This play station VR shit is really gonna flop isn't it ?
400$ + Eye toy required
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Just like you're gonna flop all over my fat fucking dick bitch lmao
It probably, really is, yeah.
I actually kinda like the idea of it, and I'm not opposed to the headset by itself, as a concept.
The problem, and this is something console makers seem to forget literally every year, is
Go all the way back, and I mean ALL the fucking way back to the beginning. ROB, the super scope, the 32X, the super-precision, the Sega CD, the N64 microphone, the original Eye-toy, the Playstation Move, the Kinect, motherfucking Wonderbook, Playstation branded 3D TVs, NOBODY FUCKING BOUGHT THAT SHIT.
It doesn't matter what it does, what new, unbelievable shit it can do with your console, it doesn't matter if it sucks your dick. Unless it comes with and is an integral part of the console itself, it's going to do shit at retail, especially at that price.
50 million peoples bought PS4. I expect half of them will get PSVR. Why? Because Sony is like the Iphone of console.
They can barely sell their own exclusives
What makes you think they can get people to shell out 400$ ?
Because it has Star Wars, Batman and COD
>Headset $399
>PS4 $349
Pretty much a flop
Only 40 million did. Half of them won't get it though are you fucking mental? There isn't even a game that sold 20 million copies on the PS4.
20 million people bought the literal no games PS move. People like gimmicks.
The real reason it's gonna flop is because you cant play Illusion Hentai games on it.
Don't forget $50 for the camera and $50 for the controllers.
>tfw you dont care about the vr trend because you wear glasses
What I'm not getting is that it's pretty much fact at this point, that you need 90fps @ 2160x1200 for VR to be good, otherwise, you have screen door effect, and it looks like garbage/ makes you sick. Yet here they are, claiming launch ps4 can do it, for $300
The "games" they were showing look better than 90% of Oculus content, so it's probably safe to say most of graphics shown are bullshit, but even the ridiculously subsidized oculus is $600, so the headset is likely garbage, unless they're taking a $200+ hit on every one.
What the fuck are they doing? Unless they have some fucking actual black magic going on here, it's not technologically feasible that launch ps4 can do VR at all, much less do it well.
What am I missing?
million people bought the literal no games PS move
I'd be interested to see how many of those were at the retarded launch price, and how many were a year later when it sold for 10 bucks.
Correction, that's 2X 90fps @ 2160x1200
I just noticed on that graphic
>Super low latency
>less than 18ms
Isn't a regular screen somewhere between 8-5ms response time?
the latency they're talking about isn't the same as monitor latency.
35 million of those just want fifa madden and battlefield
>low latency
Isn't a CRT somewhere between 0-0.0000000001ms response time?
You do realise the shitty TVs most "gamers" use have latency of 100-500ms?
So wait. It's $500 in total? Isn't that the price of the Neo?
>screen on headset
then what latency are they talking about?
I think you're right about CRTs I've heard them having little to no response latency, but a latency of 100 - 500 ms? You're downright retarded. half a second, even a tenth of a second is palpable.
The issue still stands, sony is advertising a fast response time with a tediously slow panel.
>but a latency of 100 - 500 ms?
You do understand how shitty 42" panels are, right? It's why the industry moved away from reaction based QTEs and towards button mashing ones.
If you're gaming on 99% of TVs, you're experiencing several frames of lag.
I tried it. Ask me anything.
>cheaper than the Rift or Vive
>doesn't need a beefy PC
>low framerate
>terrible (TERRIBLE) latency
>all the games there were pretty ugly, not sure what that's about
1ms = 1 millisecond(millionth sec)
1,000,000/500 = 2000
1/2000 sec is not palpable.
entire pipeline, there's motion inputs involved.
all vr head sets are infinitely faster than monitors.
Assuming oculus really is selling the rift at a loss like they say they are, VR clearly isn't ready. Not because the tech doesn't exist, but because it's still way too expensive for the average consumer.
It's a product that's being ruined by the hype it generated since companies are now pushing forward with VR way too quickly to take advantage of the hype when at this stage it should really only be an enthusiast's toy at best. When companies overpredict their sales figures and it ends up selling much less because nobody can fucking afford the product, they'll think it's a failure and drop it, which will be a huge shame considering VR actually is really promising.
>implying there won't be a slimmer better model 1 year after release
I've only messed with the Vive, but if your eye sight isn't crazy bad, you can adjust the lenses and play without your glasses. But I believe there's also notches in the padding to give space so you can wear glasses while you play.
>>terrible (TERRIBLE) latency
>>all the games there were pretty ugly, not sure what that's about
Well that's it then, I knew Sony couldn't pull off VR at that price.
Kind of sad they banked their whole next year on a terrible device.
>20 million people bought the literal no games PS move. People like gimmicks.
ps move was 100 dollars bundled and dropped incredibly quick
>Literally no games for it at launch
I don't think that strategy is going to work again, Sony
Let me help you unit there.
I take it you're from America, because then you'd know that milli = 1000
500ms is half a second.
>price making it flop
Nope, Rift, Vive, and PS VR all sold out almost immediately.
What will kill VR is exclusives and fragmentation of the market.
>is exclusives and fragmentation of the market.
huh, wonder where we've seen that before.
It's not... unusable, but for example they had this demo where you had to hit a soccer ball with your head and almost noone managed to do it. The latency was pretty weird.
Milli is one t thousandth
bro you can wear your glasses and the headset at the same time wow
Ausfag, actually, but I stand corrected.
Well that's going to really deter normies who are going to shitpost on twitter about eyetoy2.
ripip sony
PSVR's latency is bad? Can you compare with your experience on Vive/Oculus if you have any?
And how's the move controllers?
The fragmentation is entirely fucking Zuck and Palmer's doing. Fuck those two.
You were thinking of a microsecond. That's a millionth of a second.
Yeah, I saw that when I confirmed I messed up. Sorry, m8
not them and I haven't tried it but move controllers have latency issues too.
psvr is INTERPOLATING, it's going to have way more latency than the other two head sets.
It has a better chance than the competition simply because it's cheaper and runs off of a relatively cheap console.
Who gives a shit. Its only people who brought the Vive that are unhappy about them.
Too bad Valve don't' bother to support their platform with games and just expect to get everyone else to provide them.
Pls respond.
>PSVR's latency is bad? Can you compare with your experience on Vive/Oculus if you have any?
I have a Vive and I've tried the DK2. They're both much, much better than the PSVR, but maybe it's bias. I can't help but feel that there was something super wrong the whole time though.
I didn't try the Move controllers, can't say anything there
>>not them and I haven't tried it but move controllers have latency issues too.
You're clueless, move is practically 1:1. The issue is that they lose tracking at the drop of a fucking hat, so your movements will be completely off within a couple of minutes.
Why couldn't we just have an open standard for god's sake? This shit is what is turning me off from VR.
>brought the Vive that are unhappy about them.
Wait what?
I thought the Vive was better than OR?
Also forgot to mention it's pretty okay if you don't move your head too fast, you just gotta remember to do it slowly. If you do move it fast (which is more natural) it's weird as hell
It is better, and it can literally play all of Oculus "exclusives" with Revive.
Fellow Vive owner. We are not talking about frame dropping here right? Is it more in the sense that the PS4 can't keep up with the positional change? And does the screen go blank if you lose tracking?
No I'm not, I've watched lots of coverage. Most notably the Tested guys who are the best critics of VR.
That you say it's 1:1 confirms you're a retard, none of them can possibly be 1:1.
The framerate isn't great, but it didn't seem to drop. I also didn't lose tracking.
And how's the move controllers?
The issues really are just latency and framerate (they're definitely not reaching more than 60 if that)
too lazy to timestamp
Worse comfort, no built in audio(Those shit in ear headphones they give you don't count), slighter more visible screen door effect, smaller sweet spot - Somehow better....
The only thing the Vive has better is the motion controllers.
>Most notably the Tested guys who are the best critics of VR.
>didn't notice any of the god rays on the RIft before it launched
>didn't notice the vastly superior FOV on the Vive
kek, giant bomb is a better "critic"
>Most notably the Tested guys who are the best critics of VR.
Haha, good fucking joke, m8.
The tracking on the Move is very accurate, the issue is that it loses tracking constantly and can't correct because of the limitations of the position based sensing it uses. If you're playing a long distance from the camera, and never pass the balls behind anything, you might be alright.
Rift owner reporting
I tried Vive and I'd say right now, Vive is more fun, due completely to the motion controls, but if every time I put on the Vive headset, I missed my OR.
OR is 1000x more comfortable, has less bulky wires, and looks a bit better imho, but the motion controls are what really make VR. They both track about the same, and, subjectively speaking, of course, Oculus store is much cleaner and better presented than SteamVR.
OR headset with Vive motion controls would be GOAT. So hopefully Oculus Touch delivers.
I am the opposite to you. Oculus Rift can't play nice with glasses and I like the fact that I can plug actual headphones into it, and there's built-in bluetooth to the Vive, which Oculus doesn't have.
>Facial interface and head straps are entirely user replaceable and third party foam and covers already exist to further improve the FOV/comfort
>Can adjust eye-relief unlike Rift to better accommodate glasses/better sweet spot
>Able to use own DAC/amp with Vive's USB port
>Ships with controllers so the market won't be further fragmented down the line by multiple SKUs and having to develop for the Xbone controllers
>This play station VR shit is really gonna flop isn't it ?
It has the biggest chance of succeeding out of them all, if anything.
The fact that you don't even realize this just means that you're very out of touch.
Yeah man, they might sell DOUBLE what the current devices have combined, for total sales of a dozen units!
Really? I feel the exact opposite.
>Oculus store only lets you install to C: drive
It's shit
Its all subjective, mang.
I do really like alot of features on Vive, and wouldn't be unhappy with it, it's just that for me, personally, I find OR feels better.
This is false.
At launch, yes, but as of a month or two ago, you can select your drive
>tfw I died on the inside.
What does success mean? Sales? Because I care about gaming and PC has more games for VR. And always will.
And porn.
Wrong, only if you uninstall and reinstall ALL of your games to another drive.
>velcro breaks, have to send the entire unit back
>hdmi cable breaks, have to send the entire unit back
No thanks
Success means not a dead platform.
And VR has a long way to go before it is a viable platform.
Actually the Kinect sold pretty well for a few years, they fucked up the games however.
>If you have multiple drives available on your computer, you can selectChange Drive(during the installation setup) to install Oculus to a different location.
You can also set it to run unknown software, so this point is really moot, if you use SteamVR titles.
>to install Oculus to a different location.
what the FUCK is that image saying about oculus touch?
i'm too stupid to understand. it seems like it's bad?
>Tfw kinect is underrated
I really hope the slim drops the camera, and puts voice controls in the box. I never use the camera, but damn, I love saying "xbox on/off, volume up/down, etc and having my whole system voice controlled.
they fucked up hard by relying on IR LEDs for motion tracking
Ie: not C drive
What are you arguing?
>Nope, Rift, Vive, and PS VR all sold out almost immediately.
Artificial scarcity to cause unintentional guerilla marketing like you just did for them, m8y.
As far as I know, no VR headset has released actual sales numbers, only projections and guesstimates. If they were selling like hotcakes in actual notable numbers, you can bet your Haptic Feedback Enabled Ass that they'd be singing their sales numbers from the heavens.
The reality is that, like every other VR generation for the past 25 years, it's just too expensive for the average consumer, and it's going to burn out by next year unless companies start sinking themselves trying to sell units, and even then it probably own't be enough. Most people are fine with their monitor/TV.
sorry, should have said X: drive
I'm gonna buy it.
And not give a single fuck.
>PSVRwas the top seller on amazon when it came out
>Vive/Rift sold out across retail faster than they can get them in
>Vive being spun off into its own company to avoid the sinking ship that is HTC
It's safe to say that it's selling well for a peripheral.
I knew that too. That guy is obtuse to say the least.
The controller doesn't seem good to me either though I like the analogs. I have no idea why Valves' doesn't also have analogs. They seem useful.
I always say that I'd rather have Vive wands instead of the movie because the Wii mote was better to hold than the nunchuck which cramped my fingers.
>get my vive
>24 hours afterwards a power cable to one of the base stations break out of nowhere
>contact support and ask for replacement
>go downtown and buy a replacement cable while waiting for htc to send me a new vive cable
>3 weeks later and several mails later
>not a single response yet
>Nobody bought ROB, whom saved the industry by being a trojan horse
Here's your reply
>The controller doesn't seem good to me either though I like the analogs. I have no idea why Valves' doesn't also have analogs. They seem useful.
Because joystick movement is shit and it makes you nauseated. And I guess you've never used a Steam controller or a Vive controller.
>Tfw wasn't me responding, but I named my 4tb X drive
Are you my evil twin?
you dont 'need" those.
at the moment yes
Not him and you're right about figures but it's because they're still being sold and Oculus is just trying to figure out their shipping crap.
VR will not die, you're an idiot to think it will. If games just sell a minuscule 10k copies forever they'll still be getting made.
And Valve doesn't release sales figures.
>tfw a 4TB drive just failed and it was 1 year out of warranty
Apparently, I'm one of the few that isn't bothered by it, but all my friends who have tried it can't handle it well
Yea that guy is dumb but VR did not fail
Right now due to its high price tag those who have it are just those who are on the hype train and all that
It was never intended to be selling millions already. The intention of both is to release now with no intention of mainstream popularity until they drop the price in a few years
Is the vive controller bad? It doesn't always make you nauseated and it will be handy for certain VR games, that's why they're on the touch.
I'm talking about oculus touch's controller btw, it has analogs.
>press F to pay respects
Artificial scarcity vs ad populum
It happens. But it's obvious from this year's E3 that they're accepting VR into the mainstream and trying to meme it up where everyone will want it like Kinect/Wii Fit.