I like insomniac, they make good games and know how to properly handle movement, i think it'll be pretty good.
thats pre-rendered though
I'm genuinely excited about this. Might have to snatch a ps4 this holiday season.
I'm not hyped until i see spiderman 2 web slinging if not then no buy.
I wish they used Miles Morales Spider Man. There's already enough white protagonists, and honestly, it would be good to see a super hero game with a colored person as the protagonist. And Peter Parker is dead too, its canon, so they should've used this cooler one but w/e. It won't get much love seeing as its a console exclusive.
>not moonwebbing
Color me shocked. I didn't think devs were capable of that anymore.
Seeing Spiderman web sling for one second does not count
Okay, the white has to go. Maybe replace it with something a little less conspicuous. Or go with more conspicuous and make it glow because the giant white spider makes it looks like some kinda reverse Japanese flag.
Spider-Miles would make a terrible video game protagonist. Who wants to play a game where every single fight is won with a single hit. You don't even have to do anything, just touch the ground and bam, enemies are dead. Where's the fun in that?
>pre-rendered bullshit
Even if you're being serious, Miles is the worst main-line Spidey. Miguel would be a better choice for a minority Spidey, not like you've ever read a capeshit comic.
Are you fucking stupid. Everything about this statement is wrong. Peter Parker is alive and well in the comics. Now if you meant 1610 Peter Parker then yeah he's dead but so is 96% of the motherfuckers who lived on that planet. We don't need Miles Morales, not yet at least. He will have his time, but right now is not it.
>You don't even have to do anything, just touch the ground and bam, enemies are dead. Where's the fun in that?
Still trying to figure out that one myself.
Besides, Miles is as much of a character as Gwen.
>breaking windows
Gee, what a dick. Someone's gotta pay for that
The real killer is, Peter is probably Marvel's best character: completely relatable, inherently moral, living with his mistakes, struggling with the rent.
He's just been consistently mishandles for god-knows-how-long, because Capes are fucking awful, and Marvel are absolutely the bottom of the barrel, worst of the bunch. DC's just boring and hokey.
>not forcing black spider gwen
bad bait, goyim
This costume is starting to grow on me.
The white is shocking at first but I don't mind it as a "late-game spidey", which seems to be the case with this seasoned Peter.
They're showing gameplay today. This has been in development for awhile, apparently. Surprised it didn't leak
I can't get over that little red triangle part near his legs
screw the giant white spider, thats whatever, that little bit of red on his legs is just... what.
>Yosuke Hanamura is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
source? what time?
I have high hopes for MCU's Spidey. I think it might be our last chance to see an actually good, and not just decent, but really quite "good" Spider-Man thing now, especially after all the good writers pissed off and Spectacular got canceled.