Oh Susan, I remember the smell of your hair as we rode down the summer road on my bike

Oh Susan, I remember the smell of your hair as we rode down the summer road on my bike

That was before the Plague hit

Happy faces, good neighbourhood, haha, I always used to stop here for a slice of pizza

That was before the Plague hit

Everything changed once the Plague hit, nobody saw it coming



>TLoU mixed with sons of anarchy
Fucking Original concept do not steal
Why fucking zombies again? why not make it aliens?

What's this game called?

Last of us

I remember when E3 had good games and not rehashed bullshit

wow u r cool :)

Yeah I'm really liking the look of Horizon: Zero Dawn

the game sounded kinda neat until i saw the zombie shit.

Days gone


What the fuck is with this game? Why is it with Kojima there's a huge ruse cruise, but when something like this appears everyone but NeoGaf goes quiet? There's no way a nobody developer could make an engine that tight. All those zombies on the screen at once? Even for an E3 build, that was insane.

People will ignore this, and the game play, environmental destruction during fights, and aggressive enemies you'll have to fight.

Games are ultra expensive to make these days. So in their fear of failure, publishers look for the biggest titty to plunder.

Remember everyone creaming over how awesome, cool, and wicked dude zombies are?

Remember: "Who cares, man? It's got zombies in it. Sold!" ? And "Yeah, man, anything with zombies is DAE WON!"

Well, this is the result.

Wrong game friend, Kojima was the Norman Reedus one.

Mustard here. Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the few games that Sony showed that I'm actually even slightly interested in.

Less interesting than an actual ruse. Not just a trailer with some foreshadowing.

looks pretty good for me.

So cringy
Why are they turning videogames into interactive bad hollywood movies?

Thank you Tak Fujii

Quick who are the devs for this?
I seriously doubt that Ride to Hell: Retribution turned into this amazing thing.

And Sony wouldn't end the conference on them either.

It's Last of Us 2. Has to be.

He's the best

Far Cry 7: Witchering Robots looks okay I guess.

>not authenticated account


>PCuck mad as fuck
You could have said Turok, but I doubt you're that old enough.

Jerma stop.

I was mentioning games it seems to play like, not one that it looks like. I guess style over substance is your thing though.

I'll enjoy my PS4 and my PC which now means I'm effectively an idort with Microsoft giving PC their games and Nintendo having nothing at all. You keep being mad because I think the game looks bland.

>pretending to have a ps4
Oh god it's fucking pathetic when pcucks do this, they always do this
just accept you'll never ever get 4K bloodborne, spiderman and so on
>inb4 "i played bloodborne on a friend's ps4 and it was bad"

Owning a PS4 might make you the richest nigger on your street, but most people here are white and don't have to buy it on lay away.

Even though I am exclusive PC and will probably buy a PS4 in the future, I will never upgrade to Windows 10's walled garden. I'd rather buy a used Xbone than to upgrade. Just my choice though.


whoa theres some big projecting you're doing there kiddo
so what i've gathered is that you're a little racist white kid from tumblr/reddit that just finished/is finishing school and just got here for the summer and because your parents buy you shit you think you have some entitlement/power
fucking kek holy shit what a delusional fuck
>mexico sign captcha

I upgraded and other than the mandatory rectal exam every 62 seconds, it's not bad. It's better than Vista for sure.

I honestly can't believe the zombie thing has held out this long. I thought it was winding down a couple of years ago, but nope, it's still going.

Days Gone is being made by Bend Studios. Ride to Hell was made by Eutechnyx.

Maybe it's because I obsessively consumed apocalyptic/zombie media when I was a teenager, but I am so incredibly burned out on it now.

Why do people get triggered by zombies

Wahh I don't want zombies in games wahh

Anything is better than Vista. Why not continue to use 7 if it's working perfectly?


Nothing makes me cringe ore than edgy zombie names these days.

There's More of Us

Because it's so fucked out and overdone. It's basically the videogame equivalent to what superheroes are to movies.

They're an easy enemy type without having to establish complex background.
>Virus leaks out. Zombies.
>Mad scientist? Zombies.
>Want to kill thousands of enemies without caring? Zombies.
What annoys me is them not actually calling it zombies. It's always some made-up name and everyone reacts like this concept has never been used. Do these worlds not have a concept for entertainment?

I'm not, personally, but then again I avoid most zombie/infected games as due to medication I'm on, I get night terrors, walking nightmares and vivid regular nightmares and I don't need to add more zombies to them already. Bad enough as it is having le spooky white dress little girls standing my bed staring at me as it is.

Lazy developers make zombie games because it's easy money and all of them always end up shit

To be fair, even Romero tried to avoid calling them zombies in his movies. I think he only slipped up twice across six movies.

got a little obvious in this post

This was a good concept in which instead of using gangs, established relationships, then your friends branch out intro different gangs which you later have to fight, but they are your friends, the dilemma, etc. Something like SoA.

Because everything that hits mainstream is hunted down and ridiculed en masse by edgy twelve year old contrarians that make up most of the neo-Sup Forums's userbase

I feel like it's going to be some prologue thing for the Last of Us 2.