Are you excited for the best game of E3?
What online card games are worth checking out other than Hearthstone?
there are none, yet
Is there gameplay?
Elder Scrolls: Legends
There's about 5 seconds of it in this trailer
Fuck off Todd
Chronicle: Runescape Legends
>turning a horribly balanced card game into an actual game
It's LITERALLY coin flip, there is zero strategy to this
even a coinflip would be an improvement considering how bad Hearthstone is
my deck is ready.
The trailer implied physical game was also a thing but I doubt CDPR has the resources to print that and distribute it internationally
ah i happen to be quite an expert on the subject... let's see
kickstarted MTG clone, it has some good idea like having class that change how you play the game and item you can equip that can power up your card (for example turns your 2 damage burns into 3 damage burns) but unfortunately it has been managed pretty badly (things that were promised 3 years ago were released like just a few month) and it's also extremely jewish in it's nature
>Infinity Wars
this one i shill a lot because i liked it and it's also quite fair toward cheapass player like me by offering them stuff like free weekly deck that you can try and the like, it plays like MTG but the interessing bit is that the turns are simultaneos so you decide in advance which creature attack, which creature block and which creature do nothing, it's a game about trying to predict what the opponent does (for example some removal spell only works on creature that either block or attack so if you suspect your opponent is going to use removal you might want to skip combat for that turn)
probably the worst game in this list, feature lane based combat and cards that get stronger the more you play them, i think the game got the basic right but the game got completly fucked by powercreep, many rares are just like common except with bigger numbers, i remember reading the userbase being extremely pissed when they decided to release new card during/a little before some tournament effectively screwing player who already made their decks
is a shitty game and we don't talk about it
interessing hearthstone clone using rage of bahamut character that is going to be released this month, have a video
Gameplay of Gwent
Can we all agree that Skellige is the best faction?
>a coin flip is better than strategy
Literally kill yourself
Hearthstone is shit, but at least you're allowed to try
>tfw I still don't know how to play gwent
well hearthstone doesnt have any strategy
>have a bigger number than the other guy
>you win
>sometimes you play special cards that either raise or lower your number
They actually go and did it didn't they? The ABSOLUTE MADMEN.
Fucking based CDPR.
>Fable Legend
another heartstone clone, this one gimmick is that some card have two version (in order to play the morality system of fable) so it's kinda like if everyone had a little bit of druid inside them, it's not out but apparently you can play it if you back their (currently failing) kickstarter so i guess it should be here
personaly i'm waiting for shadowverse to be released, i like hearthstone conceptualy but i just don't give a fuck about world of warcraft and blizzard can't balance for shit so i got bored after a while
also apparently infinity wars had some sort of relaunch yesterday (so now it's called infinity wars reborn) so i guess it's a good time to give it a try now
I heard Spellweaver was supposed to be good.
No. Fuck off with shitty cardgames.
what the fuck is going on in this video?
Kek what the fuck is this
They have but it's bundled with the dlc's
Gwent? I'd rather have Gwen
no todd no
yeah i played siegemaster foltest prior to skellege but man i really like the deck
You know it'll be dead within the year, right?
This is purely a cash grab
Versus AI it's easily balanced, but versus players? Everyone is just going to keep playing cards until they're out, it's a literal coin flip as to who wins
Obviously it is GwenTennison
This mite b cool
not enough spies
also did they remove Nilfgaard deck? didnt see it in the conference
So like hearthstone?
not enough spies to be really valuable
Cerys is the best card in the game though
>and it's also extremely jewish in it's nature
No shit
>B-But you can play campaign for free!
But you still need the fucking cards to make a deck to USE in the campaign, so good luck with that
>B-But you can buy cards from other players!
For the premium currency, which you can only get buy spending real money or getting lucky with campaign card packs and getting something you can actually sell
God Hex is so fucking trash. Waiting for Shadowverse but the hand size(4) sucks quite a bit, also Cerberus a cute
Can't wait for Ankama to fuck this up like Dofus Arena.
Devs confirmed existence of the Nilfgard deck on their forum
What happened with that game?
Nope, nothing like hearthstone
As bad as hearthstone is, there is at least a strategy to it, gwent is literally "have a bigger number and you win"
You can play as many cards as you want until you're out of cards, versus another player there is absolutely no reason not to play everything, it's a card game balanced around playing against an AI
Hearthstone is awful, but don't try to pretend that this isn't even more simplistic and random.
Who cares?
Like everything else, they constantly remade the game after releases or fucked with how the game works, now no one plays it.
I fucking love Ankama and everything they done since Dofus was in beta, but man Tot is really bad at development decisions.
you can buy card pack from other player with the free currency but since they are the one that get to decide everyone set rates that ask you to grind like you are a chinese farmer, it's especialy hilarious when their F2P mode reward you with items you can't sell or do anything that only powers up card you can't obtain
i was seriously disappointed by HEX, hope it ends up biting them in their ass
I mean all I said is that its like Hearthstone, so idiots will gobble it up.
Mixing of Soap and Gassoline
I even bought the Slacker Backer a few years ago and I was super disappointed in the development of the game, fucking Cryptozoic.
>implying it wont be rebalanced
>What are spies
>What is scorch
>What is revive
>What is weather
>What is rally
The game already has a few to it, and it's not a game that rely on top-decks to make anything.
It's also faster than a Hearthstone match that can drag on forever.
And the dev clearly said it's bot just a copy pasted version of the one in Witcher 3, it has better visuals and, if they're to be believed, they added and modified multiple features.
We can't know yet.
Gwent is horribly balanced in-game
it's yugioh except free
But in Gwent you have to win 2 rounds only using what is in your initial hand at the start of the game, so you have to try and reserve cards and not overplay the first round. There are a few cards that let you draw more but they usually add like +5 to the enemy.
Hearthstone killer
The game looks really bad, especially with cards that level up.
>>What are spies
The one thing that every single deck will be filled with.
Please don't pretend that there's any depth to the game.
Most of the difficulty came from the AI having overpowered decks.
It was fun as an optional minigame, but it is way too shallow to exist as a standalone game.
Can't wait desu.
>Actually thinking they're just going to copy paste out Gwent from TW3.
You're an idiot. There's already drastic changes, spies are almost entirely different. Hero cards are way more limited.
How do you rebalance fucking Gwent?
You have to make an entirely new card game
>What are spies
They up yours and the enemy's number
>What is scorch
It lower's the enemy's number
>What is revive
It raises your own number
>What is weather
It lowers the number for both players
>What is rally
It ups your number
I know what fucking game I played
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand? "reserving cards" is not a fucking strategy, that's called stalling
>both players stall
>the player who was randomly given a better hand automatically wins because there's nothing the other player can do about it
And the premise of the game is still EXACTLY the fucking same, there is STILL no strategy to it, you flip a coin and the game decides who gets a better hand.
You don't get to choose what cards you will be able to play, you choose what cards you MIGHT get to play, unless they make an entirely new game out of this then it's going to be dead within the year from how fucking awful it is.
>And the premise of the game is still EXACTLY the fucking same, there is STILL no strategy to it, you flip a coin and the game decides who gets a better hand.
user, you've never played any card game in your entire life have you?
I play MTG and I shit on HS fags. It's basically babies first mtg.
Maybe Gwent will be a bit different, we will see.
Wow user, you're so cool.
Yeah in Witcher 3
>Trying to change the subject and fucking it up
I literally described this game and other card games
In other card games you pick what you can play, it doesn't matter what order you deck is in you still have those cards ready to be played
In Gwent you pick what you MIGHT play, you are cut off from your deck while playing, whatever cards you were given are the only ones you can have unless you play one of the special cards that gives you more random cards.
>not Garruk
user please
You still are at the mercy of luck in almost all facets of card games.
You're taking one specific case because it works differently, and applying an arbitrary reason to dislike it that contradicts your acceptance of similar aspects of other card games.
In short, whatever man I'm going to play it when it comes out you keep doing you.
>tfw I never bothered to learn to play Gwent in my 100+ hours
I spent another 100 hours on gwent alone.
>still desperately trying to change the subject and STILL fucking it up
There's nothing specific about what i'm saying, I'm pointing out the general facts, there's no other way I can word this that I haven't already said.
Either take the time to understand why this game is such an awful idea or waste your money on Coin Flip: The Card Game
>or waste your money on Coin Flip: The Card Game
Ok dawg I will, thanks buddy!
>getting mad at me
does this seriously happen?
no its a meme
Gwent was all about baiting the AI into wasting cards and SPY VS SPY
Better gameplay than TW3 I'm guessing.
Maybe the rarest premium card was the memes we made on the way?
Spy deck too stronk pls nerf
>playing TW3
>yfw someone challenges you to a match of Gwent
For anyone that cares on stream they said the game was pretty much gonna be rebalanced so pretty much all the cards in TW3 are meaningless and shouldn't be used as a bench mark for whats to come.
Alot of new cards and effects from the one game I saw too, got a chuckle out of the Roach card
Only thing I don't like is how it's only on PC and Xbone. Was kind of expecting it to be on phones as well. Also why the fuck did they make it ugly as fuck when the way it looked in Witcher 3 was already great.
it's ps4 as well
Runescape's one is pretty interesting.
I'm fucking excited. I really like the game of Gwent. I will be beating the shit out of all of you regularly.
>What is deck building?
Decks are like 22-28 cards, 10 of those are in your hand, 3 can be swapped at the start and there are plenty of old and new cards that play with your remaining deck.
It's PC/Xbone for the beta.
I'm afraid they may destroy the core mechanics by building too much around it. The best thing about the game was how simple it was.
We'll see in beta.
Reminder that Skellige deck is non-canon. Gwent is an ancient tradition and it's perfect just the way it is.