So we can all agree that Sony wins E3
So we can all agree that Sony wins E3
Kojima wearing dem high heels
He's really 6'2". He's just being compressed by the weight of his own lies.
Kojima is actually stood on a platform here, and Todd is stood in a hole. I think Todd is actually closer to 7 foot
Neither of them have the short man physique but Howard definitely isn't as tall as he claims. My wife's brother is 195 cm and watching him shirtless has gotten me pretty familiar with the body shapes indicating height.
Why do you want to fuck your wife's brother
For announcing a game that has not even started development or has a finished engine? Come back to me in 2020 when the game is being released.
Tall people also have bigger heads than their shorter mates. But it follows that Kojima's head is coincidentally two feet closer to the camera... Man, why did they take such a weird photo? Just to confuse us?
user, you're gay
Because her boyfriend is already taken.
That's not true. Length has nothing to do with head size. Just like it has nothing to do with penis size, etc..
Todd's sitting on a barstool.
If you look closely you'll see Todd isn't in the foreground at all, he's actually stood about twenty feet behind Kojima, and he's on the floor below while Kojima is on a balcony. Very crafty stuff from the MGS creator...
Just fuck your wife's son then you idiot.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...
oh for fucks sake, you found a different Todd Howard, there is an athlete with the same name, this was already explained in another thread
Kojima is learning how to tell lies
That's his twin brother Rodd
No. Fuck Kojima.
this game will come out 2020 even later with his 100 man team,
Konami got pissed off a kojima because it took him 5 years to make MGS5 and utter horseshit
Explain dwarves you fucking mong they have big fucking easter island heads on top of their shoulders and I could fit about 20 of them in the boot of my car.
Is Todd Howard the Ben Shapiro of gaming?
Nope, the general consensus on Sup Forums has been that Microsoft had the best presentation.
Sony had a bunch of rehashes. It was ResidentSleeper.
Also good to see that Microsoft is trying to get rid of the plague of exclusives. Now everyone can play every game (except sony bros, lol)
Post the fucking Fallout 4 launch party where he's standing next to old lady Wonder Woman