>Playing overwatch with a friend and his posse
>One guy keeps getting mad as fuck
>He's a McCree and Widowmaker main
>He claims McCree and Widow isn't overpowered and that people need to stop complaining
>Claims Roadhog, Mei, and Pharah are
>Don't want to sperg out and call him a shitter because of my buddy
What do
Playing overwatch with a friend and his posse
wait for the mcree and widow nerfs in the comming week and say,'I told you so, retard'
Joke's on him. They will both get nerfed tomorrow.
Screenshot this.
Where can I see news of this
if true im hyped as fuck
To be fair roadhog does way too much damage and can heal too much/frequently
only response is to outdo him on an attack character and get the most eliminations by far. since he is the typical douche who instalocks those characters and never plays the objective you have to show him up. else you are some shitter in their eyes
hopefully you have 2 friends that cover tank and healer
You're fucking retarded
Roadhog is nothing but free ult meter for the enemy if his hook is on CD
how do you know when you're on a team with uncoordinated scrubs or when you're just out-fucking-skilled?
sometimes I feel like just dropping out because my team ignores the time I buy them or the turrets I take out by standing off at a choke point
You must be literally garbage as roadhog then or go against literally garbage roadhogs.
I'm almost always gold damage/eliminations and objective time as him.
How do you deal with Tracers who spend the entire game trying to get you? They keep fucking me up
A good roadhog won't need to rely on his hook like how all McCrees need his flashbangs. Roadhog's M2 does tons of damage if you can aim and use it properly. A shotgun to the face isn't bad either
Kaplan posted that the nerf is coming this week and that it will be McCree and Widowmaker. To be honest I'm surprised (and happy) that they're doing Widow as well, since before the posts implied they were waiting longer on her and just doing McCree first.
It's coming
Usually when you're doing decent/good by your own idea, but they take point A and B within the minute, you can safely bet your team is retarded.
All you can do is hook them or heal through their damage. As long as it's just a tracer and nobody else there's a very slim chance they'll actually kill you.
no mention of Dva? I heard she was getting some sort of non damage related buff
Not that guy, but I'm a garbage roadhog
I keep getting killed by their McRee when I try to flank
>fan roll fan
And I'm dead
Yeah, but they'll wait until I am fighting someone else and then come in. If I chase them they run, if I ignore them they kill me. If I switch from road hog my team loses. I don't know, maybe I should afk at that point
heared bulletspread will be decreased
They're probably not going to make multiple balance changes at once if they can help it.
D.Va is obviously struggling, but she's not so cripplingly far behind as to need an emergency buff.
However, McCree and Windowmaker dominate most games they're in, which implies a somewhat major balance issue that should be fixed as soon as possible.
lmbo roadhog is among the worse characters in the game. Mei isn't very fucking good either.
Lower the fully charged bodyshot damage so it doesnt kill a zen outright, increase the time it takes between shots. Also fix her hitbox or something, she's just as hard to hit as a fucking Lucio when she keeps jumping around
post your face when widowmaker and mccree nerf happens
i would not at all be surprised if a lowered widowmaker charged shot ends up with zenyatta's damage output getting nerfed in the future, since widowmaker is just about the only thing keeping that robot bastard in check
>playing with friends
>girl in group
>invites level 13 friend
>everyone else is level 65+ some even in prestige
>"hey guys hes new and doesnt really know how to play hope its okay"
>everyone says its fine
>not fine with me
what do
>best girl gets even more reliable
mercy lovers win again!
no post your face when it doesnt actually affect them because they completely miss the point and nerf the wrong thing
the level doesn't mean much
nor does your score k/d
Just eat the losses for sake of social niceties
I play with a girl too and she really fucking sucks.
Like, 40 hours of Soldier 76 and less than 10 average eliminations per game.
How is that even possible
each hero isn't exactly complicated
there is like 5 things for each hero tops
40 games not hours. Whoops
he's a mid level trap character; he's like the mid-tier version of bastion. he takes very little skill to play and absolutely wrecks people that don't understand how to play around him. as soon as you learn to play around him, though, he's more of a liability to the team than an asset as all he does by staying alive is help the enemy build ult, and then conveniently dies.
I want Mercy to be my mom.
Pick Mei and grief the fuck out of him. Wall him before he leaves spawn, wall behind him when he's in a corridor with enemies. Wall in front of him when he gets High Noon.
Just wall the shit out of him. And spam her voice line "A MEI ZING" while following him around.
>roadhog is among the worse characters in the game
>mei isn't very fucking good
Here you go senpai, hope it helps.
No no, spam her "Sorry" line over and over, while still purposefully fucking with him.
Okay I'm being serious here.
Do people still play this game or are you all joking?
i mean doing something like increasing widows grapple c/d then calling her fixed because its easier for winston to chase her down would be very dumb
and thats about the level of competence im anticipating
>Taking Overwatch competitively
Well played
i play like 10-15 games a day, less if i am getting steamrolled
the weekly brawls are fun because they break up or discourage experts meaning you usually find more interesting games there
Other people on your team will probably report you for that, especially since it's hard to only troll one person and not half your team. I have it on good authority that trolling teammates with Mei is going to get people temp banned if they get reported for it.
Nothing will change with Mccree really. All they're changing is his damage against tanks. They said they still want him to be able to dispatch squishies. So we'll still be having fun getting stunned and one shot unless we're a tank.
Did they say exactly how they're nerfing them?
>Mattering at all in Overwatch
Stop being a huge fucking elitist faggot, I'm level 17 and constantly beast on people 10+ levels above me.
The hanzo/genji weekly was so fucking shit it made me terrified of what they could implement for future weeks.
fuck off
Your time is over, McSkill mains
Can you seriously get banned just for goofing around in this game?
I haven't been playing much this weekend because my sleep schedule is fucked up and I kind of don't want to deal with the stupid Widow/McCree shit since I know it's getting nerfed this week.
Yes and no, it depends on the range. Even a small damage nerf makes fan less reliable. Right now, at 70 damage per shot, you have to hit three hits minimum to kill a 200 health character from full HP. If you're right next to them it's trivial, but if you're at the max flashbang distance or just spamming it out of desperation then it's not. Lower the damage very little - say to 60 - and now you need to hit someone four out of six times for a full health kill. That's enough to make a difference in a surprising number of scenarios.
That said, I think they're going to nerf it by a lot more than that, since against tanks you can still fan->roll->fan and kill any tank in the game unless they nerf the damage dramatically. At least, I hope they do. There's a lot of precedent for them to just do a 20% nerf since that's what almost every other nerf has been during the Overwatch beta when they wanted to lower someone's damage.
Deliberately fucking over your teammates in matchmaking isn't "goofing around." There's brawl and custom games for that.
It's just a game.
I mean, if it's someone you know, then yeah, whatever, fine. If it's random people you're matched with that want to play the game it's a pretty fucking dick thing to do. If it's just two people and one dude is fucking with the other dude the odds of him also fucking over the rest of the team are basically 100% since that means a third of your team isn't playing the game.
Your own enjoyment should not come at the expense of others.
McCree's right click dmg and Widow's scoped dmg.
Screenshot this.
So then they should just votekick them or something, actually banning people just because they aren't being le super serious hardcore gamers is just pathetic.
McCree's flashbang duration needs to get nerfed and Widow's charge time needs to get increased.
That is literally all that should be changed and I will be mad if it is not.
I'm going to fuck up Widowmaker even more with Winston now, feels fucking fantastic
Based Broadhog is pretty well balanced.
A mercy boosted roadhog M2 once one shot me as soldier 76 right after I turned a corner. Also, if you have an orb of discord on you a reinhardt charge will do 400 damage.
When ranked mode comes out, you can use Quickplay to be le epic trull. Until then, Quickplay's the only way to play the game, and most people want to actually play the game. Not waste 15 minutes of their lives.
I once had a team of all 20s when I was 16, and faced a team that was legitimately entirely 80s and 90s. We won one and lost one. I figure the 80s and 90s just sucked.
You can tell based off of the heroes they select, and based on if they switch heroes to counter pick the enemy team or not. For example, if you have a team mate who picks pharah and the enemy has two widows and he never switches then you know he is a shitter.
Just stumbled upon this Overwatch thread and I'm just doing my humanly duty by throwing out this public service announcement. If you ult with D.Va, please please PLEASE do your emote before you mech up so we can revel in that sweet, sweet , delicious booty in the replay. Preferably against a wall for maximum butt. Thanks.
I wouldn't say so. Anyone who can burst decently at all (ie most characters in the game) can fuck his 150hp ass up. Widowmaker is just especially good at doing it with one shot from a mile away, fixing that doesn't make him un-squishy.
there is a list out there of all the weekly brawls if you are interested
What he said is 100% right, stop having shit MMR.
To be fair, both characters have huge issues with McCree, which is why they aren't even good situational picks right now.
>chasing widowmaker as Winston
>she grapples back to spawn point so I couldn't get in
This. I'm in a high MMR and get grouped up against pros, and I always get gold damage/eliminations and objective time as roadhog.
Waiting outside of objectives for more teammates to arrive before attacking is a good indicator.
>not leaping back out of there to harass another after leaving a shield covering your ass and making her useless
If nobody can agree on a single balance issue, does that mean the game is balanced or nobody knows what they're talking about yet?
My two cents is that DVA should be able to shoot while defense matrix is up, it lets her TANK damage and last I checked she was in the Tank category.But it wont make her kill anyone faster because her lasers still are weak.
To balance that the defense matrix could be shrunk a tiny bit or have a blind spot right in front of DVA, or below her if she aims it up.
Time played does not equal to skill necessarily.
High levels only mean they've been playing since release every day.
>waiting as lucio to gather my teammates while using the "group up" voice line
>people just rush past me into battle to die one at a time
when defense matrix is up it plays the animation of her physically shooting down all the projectiles with her own hands so they are unlikely to change that.
I'd say the same thing with Tracer and McCree respectively
i'm rank 57 and i've gotten to the point where i'm barely scarping by with 1:1 kd and projectiles aren't viable at all.
anybody feel the same or should i git gud?
She shoots her guns with the triggers on her index fingers and uses the defense matrix with her thumbs on the face button.
Git gud or throw a bunch of games to start getting put in matches with retards.
>Ton more health
>his hook>M1>V is easily 300 damage
>has a heal that is so fast and such a low recharge if he's good he can never die
>but this is balanced
come the fuck on
depends on the hero I am using
Usually I run junkrat and get fucking kills everywhere. Even professionals seem to have some errors predicting grenades.
Otherwise yea your aim seems to be the deciding factor if you want a high kill rate.
>If nobody can agree on a single balance issue, does that mean the game is balanced or nobody knows what they're talking about yet?
Nobody agrees because what's unbalanced to a shitter isn't a problem for more experienced players, and vice versa.
Just do what I do and play assault rifle only Widowmaker nonstop and just stop caring about winning ever
Things will improve one way or the other, shes a lot more fun to play when you're going full Rambo and grappling away to grab health and shitting mines behind people
Unless you're getting flashed you should be able to hook during his first fanfire. mouse 1 followup finishes him.
mei's biggest problem is mccree yes. He both prevents her from doing her job (defending the flanks, since she can't ever beat him in a fight) and does her job better than she does (defend the flanks) and he's a better flanker than she can really hope to be as well.
roadhog otoh is simply very situational and heavily dependent on the other team being bad. a lot like bastion.
Hes more like a McCree or a Mei if you wanna stretch it. A character who stuns and one shots people.
>play with friends of lvl 90+
>enemy team is 15-25
>they beat us easily
what do
And people dare to say practice helps
Then maybe let the defense matrix be as huge as it is normally when not firing, but when you begin firing, shrink it to maybe one of the panels.
At this point, there's probably still a lot of people that got really good at the game during the beta but haven't played much of the actual game yet. I'd give people a few months to buy the game then get up to a decent level.
I wouldn't really compare him to either. McCree has a crutch for low level players, but you can also just be a badass and left click on people's heads all day. Even with the fan nerf he'll be a top tier character in competitive play.
Mei, on the other hand, sees literally zero play in competitive because she's absolute garbage against good players.
Roadhog is more in the middle. He can be okay, but not usually.
D.va can already win most up close duels. If you allow her to shoot while blocking attacks she could easily beat everyone except zarya and mei when close range.
Don't listen to them user, you're right. If you have any composition and coordination at all, You can kill the enemy roadhog no problem. The fact that Rein is in every competitive composition and he blocks Hog's hook doesn't help.
bandaid nerf probably. just to tide her over and see if its enough