In their tongue he's called Dovahkin
In their tongue he's called Dovahkin
There he is!
God of War!
Once again from the grave!
Now with snow!
And a kid!
Also needing a shave!
All the fanboys rejoiced when they heard grand news!
But their moods changed like the genre, ordered by SONY jews!
See that mountain? You can climb it!
wifes son is going to be the mc and kratos is the final boss, heard it here first folks
God damn Sony, way to ruin a good series with cinematic trash.
epic meme
In their tongue he's called faggot/virgin/overweight/loser
>Its a "Sup Forums pretends GOW was always shit" episode
whys he so old
Decent casual hack n slash, but Sony just ruined it.
I never liked the combat too much, but the games were okay, at least the first one was.
I'm more disappointed that of all the interesting settings they could have moved to, they went with Skyrim.
>good series
They were never competitive action games, they relied more on narrative and setpieces alongside cinematic bosses and QTE finishers. Mechanically GoW is as shallow as DMC, DMC being one of the most shallow action games ever made.
>grows a full beard
>is still bald
Why no sickass ponytail?
Oh boy, I can feel the incoming butthurt already.
You mean "competent", and I agree. The combat was serviceable, but it was not a real good action game.
>tfw i know the song by heart without searching the lyrics
>Now with snow!
>And a kid!
>Also needing a shave!
holy fuck lost it
Am I the only one that thought that trailer looked like trash.
Story looked liked shit, gameplay looked forgettable.
Going viking god of war just seems cliche. Why not go Egyptian or Japanese, or Chinese god of war.
In their tongue he calls for his wife's son
>DMC being one of the most shallow action games ever made.
You almost got me, but you overplayed your hand and lost my suspension of disbelief. 4/10.
He's kind of right though. Despite having a plethora of weapons and abilities all of them are either gimmicky or a variation on default stinger/ebony and ivory. DMC is stylish action, not mechanically deep action, since majority of enemies are HP sponges that you simply whale on.
It's Skyrim with Dank Souls combat
Isn't this what soulsfags have been whining for years about?
it has dark souls camera angle and rolling mechanic, with Last of Us senseless bashing. the world design also looks inspired by Dark Souls, I'lll probably play it but get sick of it half way through.
You're far from alone.
It looked awkward to play, boring follow the npc gameplay, movie trash.
But the scenery was pretty. So I'll give it that.
The concept is alright. But it's clear that what we saw isn't anything more than a very slow-paced and cinematic tutorial. They gave the least revealing ten minutes they could. Hopefully the kid isn't too irritating in terms of gameplay.
Most alarming change is the camera. I suspect the game is revisiting the core ideas of the original God of War and emphasizing environmental exploration/puzzles a bit more over combo-centric combat. But who knows.
>he doesn't play past the first level
>he plays on a low difficulty
Kid, pls.
All in good time. Kratos destroyed the Olympic gods last gen. This gen is for Nordic gods. The other gods will be dealt with in later games. Eventually, Kratos will become the Christian god.
Thank you, user
I understood that reference.
Does this mean that eventually kratos will have to go kill allah?
i can already hear the suicide bombs going off at sony
Then man kills God, Man creates Dinosaur, Dinosaur kills Man and Woman inherits the earth.
Reminder that it should have been something better then the shitty gay nordic Mythology, like the japs or the chinks, something that isn't trying to cash in on them thor bux
the nordic myth is best after greek then the budda shit.
i can't wait for kratos to release loki or for the gods to think that kratos released him and make him get involved.
user, face it, no good/badass gods come from the Nordic mythology, the only thing that would save this god of war would be Valkyrie titties.
>people complained about kratos' character being shit due to him being angry all the time
>new GoW attempts to add some character to the protagonist by having his son be a part of the game
>gameplay demo shows a vertical slice of this
>people jump to conclusions and assume the entire game will be him and his son hunting and call it a last of us clone
He looks like Joel with Kratos makeup but was too lazy to shave the beard.
I highly doubt what we saw is any more indicative of the rest of the game than, say, TPP's opening hospital sequence is to the rest of it. It's just some tutorial shit to establish Kratos's new life.
odin, thor, loki, balder, giant fucking snake that reaches around the world, giant wolf, queen of the dead, yggdrasil
calling it now zeus is odin
welcome to Sup Forums
Is it just me, or has Kratos become a lot like Nier?
>I watch and read movies about greek gods my whole life and have no knowledge on norse mythology, so its stupid!
I don't think the entire game will be him and his son, but I do think they'll keep that camera style and the slow, deliberate combat we saw in the demo. Honestly, I didn't care for it.
Everything from Norse is badass. EVERYTHING. Egyptian is just as shit ton of fucking nonsense and incest. Chinese and japanese is nothing but fucking traps.
Captain Spaulding sure got pretty ripped
Kratos looked out of place
Should have just replaced his ass
dont forget fafnir the dwarf that loki turned into a dragon, call me crazy, but I think ghe dragon we see at the end of the trailer MIGHT have been fafnir if that boy isnt loki.
>I read and watch thor, so Norse mytho must be good!
>Here is a character who is famous for being angry 24/7
>Fuck making new IPs, let's just take that character and make him a calm father guy
>Also fuck the camera and let's slow the slow gameplay down
I bet they add a crafting system too
>see a dragon
>immediately think it's Fafnir
Back to /smgen/ with you.
>implying the movie Thor and Marvel doesnt shit all over norse mythology and mislead everyone into thinking Loki is a son of Odin
confirmed for not knowing shit about norse mythology
haha, weeb.
Spot the weeb
>let's just take that character and make him a calm father guy
The Spartan Rage power-up seems to be making a return. He's calm now to establish the stakes and how he's more or less changed into someone more reasonable without the Olympians around. Something will happen to motivate his actions through the rest of the game. Are you deliberately being obtuse?
I agree about the camera, but who knows about the gameplay. When shit hits the fan I expect Kratos to get weapons more like his old ones.
>he thinks marvel thor is the same as thor thor
>he thinks it was ever trying to be canon
So, wait. when did exploring a culture that isn't your own turn into being something like that? So now every time someone wants to learn about their Mythology or just want to learn about their ancient history, it must mean they are weebs? I don't even like those shitty "Super mature" cartoons from Japan.
i never said it was trying to be canon
Just that it mislead a bunch of normies into thinking Loki is Odins son
>Boy with bow
>Lightning bolt arrows
>Kratos uses Axe.
>Boy calls Kratos sir and not father
Boy is Thor. Kratos is training Thor for Odin.
underrated post
>im totally japenese guys, I have 2% jap blood in me so, like, im the descendent of Lu Bu probably, or maybe tadakatsu honda!
ahh shit THAT would make sense!
Give me some games with deeper combat system (including 3 levels of block-counter) and not from Capcom.
user. Every God in the Norse Pantheon practically is a God of War. They all have duel roles. Freya? Goddess of The Harvest, Fertility, And War. Freyr? God of The Sun, the Earth, Growing, Fertility and War. Balder? God of goodness and War. Tyr? God of Justice and War. Frigga: Goddess of Motherhood ,wives, Hearth and War. Odin; God of KNowledge, Sorcery, Death, Life, and War. Thor: God of Thunder, Protection of Mankind, and War.
Do you get the fuckin Picture here? They could not have picked a better setting for this game.
Is this the same Kratos from the first games? His skin is ashen because he had his wife and kids ashes attached by that witch doctor or w/e. If this is a reboot, why is his skin still that color?
the boy called Kratos 'father' several times, although the context of how they talked to each other sounded like Kratos wasn't actually his real/birth dad
Dark souls 1 2 3,
DW series
SW seriers
WWE 2K16
Norse culture isn't my own, probably isn't yours either.
>not realizing thats how sons would call their dads depending on the era in history
Especially the military sons.
See that dragon? It's actually only 10ft away from us and that entire backdrop is a static, unreachable prop
Freya is also a god of sex dont forget that
Ultra kek
>Dark Souls
By pure assets, yea. Mechanically, it's less in depth than some mobile games.
Ninja gaiden
>Dark soul
Can't even do aerial combat and range combat is too shit
Same like soul
No aerial combat
No heavy range combat and 3 levels of block-counter
>WWE 2K16
No aerial combat
bayonetta is the only one i can really think of that might fit into that.
>Kratos kills the Norse gods
Literally how? All their deaths are preordained and Most of them are pretty bro tier.
Is he going to kill Thor? Literally the protector of mankind?
Some games, not 1
>JUST Kratos
>My wife's son
>Open world
>Crafting Armor and shit
Kill me
God hand
>>My wife's son
Isn't the kid in the trailer his actual son, though?
>WWE 2K16
>No aerial combat
Kinda false
Read my post again, some games that are not from Capcom.
Same dude. Has the stomach scar
>Kratos will get to use Mjolnir
What a retarded goalpost. You're hopeless.
Who knows?Sup Forums-infected Sup Forums would never be able to tell the difference or lean to differentiate things. It's as black and white as Sup Forums is to them.
>Sup Forums infected Sup Forums
It's the third most popular board now, it's everywhere now, just let it come softly.
I really hope the Kid doesn't die and we have him as useful companion during the game.
And you can't name more than 5 or 6 games with deeper combat system than DMC, which is made by Capcom. God Hand is made by them too.
Look again, it seems to be around the same height as the other similar construction to Kratos right hand side. You can see a similar one in the distance. Now from that point go down to where the lake is. See? Not unreachable at all. The only unreachable point would be that colossal mountain/ volcano going past the sky.
Kratos will get to use Gungnir I LOVE SPEARS!
Bayonetta isn't deeper. It's different but not deeper.