just watched the dead stranding trailer and I started poking around a bit with this pic
if you check the kojipro website's html stuff you'll see a img src named "menu-img-01"
so I zoomed in and noticed the tags around his necklaces are engraved with equations
I also noticed that the one that's easiest to see has something to do with black wholes
any ways I was hoping we could disect this trailer
Other urls found in this thread:
I have no idea, but I'll bump.
These are all the letters that dripped throughout the trailer
I loaded them up on some unscrambler website and found some weird stuff it's probably just jibberish but the best ones are
Dynameter- an instrument for determining the magnifying power of scopes
Oysterman- a boat used to dredge for oysters
anddromada- constellation
Daysman- an arbiter referee mediator
Daemons- british variant of deamons
close up of the engravings
No, go away. Kojima is dead to me
This is mostly blind speculation
But I kinda wouldn't put it passed kojima to put in some fuckery in his game
also the equation that I was referencing in the op
is in the pic
I don't know that much about math and physics so if any kind user wants to take a crack at that it could yield some help
thank you very much
It's black wholes.
If you take the earth or sun and compress it into a smaller perfect sphere, the Schwarzchild Radius is the radius at which the sun or earth (or anything else) becomes dense enough to become a black whole.
Yeah but what do you think that means?
the five dudes are saints?
does anyone know about religion?
>black wholes
I need sleep.
Do you think that's why he absorbs the baby? is that what he is doing?
Engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
He is a clone, a failure one.
they are connected that would explain the baby.
The planet looks that it has to be Terra-formed or something, reminds me a lot to Prometheus and the black goo thingy
All I know is, I'm fairly certain this: en.wikipedia.org
Relates to the title in some way given what's going on in the trailer.
this is just moby dick bullshit all over again
yes and it's also a double entendre referring to the umbilical cables all the animals (even each individual crab) have. except reedus and maybe the flyers.
The ground appears to be black sand, a type of sand that forms from magma seeping onto the surface.
Kojima was location scouting in Iceland that hand a blacksand beach a while back.
Go on...
there's also fire of some kind (could be magma) visible on the ground.
>Truth be told, Homo Ludens (Those who Play) are simultaneously Homo Faber (Those who Create)
>Even if the earth were stripped of life and reduced to a barren wasteland, our imagination and desire to create would preserve beyond survival.
My hunch is that this is going to involve digital physics.
Digital physics explores the idea that the universe is inherently informational and therefore calculatable. The universe could theoretically be a computer simulation.
The Homo Ludens may be beings that can alter the information of the universe itself explaining how they are those who create.
I guess this could link to the forumale on the things around his neck, I kinda think they look like USBs personally.
what is the middle engraving
that's what bothers me
It's not. His hands are covered in that black oil(?) and small baby handprints then start moving away from him. Those handprints fill the sand with what looks more like that oil than regular water, just like the ones from before. And he's covered in handprints.
Makes me wonder if Reedus is the last human, or spared this fate due to whatever gave him that scar, or just fuckin dead.
Whatever the case, I'm interested.
Am I a pleb if I buy the Ps4 only to play this game?
Anyone else think/hope it will still be a horror game?
I haven't found the second equation yet but since it includes ψ(wave function) it likely involves quantum mechanics
The psi symbol on the second tag is usually used in formula associated with quantum wave functions which is "a description of the quantum state of a system"
You're a man with acquired taste.
I tried toying around with this shit earlier. Probably did a shit job at it.
I can't really tell, but it seems to equate to 0 at the end, which is intersting given the choice of song in the trailer
We are going to pull off the biggest hack in the universe!
the significance of the handcuffs can't be understated. he was a prisoner, and I suspect now an outcast. from what, is the question.
considering it will be out on PC as well within 6 months, probably within 3 and possibly on the same day, nah. you won't be a 'pleb', you'll be a cuck.
Maybe it's the Massacre of the Innocents. The babies who became saints at their deaths. Saints at Ending.
My lap top has five years old tbqh senpai.
We already know the top formula is about black holes
Welp, ignore my garbage, then. Back to porn watching.
Right. The handcuffs are also significant cause of the blue energy within the unchained one. That either means futuristic society, fuckin aliens, or spiritual involvement. Or some combination.
Yes and a retard too because it will also come out for pc
I think looking at this might give us a better idea of some things that the game may contain.
Homo Ludens and Homo Faber seem to relate to this book: en.wikipedia.org
I see a core difference in Kojima Productions message and the book. That being a Homo Faber and a Homo Ludens being one in the same, rather than being the two sides to the same coin, they're both the faces simultaneously.
Naw man helping is helping. Thanks for the attempt.
The second equation is the Diric equation which describes the spin of particles.
It's related to the Schrödinger equation which describes how the quantum state of a quantum system changes with time.
But the signiticance of the Diric equation is that it implies the existence of antimatter
My money is on antimatter.
I really need sleep.
thank you kind user
OK guys listen. Listen.
6 tags around his neck. 5 people floating. Hes one of them. His is the 6th tag around his neck. The baby is from the sink in PT. It all makes sense!
Will i be able to play this with my Scorpio or NX?
Goto bed Adam
Oh guys
Norman Reedus character = Hideo Kojima
Vanished baby = MGS franchise he was robbed of and phantom pains about it.
Awakening on the shore with stranded fish = trying to stand on his own after being fired from Konami
Five Figures floating over the sea (sea = Konami) = Konami Chiefs
look how Reedus watch into the sea and that figures with hate and determination. And that words "I'll keep coming" oh man this trailer is so autobiographical
Don't do this so fast unless there's other games you want too. He literally just got done saying it probably won't be done for several year.s
It was in the interview he did after the show today
>I'll be 26 when this game comes out
Wew, w-why even show it, Kojima-san...
I haven't been following this but I hope people have considered this in the light of Homo Ludens being used.
>A New Babylon -- a provocative name, since in the Protestant tradition Babylon is a figure of evil. New Babylon was to be the figure of good that took the name of the cursed city and transformed itself into the city of the future.
>In the New Babylon, the bourgeois shackles of work, family life, and civic responsibility would be discarded. The post-revolutionary individual would wander from one leisure environment to another in search of new sensations. Beholden to no one, he would sleep, eat, recreate, and procreate where and when he wanted. Self-fulfillment and self-satisfaction were Constant's social goals. Deductive reasoning, goal-oriented production, the construction and betterment of a political community--all these were eschewed.
>It is obvious that a person free to use his time for the whole of his life, free to go where he wants, when he wants, cannot make the greatest use of his freedom in a world ruled by the clock and the imperative of a fixed abode. As a way of life Homo Ludens will demand, firstly, that he responds to his need for playing, for adventure, for mobility, as well as all the conditions that facilitate the free creation of his own life. Until then, the principal activity of man had been the exploration of his natural surroundings.
I did this for P.T. Dont do what I did. Though this is coming out wait till its actually out first.
more black goo
If you look at all the letters that are runny, you get "eat standing". Kojima wants you to get off your ass.
Reposting an interesting picture from another thread.
Maybe this game is set in an post apocalyptic future where humans have destroyed the planet through fracking, pollution, etc. Hence the imagery of dead animals and the oil.
Maybe humans can also no longer have children and cloning has been started in order to proliferate and "create" life.
Maybe these clones are the Homo Ludens/Homo Faber who have the power to "create" and "play" in the new world as referenced by Norman Reedus' clone was one of 6 and was a failure. All the dead animals are also clones made for the new world.
I need to go to sleep.
Don't worry user you'll still be the same faggot at 26.
>But the signiticance of the Diric equation is that it implies the existence of antimatter
No, that's one aspect of it, but that's really a consequence of the fact that psi is a Dirac spinor.
The significance of the Dirac equation is that is describes free (Dirac) fermions. In the massless limit the equation decouples into a left handed Weyl equation and a right-handed one but they still have anti-particles.
Alternatives, one could impose some reality condition on psi, turning into a Majorana spinor which has no antiparticles (or, rather, the fermion is its own antiparticle).
It's Lovecraft inspired. Great old ones, stars are right etc etc.
More likely just crude oil, especially with the beached animals.
Or the goo from the x-files.
the formula in the foreground is the schwarzschild radius, the second one should be the Shrodinger eqauation.
higher quality pic
I thought so, too, but there's other cords in the water, as seen in the pic, which are most likely connected to all the beached animals seen.
And I should point out that the Majorana equation is the same as the Dirac equation, it's just what exactly psi represents has changed./
It's the Dirac equation. It's essentially the square root of the Schrodinger equation.
It's going to be fucking terrible you losers
Kojima hasn't made a good game for a decade. In fact, they're actually managing to get worse and worse
yup, I'm a bit rusty on the quantum physics.
Probably kojimble will use some physical concepts to build a story, kinda like he used nanomachines in the past. Not too hyped, actually
mods are asleep, post black whores
Phantom Pain had the best gameplay ever featured on a Metal Gear.
Has anybody else noticed the singular white whale amongst the other beached whales?
>It's quantum physics, son
it's a shame that it was left unfinished
Yea, if you play for the story. Kojimas stories are fucking stupid but the gameplay is always good. MGSV was a good game, whoever disagrees only has the "the story was bad" argument and this raises the question of "why the fuck are you playing games for the story above everything else"
Im at work and takin a dump as of know, but just wanted to say I dig this theory.
God I love readin kojima in the shitter.
or genetics before that
>Brrrrother, I have the recessive genes, I AM BAAAD
Kojima always seem to introduce cool concepts and than threats them in an overly simplified manner
Kojima has said that this won't have anything to do with Ludens.
>Kojima said
Are you truly foolish enough to trust the ruse master?
The balance and difficulty curve of MGSV was a bit off. It lacked good boss fights and Ground Zero had way better level design. TPP was still fun