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Post yfw
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Still optimistic about the remasters looking different from that shit-tier Skylanders model. I feel like the mouth's too prominent.
>Crash confirmed
>audience loses minds
>"We're doing it! He's back!
>audience going fucking apeshit
>we are bringing you Crash 1,2 and Warped Remastered!!
>audience applauses crashes to an awkward applause, hype completely crushed
>here's some shitty crash in a game only 4 year olds play! Enjoy!
jesus christ, he looks like a maniac. is it a new game or a remaster? is it really 3?
Lol, like dude. That is one supremely epic meme. Like, good on you, brother.
At least the classic sound effects are neat
Old Aku design and non-retard crash are the only good thing to come out of this trainwreck.
fuck it
this is skylanders. not crash's own game
Knowing activision probably pressured them into showing off the shitty skylanders stuff in return for the remakes I honestly didn't care much.
That said I've really been in the mood for playing the original 3 lately so i'm pleasantly surprised I'll be able to use my ps4 again after beating bloodborne like 7 months ago
We know it's Skylanders
It's still not acceptable
Could be worse
ironically that makes a good reaction image
check this 6 for the crash remakes to be GOAT and sony has the rights back
3 if the remakes are done by activision with this design
Was hoping that there would be a actual new game of Crash, but we got a it as a skylanders character. Still better than no games.
Props to the company who actually kept it close to it's original design, rather than making it worse and similar to TV pacman and megaman.
Meme? Its literally what happened.
In one hand, the fact that they're remastering the original games is good, but on the other hand, FUCKING SKYLANDERS OUTTANOWHERE.
Then again, Crash looks good in that game, and not like Spyro.
I'm just dissapointed that they haven't done yet a new Crash game, but at least they showed some interest for something outside FPS and more FPS.
>Crash never looked wacky before
What do you expect from these retarded millennials that never played a Crash Bandicoot game before?
They're this stupid.
this is how video games work. It's an industry. A business. They would NEVER just jump back into crash it's way too risky. Crash one came out in 1996, which was TWENTY years ago. The last two games were still almost ten years ago and they were complete flops. I can't imagine crash of the titans and fucking mind over mutant inspired any sort of faith in crash as a viable franchise. This isn't an apology or anything, but jesus christ did you guys really think they wouldn't test the waters first
The more I look at it I'm starting to really like the redesign, actual character progression that makes sense unlike the Titans design.
this was my reaction word for word
>"oh remasters....well thats cool, but is this the part where they announce a new game with ND?"
it was like that FF7 re-release shit 2 years ago all over again
do you think companies even pay attention to this stuff? it's not like online comments where you can choose not to read them, the guys at sony heard everyone flipping their shit at the mention of crash, and then got to listen to the applause slowly subside as people figure out whats going on
Kill yourself, fagget.
Where'd you get these images?
I was expecting a much worse design.
So goddamn pissed.
Literally another game, 3 years into PS4 life, being a fucking remaster or HD remake confirming PS4 is nothing but a remastered machine
But this is crash, a whacky motherfucker just doing spins.
Have you fucks played a crash game because he was always borderline insane.
still better than this model imo
>mfw skylanders
>mfw ANOTHER remake on playstation
It's a remaster, actually, which is even worse.
>Mfw this
>mfw I also own a ps4
>mfw I don't care it's got no games
It's Skylanders, yeah, but the character model isn't even that bad and he seems more or less faithful to the original. Not seeing the issue.
>Then again, Crash looks good in that game, and not like Spyro.
Spyro looks like a fucking purple Ivysaur in Skylanders.
That shit destroyed my soul. I mean, I could have been at least slightly satisfied with footage of the remasters but no.
Is asking for a new game in the same vein of the originals too much? Yet another E3 wasted, hyping myself for Crash and getting nothing in return. For 3 years straight.
>game looks shit
>graphics look fine
>don't see a problem
This is what sony has done to people.
So he is in Skylanders like Spyro?
remasters will be shit tier like grim fandango because its sony
who fucking cares if they didn't show footage! at least we know it's coming
Can't wait for his girlfriend and Coco in HD.
Not really enough for me. I was hoping for Crash to convince me to buy a PS4. But not with remasters of games I already play every year on my PSP without issues. Fuck that, they let me down. Never again.
He looks almost exactly like the concept art, why is everyone so mad? Is it because he has a chin?
fair enough. i already have a PS4 and, honestly, this is EXACTLY what I was hoping for - remakes of 1, 2 and 3. I so didn't expect it to actually happen but it did so im fucking stoked
>STILl thinking these games will be 1:1 remasters
Reminder they said "from the ground up" and it's being made by VV. So it's basically a new game
Somebody called this shit like 1 to 2 years ago he was going to be put in Skylanders which means we got nothing from this #4thegamers cringfest
hd remakes are a start
maybe there will be more for crash if they sell well
>and it's being made by VV
if true, then I am ok with this. they did the crash gba games which were actually pretty good and true to the source material
I was hoping for new Crash game, but a remaster as also really good. I havent play crash for a long time.
Better this than nothing.
Here's an edit.
These retards apparently never played Crash.
And the remaster is understandable, we're actually getting something and they're testing the waters, if there's obvious interest then they will keep working on the IP.
You just don't bring an ip that only people that played it 18 years ago or some shit remembers, you need your higher ups to greenlight it and for them to green light it they need to see possible positive results.
im assuming they chose to phrase it as a remaster rather than a remake to imply that the gameplay will remain the same. but yeah, ground up tends to imply a full, well, remake.
where did this come from???
he looks different from the trailer though?
>Reminder they said "from the ground up"
Which is more worrying than good. ND already added unecessary command prompts and timer to Crash 1 in Uncharted 4. If the devs seriously casualize Crash again, I'll be very pissed off.
"Remaster" also almost implies there won't be new content like new levels and stuff. Otherwise, they'd call them remakes, not remasters.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a memelennial
>ND already added unecessary command prompts and timer to Crash 1 in Uncharted 4
yeah, to let you know that it was a playable minigame.
No, nowhere in the first three series did Crash look that over exaggerated. Some retard from Skylanders thought it would be a good idea to go to look at early in progress drawn work work of crash and decided to use that, but more cartoony.
Stop trying to defend this bullshit
This is the cool mother fucker I was rised with!
>nowhere in the first three series did Crash look that over exaggerated
He's been a fucking whacko since the damn fucking first level of the first game.
>let me pull this picture I just found in google images of crash looking like one of my badass naruto ninjas
If anything, THAT cover is misleading
I don't understand what's wrong with this new crash model. It looks like how Crash always looked, save for that hair-do thing.
It was really unecessary. The great thing about Crash games, especially the first one, is that the level design itself teaches you how to play. The beginning of the boulder stage gives you an area to move around and figure out the buttons before the chase starts. A player is not an idiot, they can figure out alone the direction to follow and which button jumps and attacks.
This is why those prompts were absolutely unecessary. I can see Uncharted players being not good at videogames though, enough to need that kind of prompts.
nice one, user
>complaining over Skylanders design
And we care why? His appearance in that is catering to Skylanders typical aesthetics and is in no way representative of how he'll look in the remakes
And even then it's still a fucking good design by Skylanders standards
>audience applause crashes
I get it
>will probably have no new content or features
>"lol you want Crash okay buy the same 3 games again but this time they look nicer :^)"
Sonyggers will defend this.
He always had those "just fuck it and go wild" sperg moments with small bits of him being actually somewhat calm, just like the screenshots.
This is legit cherry picking, you guys should we happy we're even getting anything after all this time to check the current interest and it might become a bigger thing later on.
I know i'd suck a dick or two for some of my old favorites to get this treatment.
She's dead Jim... I would so hot glue a Skyrim Coco figure tho...
Being and looking whacky is too different things. All that other bullshit you speaking is fucking nonsense since even then, as in your gif, the only thing that looked whacky was the stone carvings of him, which the design was proved upon in the later series to look like what I posted.
Not the designs of the stone carvings of course, but of the model that looks nothing and no where like the E3 version
I'm excited for the remasters to be honest. The only thing that kinda sucks is that Crash Team Racing isn't getting a remaster with online multiplayer and they'll probably redo the voice work with the second Cortex voice actor. Otherwise, I'm on board, if these sell well it may help get a proper new game.
Why the fuck does he's tongue stick out?
What the fuck.
He acted fucking whacky even in the scrapped cartoon.
One of his characteristic moves was that mess of a dance and him hanging out a long as fuck tongue.
You're acting like the E3 version is just le whacky and random 100% of the time when its not, just like the original crash.
I never got to play the first Crash because it would never work in my PS2, so I'm happy for this.
>If anything, THAT cover is misleading
>>the scrapped cartoon.
Iam fucking done, they sat here butchered the Crash I grew up with and you sit here defending them like a dicksucking Sonyfanboy
Yeah, thank god Crash looks and is wacky, you crybaby faggot.
>stone carvings
you mean the IP owner's rendition of the character? Fucking end yourself.
>crash is a cool, and collected character
- t. nostalgiafgs
If you want to play fucking solid snake then play a fucking metal gear solid dude.
holy shit, how deluded is your vision of crash?
Are you shittalking the original makers of the game for making him whacky because it doesn't fits this mental image you made of crash?
I don't even have a fucking ps4, you're legit just deluded.
Not one kid under 18 years of age knows, much less gives a fuck, about Crash.
If they can nudge him back into the younger demographic he's aimed at, THEN they'll consider giving him a brand-new adventure.
But as it stands, there's not much profit to be made out of it.
>If they can nudge him back into the younger demographic he's aimed at
they're gonna have to make them a lot easier in order to do this. especially crash 1.
Then call me back when a new game is ready. As of now, I don't give a fuck. My consciousness already know Crash well enough.