> Furthermore, XBox VP has said that upgrade cycle will shorten to be more like mobile phones
Furthermore, XBox VP has said that upgrade cycle will shorten to be more like mobile phones
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Yay.....constant buying parts for my console...wait I own a PC. Sorry console peoples.
unfortunately for him Sony is the Apple of videogames so he won't be seeing a cent of all that jewing
Looks like sony is joining in
So never buying them at all? Sounds good to me.
>PC gaming
>have to buy a new video card every few years
Oh, console gaming? Actually no, that's perfectly fine.
>buying consoles
>buying a new phone every year
Man there's a reason I get Android phones, I pay at most $100 every 4 years so I don't have to deal with Apple's bullshit.
Is Microsoft saying I'll have to spend $400 a year to keep my Xbox up to date? Because if they are I don't think I have to worry about which system to get anymore.
I guess I should ask for a source before I get ahead of myself here.
I know some of you fags already do that with your graphics cards.
Just a few days ago I heard some turboshitter talk about upgrading to either a 1070 or 1080 when he already has a fucking 970, what's the fucking point?
I'm cool with this, because it means that devs will keep up with the power of a mid level PC. I've had the same PC for 4 years, and I can still run everything. It wasn't even top of the line when I bought it.
im wondering how close they will get to Pcs until retarded peasants realize they are just playing on closed-platform PCs
Damn, that is a really awful idea, dont they know it takes developers awhile to optimize game making on consoles? I guess I dont know how much it really applies these days anyway, but now developers will be torn between making games for the newer console, or wait until the next *update* and maybe never catch up fully. This COULD mean we will be seeing more PC games in focus since they wont have to worry about that shit and graphics options are a thing. Actually, consoles will probably just start to have more graphics options and will basically just be streamlined PC's anyway.
>PC best exclusive in years was Undertale.
There's a big difference, user.
It'll be a rolling generation.
All future Xboxes will be the same architecture and platform. Each console you buy will still be supported the full 7 year gen however you also have the choice of buying an upgraded system for higher graphics.
And since it's all the same platform, your old decade old system will still be compatible with lower req indie games and such when they release. And it also means that if you buy an Xbox way down the line, it'll play every Xbox game ever released natively.
It's only a good thing, no downside for this.
>dont they know it takes developers awhile to optimize game making on consoles?
Last gen sure, they just don't bother any more
Crypt of the Necrodancer
But that's the same thing, you buy $500-$700 graphics card to play your games in PC
Same thing occurs with PC optimization.l, user. Hard to believe that someone has allowed you a mainline to the Internet.
>"I'll have you know we have two shitty games!"
Okay, see, here's the problem
ONE, only retards up-buy new phones. 98% of everybody waits two or three years before getting a new phone.
TWO: Are you gonna sell me a contract, Microsoft? Because that's the only reason phones have gotten away with the frequent updating. Even the people who are retarded and buy the new phone every year don't plunk down 600 right then and there, it's always obfuscated behind monthly contracts and payment plans to offset the cost. Are you gonna do that, Microsoft? Because I don't think you are.
>going back no normal after 10 years of stagnation is bad!
fucking retard I swear
>he intends to buy the console being sold with lines like HIGHEST QUALITY PIXELS
> Are you gonna sell me a contract, Microsoft?
>You want Microsoft to force you to buy an Xbox Live contract in exchange for the console
user stop, don't give them ideas!
You don't know apple drones apparently. good for you but you are way off on the reality of things.
Well, alright, in THIS SPECIFIC CASE, upgrading from a 970 to a 1070 is significant enough to be worth it, arguably.
But generally speaking yeah, nah. That's retarded.
xbox live is your contract. (and it still has advertisement in the dashboard xDD )
>until retarded peasants realize they are just playing on closed-platform PCs
All the consoles run on x86 architecture. They're literally closed-platform PCs already.
this will really only work if you can get a fair price with trade-ins. nobody is going to buy a 400-500 console every year. Best they can offer is a trade-in program where they can trade in the previous console and get the newest one at a severely reduced price
I have 970 that's not even clocked and I'm thinking of upgrading to twin titans or 1080
cause I 3d dev
Yes there is. It will increase development costs and market strain even further. We really don't need this.
Mark my words. This or maybe the next gen xbox will be the last real "console"
After that, games will be bound to software, not consoles.
xbox will be merged into win 11 or 12. They might sell a pre-built PC called "xbox something" for those who doenst want top performance for milder prices, but it will be a win11/12 pc with a xbox sticker and a "cool gamer" interface
And sony doesnt seen to be that shy away from this idea, either.
Not at all?
>mfw poorfag who still uses an iphone 3g
>700 dollar graphic card
jesus christ where do you guys even get your numbers
>full 7 year gen
underage. 7th generation was an extreme abnormality caused by the recession, but a lot of babies grew up with xbox 360 and PS3 and don't know anything else
On the other hand, PC survives just fine with yearly hardware releases
I don't think it's a good idea for consoles to go down this path. It's just going to clutter up retail. They're not computers, you can't just swap out parts to upgrade. You have to buy a whole new box.
Xbox and Windows are already essentially getting merged. All future exclusives are coming to both platforms, and at least a couple have cross-platform play.
What did he mean by this?
this Every upcoming xbox game has "also on windows 10", meaning xbox has no true exclusives in the future. And MS are doing a big push to unify their entire product range onto the same OS
>console fags have to sign a contract for their paperweight
>Sony fags will defend this
How stupid are they?
Also creates a lot of problems from the development and consumer side if certain versions can run certain games while others can't.
It's hard for me to not think that MS is officially but subtly waving the white flag on the Xbox brand. The rumor mill was putting out a lot of stuff about the new CEO wanting to sell off the xbox division after Ballmer left, and this seems to be in line with that overall plan. The signs seem to be pointing to MS involvement in gaming only growing more incidental as time goes on from here on out.
You pay for a service and it contains advertisement.
It is actually considered a bad habit if a company displays ads on their professional platform such as websites or launches.
>Upgrade iphones
What kind of retard does this, anyway. My current phone's a fucken Moto G3. I used a Nokia 6300 for years before that and saw no reason to even get a smartphone
This is how PC has done it for years. Basically the platform is the same across decades and if you want the new shit to run well you have to upgrade.
It will increase the cost for console gamers overall but I think devs will actually like it. No learning new architectures, no spending valuable resources making remasters (just never drop the price because the game is good for decades?).
I'm hopeful, because this model works incredibly well for Apple/android apps.
this is why i will never fall for the foxtel meme ever in my life
I bet the kid is odin
I buy a new phone like once a decade though.
You fucking scumbag, go buy a new phone right now. People like you destroy our economy and capitalism.
why don't you move to russia or china with that shit attitude.
I considered buying a new phone, but when I realised all I'd even bother using it for would be Google cardboard for 5 minutes, I stopped.
I really can't understand the kind of absolute retard who buys a new smartphone every year. I can't even understand why someone would buy a new one every 5 years. It's a phone. I can browse the internet on it and play some incredibly simplistic games when I'm sat in a waiting room. Why do you need a fucking quad core phone?
try 100 baby, got a 4 year old 600 rig and thats the only upgrade shes gotten. ive spent more on non game stuff for my pc by a mile.
Nigga I haven't upgraded my graphics card in five years. Still don't see much of a reason to, the only difference these days is that I have to set my graphics to Medium or occasionally Low if I want decent fps. PC gaming isn't remotely near as costly as people make it out to be, it only becomes expensive if you're a graphics whore who has to play every single AAA game on release with all video options set to max.
The downside for consoles is that developers are going to make several hardware optimizations so they might as well just make every single game multiplatform, because they won't be able to reach the performance quality of having a single setting in the first place.
This in turn will kill more exclusives and will make PC just a better choice compared to consoles.
The problem with the console upgrading thing is that you need to replace it entirely, not just GPU or add some ram.
It's not cost-efficient in the slightest.
They need to create modular consoles that are essentially lego computers with a couple of pre-set parts and the elements are easy to change with just one snap.
Like literally, a console being a series of bricks where each brick is a component. If you want to upgrade one thing, you buy a new brick for $100.
Nobody is going to buy a brand new version of the same console each 3 years otherwise. The console market is too niche, and only apple gets away with it thanks to their obsessed drones.
Bc their life is empty, and buying some new shit fills the hole like for a day or so.
>add up the cost of 1 console and 1 upgrade, paid online and the fact that console games cost more than pc
would it cost more than pc?
>iphone 3g
que picardia
y yo sin puntos
I remember when foxtel never had ads, and they would brag about it saying something like "we dont need ads!".
You'd have these giant, 4-6min interludes between shows and all you'd ever see was adds for other shows.
Then they pulled the old switcheroo on people (and probably hiked up the prices, I don't remember if they did). Then they couldn't understand why peopel turned to piracy.
Apple became some sort of fashion or status among normies.
They don't know why they do it either, they just know they have to, it's their instincts.
I have a normie friend who spends $600 a year for the new phone and plays games on a 1200x900 high latency monitor because "he's not wasting money on useless things", also claims he's always out of money.
He plays exclusively PC games for around 3 hours a day, by the way.
Once something is trendy, normies are going to make sacrifices to make sure they fit in no matter what it is, because they need to farm karma points on twitter. There is no concept of "liking it" or "taste", there's just "I have to do it because everyone else does". Because what they like is not the product or the features, what they like it being part of the social circlejerk.
Xbox one and scorpio together already cost much more than maintaining a more powerful PC for 4 years. That's not including the expensive games and the online.
Hell, buying a N3DS after I got a 3DS would overall cost me more than maintaining my PC, and that's a shitty handheld with 20fps@240p resolution.
There are millions of product ideas that fail. VR is another Apple watch.
Exclusives only exist to get people to buy into consoles. If that's your first defense you're basically admitting that you fell for the mechanism that corporations use to get people to buy proprietary hardware.