>New Bridge Commander Star Trek game
>VR Exclusive
>JJ Nu-Trek
>New Bridge Commander Star Trek game
>VR Exclusive
>JJ Nu-Trek
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>JJ Nu-Trek
because it's the only Star Trek accepted by normies
Well, The Original Series bridge looks old by modern standards (understandable, considering the budget constraints). Even the first series of films and the other series look fine, though, so they did have plenty of superior sources of inspiration to choose from, though.
the ship aesthetics are so fucking shit though
>Horribly proportioned
>Fucking giant
>Insides look like a 19th century factory.
what a fucking shame. bc + mods is still pretty fun.
>not using the NCC-1701-A bridge
>not using Starfleet uniforms circa 2270s-2290s
Too bad most mods disappeared with Filefront going down.
Man I'm just happy that someone with money also thought of that game idea.
You exaggerate.
CBC wanted a LOT more money for the tv license apparently, to the point it wouldn't make much sense.
Why is an ensign operational? Shouldn't they be in training of some sort?
And the best guys they could buy were Reading Rainbow, the borg grill from fucking voyager and Neo-Bones.
For fuck sake.
>TOS is massively overrated campy shit.
>Nu-Trek is action movie normalfag shit with shit tier writing.
Call me when we get something related to TNG or DS9. But we won't because we can't have nice things.
Legit reason: You probably rank up by playing
In-game reason: Sounds like the plot is that you're running exercises and shit, could see it as the captain giving the ensign a chance to try get some real practise on a console
>JJ trek
>gameplay consists of pressing 4 buttons on the virtual console whenever "the captain" says so
Best Enterprise redesign reporting in.
The movies being shit hurt TNG's legacy. Especially Nemesis, being the last one and killing off the second most popular character in a really hamfisted way.
>press and hold x to fire everything
They brought Data back in the comic
Movie only killed him off because Brent Spiner thought he was getting too old to play an ageless machine
Navy ranks are weird as shit
I thought it looked fun.
How much would 4 vr headsets cost though? Not exactly worth it.
>We could've had a huge line up of TNG movies like the TOS
>See the TNG characters mature as grow old as high ranking admirals and shit who break the rules to go on their latest adventure
>Instead we got the franchise going on hiatus and revived as a shell of its former self.
Why? It didn't have to be this way.
Most Trek movies suck because they are bad guy of the week films.
TMP, WoK and UC work the best as Trek films, while VH is a decent 80s comedy.
2009 is one of the more enjoyable and well made Trek films, despite being pretty mindless, at least it was mindless and well made, unlike the Generations films (or Into Darkness which was fucking awful)
How to make a good Star Trek game:
>team based large scale RTS where you're assigned a position on a ship
>Tactical handles weapons, shields and aiming
>Navigation decides the optimal way to reach a destination, when to go in and out of warp and navigates around hazards
>Engineering has to maintain the engines under heavy stress (or there's a core breach and everyone dies) and make repairs
>First Officer leads away teams and makes suggestions to the Captain, can instigate mutiny on a bad Captain
>Captain handles diplomacy and sets the destination
A game consists of multiple ships belonging to different factions spawning away from each other, you win if your faction wins.
Stopped reading there.
What do you have against RTS?
It'd make the most sense, there's tons of valuable and practical materials in established canon (Duranium, Dilithium crystals, etc) and it would give you a reason to explore instead of just shoot other ships.
You're obviously going to play online.