so we're all in agreement that Sony won then?
shitposting aside they've easily had the best presentation thus far
so we're all in agreement that Sony won then?
shitposting aside they've easily had the best presentation thus far
Other urls found in this thread:
In your dreams sonygger
I missed the conference. What happened?
Did they announce at least a SINGLE exclusive (unlike Microsoft)?
Stranded Deep, Spiderman
Stay delusional, cancerous memer.
Nintendo won it by not being there, such a shit overhyped event
Okay I'm a PC fag for life, but how in fuck are people insisting Microsoft beat Sony?
Like, yeah Windows 10 and stuff but don't people care about video games????
God I fucking hate this place. Glad I'm leaving after all this E3 shit settles down.
I said shitposting aside, fuck off
You'll be back
If you're talking about next year, then yeah, unfortunately.
But I've been leaving all year and coming back for E3 for the past few years. I would recommend it actually.
>Microsoft 2016-2017 games with gameplay + Scorpio
>Sony "in devlopement" games and nothing
I expected something big from Sony, but they just tried to copy Microsoft's conference. XBONE won, that was just a bit better than Sony, basically a B+ and a B-
Buy my Skylander pls
I feel like they were held back by SE. Last year, Sony kucked them out of their FF7 Remake reveal so I think SE decided "Nah playah, we gonna get all the good shit this time" thus they'll prob show some FF7 + KH gameplay and have it in the bag, Neir 2 and Setsuna being icing on the cake.
Still, those releases are pretty much Sony ones anyways so Sony stll got it hot.
Their presentation was pretty much decent all around.
my games
Unchated 4,
The last guardian,
psycho pass,
world of final fantasy,
gundambreaker 3,
Horizon Zero Dawn
gravity rush remastered,
trails of cold steel,
gundam vs force,
Persona 5,
Final Fantasy XV
dragon quest builders,
gravity rush 2,
ratchet and clank,
odin sphere,
zero time dilema,
digimon cyber slueth,
root letter,
gran turismo sport,
hatsu miku
exist archive
kingdom hearts 2.8
>shitposting aside they've easily had the best presentation thus far
Do you eat shit?
Xbox one? I don't quote understand what you mean. If you were watching the conference, they gave you NO reasons to own an Xbox. Just watching the conference made me glad I built a pc right before this gen of consoles started. The only thing I'm missing is a ps4 to play all their exclusives. Nintendo is irrelevant to me now and all Xbox games will be coming to pc.
I'll gladly wait up to 2 years to play all those games on a ps4 neo because they actually appeal to me.
I'm a Sony fan but they just threw me off with the horrible God of War footage and Resident Evil "cinematic VR on rails game" footage that I just started hating games now. Looks terrible.
Other than that they were ok. Microsoft showed games that are more fun and more varied, while Sony showed cinematic games that look great artistically.
Are you retarded by chance? Most of what Microsoft showed WAS games. How could people possibly be upset that Microsoft is killing the cancer that is exclusives?
PC+PS4 combo truly is the GOAT going into this generation
The crazy thing is, Sony STILL have Gamescom and TGS (the best show) AND PSX to show off more shit. How the fuck do they do it?
For the last time, you and Sup Forums do not represent the marker, at all. The vast majority of software sales on consoles are multiplats. They gave plenty of people reason to own an Xbox One, because there is very little overlap between the PC and console gamer markets. What console gamers saw was that they can play Forza with their PC friends and stuff. You are not the target demographic, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good for their target demographic.
Sony announced exclusives so Sup Forums being a primarily PC board hates them.
MS announced every game to be exclusive to the Xbox One and Windows 10 so Sup Forums loves them for bringing AAA games to the PC.
Tell me about it. I bought a wiiU for a retarded reason and ended up giving it away. Since I have a great performing pc, I don't need an Xbox. Kinda wanna just get a ps4 now to play uncharted and bloodborne but I guess I'll wait for the neo
Um, E3 isn't over yet, and exactly what do they win besides your virgin jizz?
>thus far
fucking mug
Nothing good besides FFXV, and thats not even sony.
The target demo is the what? 20 mil people that decided to get an Xbox? They were pushing windows 10 more than anything this conference. Get outa here with that. The reason all these games are coming to pc bow is because they want money and the Xbox market is lacking in buyers. Now they've nearly tripled their potential software sales by including pc gamers.
Did they announce the Neo?
>Buying an underpowered Piss Shit 4 with no games instead of upgrading your beast rig
Sonyggers, everyone
Is there some brief summary that lists what they showed and what they talked about? I had to miss the conference due to shit. I only understood that they had a release date for Last Guardian and seemingly that robot dinosaur hunting game is cinematic or something.
Because as much as they shot the Xbone in the foot by having everything on PC, they still had fewer interactive movies, didn't fall hook line and sinker for the VR meme like Sony did, ended their show with Project Scorpio instead of a fucking snoozefest like Days Gone, and at the end of the day, they just plain had a better lineup of games to show than Sony did.
Indeed, but normies or lazy people will still buy a XBONE aka Windows10 box. If you can get a Scorpio for the price of a Geforce 1080, it could be a good alternative to a gamer PC.
Well duh. Companies make things so that they can sell them for profit. Microsoft is doing their best to unify the experience between Xbox and PC, which means you'll be able to play the franchises you like on either, so I'm not complaining.
And the target demographic for consoles is huge. As much as the "easy as Legos" meme gets repeated, building and maintaining a PC is not easy for normies. They just want a $300 box they can plug into their TV and play games on without having to worry about driver problems or any of that shit that rarely but inevitably happens on PCs. These are the same people who use a mechanic to change their oil and stuff.
>having exclusives is good
oh so sony has never had a good E3 then?
>being a povvo cunt
No, which was actually a smart move
Msoft jumped the gun announcing the scorpio more than a year in advance which let's Sony wait a year to announce the Neo with comparable or better hardware just in time for that years holiday season and not MS' plan of announce it now and show off all these games for PC letting people know the xbone is dead
I don't own a PS4 so I know I'm not :^)
But the Scorpio comes out in a year, and it's 6 teraflops. By the time it comes out, the gtx 1170 will most likely be more powerful and cheaper than a Scorpio. Also whatever AMD has that is in the same bracket as the 1170 will also be cheaper and more powerful than a Scorpio.
>No gameplay aside from the last of us robots and the last of us biker.
I'd say they are even with microsoft both E3 presentations were pretty shitty.
Resident Evil VR
Definitely, they didn't come out talking about bullshit or trying to hype up a new console just games on games. What every e3 should be honestly.
Admittedly ot was pretty.good except for the fact as usual where pretty much most of the bigger games shown are pretty much like 2 years away. Which as interesting as it was makes it pointless since as is far to often the case, the end product will likely be a toned down version of what was shown as it often tends to be.
Sso for me personally id give it a low score since it will be too long for.shit they annouced to be ib my hands
nope, it was pretty shitty, lucky for I watched a rebradcast and was able to skip the movie trailers, so the actual conference 4 me was around 25-30 minutes
Neo is out in Early 2017. It's too late for Sony to change specs at this point as they are locked in to 4.14 TF GPU and Jaguar core powered CPU
>Sonyfags now trying to spin not revealing the neo as "Smart" when it's already been leaked it was going to be revealed at TGS and go on sale by March 2017
By the time the Scorpio comes out a 1080ti will definitely have been made and flagship Polaris cards will have been made. Probably new gpus will come out around the time too.
No one is going to buy a console over 600 dollars. Every company saw what happened to sonys ps3 launch. No one will want to make a bold move like that. As tech moves forward, die shrinks get smaller meaning more transistors, better architecture and more power efficiency. These consoles were a test run for the real consoles that will release in the next 2 years. Sorta like how the gtx 750ti was a test for later cards proving you can game with better settings/framerate than the consoles for less than 150 bucks. The scorpion boasting 6 tflops is definitely possible considering the estimated time window of release.
>didn't fall hook line and sinker for the VR meme like Sony did
No they just showed off 2 new consoles and no games.
>they just plain had a better lineup of games to show than Sony did.
WHere were the games at Sony's conference?
I didn't see any
That Horizon gameplay tho
and the detroit trailer...
By far. And I'm not even a sony fan.
But they cornered MS into revealing their hand far too early, effectively killing the Xbox one.
Wake the fuck up then
Results speak for themselves
Hilarious they think 4 tflops will be enough for VR let alone 4k. At least Microsoft are somewhat trying.
>sony does ps4 and pc
>xbone games all go to pc and sony gets exclusive
this fucking pace is horrible i swear...
Everyone gets an F
Sony gets a D
>exclusives are bad now
I want everyone to die here
Resident Evil with a vr option, go play the demo
Ehh, Microsoft strongly hinted at doing away with console generations. Which makes a ton of sense given how hard they're trying to unify Xbox and PC. I think what Microsoft is going for is console generations that are like iPad generations, it'll be backwards compatible with all Xbox One games just like PCs are with PC games, and new games can run on any Xbox that's powerful enough. Microsoft will probably set a limit, like games have to run on Xboxes at least two refreshes old or something.
The MShills are just upset they spent hundreds of dollars to get cucked in favor of the PC market
This meme needs to die
Exclusives have always been a gimmick to sell consoles and lock you into a platform. Microsoft killing them is the most consumer friendly move any of them have done.
But don't let that stop you from shelling out cash for ps+ and console "upgrades" every 3 years
Copy a business model that has shrinking sales each year, brilliant
its almost like we say exactly what we need to in order to rustle your jimmies
or maybe its because sony fucks are notorious for being so fucking obnoxious about every exclusive they get and get so upset when anyone else mocks them so it becomes that much more fun
but hey thats just a theory
Interesting. I guess the debate is over.,goodnight
less exclusives = more games for you
could you imagine being able to play gears on ps4 or uncharted on xbox? the only comparable feeling would be Christianity and Islam coming together
Then how come people still give sony shit for having multiplates and pc port games?
Give me a sony conference recap m8s
it was at 4am
In all honesty, no they did not. They showed off tonnes of multiplat and spiderman. That was basically it.
Microsoft did better and they didn't even show any games.
C- at best.
they showed call of dudy, gow, new david cage movie and a spiderman cgi trailer
their show sucked
Literally No games
PSVR is only tech demos
Crash Bandicoot is back in Skylanders
COD Exclusive timed DLC
Sony cucked themselves
I like sony, still buying the Morpheus, still getting the neo, etc. etc.
But this conference was fucking terrible
>GoW demo, trying YET AGAIN to make Kratos a sympathetic character when we all know exactly what'll happen to him and the boy
>Days Gone looks dull, terrible sound and dumb AI, animations look great tho
>Hey guys we're making Crash remaster, but we won't show you any gameplay, trailers, screenshot or even concept art, hell we have nothing to show you other than the remaster is coming, have a Skylanders gameplay vid instead ;)
>2deep4u koshitma trailer, when it has nothing to do with the main game at all
>more Horizon gameplay, showcasing the awkward conversations, still releasing in a little under 1 year
>VR games, actually looks ok but nothing special, Star Wars VR is literally the xwing ride that Disneyland had
>bad trailer for Detroit, seems like that entire sequence is the only thing you do in the game, people forgot it was part of the multiple robot stories
>Resident Evil turned into hide and seek with absurd puzzles, essentially a PT rip off, no zombies too
>FFXV VR looks sluggish and terrible, like the main game ironically
>literally fucking showing Lego Star Wars
>Spiderman trailer was a CG and no gameplay shown
>COD was literally the only one with enough gameplay and variety
Why was this press conference so bad, and why was it cut off so short?
>Okay I'm a PC fag for life, but how in fuck are people insisting Microsoft beat Sony?
Why are you mad about the fact that theyre bringing all the games to PC too?
easilly. you can tell by how mad Sup Forums got that sony won
>crash gets remaster
can just emulate it
>crash skylanders
The same reason people are giving ms shit for opening their exclusives up to other platforms:
They are console warriors who want to justify their purchase and feel good about themselves.
Sometimes I wonder where people like you were in 2007-2010. Remember when it was all like
>Ps3 has no gaemes!!!
>payed 600 for a Blu-ray player!!!
>live is better then psn, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR WITH LIVE
See your comment is pretty much what was used but in vice versa. While ps3 was getting Shat on, ps owners were saying the same shit you were saying. Until Xbox stopped getting worthwhile exclusives other than halo and gears.
Now the tables are turned and the cycle begins again.
But that would require games to win
And Sony had no games
Microsoft and Sony are almost universally good unless your'e a shill for the opposite side.
Ubi actually did good this year. Well, best in recent memory.
Bethesda and EA sucked ass but we barely got any cringe or ebin mayms. No Todd.
Sqeenix and Kadnawa didn't really have streams at all just this and that "hey look at us"
Nintendo hasn't gone yet.
If you want details on games, go to the E3 website and browse. Nothing really made a splash this year.
That's what it as seems like. I like what MS is doing and notice sony finally getting exclusives and people were bashing them and it seemed like a hivemind mentality shifting from exclusives
Someone reported that they saw Miyazaki passing through but where the fuck is his games on E3?
What's the point in owning a ps4 if I already have a netflix account ?
It has way a lot more movies too.
so what you're saying is Sup Forums has always been a shitfest, but the side slinging it has changed through the years?
>people believe this
PC Wii U is correct answer.
If this year's Sony's conference is a "D", what the fuck is an "A"?
Christ, the autist's Sup Forums fag's scale is puzzling one.
You realize this is best E3 conference Sony's had in years? Maybe even in the past decade? Most E3 conferences are total dogshit - marketing schemes pandering to the lowest common denominator; often riddled with tech demos that shouldn't have passed R&D and third-party zzzzz stuff.
This year Sony just assblasted the audience with game after game - no boring dev talk filler or boring-ass stats - just price points and dates, exactly what the gamers want.
5 exclusives, Final Fantasy XV, VR price+date+exclusives, and Kojima's game.
There is literally nothing more you could want besides them talking about NEO or showing Final Fantasy XII remake, which they're likely saving for the next major game show.
They swept E3 and actually made if worth watching this year.
Pic is (You)
Everyone knows the PS4 hardware is shit and could barely run Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne.
Consoles are only dragging the industry back
i also misread and thought you asked for a whole synopsis, sorry bruv its 3 am for me
Should I wait and buy the neo or scorpio
Xbox won simply because it's shit with actual release dates. Not cinematic experiences that are going to be delayed forever in typical sony fashion
>VR cancer
>God of my wife's son
Except uncharted 4 stayed at 30 fps, even in action intense scenes with tons of particle effects
>Everyone knows the PS4 hardware is shit and could barely run Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne.
>Consoles are only dragging the industry back
>Consoles are only dragging the industry back
By directing funding and making said games in the very first place. How retarded are you?
No reason to own a ps4 if you have a netflix account
And yet there the biggest moneymakers cuz they cater to the common pleb.
If big studios saw money in PC, they'd invest more for their games in that platform but they don't.
Stop being an edgelord.
>This year Sony just assblasted the audience with game after game - no boring dev talk filler or boring-ass stats - just price points and dates, exactly what the gamers want.
What games?
They had no games at all.
>Tech demos without release dates
>David Cage movies
Deluded pajeets crawling all over Sup Forums this morning make me kek
>xbox won
>litterally 0 exclusives
well memed my friend
The company who said "fuck you look at all the games from last year" and then went on about how they're just remaking everything?
So this is how sony is selling the most.
Nothing but movies .
No point in owning a ps4 if you have a netflix account.