Hey, was thinking about starting up a new Terraria server, but no ones online because of wagecucking. Is it possible to get a new game started with some faggots from Sup Forums ? I could host, wouldn't prefer it though since my connection is surely not the best.
Terraria - Sup Forums plays together
Other urls found in this thread:
Not Expert Mode, Softcore characters, just to have some comfy terraria fun, without the hardshit hassle.
>inb4 host is a faggot without any friends
>Not expert mode
don't listen to this faggot.
I agree with the softcore characters though.
Expert mode isnt hard tho and do you have to make new char?
S e r v e r s i d e c h a r a c t e r s
Serverside characters or bust
I'm down. Sick of hosting myself.
What is this pic even trying to show.
Cool mini-builds and shit one can use to spice up their world ya namefag
Sounds fun. I'm down.
This is fine
You hosting or what?
I can't host.
I could host but I can't promise server side characters.
You know you can kick people from servers.
Yeah I've got a pretty expansive ban list.
You from NA or europe? I'd join if the server is in europe.
Gonna host give me a min.
Would someone gift me terraria please?
What's that?
Is that like gay4pay only it's cuck4bucks?
Having a job/ not being a neet
How does that stop you from playing Terraria?
Terraria runs on your damn phone.
OP is talking about how most people are sleeping right now for their jobs instead of staying up all night playing vidya.
Server here.
Expert, large world. Normal fags BTFO.
Pic related.
Forgot to mention, server is located in the US.