What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Adventure update
Pandering to reddit.
so many things
Hunger update was a bit of a fun killer.
1.8 and beyond
Lets Players and children got a hold of it. Then Mojang saw the incredible market and was easily able to sell merch of various products to children. They eat that shit up crazy and then the whole game just panders to them.
Minecraft was always better as a building game
past hunger just ruined the simplistic nature of it. it wasn't just building shit anymore. it was real life autism.
Top-tier autism, I don't think I've ever seen this much anger.
Everything after Alpha
This. It simply got too popular. There is not a single game that has survived such a massive wave of attention and came out ok.
Focus on annoying or pointless stuff like Hunger and pre-built temples / dungeons instead of meaningful updates to the game experience that exited before than.
The change in world generation was also kind of lame. Biomes are just too samey to ever be interesting, and should have had more intricate intersections / blends between different biomes, as it is now, every plain, every forest, every desert is generally just like all the rest, as opposed to the old way where you could have forests with mountains in them.
Anything past 1.7.3 was incontrovertibly a mistake.
>What went wrong?
Absolutely Nothing.
We all enjoyed it when it was still new and interesting (alpha)
and then the creator made billions and moved on
children and autists still enjoy it and continue to latch on, and I say good for them
stop worrying about the minecraft community and go enjoy your big boy games
This tbqhwyf
he abandoned us and it still hurts
i thought you were here forever
The Mojang team are exceptionally lazy fucks, Jeb being the least so.
They release updates that can fuck over community servers, as they often have to restart everything to spawn new biomes or new blocks/items found in them. The latest being one example.
Combat Update was a decent "in bulk update", but if you're adding new foods and such, make it really count.
What is this image about exactly? I see it posted all the time.
Worth 2 billion despite being an incomplete game.
what could have been.
>game is bottomless bucket of lego
>hurrr lets add a rpg system to it
Game appealed to autists. Got so bad I jumped ship during early beta.
>it's been 6 years and still no dragon lair, abandoned stone tower and goblin village
i'm waiting
>what could have been.
Doesn't look too different to what we got though.
Ah, that's delightful.
Not even a good one, this is the most bare bones of RPG systems I've seen.
I'd actually like goblins over the dicknoses any day of the fucking week. What happened?
>tea kettle scream
All they really had to do was write a proper modding system. It's not by all means easy, especially if they want to allow you to automatically download clientside mods for servers you join (and twice especially security-wise), but that literally the only thing they really needed to do. Any of content they pump out is greatly overshadowed by mods, mods that are mostly inaccessible to majority of players.
notch did what any Sup Forumsirgin would do in his circumstance
when he found out that he made boatloads of money regardless of how much he worked on the game, he stopped working
If Mojang wants to make this game rpg why are they half assing it so much? Go all out with magics and fantasy enemies and shit.
remember when everyone was excited for seeeecret updates and what new cool features were added? it was like 2009 or 2010, fuck
>watch video
>kid immediately screams at 5 khz
how is such a thing even possible
The addition of redstone and logic systems isn't a bad thing in it of itself, but then parents en masse decided that Minecraft was an excellent edutainment game. And thus its fate was sealed. The audience didn't want a living breathing world to live in, they wanted to become rich and famous Youtubers. Hundreds of thousands of kids and manchildren autistically placing bricks and contraptions in increasingly intricate structures hoping that their next magic act would earn them riches beyond imagination.
Like I said in There is no driving force other than occasional boredom.
>you will never experience joy of your first playthrough again
Well, the fact that instead of focusing on expanding the gameplay they went for the gimmick approach while showing their incompetence in the midst of it.
Truly, and I hate to be a broken record, Terraria is what Minecraft should've been,
>Released as a small but ambitious little game
>Not much content, but it's fun especially in multiplayer
>Devs begin updating it by adding new tiers of equipment and new crafting materials and recipes
>(Excluding the pause Red took from development) keep a steady pace, continuously releasing more and more updates, so much so that the game now looks unrecognizeable from how it was years before
>Never ask for a single dollar for what should have been called paid dlc
I mean for fuck's sake, Terraria gives you a perfect sense of progression. From being a tiny human that can barely explore a cave with two kms of rope to a flying alien wizard that shoots swords.
Damn...would have been fun to see Minecraft blossom into a 3d Terraria. Kept it's lego aspect of exploration but rpg elements right. Can't believe autists and manchildren ruined it.
Mod's can "fix" it but there's no real community behind them thus no fun playing by yourself.
I kind of want to make a fuckhuge mod just to spite mojang, tell them that whatever the fuck they're doing over there ain't enough. If a singular person can make a mod that pretty much rewrites the game and makes it far better than vanilla, then clearly a whole team of people can do the same shit.
It was a happy few months, and then they stopped and he went to reddit.
You know, I was always thinking that reddit would be a fad just like every other popular site that came before it, but it's been 7 years now. People left SA and it lost relevance, people left ebaums and it died, people left gaia and it died, people left FP and it lost relevance, SA lost relevance again, but reddit is just a thorn that won't go away. Why is it not dying just like everything that came before it?
Were we the ones that died?
>Remembering being a scrub in iron armor fighting a toothy eyeball with a silver bow evolving to a master wizard fighting aliens and gods
Thanks for that moment user.
I planned on buying it since I never experienced multiplayer before. Are there servers that aren't modded out the ass and are like vanilla?
>Guy who makes Optifine was asked by Mojang if he could sell the code to them and/or work with them
>he refused both
>Mojang just doesn't optimize it themselves for whatever reason.
1.10 runs terribly, what the fuck.
Fucking hell, Minecraft has done very well regardless of how shit the project went on after multiplayer was implemented. The game is an indie success story because of how much fucking money it made/ is still making. Notch gave today's children virtual Legos and that shit is dope as fuck for little snots these days.
End game Terraria was so fucking crazy.
Also, many people forget that not only they added more and more endgame content with each patch, they also rebalanced and rewarked a lot of the early game, making it far more fun.
nothing. just play by yourself or play with your friends.
no need to play on public servers with autistic children.
I wonder if the difference between Terraria and Minecraft development was because in Minecraft, it was actually programmer's job to add content, while in Terraria there were dedicated people for creating content and programmers only did what they were told.
Thaumcraft is it. Thaumcraft alone literally overshadows everything Mojang tried to achieve. Although Thaumcraft is a bit more heavy on crafting side.
The Twilight Forest and Aeter are mods that focus on exploration. Conveniently both use almost none of original Minecraft asjavascript:;sets.
>Warrior and ranger are both left handed
What the fuck why? Who drew this?
Post your face when unlocking the Phantasm bow
First minecon was 13-17 and up geeks who ran D&D style roll play servers, programmed mods and bucket plugins, distributed customizable texture packs
Last minecon was 6-8 year old mouth breathers who were still to nervous to leave the house, forced to participate in a crowd to large for them to understand.
Never dropped for me.
Me and my friends a year ago played Terraria for 70 hours until we beat the Moonlord. I think the most notable thing that was dropped was the sword that shot kittens.
3:40, holy shit.
Goblins are villagers, dragon lair became the end, tower became stronghold fortresses
first minecon was notch and like 30 other people meeting in the park
meanwhile in minecraft the best mining tool is STILL the diamond pick.
It's craftable, silly user
>but if you're adding new foods and such, make it really count.
Don't remind me about beetroot. Holy shit, I can't even go back to vanilla after dabbling in mods. How do you let modders add in things that vastly improve on the game? All of the planned features for vanilla have been done already, and 1.10 is an absolute joke in terms of content.
That bow is crafted from vortex pillar drops. Too bad the extra effect doesn't really do shit in expert mode. I only wish it didn't have that dumb warm up time.
oh shit
Minecraft with a mod pack consumed like a month of my life. Consumed as in every free minute I had I would boot up the server and get my no job friend to play.
Thaumcraft is actually amazing. Its basically its own game and its worlds better than normal Minecraft. But really, lots of mods are the best bet since there is ALWAYS something you can be working on at any given time.
We're all still here, right?
>Minecraft adds in so much half ass rpg shit like shields and magic arrows but wont input higher tier ore items
I'm upset that the endgame mage spells are kinda lame. Last prism is okay but I wanted the spells Luntic cultist had.
It will never be the 3D Dwarf Fortress I always hoped it would be.
I have to ask myself that question all the time. Even if we are still here, most the people here don't seem to be the same.
Yeah magic is kind of a mixed bag. Spells with good effects tend to lack in power, and spells with good power have shitty effects or high mana costs.
just play gnomoria instead :^)
Fucking autist.
Notch was one of us. He made a videogame to be fun. He was a kid inside. Jens wants to be an adult. The new crew wants games to be educational. They don't want someone designing a redstone cpu all by themselves, they would rather force them to pretend to be friends with someone else.
That's what they did wrong, they tried turning Minecraft into fucking school.
>using the smiley with the carat nose
We'd have none of mods we'd have now if it was written in C++.
You don't know your history. Notch is still one of us on the inside and he still hates everyone, he just has effectively infinite money and time.
The game went to shit long before Notch left.
[citation needed]
>he just has effectively infinite money and time.
I bet he spends most of his free time shitposting on here still.
a c++ distributable isn't so easily decompiled and modified
in java, the distributable is effectively the whole project and can be modified at any time
Not only that spells all feel too similar and reminiscent to guns with infinite ammo. Only unique spells are Blizzard Staff, Razorblade typhoon, bat scepter and bubble gun. Everything else is projectile based and it sucks.
All mods were written by decompiling game code. Java decompilation is working extremely well - you can decompile the program, compile it, and get a working executable. C++ decompilation is nowhere near Java's.
I'm too lazy and short on time to properly research it, is that mod only magic or does it also introduce some new enemies to go with it?
I'm looking at enjoying an autismal MC playthrough with some mods but the game needs some challenge first
This is how I felt about buildcraft and all the industrial mods for it, too.
I could play a game that was just that. Making assembly lines and mass-producing some overpowered shit made me feel like the mad scientist that no game had ever made me feel before.
Is Starbound/Crea/Planet Centauri/Othersameshit worth my time or should I just re-start a world and character from the beginning on Terraria?
>spend 70 million on a house in celebrity central
>the only room you visit is your basement to gaem and shitpost 24/7
The dream
Ah good, Flaot's here.
Thaumcraft is a magic mod for those nit picky autists. It's long, complicated, follows a long ass tree acomplishment and fucking boring.
I don't know, there was some nasty shit talking going on between him and the anons of the time, and he was a pretty sensitive and shallow person.
He may have sworn off us for good and left Sup Forums, but I know that a piece of Sup Forums of ye olde still lives within him. He's still a hate machine.
>I could play a game that was just that.
Like Factorio
What went wrong? You got older.
FLAOT died years ago, there are only tributes and imposters.
If you want new mobs, go Aether or The Twilight Forest. Notice my posts sempai.
Minecraft is the world of warcraft of survival games
Dwarf Fortress is Everquest
Factorio is really nice. Although it explores the other aspect of the genre.
>1.10 came out super quick and suddenly
>Liteloader, Optifine and Voxel map understandably have yet to be updated.
>Need Voxelmap to keep track of users on server I'm modding on
I only play full modpacks since like 1.4, I couldnt even tell you what is vanilla anymore. it's probably shit without mods