PC gets BTFO once again by Sony
How can you even compete with these graphics?
PC gets BTFO once again by Sony
How can you even compete with these graphics?
Have you seen The Witcher 3 in 4k 60 fps? After this you will never question the PC ever again.
please stop its not fun anymore we only have overwatch
sony niggers think there is a natural law that limits games to 28 fps
>Have you seen The Witcher 3 in 4k 60 fps?
Sonyponies can't see above 720p30fps
Too bad this looks way better than Witcher
Not even trying
Could have at least used a pc exclusive
God, that game looked so boring.
Like Left 4 Dead Singleplayer.
Oh, this is a shitposting thread. Carry on OP
>pc btfo by a 30fps game
God damn that's fucking generic. thanks video game companies for ruining my love for zombies with your over saturation of generic zombie shooters.
Ok now I know this is a bait thread, that looks as good as Fallout 4
WOW. that looked like shit and mediocre
It looks a bit better than Watch Dogs 1 on ultra settings on PC and since we know Watch Dogs was running on low settings on console and ran like SHIT, we know that this game is bullshot or that's the eventual PC version they're advertising.
>looks like Fallout 4
You might wanna watch that gameplay trailer again, idiot.
It looks WAY better than Witcher 3 lmao
>The Witcher 3 in 4k 60 fps
Is this some kind of new meme? Even TLoU looked better on PS4 and that's from 2014.
>shitposting intensifies
looks like an N64 game
Wow, the witcher 3 looks like shit compared to days gone.
>The truth is shitposting if its not in favor for PC
Keep trying cucklord.
>has never played Witcher
you do know it's running on PC and developed on PC's, right?
I'll believe it when I see it live on console hardware in 1080p @ 60 fps.
It will be downgraded.
Is this game from 2007?
lol the game looks like garbage
But you have none, user.
if you played enough gow3 (which means a full playthrough)
you'll notice most of the game is just a huge video on the background
>noticed at the start of the game on poseidon or whatever was called
>implying the human eye can see beyond 720p 30fps
>implying eyes are real
They way he easily mows them down makes me feel that if he just stood there and shot instead of running and trying to make it looks cinematic he would just kill them all fairly easily. He isnt even hitting them in the head and theyre going down.
Downgrade when?
So it's TLOU but you're allowed to make noise this time?
>open word
>protagonists speaks to himself while walking slowly
>you have to pick shit up
>there's zombies
>QTE fights and takedowns
>cutscenes interrupting gameplay
I fucking hate what video games have become.
Just nuke them already and start from scratch.
>How can you even compete with these graphics?
With a 750ti I imagine? 960 if if you count poor optimization i suppose.
Not sure, im not really into poor people hardware.
Then why do all PC exclusives look so shit?
You do realize this is just OP shilling his shitty youtube chanell? There's been thousands of these parasites here today, false flagging pc cuck
Okay now you're just trying to confuse the naive little minds of the nyggers.
They'll have no idea what any of that means, they're not smart enough.
>muh graphics including 30fps
>muh shit gameplay
>muh god of war skyrim edition
at this point even ea wins
Why does everything have to be so scripted? In that gameplay there is only one direction to go, no point shooting the zombies before the very end when they actually become numbered, it keeps breaking away from gameplay for animations.
I'd rather have corridor shooters where at least its up to me.
To get a large budget, development studios often port to consoles. Thus games like witcher 3 get console ports.
Also pc gamers tend to not mind multiplats in most scenarios so its a no brainer to do so. Every single multiplatform game ofc looks better on PC.
That's the serious answer. But i know for whatever reason, only exclusive games exist to you people so I don't know why I bothered.
horizon and this game completly shits on the witcher 3.
too bad it's going to get downgraded, because consoles can't handle it
Who the fuck even walks that way
I honestly wouldn't mind if it was just a few games doing it right every so often. E.g. Far cry 3. But it is getting a bit much, same as muuh cinematic experience.
Mind you this id E3 normiest of conferences, so they are catering to the crowd.
>The Witcher 3 in 4k 60 fps
no and neither have you
not to mention that YOUR pc is a budget turd from 2008, stop trying to fit in to the "m-m-master-r-race" meme
>Shtty lightining
>Medicore textures
>probably dipping below 30fps
And most important: This is not on Ps4 but on Ps4 Neo
Are you retarded?
> Open World, Survival, Third Person
Why do they keep doing this? Why do people keep buying this?
is it me or all the new games looks completely generic
Thanks Sony
Isn't it a proven fact that ps4/xbone games never look as good as they do at E3?
Stop falling for the same tricks.
Also graphics are not more important than gameplay.
Witcher 3 on max settings looks better
>bodies disappearing at the end
heh heh, yeah sure, Sony Wins...
>this faggot again
>the people who made this game worked on bubsy 3d and mobile games
Sure thing :^)
>grimdark Dead Rising
No thank you.
>e3 "gameplay demo"s
At least we don't have to choose between 5 mediocre games
Don't mind me, just posting my 10 year old PC game.
> Super suit
> Weapon sways back and forth, side to side
>open world
>fast zombies
Can't be doing with it. Too nerve-wracking.
You expect those graphics on a console that couldn't even go beyond 20fps when Bethesda added fog to a dlc?
>Have you seen The Witcher 3 in 4k 60 fps
have you?
not even a 1080 can keep 4k 60fps
Wow what a surpise that it looks decent if its a big game with like 10 billion while sony games look better and only 10 MILLION
nothing new
>hurf durf we have graphics
Show pic of PC game with better graphic
>b-but graphics don't matter we have gameplay
Show video of pc game with better gameplay
>b-but you can't play this one game on your system
List all pc exclusive game
>b-but they're all s-s-hit, m-muh exclusive ;_;
d-delete it
Damage control.
I especially loved the pachinko sound effect gun and absolutely no indication that your bullets were hitting anything, no blood splatter, no force, nothing.
>people have actually fallen for the 4K meme
What's the fucking point? Just sit closer to a 1080p screen and it's literally the same thing.
And unlike 4k, 1080p can actually get decent refresh rates. 144hz is all-but standard now, and Asus has unveiled a 240hz screen. 144hzmonitors.com
Don't pretend Far Harbor doesn't run like dogshit on every platform.
Bethesda's garbage engine held together with duct tape and chewing gum isn't good on anything.
Funny how the burden of proof works
how do i delete posts on Sup Forums?
i can't wait for consoles to lag further and further behind PCs until eventually we can emulate console games only a year or two after they're released
then consoles will be truly dead
looks better on bottom t b h f a m
hey bro, it's a resolution and a framerate. You didn't say shit about other settings
Think OG Xbox could run this in 480p?
> 5 years pass
> Quantum pc's are a thing now
> Able to simulate a universe
> Consoles still persist
Plz tell me this is bait
>The eye can't fucking see past 3 dimensions anyway, PC fags!
>A-at least we got another Uncharted exclusive this year...
>until eventually we can emulate console games only a year or two after they're released
while the scene cant even crack a native x64 game with denuvo protection
bottom looks more vibrant and has a wider color palette
like a fallacy fallacy?
denuvo has been cracked over a dozen times now, sweetheard
looks like a ps2 game user
show me a working nudoom crack
p-please delete this we cccant compete just leave us a-alone
The gameplay of that looked like complete shit.
2 bad it's third person trash.
Consoleplebs will never know what immersion is.
Feel bad for them.
why does that faggot have a red rag in his back pocket? i thought that was a nigger thing
>run away from the zombies into the zombies
every time
By having games that "look" a little worse in screenshots but can actually achieve a playable framerate, at least 200% higher
>How can you even compete with these graphics?
Yeah I bet PC can't compete with all those frame drops either.
>unironically enjoying the downgrade