>YFW microsoft won E3
YFW microsoft won E3
niggas be shook af pham
Mommy! Where's my Good boy points?
I wanna see this picture of a tendie!
>he still thinks GBPs are a relevant currency after the crash
How long until Ninty?
Hahah nice joke, even EA conference was better
Every thread Xbots
You will not escape the objective truth.
>microsoft won E3
sony smashed microsoft's conference with just the opening
>Open by showing a new game
>head of playstation comes onto stage
>"terrorism is bad"
you just can't beat that
what did sony even announce
That they were still alive, moviegames and all
What? Didn't you watch the conference?
"Fucking spoonfeed me!" Nah. Go watch it.
worth noting?
re7 which is silent hill now
kojimbos new wild ride which is norman reedus holding an aborted baby on a beach
crash 1-3 remaster but nothing was shown
and a new last of us but it's called days gone
real win sonybros ;_;
>implying you arent dumb as shit and cant even remember
lol Sony caught wind of Project Scorpio and decided to pull PS4 NEO from the conference to save them further embarrassment. Sony had their pants pulled down in front of everyone.
Xbro + PCfriend Alliance wins
God of war: norse mythology edition
Left 4 dead meets the last of us (Days gone by)
Last guardian got a date
New exclusive spiderman game
New exclusive Kojima game
Original crash trilogy remake
David cage movie
Bunch of exclusive VR games (FFXV, resident evil VII, Batman VR, Star wars X-wing VR, and others)
Spiderman by Insomniac mite b cool
>Y-You're just dumb
Nice. Resulting to insults. Fucking baby.
Sony had said like a week ago they weren't going to show anything about the Neo at E3.
Fucking this
Sony announced nothing memorable, Microsoft conference was bold in comparison. You can hate the games, sure, but you can't tell me that they aren't taking the right path in comparison to what Sony announced (Walking sims, Press X to Jason)
They said they weren't showing neo before MS announced scorpio :^)
by the way what exclusive games does xbox have?
>implying Microsoft isn't shooting themselves in the foot with Scorpio by releasing it this soon
>implying Scorpio won't be a massive joke spec-wise next year
>implying normies won't use their Win10 PC/Tablets because basically every game for Xbone and soon Scorpio will come to it
I think it's fair to just call it win10 exclusives since xbones use that os.
and so far more than sony
Resident Evil VII isn't VR exclusive. It's already been confirmed to be released on Xbox One and PC as well in January.
>mfw pc + ps4 now plays literally all games
It was nice of you xbros to give all your games to pc
idort always wins baby
wew lad, thinking Sup Forums is representative of normal people. if Sup Forums thinks someone won E3 they fucked up hard.
1. who cares
2. killing waves of ai
3. who cares
4. alright
5. only matters if you're a kojima fan
6. kek literally who cares
7. ?????
>win 10 exclusives
yeah okay
So there are literally 0 games available only on xbox one?
ps4/pc master race wins
gr8 b8 m8. i rel8 str8 appreci8 nd congratul8. i r8 dis b8 an 8/8. plz no h8, i'm str8 ir8. cr8 more cant w8. we shood convers8 i wont ber8, my number is 8888888 ask for N8. no calls l8 or out of st8. if on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. even with a full pl8 i always hav time to communic8 so dont hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 ur ability to tabul8 the f8. we should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, im sure everyone would appreci8 no h8. i dont mean to defl8 ur hopes, but itz hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, im sure u can rel8. we can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the nile's str8s. well be the captains of b8 Sup Forums our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like reel est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8 like a blind d8 well coll8 meet me upst8 where we can convers8 or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly tail g8. we cood land in kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 wont be too ir8 and hopefully our currency wont defl8. well head to the israeli-St8, taker over like herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses 8 million m8. we could interrel8 communism thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8 volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8
I said exclusive VR games, i.e not available on occulus or vive
this, ps4/pc hybrid masterrace won this e3 by a landslide. the wiiu is dead in the water and microsoft just stabbed the xbox in the back by releasing all exclusives on Win10 aswell.
>I don't care about these games, so nobody should be able to enjoy their announcement
pretty much yeah, microsoft is basically acknowledging failure
I think some xbone games are still going to remain console only like the already released ones but the future ones will have the crossplay which is cool
only downside for pc is win10
>m-muh opinions
stay mad
cringe af
I'm still not buying the Betamax box one you smelly shills.
>Everything is exclusively not on playstation
Feels good.
kojima game already confirmed timed exclusive
pc release later
>implying pc conference didnt win
Shit, now I'll have to buy Windows 10
I'd say they were on par with Sony. Though Sony had higher expectations, so Microsoft made a bigger leap in that term. Also it certainly was a better PC conference than AMD's snoozefest.
it's still free
how the fuck should I know, I didn't watch that shit
but Sony won regardless
Then install Windows 10 and you'll have all the same games.
On the posters it says they're using Sony's mocap studio, plus Mark Cerny is working on the game
>the pirate game looked like complete shit
>FFXV demo was horrible
>a slim console (now the size of the PS4, way to catch up) that charges $50 per 500gb of storage
>announced a 4k console but didn't give a price or any real details except for HIGHEST PIXEL QUALITY
The rumors always said it would be announced at TGS.
Keep trying it, mustards despise you.
I almost forgot about that washed up hack.
God of Tomb raider: skyrim
Literally nothing like L4D. Looks subpar tbqh.
Kojima is fucking overrated, amazing to see how much sonyggers get excited for cheesy animated movies that don't make sense plotwise.
Don't forget skylanders!!!
VR... good one
I will admit that the new spiderman looks promising. Everything else was either trash or overrated.
>Windows 10
but it looks like shit
The ultimate shill
It's just a more rectangular Win7. Also it has better ram utilization and a few good UI additions.
Proove eet
New god of war looked great
Days gone by looked fun as hell
Outside of MGSV Kojima's games are excellent, even if you ignore the story
remain frustrated
The UI is worse man, it's extremely inconsistent and buggy as fuck.
Not to mention a free keylogger and adware.
you do realise they backported that shit to win7 and win8?
I think it all looked pretty great, but I've never really liked GoW, I can see the appeal, just never really hit me like it does some others.
This one looked super different from the others though, I mean chances are it was just very stiff to set the scene, but maybe it will just straight up play way different from the previous games, we'll see.
It has issues with older games and emulation too
I'm worried that they're going to make the combat too generic, the previous god of war games had really nice and unique feeling combat.
It doesn't help that they bought the camera right in behind Kratos' shoulder too.
Holy shit fuck off, I fucking hate all of you
>mustards despise you
The brotherly love is real, I "despise" you too ;^)
No, because I don't install updates.
he's listing the games at the conference not his preferences you sperg
i hate cunts who can't read
>my opinion matters!!
maybe if you stopped hating games just because of the platform they're released on people would take you more seriously
Yeah well exactly, thats why it was super weird.
I wonder if maybe the hook is we won't actually play as Kratos for long and will play his son all grown up or something
Enjoy being part of a chinese botnet :')
>XBot denial thread.
are currysoft shills this delusional?
>unique feeling combat
It was hailed as a dmc clone for the longest time you know then it became more mainstream than dmc and now people forgot all about that
I hope not, If they're going to fudge a greek mythological character into Norse mythology as well you can't just kill him off early into the game.
I was never super into GoW anyway so if they shit the bed I won't be that bothered
Even playstations youtube channel had better announcements than xbox e3.
Xbox youtube channel was so dead on youtube leading up to e3 that i was sure they were going to kill it and win this year but it was so lacklustre. Its like theyre already abandoning the xbone for scorpio.
Fuck off shills
>tfw the xbox is just a PC peripheral now
As a PC gamer, Microsoft fucking demolished sony.
I get to play gears, Forza, halo wars, recore, and more.
Everything sony showed was godawful last of us cinematic walking sim shit.
The only good thing they had was that spider man game but spiderman and blood borne still isn't enough to waste money on a PS4.
Yeah I know, and I get why people said that but the combat itself felt completely different between DmC and GoW.
Oh actually I just saw a vid of Dorito Pope with the dev nd he sai you are kratos the whole game.
>>YFW microsoft won E3
when your schoolteacher criticised your work did you call her a shill?
Pajeet's got his lines on lock
Five rupees have been deposited into your account
I mean it wouldn't be the first time Kratos has died
If by great you mean a completely uninspired reboot to a series that took so much assets from other games that it completely lost itself and shifted genres all together? Even GoW fans are bashing it.
>Looked Fun as Hell
Literally a biker walking through the woods... talking about how life "used to be". It looked completely bland. It's gonna be another mediocre story driven post apocalyptic game that are a dime a dozen nowadays.
>Excellent. Kojima.
Pick one. Kojima has always been overrated by Sony fans. His stories are praised for being cheesy cinematic driven 2 hour long cut scenes with a plot that TRIES to be complex and interesting but falls flat. Outside of mgs5 the gameplay in every Kojima game to date has been utter trash. What else is there besides hype and fanboyism that keeps him afloat?
What's this? A dead console memes thread?
>yfw Jaguar won E3
>"M-M-Microsoft fucking won, guys!"
How? There were barely any games. And HIGHEST QUALITY PIXELS don't count as games.
boring shit
not until 1-4 years
still 3-4 years before release
movie shit
VR shit
>Outside of mgs5 the gameplay in every Kojima game to date has been utter trash
oh god I am laffin
your only argument is "these games will be bad because I say so"
stay mad
At least I get Monster Hunter and Forza this year. That's what I'll be putting my time into. Scalebound might be cool, but I'm not sure Hideki is going to give it a long play time like a Monster Hunter game. If it is then cool I'll be all over it. O and Recore too.
Fuck off retard
Enjoy your shitstation 4, Microsoft finally made the correct choice to abandon the xboner and support PC.
Maybe when Sony stops supporting laptop hardware then I'll give a shit.
is this your first sony experience? all of it was trash.
They focused on actually improving their platform instead of trying to distract you with movie trailers.
>microsoft won E3
They showed 15 games including a few multiplats. So that's a lie....
Is Xbone the worst console of all time?