>Losing game
>Press Tab
>Genji and Tracer on the team
Every time.
>Losing game
>Press Tab
>Genji and Tracer on the team
Every time.
teach them how to play, then
>Winning game for 5mins
>Last 10 seconds
>Enemy successively press Q
>Lose in 3 seconds
This is literally how every match is determined unless you group.
>being this shit
That's why you play Mercy and press your Q.
To be fair, and mostly in Genji's case, a good Tracer/Genji can really help the team out and change the course of the game.
Bad ones however...
>Assemble your team
>Genji, Genji, Tracer, Reaper, Soldier 76
>ESC, leave game
>Implying you can do much about it when you're matched against groups in a solo queue.
>good players wins
>bad players however....
well holy shit
There's six players on a team you dumb ass
>entire team is soldier69
>landslide victory
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
It's literally impossible for a Reinhardt to not be good for a team
>When the shitty Widow or Hanzo keeps shooting the shield and doing 50dmg a shot when the shield has 2000hp
>its a 'your team hangs waaaay back and concedes every objective to the other team and spams projectiles missing all the time as shit classes for it like Mcree and Genji because theyre too chickenshit to actually play and you end up 4 gold as shit like Roadhog or Zarya by virtue of being the only player to actually play while your mercy pockets some bozo, do-nothing 0 hits pharah because 'oh thats just who people pocket'' episode
>it's a 'your team isn't aware that you're supposed to stay near the payload on defense and you have to carry the game as Lucio while your hanzo takes potshots and 3 flankers are chasing butterflies god knows where' episode
Genjji and tracer have the same job. Same as Hanzo and Widowmaker.
So a comp with Genji, Tracer and Reaper/Hanzo + Widowmaker will get fucked deeply into the butt (I had the joy to experience this multiple times).
The comps that kind of works are 2x Frontline-Fighter + Backline- Harasser or 1xFrontline + Flanker + Backline-Harasser. (see. double McRee/Soldier 76/Pharah and then Genji/Tracer/Reaper)
You're literally defenseless if they go Tracer+ Widowmaker though
You can only guard when side while the other pelts you for massive damage
There are total trash Genjis, and there are ridiculous tryhard Genjis. Nothing inbetween.
Tracers run the gauntlet, top-tier ones can decide a game almost single-handed.
Mei and Hanzo, on the other hand... if you have either of these - or god forbid, both - or, may Satan have mercy, THREE of either - you are near guaranteed to lose. Utter trash heroes. A good Hanzo would play Widowmaker instead. A good Mei does not exist.
Widow does 150 a shot.
But yeah, you need some Pharahs or Junkrats to break the shield.
>be tracer on El Dorado attack
>gold on eliminations, damage and objective time
>constantly destroy bastion and torb turrets all game
>get potg despite our team losing
>"we lost cuz of u tracer"
Just play Bastion for the first 2-3 minutes of the game and melt the shield, then when enough enemies switched to Sniper/Junkrat, you switch to something good.
Most of the time, they don't switch back and the enemies get double Hanzo or some shit.
>attackers go with double reinhardt, double bastion and double mercy
>they steamroll us, capture the first point and bring the payload 10m from the end
>without a word we all switch and end up with Zenyatta, Reaper, Genji, Junkrat and two others I can't remember
>spawncamp them until the end of the game
It feels good when your team knows how to adapt and the enemy doesn't
Tracer works, if the rest of the team can actually push the payload. If they are Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Zenyatta and Reaper, you are probably going to lose (even if you did very good).
It is so painful to have three squishy flankers and a sniper on a map where you need to push the payload
>go mei on attack
>reinhart hammers down and mows them over
>I freeze their mercy do the usual
>still for a little ways to go, they could totally get overtime
>see them turn the corner behind thier spawn door
>slam the icedoor on their face
>proceed to get cussed out in chat
They really should force wave spawning so pubs dont go in one by one to get killed by the other team.
>push the cart
>teammate goes Toblerone the entire match
>doesn't even put a sentry on the cart
Play shitty game get shitty results
sounds like hand holding to me
>enemy team is obviously a premade
>they go 5 winston, 1 lucio on attack at Anubis
>we do a team comp of hog, mercy, etc
>get shredded at first point
>two of us proceed to go bastion and tear through them
>they adapt and two go pharah
>one of our guys proceeds to have a field day shooting down birds
>be junkrat
>see my teammates freezing
>shit better set a trap in advance
>mei comes my way
>unleash volley of grenades
>when you're a bastion
>when you're looking at the spawn door
>when double-Mei puts an Ice Wall up directly in-front of the spawn door after the game begins
When will jabronis learn that this isn't even effective?
It's Blizzard, they're already handholding with no scoreboard. Might as well go all the way.
Stopped reading there. execute self
Not the last time I checked.
Get the facts faggot.
I never thought people did it to be effective. It's just fuckery like spraying their doors before the match starts
>or good
Easily countered. Enough so that I can't really complain.
>being a shitter
Every time.
>Dwarf makes an appearance
>Dwarf builds a turret and babies it 24/7
>almost always has his hammer out
>oblivious to the face melt his gun offers
Torbjorn comes in several flavors of shit.
>about to cuss out a widow for not pushing the cart
>she goes in and pushes the cart
>the reinhart keep running away form the cart and all combat
>the mercy won't share the heels and follows reignhart with damage boost even though he doesn't attack
>we have hanzo go hangs back and just spams arrows and never leaves his perch
>we have a pharah that keeps flying up and getting shot down even though she'd totally do better just walking
I'm sorry for almost blaming you, widowmaker.
>team goes Rein x2, Bastion, Tjorb, Mercy, Dva
>the payload is now a tiny rape train whose brakes are of questionable efficiency
Sure the enemy team could have just countered it with Bastions or something, but they didn't, and I got POTG with me as a tiny dwarf trapped between burly Rein buttocks
>losing game
>press tab
>widowmaker on the team
>play a team game on your own
>complain when you lose
>waaaaaah my soccer team comprised of random mute people from around the world of varying ages lost to a team of friends who all play together regularly
> Winning game
> press tab
> McCree and Lucio on the team
thanks god
>losing game
>press tab
>I'm on the team
>3 snipers
>Not shooting the shield.
This is why you the shield never breaks it damn it.
2000 is nothing at all if your team is concentrating fire on it.
It isn't effective, but it wastes the attackers time.
There's usually 2 doors from the base. If there any number at one door, and the Mei ice's the doorway, it saves the defenders, what, like 2 seconds of time on the clock.
Those 2 seconds could be the turning point of the game.
I waste plenty of time when I play Winston/Tracer and they try to chase me
People don't tab all the time? I tab a lot to keep track of how I'm doing and who's alive or not since I may not catch it in the right upper corner.
>Losing game
>Press Tab
>One or two Hanzos on my team
Why do people play such a useless character
>play with shitters
>junkrat 4 golds, potg
>next map two people go junkrat
>reaper 4 golds, potg
>next map two people go reaper
>soldier76 4golds potg
>next map two people go soldier76
>35 objective eliminations
>next map someone locks lucio early
and on and on and on
He's good on a coordinated defense team because his recon arrow can set up Junkrat's and ambushes very nicely.
Other than that his only use is DRAGONARROW THE PAYLOAD.
Fun fact, Genji can deflect dragon arrow if it hits you before it dragons up.
>Instalocks Genji
>Complains we don't have a tank or healer
>Refuses to even switch to another offence hero, let alone one of those
>yfw some of these anons may be the real reason the team losy
Is there a worse hero when it comes to autistic mains than Genjifags?
Genjifag here.
The answer is no.
>Widowmaker on enemy team
>Half the time useless
>Other half is a god that gets headshot after headshot and single handedly shuts the team down
>Widowmaker on my team
>All the time useless
>says no
>posts a MGR meme image
The answer is yes.
People say Widowmaker and while they're also pretty bad from what I've seen they're slightly more willing to switch heroes than Genji and they don't whine about teamcomps as much while refusing to switch themselves.
Everyone saw THAT webm and want to try getting epic headshots for themselves
>Play Genji
>Press Tap
>4 Gold Medals
Every time.
>Brother's friend comes over
>Guy's only played Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield
>Try to be as helpful as I can
>Explain to him that this is a very team based shooter, and if you run off trying to be a lone wolf, you're not really helping anyone because you need to protect or escort the objective
>Watching him play versus the AI (I know it's just against the AI but I'd like to at least help him incase he buys the game and plays online.)
>Asks me what the best character is
>Goes for Bastion because my brother said he's kinda OP
>There's already another Bastion, I ask if he wants to switch because usually two of the same character doesn't benefit anyone, but he's stubborn and doesn't
>Walks away from the objective multiple times, as well as his team
>The AI actually caps the objective
>They take it back and win
>Next round, he picks Hanzo
>Hits no one
>Having his bow drawn and moving slow
>Actually dies to the AI
Glad my brother's girlfriend came over so I had an excuse to leave.
why didnt you press q and win the game then?
>One of the easiest characters in the game to play, fast high damage spikes for squishies, bullshit ultimate AND hitboxes, and long range on top of all of that
You have to be monumentally retarded to play Hanzo wrong. I'm a low-mid tier shitter and I routinely help win games with that piece of broken trash. He may have shit mobility, but that's not an issue when your entire job is to stand still and aim at the broad side of a barn.
Show me the webm
>highest dmg
>highest objective time
When you got Pharah, Trashmouse, McRee or Widow on your team.
Can you read?
Are you well?
D.Va buff when?
How long until people realize Genji isn't a good character?
Like he isn't bad, but there's so many better options to pick from, both on offence and defense. Maybe if his knife did 50 damage he'd be more of a threat, but his DPS is pretty meh and he's always looking for health packs.
Games vs AI must be real fun :^)
>Shitting on best wife
wew lad
I think WM fags are worse because most I have met were some autistic CoD fags that were trying to get those sick mlg hook headshots every possible cooldown.
In the end I'd rather have rules of nature in my team than some xx420n0sc0pezxx cod fag.
they havent decided on a buff yet
mccree and widowmaker nerfs are apparently finalised
Genji and Hanzo are probably the most useless characters that are picked by everyone.
Worse. It's ps4
>good wife
Nah I'd rather be dommed by a French seductress
>mfw a Widow on my team starts speaking French and I have no idea what she's saying but my dick instantly goes hard
>People complain about the cowboy of 5 metre deletes
>No one complains about the fat man of 10 metre deletes
playing shitty baby fps. you deserve everything you get
I don't even play Overwatch or know anything about it but I agree with what you say.
But she is blue and your children will be blue also. You are basically starting a new race of blue people.
What's next green people? Robot babies?
Good damage
Decent survivability
AoE healing
If someone has a slightest idea how to aim as Genji he can melt any 200hp class in a blink of an eye. In good hands Genji can destroy enemy backline, making enemy support's life a living hell, same with snipers.
But the problem is that most Genjis can't aim for shit and it takes them a whole mag to down someone to 50 hp.
>Making your own asari race
how is that a problem?
>no good mei
you bitch, come fight me. I'll make you rage quit
Would be great if she had a "wew lad" line
pretty much this
Most can't aim for shit because people do the smart thing and strafe and jump. Genji's projectile is slow as sin and you won't get more than one headshot off unless you're fighting a literal retard.
You basically have to be at max HP at all times, and since you're a flanker, you waste precious time getting health packs.
Genji is only "good' with a Mercy on your ass, but that applies to most heroes. The only living hell you're delivering to is snipers and Bastion.
>Lijang tower KOTH
>it's the map with the indoor point
>Pick torb
>Allies complain but they don't know
>Set up turret on that ledge overlooking the point from super high up
>Enemy team doesn't even know this path exists
>Covering fire for the entire match
>Enemy team gets 0%
Nobody properly explores that map.
>mei keeps spamming ice wall
Who the fuck are these people attracted to a character who's sole purpose is to fuck their own team up by blocking los and ults I swear I'd rather have a Lucio who never turns off speed boost
>play Genji
>get 9 eliminations, 8 deaths
>be complete deadweight unless theres an enemy bastion
>Play Tracer
>20 eliminations, 4 deaths
>just as effective as Genji at taking out Bastion
>Take out multiple sentries and torbjorns with fast charging ultimate
>Be an actual annoyance and effective flank
You heard me, faggot.
Mei cannot fucking TOUCH a good Tracer. Maybe with a total luckshot, but that's true for half the cast. It's all about knowing when to ignore and stay away from the Mei, and when to cut her stupid fucking head off.
Until yesterday I never touched the two weeaboo brothers because everyone says they're useless. Yesterday I tried Hanzo and got at least three gold medals per game with the most POTGs I've ever gotten in a single day. We also won most of our matches.
I'll probably try Genji today. And before you say anything I'm level 60 and not in shitter MMR.
>Hating on speed boost
It's like you don't like going fast.
Speed boost is fine but when they literally never swap to healing the whole round I get a little pissed
Not the guy you replied to, but a good Hanzo is scary good especially if you have the right team comp.
Genji will always be mediocre.
A real good Genji can pull of some funny shit, but most people are probably better at Tracer/Reaper, because its easier.
An effective speedboosting Lucio can decide a game. My favourite thing to do is follow a Rein or Reaper with speed on as they chase down and annihilate the entire enemy team single-handed.
Lucio's regular, non-E'd heal sucks donkey dicks, he's not a REAL healer.