Good thing the Bone S and PC will still play the same games Scorpio plays. Phil Spencer confirmed it on stage.
Yes but what's the point? All te games are also on PC
Exclusive titles are the only reason anyone who isn't a dudebro who doesn't know what he wants to play buys a console
Making a stronger console when it hasn't even have good games. Kek. MS are retarded.
I don't see the problem, they're merely targeting the "can't into PC, and want to play multiplats" audience. And it's often a bunch of retards that would've bought a $2000 alienware PC if they wanted one, so a even a $699.99 should be fine.
Since it shares all its games with W10, scorpio is just gonna be a locked-down PC.
xbox is feeling like the equivalent of steam machines now, just with less games
Xbox 1 S is completely different than Scorpio, retard.
are you retarded?
although microsoft probably is for calling "S" instead of "Slim" and cause scorpio confusion
>that dpi
thanks mom
>b-b-but it's going t-t-to cost 599$!
Its going to release one year from now, component prices will go down
Consoles sell at a loss
It's going to be $300
>But there is an elephant in the room here: price
This is correct. It was a miracle coincidence by itself that the PS4 turned out stronger than Xbox One.
Sony never paid for a stronger design.
They actually asked AMD to make a small and affordable processor chip.
And that's what they got from AMD, a smaller processor with fewer transistors.
Meanwhile Microsoft charged ahead like a bull without thought, putting everything and their grandmothers into the processor, making it huge and expensive. Well, it turns out it got a ton of transistors wasted on less cost effective things, and was just an overall bad idea.
This time Microsoft charge ahead again like a bull. They are paying AMD again for the largest chip.
But with more thought to the efficiency of processing. Because that's what they believe the gamers want.
But that shit is going to be expensive, which is exactly what gamers don't want.
Meanwhile Sony just do what they did last time, ask AMD for a small, lean and efficient enough chip.
Something that's more affordable
>new console called Scorpio
>call slim version Xbox One S
>hype up the $299 price tag
>people get confused and conflate the two
Well done, M$.
>when they've used S for a while but people are just retarded
how does that change anything to the current situation?
people are just retarded
>Microsoft says 4K gameplay
Okay, sure.
stop this
so if xbone games work on windows 10, does that mean final fantasy 15 will work on windows 10? or does this only apply to exclusives
Microsoft Studios games and their play anywhere (tm) games
pretty sure it's only "exclusives", it's likely a limiting deal that would stop you from releasing the game on steam and need to be windows store
I'm sick of console gamers holding the industry back by demanding cheap consoles that do the bare minimum.
I think Sony and Microsoft should make their next consoles after this generation a couple hundred dollars more expensive than the launch price of these so that there is nobody holding back anyone.
Poorfag third worlders who don't even have a stable income, yet buy these shitty consoles en masse and create a market for "just good enough" games make me sick.
remember most steam users also have PCs that are hardly better than consoles if not worse
they're being catered to as well, devs want their game to run on that and lower settings doesn't always cut it, it has to fit into the game design
>implying that anyone other than /v autists care about exclusives
Making cross platform development easier means more developers making games, faggot.
Console gamers are the ones who keep the industry alive.
Without them you would be enoying your MMORPGs and LoL on PC.