Widow and Mcree are getting nerfed by the end of the week.
I can't wait for the tears from scrubs who can't play without a crutch
Widow and Mcree are getting nerfed by the end of the week.
I can't wait for the tears from scrubs who can't play without a crutch
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Bastion tho
Can't wait for the D.Va buff. I always liked rocket-punching people then shooting them in the face
As someone who was in the beta i can attest to them doing frequent patches. I can also attest that every nerf/buff they did was always complete overkill and either completely gutted the character or made them ridiculously OP, and they always had to go back and do another shot at it. The only character they didn't give another sweep was Zenyatta which is why he's still trash.
This does not bode well for McCree and Widowmaker. I'm sure shitters will rejoice and be happy, but people who actually understand the game will be surprised to find out these nerfs will probably be overkill and ruin the characters for a while.
But hey, let's hope maybe they're actually small little adjustments and blizzard learned their lesson from the beta.
you wont get anything this week cuck.
stop playing sub 20s
If only shooting them did anything with D.Va
Whats does Blizzard say about the dogshit tickrate and shit tier hit boxes? Why not fix this broken shit?
Coming from someone that played WoW for years, nope that's exactly how Blizzard balances. They always overdo it
I was also in the closed beta and that's exactly why the game ended up so well balanced (outside of a few heroes). Their technique was to push something too far in one direction so they had a very clear idea of where the middle ground should be, that way they would nerf something too hard then go back and give it a slight re-buff into a balanced state. The only real issue is that they ended the beta without ever re-buffing Zen and never addressed the overpoweredness of Tracer.
It's a great way to do things instead of doing constant little ticky tack changes that never amount to anything, unfortunately they probably can't do that now in retail because shitters would lose their minds at the process.
How about they fix the 20 tickrate first? It's disgraceful.
Blizzard can't grasp balance.
They constantly struggle with the idea that COMBINATIONS of variables produce over powered or under powered character/classes.
For example, they see that macree is too good. To everyone playing it's obvious that his fan need to have drop off, this would make him a close range character, who can still blow people up in close range, and with his stun, and his roll, he'll be the quintessential close-range dps. Which is perfectly acceptable.
Blizzard doesn't see this. Blizzard will just nerf everything.
His stun won't stun anymore, it'll slow or some shit,
His roll will have an absurd cooldown
His fan will be slower have a longer CD and have damage falloff
Then they'll nerf his damage just to make sure on top of all that.
This is how blizzard operates.
Because Hanzo player need a compensation for his shittiness. Even even with this he is still an aweful character.
its not only hanzo literally every fucking hero has these problems.
The problem with D. Va is that she was completely overnerfed, as was saying. When she first appeared in the open beta last November, she was a complete monster that needed to be reined in, only they subsequently made her borderline useless.
>The overpoweredness of tracer
>run up to a mercy who is currently healing someone.
>unload full tracer clip into her
>the mercy turns around
>looks at you
>begins slapping you with her staff
>one hit takes off 2/3rd of your hp so you need to blow your CD to escape from this powerhouse offensive mercy.
>She shoots you with her gun twice killing you once you pop out of your time bubble.
Actually it's not, they managed to balance things in the beta quite well, I'll call them out on not being able to balance any of their other games, ever, but they did a really good job with OW.
Probably needed another month of balance passes in the beta though, iron out tracer and fix zen. There weren't enough mainers in the beta for McCree and Widow to show their strengths unfortunately.
They need to tweak bunch of shit. Mei freeze should take longer or possibly freeze on a hp percentage (tanks take longer to freeze for example). Could up dmg of her attack to compensate. She isnt OP. Just annoying to lose control of character if she touches you once.
Bastion should have smaller magazine in turret mode and remember the bullet count when swapping stances. Healing only in recon mode. Larger spread on turret after set distance. Improve his recon to compensate and round him out better.
Widow needs smaller magazine and longer charge time. Maybe global call for ult and longer charge on ult.
Mccree just needs lower fan dmg and spread or dmg drop off on his pistol. Hes close range master. Shouldnt be able to snipe level length with the pistol for 2 hit kills.
Dont know what to do with dva. She does no dmg. Not great tank. Something needs tweaking. Maybe move faster while firing. Would need testing.
Lucio needs to be less good and all encompassing. Pretty much free win if your team.has one and they dont. Maybe zenyatta hp?
Everyone else is pretty good spot. Bastion and mei dont need tweaks but they are not fun to play against in any way.
>They managed to balance things in the beta quite well....
>Release zen
>best hero in the entire game
>Nerf so badly hes now the worst hero in the entire game
>Lucio is looking slightly weak...
>Lucio is now 2 per team sometimes 3 lucio lmao literally the best hero in the game
>D.va is killing supports too quickly...
>nerf damage so badly that she can't hurt anyone at all
>Macree is just too good
>buff him again
>Tracer/bastion/Mei/Roadhog still so bad an unplayable averaging 30% winratios if your team has the misfortune of picking one of these heros.
user... its okay that you didn't play the beta, you don't have to pretend.
>whining about widow and mcree
>calling others scrubs
delete this thread you dickless scrub
>melee does 30 damage
>her pistol does 20 damage on bodyshots, 40 on headshots
>shots fire every half second or so
You have little reason to lose to a Mercy.
t. Mercy main
What you're doing by making this thread is the exact definition of what a scrub would do.
post >yfw D.Va is your best tank
That's really spot on for how they handle heroes of the storm. I played HoTS for a bit and that is exactly how they did things, it was baffling. For example they did a big overhaul to the hero Rehgar and he suddenly became too strong. His biggest problem being that his lightning shield did too much damage.
So what did blizzard do? They nerfed one of the talents that gave lightning shield extra damage. Okay, fine. It didn't seem to be enough for them though, so next patch they went back and nerfed literally EVERY talent for lightning shield. They nerfed every single one which obviously resulted in a massive overkill of a nerf. It was so dumb.
Not sure how they can be so dumb with that kind of shit, if something is OP you just do a single nerf to it, you don't nerf 3 different parts of the ability all at once, that's just retarded.
>he thinks D.Va is getting buffed this week
They said multiple times they are not ready to buff D.Va yet.
>Release zen
>best hero in the entire game
>Nerf so badly hes now the worst hero in the entire game
They nerfed zen because of Genji, his orbs used to be permanent so every game devolved into Genjix2 and Zenx2 and it wasn't fun at all. They re-buffed Genji but never got around to fixing Zen.
>Lucio is looking slightly weak...
>Lucio is now 2 per team sometimes 3 lucio lmao literally the best hero in the game
Lucio actually got nerfed hard in the closed beta, he used to do a LOT more damage and was basically the 1v1 king. In pubs he is only top tier on koth while being utterly useless on defense and only useful in specific offensive setups.
>Macree is just too good
>buff him again
They nerfed him many times in the beta, gave him damage dropoff and near the very end of beta they increased the delay between firing fans.
>Tracer/bastion/Mei/Roadhog still so bad an unplayable averaging 30% winratios if your team has the misfortune of picking one of these heros.
Tracer was the single most overpowered hero in the beta and single handedly defined the games meta, every single competitive game saw 2xtracer, 2xlucio, and 2xwinston on every single koth round. Mei got buffed by a lot, Roadhog got slightly fucked over with the hook distance change, and Bastion has always either been insanely overpowered or just outright too easy. Be thankful you're not playing against the shield version of Bastion you shitter.
I don't care about buffs to her, I really like playing her.
Granted I'm sub 20 because I can't play a lot
You missed out my favorite one from the beta.
>shitters were complaining about roadhog, tracer, and genji getting off melee hits easily and raping them
>better nerf all melee damage across the board from 50 to 30 which severely hurt good players who were aware of positioning and could get in close for punches whenever possible on normal characters
>also resulted in a nerf to d.va's already shit damage to even worse because one of her only ways of dealing damage was to fly into people and punch them
I'm still pissed about that change. I used to get so many kills from melee attacks cause bad players would jump around me thinking they were slick but i would just do quick turns and punch them out of the air. Now melee damage barely even tickles people and feels almost pointless.
That was a wonderful change, it was absolutely retarded to let Tracer and Genji get easy 1 shot kill combos. It made no sense any way you look at it to let all heroes have 50 damage melee strikes, completely retarded.
They're only nerfing his fan damage. He'll still instagib anyone that isnt a tank.
Widow and McCree need obvious nerfing.
Mei needs nerfing too, her freezing is too fast. Should at least vary from character to character, Reinhardt shouldn't freeze as fast as Tracer for instance.
Pharah needs an HP buff and maybe a little splash damage buff. HP needs to be up to 250 at least, do armor if you gotta.
D. Va needs a buff because her head hitbox is a joke and she can't tank or do damage so she's worthless "tank."
Bastion will probably get a nerf with how much hate he gets, Blizzard will cave to public outcry despite Bastion being the easiest hero to counter.
Widow does have a global call for her ult just like everybody else.
It's just really quiet and in French. If they upped the volume on it by default it may be fine, but most people think she doesn't call out her ulti, which is false.
>getting nerfed
Yeah I'm sure the 900 replies of the Overwatch twitter consisting of "switch to X heroes, Overwatch's key mechanic is hero switching" were just for show.
He needs a rework, not a nerf or a buff. He absolutetly destroys bad players, but against semi-decent players, or dare I say, competitive enviroment, he's unplayable. Literally just a pub destroyer.
You have to be close to her to hear it. The trouble is, you're almost never close to a Widow
It's not global, it only plays to people who are within a very short range of her and even then it's still quiet.
Can't fucking wait for the widow nerf. Most snipers have some downside or handicap they have to work around, but not her. Should have just given her a bolt action and than most of her problems would be solved.
He needs buffs, but I think his kit is just too bad to do anything but punish retards. Too bad because I like Bastion.
>This balance problem has been a thing prior to launch for literal months
>Now address it post launch
What a bunch of idiots. Can't wait for them to decimate Mcree, and love tap widowmaker like they did last time.
because it was built with consoles in mind
Play shitty game get shitty results
for some reason i've always wanted bastion to be way more tanky with a bit of a DPS hit. like give him
>increase hp from 300 to 450 hp
>decrease turret form dps from 330 to 250
>decrease recon form magazine size from 20 to 15 as well
now he's an area denial hero that doesnt blow up the instant someone sneezes on him, and recon form is actually worth using
>Widow and Mcree are getting nerfed by the end of the week.
Can anyone actual argue against the nerfs? Other than "get good"
just dodge his stun
>just dodge his stun :^)
Except on Anubis, but that's because Anubis is literally the worst map in the game.
>2x Bastion 2x Mercy Reinhardt and Roadhog
>Meme for 6 minutes
>Pharah needing a buff
>At all
Nigga she is literally easy mode. No one can be assed to try and shoot at her when she's flying. 60% of the projectiles can't even reach her. You don't even need to fucking aim, just fire in random directions and the splash damage will take care of the rest.
Of course, no map can compare to Nepal
>implying widow is getting nerfed
Blizzard is fucking retarded, they built her for consoles and probably have their statistics in mind.
They've already said both that she's getting nerfed and that PC/consoles will be balanced separately.
Blizzard has stated consoles and PC have separate balance patches
>Bastion being the easiest hero to counter
Okay. I've recently had a pub game on Temple of Anubis with Reinhardt, 2x Bastion, Torbjörn and Widowmaker on defense situated on the first ridge right behind the first chokepoint. We, the attackers, had literally zero kills and could not move past the chokepoint. I've tried bouncing grenades as junkrat, found no angle that works. Pharah gets shred instantly. Our own Reinhardt melted like nothing when trying to shield. What's the counter supposed to be? I'm not trying to be cynical, I seriously want to know.
Reminder McRee is intended to counter both Tracer and Genji.
Reaper tp into left room then over and behind?
I've encountered those too and I'm a bit lost.
I thought about it and it would be hard in a pub game but getting a Reinhardt to put up a shield and using one or two junkrants and maybe a pharah. Even getting a Reaper or Tracer behind their lines as a distraction. It requires teamwork which you won't get in a pub. Genji might work too with reflect.
The map is honestly broken and needs a path along the side. It's the only map where you encounter a choke that bad, even the choke on Volskaya isn't that bad.
it's not good game design to first make 2 very elusive characters and then go "shit no one in our casual ass audience can hit these guys" and then add a hero that has an "i win" button designed for the sole purpose of instantly ending these guys' existence.
blizz doesn't know how to balance or design heroes beyond the surface level, so you get these situations where tracer stomps the enemy backline on her own without taking a single point of damage, but then she accidentally runs into mccree and instantly dies. that's not good game design. no one is having fun in that situation or really being challenged. it's just preordained encounters playing out.
mccrees flashbang shouldn't be so stupid against most of the roster
tracer shouldn't be both incredibly elusive and deal a billion damage
i think genji is mostly fine, he actually stomps most dogshit mccrees
Can you guys tell me what made D.Va so good when she first came out? I'm having a hard time imagining it.
but why is he allowed to do 450 dmg with fan to a tank
All I've seen is that she's on their radar. Did they actually guarantee a nerf?
That's where he's being nerfed.
Yes, her and McCree are confirmed nerfed this week.
You shoot the shield via corner peeking or you simply switch to mei and wall spam them. With 6 players on your team it's not difficult to exploit the 3 paths around that chokepoint and the ability to fly over the wall on the left side.
With 6 players on your team it isn't, but every player in pubs is on a seperate team.
I'm seriously interested in what they could nerf about widow without making her absolute dogshit useless - except for her firerate which isn't the problem in competitive play.
It can easily be done by global warning of her ult, longer charge time and lower body shot damage.
They need to change it so she cant rely entirely on bodyshots to kill 90% of the cast since her double tap can kill anyone with 200 health.
She should be doing 50 damage bodyshots no matter the charge and the charge increases her headshot multiplier to x6 at 100%
As a Zenyatta main, i canattest that Zenyatta doesn;t needmore hp.
All zenyatta needs is to move a little faster. You get that, he;s perfect.
Ergo making her useless.
She's already a weak sniper that can only onehit with headshots and only on certain targets. There are heroes with shields, tanks and high mobility in the game. Nerfing her ability to deal damage (even if slowy) will make her even more toxic for her whole team because she can't cap spots or stay at the payload.
Everyone will still pick her and be even more useless with her.
50 damage is a bit over kill.
100 damage body shot AND roughly double her charge up weapon rate.
>She's already a weak sniper
??? ?????????????
>she is already a weak sniper
She is literally the most overpowered sniper in gaming.
Remove McCree's reload from his roll and give it I-frames or speed boost or some shit that every other offense character has.
He can still kill low to medium HP people in close range but he can no longer melt tanks or have a get out of jail free card with his roll reload.
Have you ever played other shooters? She isn't even instagib on upper body shots.
>torbjorn is probably gaurding that room.
>She's already a weak sniper
Hanzo is a guy dude
But to be serious
>Has a sniper that is close to AWP levels of damage
>Has an AR for close-to-midrange engagement if her grappling hook is on CD and it also does decent damage
>Has a mine that tells her if someone wants to flank her
Reaper chews through Tor and her turret.
Eat shit, ubermeme
Corner peeking got me killed instantly as junkrat. Mei walls might be a """cool""" idea though. Does anyone know how long they hold up against bastion fire?
Have you played overwatch you shitter
mccree is still going to destroy everyone who isn't a tank
>Has a sniper that is close to AWP levels of damage
No it really isn't, it's more of a scout level.
>Has an AR for close-to-midrange engagement if her grappling hook is on CD and it also does decent damage
If you're using it for more then finishing enemies off you're a bad widow. Nobody would miss it if they just remove it entirely.
>Has a mine that tells her if someone wants to flank her
Which fucking blinks like a stupid LED-Toy.
>met a total dudebro recently who only plays Widow
>he sucks shit at every class, can't beat Winston as Widow, has no idea how to use mine or hook to avoid flanks, and generally can't aim
>smug superiority every game he is carrie in
>raging idiocy when he isn't carried
>now he must truly git gud
Eat shit, Jake.
I can only believe you say this because you play Widowmaker. Usually people who choose to see past something being overpowered is the people who play them.
Your sub 10 level is showing.
>She's already a weak sniper
She's probably the most broken sniper of any competitive FPS released in the past decade.
>Which fucking blinks like a stupid LED-Toy.
I actually put it along the doorframes or just around corners so it forces it to trigger when it's too late to get away from it.
You should probably go back to hearthstone, learn to deal with onehit snipers - widow isn't one. OW already gives you enough abilities to counter her.
I think Zen could use some sort of extra mobility option.
Given the tranquil fucker can hover, I think he could use a moonjump. Imagine being able to jump several times higher than he currently can for as long as he holds space. If he continues to hold it, he'll drift slowly down like Mercy.
Then combine that with his 5x Orb attack and you have a guy who can pop up from unexpected angles and show Pharah how it's done.
>Has an AR for close-to-midrange engagement if her grappling hook is on CD and it also does decent damage
The lack of hard counters in the game is the worst thing about it. The only hard counters are McCree and widow
If someone gets close to a Widow or Hanzo they should easily be able to defeat them but Winston actually loses against Widow at close range if she can get one bodyshot on him before he gets close because of how strong her assault rifle is. While Hanzo can fight everyone by randomly spinning in circles and getting headshots with his massive hitboxes and autoaim.
Her damage is absolute bullshit
>is supposed to be countered by Winston
>she can easily turn around and shoot twice and kill Winston before he can kill her
A good Widowmaker has only 1 counter, another Widowmaker and that is it.
In other shooters the sniper doesn't have a hook to escape easy, the health of a frontline hero, poison mines that do damage and tell you where people are and in other games snipers dont have a SMG that instantly transform back and fort between a automatic sniper and SMG.
Reducer her health to 150 and increase the time to recharge to full and reduce the ammo she has before reloading.
Pretty sure they said mcree nerf is just so he can't right click tanks anymore, but he's still able to kill squishies
Will just be a minor right click dmg loss
Maybe you should play more than 20 games.
Other shooters don't have tanks, flankers, mobility abilities, ultimates and obviously the casual blizzard crowd.
winston will be able to hard counter MC Cree very easy.
I hope widow gets nerfed into the ground.
Okay, I need to know what's going on in that pic. It doesn't make sense to me. It's obviously in the file name but I don't understand the orange line and why that's happening.
Looks like we found the widow player.
She is dead fucking easy to use, not only because of the shit tick rate and headshot hitboxes the size of the moon, but also because of her absurd charge rate and mobility. You can gib tanks in less than a second with her.
There are no characters in the game more braindead to play than Widow, with the possible exception of McCree.