>Dark spirit xXxDarkSephiroth1992xXx has invaded
Dark spirit xXxDarkSephiroth1992xXx has invaded
Spongebob thread.
>Invaded the world of XxX_R3fleX_Sc0peZ_XxX
>Summoning another phantom...
>join game
>seed active
>host and 2 phantoms sitting by bonfire
>they stand there gestureing at me to come over and get buttfucked
>BC out
I havent gotten an non gankfaggot invade for months now. Every time its 2+ phantoms with seed active or dries finger active
And lets not forget
>finally get rid of his buttbuddies
>its time to play ring around the bonfire
>summoning another phantom...
>summoning another phantom...
>Blue spirit summoned by accord.
>Dark spirit FUCK NIGGERS 666 has invaded
Try mad phantom invasions. They're so fun. You're pretty much guaranteed to get summoned into a world with 2/3 white phantoms, and 2 black phantoms. And if you invade near the Pontiff bonfire where honorfags pvp you'll get Aldritchfags as well. It's honestly some of the most fun I've had invading since forest invasions in 1.
>invaded the world of Kaleesi
>Dark spirit MrListerTheSisterFister has invaded
>Mad spirit Gregor has invaded
>invaded the world of Artorias
>full cosplay, proper weapon
>has a summoned phantom in full Artorias cosplay
>named Also Artorias
>invade someone else world because you want pvp
>black crystal out because now you don't want pvp
Made me smile
>Dark spirit David has invaded
> "Hi :)"
>get into a redsign duel outside Pontiff's
>guy does legion etiquette
>starts doing le ebin slow walk
>apparently doesn't notice I have crystal soulmass up and a spear casting
>dies before he even gets within 10 feet of me
>dark spirit has arrived
>he's using a shield
is this the souls thread
>Dark Spirit xX_SasukeShadow_Xx has invaded
>someone summons me thru redsign at Pontiff's
>they have a white phantom friend
>wave at them
>roll cancel my wave when they attack me
>let them chase me around for a bit, trying to wave at them
>hit the host a couple of times
>he instantly rolls away and heals
>well okay, fuck this then, let them kill me
>they gesture over my corpse like they accomplished something
good work guys really showed me...
>happily duel 1v1 for the next three hours
>dark spirit invaded
>idiot tries to bait us into a horde of monsters
>Sit down and we wait for him to have some guts and face us
If you are not prepared for gangking don't invade motherfucker
Oh shut up
Host already has too many advantages like 2x estus and 30% more hp
>Dark spirit Digger Nick has invaded
>invaded host of embers Kirito
>pve in chalice dungeon in bloodborne
>host dies to some stupid trap because hes a dumb dude
>get angry message, blaming me for "leaving him behind and running ahead when he was the one to run ahead.
IT BEGINS. prepare yourself guys, ima share a story of some REAL batshit insanity.
we're talkin about three hours of this guy spamming messages at me.
Five more hours after i beat his character in pvp.
The funny thing is i barely said a word to him.
>Invaded the world of Europe
>host is afk
>backstab him twice
>Invaded by Guts
>hes not even using the right equipment
read the manga
guts doesnt use a washing pole.
read the manga KID
no one cares
Yeah the most memorable part of the manga was when Guts put on some piss-stained armor, got a Caestus for his metal arm and turned Dragonslayer into a regular-sized straight sword.
I care.
read the manga
Nut I alredy told you what was my favourite part. of course I read it. Although "Ganking in Anor Londo" arc felt a bit boring desu.
GodOnRx detected.
I baited the guy into pvp.
he used a lvl 120 and i was using my level 90 with the whirligig.
He was using pureskilled blades of mercy.
I had actually succeeded in calmin him down and explaining how to host dungeons for pvp.
things were actually civil.
till he lost pvp that is.
Fuck off kid, Ganking in Anor Londo was one of the best arcs. It's up there with Caestus Parry Spam and the R1 L2 R2 arc. The Tumblebuffing arc is getting old fast though. So much filler.
read the manga
Please give me your PSN so I can block you.
and maybe duel you first ;)
Too bad they cut out the "R1 L2 R2" from the anime.
>Do a full cosplay of Guts
>Use a crossbow off-hand and HUEG sword on the other
>"Dude wtf Guts doesn't use a crossbow you fucking nerd"
Doesn't the anime show Guts shooting his crossbow at least once?
>invaded by dark spirit le meme pvp build from reddit that will crush your pve, so git gut, scrub, hehehe
Get back where you fucking came from, kid, and let me play my game in peace.
I want to fuck Anastasia to the point where she's exhausted
she looks like Saika
>read the manga
Not in the movies I don't think, because they only cover up until the Eclipse
all in good time my dear chum.
Gotta upload some more of this delicious salty goodness first.
In all honesty, i dont even think i was in the same dungeon as him, i think he just got the first name off his "players met" list and went ham when he died in a later dungeon after i had originally co opped with him.
I don't even watch these gook cartoons but I can already tell for some reason that she is the best girl in whatever chingchong wood carving she's in
he gets classier about my mother a bit after this
And you are absolutely right
he really went all the way!
Nerd like you doesn't have enough stamina for this
lmao he fuckin destroyed u are ass turbonerd
not really. I won in pvp. didnt say shit to him, then he went off for about 3 hours nonstop on how i must have "cheated" and how bad i must be.
i respectfully bowed to him after every win too.
I'm guessing hes taking your calm demeanor as snark.
Is that your gt user?
who cares about pvp u r psn cred got annihilated LMAoIGN @ URE LIFE NERD
God, getting angry messages on PS+ is always gold.
no idea.
its just a game, theres no reason for someone to be THIS mad.
I thought he was trolling or something.
Whole paragraphs of expletives.
I'll also add his fighting style was r2 spam with blades of mercy and downing as much healing as physically possible.
I did get a couple parries off on him i think.
mostly i interupted his heals with dashr1s.
Nah, my PsnId is "Eienshi-Ita"
feel free to add me.
I always enjoy some fun fights.
Although mr Rage left a bad taste in my mouth.
he seemed to think armor meant shit.
do people really thing defense does shit beyond frenzy resist?
What's the o bligatory koolz login-name in your country?
In mine, adding the number 007 or 911 is the norm of cool.
What does fruity bitch mean? is it an allegory to being the homosex?
sssshhhhh its okay Rx
its okay
I'd gotten a few on dark souls 1 back in the day, but never stuff as bad as user is posting
do the kids get this butthurt nowadays?
I guess fuck civility if people are gonna act like apes, to the point they dont know what politeness even is as a concept anymore.
Jesus Christ, how butthurt can you possibly be?
My psn is Trafalgarlaw805
Yeah I normally don't pvp but I'm for it.
>invaded world of Charles Barkley
>black, naked, and wielding a giant club
Idk but atleast he didn't call you a jabroni
The butt hurt lasts longer than the match jesus.
called me a nigger though
Nice! i'll add ya.
im not just a pvp only guy although i do love it, so if you need any help clearing areas, im down for it!
Everytime I do dark souls 1 I use the same level 36 mage cheese build.
I can fight with my moonlight sword or Moonlight butterflyhorn or completely destroy with dark bead. I made it originally just to see what hate messages I can get but surprisingly I get none. Kinda proud of them.
people give up and just concede defeat when dark bead comes out.
I know I do, its just too good
>invaded by PrepareUrAnus
>Green skinned, low health, red tearstone ring activated, spamming God of Wrath
last week this happened
Was your anus prepared?
No it indeed wasn't
Letting some sperg and his 2 buddies punk you for their own amusement isn't "PvP".
That's like saying someone who likes boxing is foolish for not walking into a situation where 5 niggers can team up to beat his ass and rob him.
You're so out of touch it's unreal, you've probably got some DENSE delusions just to prevent you from acknowledging the fact that you're a massive shithead in these games.
I'm level 124 and still haven't cleared the game but I just beat Lorian and his brother so onto the bosses after that.
But yeah my friends organizing a shootout or idk he called a fight club aswell lol it takes place in potniff sullyhan you should definitely duel those fools they aren't salty.
nice, I have dark souls 2 and 3 for the ps4 as well, so if you need any coop or gettin a build goin, im down for it.
Also have dark souls 1, demons souls, and dark souls 2 for ps3.
Id be able to join people on steam too if my computer wasnt fucked
not the guy you're talkin to, and i totally agree with ya. However, I do enjoy me some Gank fucking SPANKS
Dude I didn't even know her but something about her always attract my attention.
I have all of those aswell.
I haven't even formally started ds2.
You have bloodborne ?
The censer out the "igger" in Digger. Trust me I tried ;-;
For me, dethroning cooperators and ganksquads is the ultimate honor.
And I have gotten fairly decent at it.
yup, i have definitely bloodborne, as thats the game that started the whole raging text wall with that guy.
Just wait you normies your time will come.
We have some shit to play then. Just add me. I've gotten death threats on Xbox lol
sent ya one, im the dood with the Penguin avatar
Alright I'll be on later tonight.
> help
The only word you'll be able to utter as I Patches Squat on your face
>Letting some sperg and his 2 buddies punk you for their own amusement isn't "PvP".
How so?
You invade someone else world and has all mobs and map on your side, and you totally okay with this, but if host has any advantage over you it's not "pvp" for some reason
Play offline, faggot
its obvious you've never invaded once in your life.
but keep being afraid of the "big bad invader"
Lol wut?
Unlike you the only time I black crystal out from gank squad was the wall on the 20 lvl
After this I always always have enough resources on me to harass people
But of course faggots like you will always cry on the forums if the don't have advantage
I bet you spreg out if someone uses point down gesture on you too
>>Dark spirit xXxDarkSephiroth1992xXx has invaded
Hate to break it to you man, thats 24 years ago now. You cant throw a 90s number in there and have it be like a edgy tween anymore... Times a passin' and its scary.