>6 teraflops
>4k gaming
holy shit who is HYPE???
>6 teraflops
>4k gaming
holy shit who is HYPE???
>wanting 4k gaming when 8k is right around the corner
how good is 6 teraflops?
I am. Ready to do this on a GTX 1070!
Holy shit how can sonyggers even compete?
Where are the games tho?
>6 teraflops
does this shit even mean anything to casuals?
are we going to start seeing game boxes that says "a 6 teraflop game!".
Holy shit they are selling this at a loss.
It's alright. It's a flawed measure of performance anyways and completely ignores instruction count when considering execution time.
Will most likely be around $900 if they want high end 4k gaming.
Holiday season of 2017
Price estimated at $500-600
How about using those tflops for stable 1080p gaming at 60FPS or more?
Question. If Scorpio and Neo both cost this much to power VR, then isn't that getting fucking close to the PC cost with Oculus Rift and GTX 1070?
im still really worried about their lack of framerate mentions.
>something something resolution
no "framerate though. that's a bigger deal when it comes to the games i play
Ive been on 10 tflops for 2 years now. I only play at 1440p 144hz. This xbox will run like shit at 4k
A 980ti is 5.6 and a 1070 is 6.5.
>Sony showed movies and pulled Neo out to avoid embarassment
>Microsoft showed video games and waved their 50 inch dick around just for laughs
based phil
I dunno. All of XBone titles of note are also available on Windows, why would you buy the new console?
>6 TF
>0 Games
top kek
post yfw they mentioned "HIGHEST QUALITY PIXELS"
>why would you buy the new console?
because you want to play those titles and dont want a PC
wow, the golden question finally answered
>4K gaming
It's 4k media playback
Well yes. if you also take into account most people will buy a PC to use it for PC stuff then they will be buying an expencive console+VR+PC in total.
The total cost of that will hit PC levels.
Kinda makes xbox pointless though as all the games on it are already on PC. Least PS4 has some exclusives.
Why would you not want a PC? Did Windows murder your mom or something?
We know Microsoft's ways
>High quality pixels...
>4k gaming
>Least PS4 has some exclusives.
Not when theyre all so muh cinematic you can play them on Youtube
If it's 399 dollaridos, then I'm fucking hype, but just do 1080p / 60 fps, I don't give a fuck about 4K.
Microcuck was talking about the whole console.
k gaming
You fucking wish. 6TFLOPs is barely enough for 1440p, 4K pong and tetris maybe.
That's not the Scorpio price point, thats the 2TB Xbone Slim at $399..
The 1TB is $299. As a Sony cuck I'm sorry to inform you.
The price of Scorpio hasn't been said, it's expected to be more powerful than Neo, and more costly.
Rest assured the Neo will be ridiculously more expensive since it would combine with a VR headset.
It's a gimmick after all you have nothing to be concerned about, consider it beta testing, and if it works, we'll love Sony all the more for it.
Resident Evil 7 sounds like fun senpai.
All games are Xbox/Win 10 exclusive. Xbox one now runs windows 10... Your literally buying a gimped PC now.
It's a thing you dingus
As a PC gamer I havnt been hyped for a console for a while. I appreciated what they brought to the table and I thought the exclusives were pretty cool on each side. But I'm pretty fucking hyped for the xbones. Especially expanding backwards compatibility and the new Forza horizon taking place in straya'
This is why Spencer is an idiot. Its not his fault though. Its Microsoft's fault as a whole. They went in just to dominate Sony when they don't know how to dominate anything. All of Microsoft's success is due to legally questionable practices to outright federal tier felonies. Microsoft has not dominated any market they had ventured into in decades. Their whole premise to get into gaming is wrong as is their practices.
Phil Spencer was appointed to wash Microsoft's face from the muddle of shit they got themselves into but the strong smell of pure shit is still impregnated all over them.
I'm glad Microsoft is once again cycling their userbase. They deserve it lmao
Pick one
It hasn't been official yet but given Microsoft's current standing I'm betting they're going to partner with Oculus given that fucking weasel Carmack was there. So Being an early adapter to the Oculus would just let you eventually use it on the scorpio when the time comes. VR porn in the living room.
the best part about sony games. and soon you can watch it in 4K
that picture is not representative if i can see a difference on my own shitty monitor.
It's between a GTX 980 and a GTX Titan
it's for the 2TB xbone S.
So its good?
why the FUCK would you even buy an xbox one now that all their exclusive games come to windows 10?
They only said 4k streaming for movies though
And yet my xbox one UI is still a clunky piece of shit that wastes processing power, lags, and shits all the time.
Also, what's with all the apps being THIS poorly optimized? The youtube app literally freezes every 2 seconds.
Fuck this console, Microsoft gave up on this pile of shit a long time ago.
No, because Microsoft was talking about the whole console and this user is talking about just the GPU.
it's about 6 xbones
$399 is for the xbone S 2TB
By the time it comes out new cards will be just around the corner, and the 1080 is already more powerfull.
What? Might be something wrong with your box bro.
It's a lot better than the Xbone
> 399
kek, keep dreaming
I never knew my pixels were underexposing all my city photos. Thanks man.
You're better off just going with the Xbone S or a PC.
I have halo 5, MCC, DR3, Forza horizon 2, Forza 6, gow3, halo reach, rare replay.
And Microsoft showed quite a few games and only one of them was a sequel everything else was a new IP
Shame they didn't call it the Xbox One R.
It can be the new buzzword for awhile like back at the end of the snes/genesis era. When everyone was throwing around whether their new console were 32/64 bit hell the fucking nintendo 64 was even named after it.
there are more to graphics cards than just TFlops. That alone isn't enough to give it a good measure.
how do I know when my pixels are high quality? how do they look different compared to low quality pixels?
>6 teraflops
means fuck all in the realm of consoles
>4k gaming
sure. why not.
a number.
Why have consoles become the most boring part of video games?
I thought they said 10TF
Its OK user you can just call them Microsoft's exclusives and pretend nobody can play them on PC lmao
>Highest quality pixels
Oh bby!
>6 teraflops
>sells two consoles at the same time
I thought TERA only flopped once
It flopped 6 times?
You literally named 3 Halo games, a compliation title and 2 games that have an updated version on Windows 10
Buy a Xbone for Dead Rising 3 and Gears of War 3
Or upgrade your PC for literally every single game Microssoft showed off on stage
tough choice
>buggy as shit old halo
>zombie shit
>other racing
>generic tps
>slightly less old halo
>good old games that you can get elsewhere
wow it's literally fucking nothing
It's the natural conclusion to years of graphics whoring. Now it's not even about the exclusives.
All I'm reading on forums is about the teraflops. Not one
>Wow! Did you see (insert Xbox/PC game) it looked amazing!
>4k gaming
So what's gonna happen here is Microsoft is gonna sell these at a huge loss, which would really fuck them over.
You'll get to play 4k at a cinematic 12 frames per second. Did you know that The Hobbit was shot at 60 frames per second, and it looked horrible? :^)
fucking new fags trying to force a username like on reddit or something
you answered your own question. some of us don't want to have windows on our pcs. let alone 10.
>which would really fuck them over
its like sony cucks love to throw businesses tactics out of the window when it comes to some one shitting on them.
>4k gaming
More importantly, what the fuck is a teraflop?
Literally in over 5 years of lurking never heard about it once.
Is it a new buzzword?
$399 is for the 2TB slim, not Scorpio.
you don't play on PC. you play in an emulated xbone enviroment on your pc, which is isolated and unmoddable.
Left one is shitty pixels.
Right one is good pixels.
Your monitor doesn't mean anything
Is it that hard to understand?
i want her tera tits to flop on my face
and then flop my tera dick in her floppy ass
Its AMD arch, so you should be using AMD card as an example user.
I'll be hype when there are games I want to play.
I'll never understand why people get excited more about the system than the games and it always looks like it's exactly what they want to sell to you. Some expensive shelf decoration that you can brag about on the internet in shitty console wars threads.
Tera = 10^12
Flops = floating point operations per second
It's a measure of performance that's been used for literally decades.
Not mentioned anywhere.
This isn't coming out until around December of next year. The full specs has it working at about the same as a mid-tier gaming PC.
You know what I want to see in a console? A removable side panel that lets you just remove a connected board and replace it with another one in a couple of years at a discounted rate because you are skipping the power supply, housing, Blu-ray drive, hard drive, USB ports, and all that other stuff.
Just swap the guts out easy and you have the next gen right away for significantly cheaper and no need for a new design for the whole console anymore.
If things change to the point that a new type of interface is required replacing HDMI outputs and what not, then you release a whole new console.
scalebound and recore didn't look half bad
>Just swap the guts out easy and you have the next gen right away for significantly cheaper and no need for a new design for the whole console anymore.
At that point you've got a PC in your living room and completely defeats the purpose of a console, although consoles forgot that they're supposed to be dedicated vidya machines over a decade ago.
Is it released Q1 2017 or Q4 2017? I don't really see how it will work, they will sell a few million and likely lose hundreds of millions in development costs.
not at playable framerates
For what games?
Nice try, Pajeet
>4k gaming
didn't they say that it was only 4k video and that HDR is the only graphical improvement?
Consolefag detected.
I'd be hype if it had fucking exclusive games. The XBOXONE is fucking worthless. All of it's 'exclusive' titles are also on Windows 10. This E3 was the final nail in the coffin of the XBOXONE. I have a gaming PC and bought the XBOXONE for a pittance, for the sake of playing it's exclusive games. I'd be so fucking angry if I paid more for the fucking doorstop. I've been buying consoles and PCs since the Genesis at this point, and the XBOXONE is the only one that I regret entirely. This E3 utterly destroyed it. I can't help but think that it was the plan all along to just fold the XBOX brand into all Windows based PCs. I'm not very hype user. Not very hype at all.
Underage get out holy shit.
Just a minutes about ppl were talking shit about rs7... °n° glad some of us still think is gonna be great
You might as well have a PC. That undermines the whole point of console gaming.