>tfw these games are going to flop due to 3ds piracy becoming rampant
Tfw these games are going to flop due to 3ds piracy becoming rampant
that's only one factor
the west is way too casual for Dragon Quest games
the games are way longer than 6 hours
Are you talking about in the West
I will buy them anyway
Japs don't pirate games like western thieves do.
Just like all DS games flopped, amirite?
DS was much more popular than the 3DS, user
I'm a piratefag but I'll probably end up buying it. Hopefully we'll get Joker 3 if a lot of people get it instead of pirating it.
>>tfw these games are going to flop due to 3ds piracy becoming rampant on Sup Forums
I only hear about piracy here and almost all the 3ds owners I know don't know about pirating. I have (just a little) hope that this will sell well. I'm buying both.
I can't wait for VII
Name a single game that was popular as fuck but flopped because piracy.
>3ds piracy
Like the 10 people pirating here?
Most people would be afraid of any risk of bricking their system unless it was a plug into your pc and click a button kind of pirating.
I just wanted to give my 3ds a little bit more life but ended up just abandoning it again.
Virtually everyone with a 3ds on Sup Forums pirates don't kid yourself
Doesnt matter, they already sold 5M in Japan alone
>3DS piracy
Is this a joke?
3DS piracy is easy as fuck, m8
come to China
>3ds piracy
>not rampant
Oh what a fucking travesty two more creatively bankrupt frankenstein JRPGs will flop because nobody bought them
Oh wait we can just blame the pirates for people not giving a fuck about shitty games
I remember when Sup Forums used to be good
You have no clue how easy it is to pirate shit on the 3DS. Even a fucking toddler can do it. There is hundreds of sites that you can just download 3DS games from.
Piracy on 3DS is irrelevant and I ever only heard about it on Sup Forums.
But feel free to name a single 3DS game that sold poorly because of piracy.
>paying for games
what are you rich or something?
Downloading 3DS games is easy but the steps to unlock it is not
t. a guy with a modded 3DS
It's both amusing and sad watching pirates try and downplay how cancerous they are
user of fucking course no game has sold horribly on the 3DS because of privacy considering piracy has only been a thing since early last year and barely any games for the 3DS has came out this year. Dragon Quest is a extremely niche series and most of the fans are at least knowledgeable about hacking and privacy. Because of that combined with DQ generally poor sales over here, that could make both games a complete and utter flop.
I'm not a pirate, I'm making fun of them for thinking they're far more important than they actually are.
See their FE boycotting that ended up with Fates being the best selling game in the series by far.
I'm pirating them. Problem?
You are going to buy Maribel's game, right Sup Forums?
Good so we can blame it on you fucks when the game flops
how much of a faggot do you have to be to be a dragon quest fan and pirate it when you know the series is on lifesupport in the west.
If they flop it will be due to Square Enix not marketing them. They choose to market the shit out of that embarrassing garbage FF15. Not my fault.
Bring Seth Green back and they might sell like 9
When have pirates ever been intelligent people
>tfw no commercial for VII/VIII
I'll buy ten thousand copies to combat piracy.
>I'm a piratefag but I'll probably end up buying it.
you know you won't
Yeah, like Fates right?
Oh wait...
>Wanting a game to flop.
You guys act like a bunch if whiny nigger bitches. How about we look forward to another awesome installment of the DQ series.
> B-but its Nintendo!!!!
So fucking what. A good game is a good game no matter what system its on.
Thanks, Donald Trump
Can't wait to play 3 DQ this year!
>A good game is a good game no matter what system its on.
top kek. DQ8 is worse for being on 3DS
It's worse for being on the best system this gen?
Go back to your delusion general, vitafaggot.
>More enemies
>More characters
>More gear that shows on the characters in battle
>More endings
>Extra post content
The one and only bad thing is graphically isn't as good. Fuck you DQ8 is fucking amazing and 3DS is even better.
yet mobile version of 7 will have higher resolution and fidelity plus better music
and besides ios games sell
Yeah, in bizarro world.
Phone ports are the most pathetic and miserable garbage that has ever happened to DQ, a fucking joke.
Fuck that
uh,this is from square enix officially
the phone version of 7 will have bettter music and run in 1080p
compare that with 3ds.
sure the 3ds will have better controls but visually the phone one looks better and sounds better too
I've had em pre ordered on Amazon for months
You illogical niggers are getting old as fuck.
> hurt durr down with nintentodllers! Sonyfags for life!!! Amirite guys!!??
>source: my ass
B-but muh graphics
>better music
>sure the 3ds will have better controls but visually the phone one looks better and sounds better too
So you mean the 3DS has better GAMEPLAY
Yes, phone ports of DQ and FF are official garbage, this is a well known fact.
Plus DQ 7 makes great use of 3D and plays great on the 3DS.
I'm sure the western DQ fanbase loves mobile gaming tough.
>more reskinned bossfights
>more awful looking armor that is worse than the hero default look
>shitty jessicafag ending
Only worthwhile addition is the new party members. The 3DS version is so underwhelming I might not even waste my time pirating, after all I have the superior original copy to play anytime I want
Everyone who actually likes video games should hate mobile gaming.
what kind of name is Ushi?
I'll purchase VII.
Not sure about VIII, I played VIII not too long ago on PCSX2 and it looked gorgeous, I don't think I could bother with a semi-open world on a 3DS.
>New Fire Emblem breaks series sales records
>but piracy
If a games good enough people will buy it legitimately
Fates wasn't good
Is 7 good?
Ever since 8. Square sort of knows that they are going to loose money on DQ titles. Since the game does have a fanbase, it still doesn't have the numbers that Final Fantasy does in the US. So they really release these in English for the sake of having them in English because the japanese side of square finds these games to be of importance.
>3ds piracy becoming rampant
Maybe in the wildest dreams of the vitagenner that spams it daily.
In the real world, no one cares about piracy
People love collecting and supporting the 3DS.
here is the source gamefaqs.com
a japanese guy compared them.
also you could try it yourself on a jailbroken i phone and compare it to the 3ds version
China loves DQ though
They are getting Dragon Quest X in PC soon
Nice boogyman
So a bugged mess.
Just like every other SE phone port.
Well I'll buy them.
I mostly just pirate ripoff DLC.
>more reskinned bossfights
>more awful looking armor that is worse than the hero default look
Hot opinion you got there.
>shitty jessicafag ending
There are also additional cutscenes with backstory of the hero, Medea and other characters.
And that user forgot fast alchemy and no random encounters.
This guy again with his stale shitposting
no,the guy said that framerate is better than 3ds,the music is better and also draw distance aswell,something not possible on weak hardware of the 3ds
You're simply retarded.
The game runs perfectly on the 3DS and SE phone ports are a joke.
This is a fact.
Nice cherry picking the one new boss, why don't you post piss filter evil Jessica and the other rehashed bosses? Retard.
im sure it does but the phone version runs,looks and sounds better.
this is an official fact and your butthurt can't change it
3DS piracy is a thing now? Last I heard it was only one card that only worked on certain firmware and could only be written to once.
You've been living under a rock
3DS Piracy is so good you can literally steal game directly from Nintendo's servers and they can't do shit about it
I haven't had any reason to pick my 3DS up again in years. Is it easier now?
He's not the only not reskinned boss.
And no one denied that the game has harder version of story bosses, it was you who claimed there were only reskins.
How so? Care to explain?
Look the shit up yourself.
Find your marbles yet you fat fuck?
Btw, rufio is still dead
Nobody gives a shit about japan when we're talking about ENGLISH versions, dumb fuck.
7 got one, numbnuts.
I don't know about 8 though.
Kinda doubt it, but I haven't kept u-
Oh shit, I guess it did.
i hope they come out this year. i never got to play dq7 on ps1 and it's not on psn so i guess i never will. i tried emulating 8 but i was finding it troubling to find a sweetspot in my settings.
DQ7 3ds is rumored to get its release literally today at Nintendo event
Forgot are they going to play DQ7 today or tomorrow?
Well, let's see.
I'm really hoping they put it at a better time, because as mentioned, SE has done literally ZERO advertising for it.
>dq7 ps1
Just emulate it. I'd say it's just about different enough from 3DS to warrant playing twice if you're up for it. Be prepared for REALLY shitty CG cutscenes every 50 hours though.
Where were you when the japanese rating system killed fanservice?
I'm learning runes so maybe in 4 or 5 years I can play them on their native language, so I don't care about western piracy.
Squeenix doesn't deserve a single cent
Shitposting on Sup Forums.
>I literally posted proof of censorship when it was first revealed
>nobody on Sup Forums believed me claiming I was full of shit
Who's laughing now, assholes?
>pirating 3ds games
How poor can you even be?
Pirates wouldn't be an issue if nintendo didn't force creators to remove content out of their games, simple as that.
You can argue that people pirate games regardless but I didn't even buy the new FE because of that awful company decision.
>You can argue that people pirate games regardless
They do. No matter how much money they have, faggots will always try to get stuff for free.
Nintendo didn't do shit to Dragon Quest.
What if I pirate games that doesn't have a chance of localization like Terry's Wonderland?
SE has made clear that they don't have any desire to localize or let Nintendo localize the other 5 DQ games, I would've gladly pay for them if they were available here.
They fucking region lock their consoles and that's the main reason why we can't play DQ.