept trailer for his game?
Was he rusing us all this time about how far he is into development?
Did Sony strike a deal with Konami to leverage the Fox Engine or some of the Silent Hills assets?
Did Kojima out-right lie and the trailer was pre-rendered and made by a third-party?
>but when did Sup Forums become so vehemently anti-intellectual?
Stop using buzzwords which you don't understand the actual meaning of dumbass.
>symbolism and religion is too much for me, haha so pretentious
You've never read a book or even seen a movie have you?
Good god
I'm gonna say this sincerely
Kill yourself.
He's Jesus
I like how everyone hates you for being correct
you dont think an experienced team can make a trailer in 5 months?
this is probably ALL they have
Praise gojima :^)
He's probably lying about how far into development he's in.
Thats fine, but please don't imply that it was in any ways the release on PC at fault for getting MGS killed.
Last time i checked it was because Konami hates the fuck out of Kojima and they wanted to make Pachinko machines.
>all these butthurt Kojima dick sucking faggots
How the hell have you delusional retards not learn your lesson from the abomination that was MSGV?
It's not a c-section. That would be much lower on the abdomen, and like you said, would be a single cut.
It's a removal of the bellybutton. Umbilical cords seem to have some sort of literal or symbolic importance in this story, and by removing the main character's bellybutton, you're removing their connection to their past, home, family, what-have-you. Norman Reedus has been forcibly extracted from whatever life he had.
I'm bullshitting, but this theory holds about as much water as any other (hint: none at all)
Thank Christ Kojima is releasing a new game. That means we have years of good trailers and hundreds of threads, charts, OC, and general batshit insane stuff on /v again. Thank you based Kojima.
You punched your ticket for this ruse cruise, lads?
Smash Mouth - All Star
I'm sure someone's already made this joke
Mgsv was shit due to konami getting tired of waiting for kojima to finish the game
maybe they are all giant artificial womb bred humans. Of course you'd hug the baby version, it's your womb mate, your twin
so much damage control from xcucks it's surreal
you'll never going to play it even on your 6 memeflop machines :^)
So... whats the real meaning then?
T-the actual game will be good though right?
What if Norman Reedus knew this game was gonna happen the whole time and he made the Silent Hills petition just to drum up controversy??