Seriously though. That gameplay looked amazing
Fucking kill yourself
It'll be one 10 minute scripted section in a sea of the same call of duty bullshit as always.
Dont get tricked.
This is the first time I'm looking forward to playing a COD game. I LOVE SPACE, so this is like a squeel like a girl moment when I seen space in this.
>Call of duty : the nothing at all like call of duty game
why are PCcucks so easy to impress?
>$0.05 has been deposited into you bank account
It honestly doesn't matter what they do with this game. COD's time is up. I'd bet money that this game marks the point when the general public stops giving a flying fuck about the COD franchise.
It's all about MOBAs and TF2/Overwatch style class-based shooters from now on.
Hit scan, semi-realistic modern/future war FPS games are going the way of the collectothon platformer or the WW2 shooter.
That's what I'm worried about too, if the space flight is scripted or on rails that's a gigantic fuck you. I was thinking this was going the way of the N64 era like Shadows of the Empire with different types of game play. I won't deny that I got hyped from the hangar bay through launch sequence into an armada space battle, that shit will always get me.
The gunplay looked terrible though.
It may be the first time that I pre-order a COD.
They could have made a whole new IP with this game.
It could have stood on its own.
It could have went places.
Nope, hadda slap the CoD name on it, didn't you?
I'm going to buy it by the looks of it
I wonder what treyarch is going to do for COD 2017
>space combat on rails
>somehow the fighter pilot is the boarding party
>suddenly land on a fucking starship with enough guns to decimate your fighter when standing still yet magically survive
>they somehow don't have autoturrets etc. in case of this happening
>fucking awful zero g maneuvering
>shitty typical CoD gunplay
>break through the bridge window after shooting 3 people
>stupid as shit NPCs after they leave the bridge
>the gunplay somehow looks even worse
>press X to disable artificial gravity
>still no autoturrets
>press X to tear something out of robot
>press X to depressurise
Is this what Sup Forums considers good?
It's what shills consider shillable
I'd love to send to cyanide, so you can end your life.
>Space combat
It is actually:" You stay in this cockpit we scripted it for you, you only need to point and shot"
>sound in space
>constant accelerating planes in space
>plane banking in space
>no blackout/redout as a fighter pilot
>no inertia when shooting/throwing in space
Don't forget sound in space. Didn't Shattered Horizon justify it with a simulation thingy or something?
Would normal guns even work in space?
Does it have AW? Movement if not I pass.
I honestly don't mind that part as most spacesims use it.
Maybe it's not immersive, but I would say it's more fun.
Yes, the propellant is entirely self-contained. Same reason why guns work under water, and you can hand wave the recoil and cooling issues with 'it's in the future!'
user didn't you see them close the blast window things?
>shitty typical CoD gunplay
What's so bad about it?
Is gunplay where you have to aim for the feet to kill someone in the head is better?
CoD gunplay is as bad as BF2's. It's just a fucking hitscan cone which randomly distributes the bullets within it
>sound in space
They explain it as an artificial audio generation in your helmet.
The fact that there was sound in Space, like a gratuitous amount, bothered the living fuck out of me. It could have been so much more intense and unsettling if the vacuum segments actually resembled a vacuum. But I guess that's expecting too much from Activision.
>Halo became CoD
>CoD became Halo
Fucking actually end your life, you stupid piece of shit.
How do you fucking plebs just keep falling for it again and again? Holy fuck.
Space dog fight looked the same as aerial dog fights from black ops 2
on a rail
Battlefield becomes...RO?
>instantly nulls your velocity when you grapple
Nah it barely appealed to me and im a sucker for anything with rooty tooty point and shooty in space, you give me futuristic soldier guys and im all over it. But titanfall 2 looks miles better and that will scratch my space marine itch.
Gunplay was very Call of Duty. Anyone who felt deceived were plebs distracted by the space background.
Yes i was surprised
I apologize
Maybe i'll even buy it. Last time i played CoD was Black Ops 1
>that gameplay looked amazing
its the same old gameplay, the scenario is what sparkled your eyes.
most games dont even have a good scenario.
i agree with you there. all the gunshots and explosions gave it a shitty broshooter feel.