>people want cod to innovate
>cod innovates
>people hate it even more
How do we fix humanity?
People want cod to innovate
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Fuck off shill. COD is for kids.
Since the downvoting on the youtube video hit reddit it became a meme to dislike cod so people will give it shit even tho it looked pretty good
Memes are strong OP
I liked BO3, I think the MP is fun even if they kind of skimped on zombies this time.
SP is also fun, and actually demands you play different.
IW looks alright, but I want to see more.
>Generic future shooter number #136785
ayyy caramba
If the flight segments aren't on rails then it looks neat, if they are on rails then it's shit
The newfag is strong with you, call of duty has been absolute shit past WaW/MW2. BO1 maybe but after that it's truly a shit series.
the SP actually looked good for once, the thing is nobody cares about the SP in a CoD game.
I know the series is shit user. We all know it here.
But leddit didnt.
When they decided to downvote the new video normalfags found it funny and it became a meme.
Now you cant like cod anymore because of this, not because the game is shit.
Its like arriving at the same conclusion but by the wrong means.
I actually thought it looked nice. If it's structured differently from the previous games I might get it.
only niggerfield drones are hating it
People dont know what they really want.
News at 11.
it looked pretty cool desu
This is really the first time CoD has looked interesting to me in almost a decade.
Last game I played was World at War.
no, people just dont want cod
Looks better than most of the space sim trash we've seen in the last few years
>star citizen
>no man's sky
SC is a literal scam, and NMS and ED is just boring shit for old autists.
Because they copied Titanfall and made it worse
It had a bunch of neat sci fi shit in it but it looked completely on rails for the most part.
It looked to me like there's freedom of movement, but there was an L2 prompt over the enemy fighter, like a lock-on system so the pursuit itself is "on-rails", sort of like the latest Ace Combat game did I think.
And I have to say a lot of the sheen wore off when I rewatched it this morning on YouTube. Maybe it was all in-the-moment type stuff but goddamn it just looks like CoD when it isn't compressed to shit by the stream. Still want to see more though.
The space fighter part was cool. It looked fun. Until the player starts shooting with his AR, then it went down the shitter immediately.
Should have showed something more interesting than an M4-alike.
I think it's such a boring gun.
So what other FPS right now has zero G fights with grapple hooks
The whole downforce thing is just free publicity, it's on a bunch of gaming sits about "Wowie can you believe this" retards are still going to buy this game no matter what.
The problem is that it's basically the same shitty formula with a nice coat of paint on it. Nothing in that gameplay video looked fun to do.
The dogfighting looked really uninteractive and basically impossible to fail. It might as well have been a cutscene given how little input the player appeared to have.
The gunplay once again involves standing around firing a few bullets into each dumb AI opponent that shows up to make a half-hearted attempt at shooting the player. It's not fast paced, it's not exciting or intense. It's just the same old boring shit.
The grappling line mechanic could have been fun, but it looked more jarring than actually conducive to gameplay.
This could've been a game where you're zipping around with a jetpack and the grappling line, running on the ceiling with mag-boots and using complex movement mechanics to make a fast paced cuh-razy FPS.
Instead we got the same old boring gameplay with an aesthetically pleasing setting. It just doesn't look fun.
how is this innovation you retarded poolscum
>How do we fix humanity?
Stop making Call of Duty.
Problem solved.
they didn't inoved, they just copied the star wars game
I was actually interested in the trailer, and now I'm cautiously optimistic about it. One of the best things to come out of E3 this year.
Because E3 sucked major balls.
Zero g space fights with grapple hooks are not new?
>cod innovates
Skip to the ending of the trailer with the montage. It looks like 90% of the game is on Earth. You probably just do that flying segment once. They didn't innovate shit.
If it's going to be CoD, it won't be innovative.
>hello I am the token level with the zero to and grappling hooks
Also suck a penis. Pic related.
they should have showed the gameplay earlier and not that awful space oddity trailer
>people want cod to innovate
never happened
>cod innovates
never happened either
>people hate it even more
this happened
Why couldn't it just be a rad game about space ships that transform into robots. As soon as he got out in the trailer is was just cod business as usual, boring old guns, boring old sights that somehow look the same as every other gun.
I'm a little excited but I'll wait awhile before buying.
>CoD adds poorly implemented armor abilities that have no depth and are mostly just a gimmick
>CoD changes zombies mode and adds all of this convoluted and unnecessary mechanics for "Easter eggs" and completely forgets why zombies was good in the first place
>Calling that innovation
Just because they added a bunch of gimmicks and shitty exoskeletons doesn't mean they changed the game for the better
>a mutator for UT2004
>sold as a full game
Yes that was a zero G fight but the way moment is handled is different
I actually did not know the game was cod at 1st
>here is cake
>no but we make the same cake with sprinkles on top
Nah man. It's the same thing.
>yfw they do Black Cats in Space
Best looking game alongside REVII at sony's showing. I haven't touched a cod since Blops but I may pick this one up
Pick one.
And before you respond to my shitpost about Zero G and grappling hooks, you have no proof at all that those aren't a level gimmick that happens one time in the story and never happens again like CoD literally always does.
>all this bacterial shilling
I don't want cod to innovate, I want another fucking ww2 game already.
This is a joke right?
People want cod to not suck
>MAKE cod suck even more in entireky new directions of overt suckage
Gee. I wonder why Sup Forums thinks retarded decisions are retarded...
How is it different?
Not to.mention a complete piece of shit irl.
>people didn't really care for black ops 2 being future
>Ghosts is a bland, apocalyptic sort of future game and does terrible because IW sucks now
>"i guess they want MORE future!"
>Advanced Warfare even further into the future than Black Ops 2 feels like a titanfall ripoff and everyone hates it.
>Activision decides to make MORE futureshit CODs with Black Ops 3.
>People by this point are BEGGING to return cod to classic warfare. WWII, modern, any other setting than futureshit.
>also they hold COD4 remaster hostage by forcing you to by Infinshit Warfare
gee, i wonder what the problem is?
>>people hate it even more
I don't hate it, I thought it looked pretty neat. Way more interesting than Battlefield 1.
People were calling it bland in the stream. Which made me wonder which other game allows you to fly a space ship into battle, jump down on an enemy shit, infiltrate it, blow it up, and then escape back to your ship? What game?
Am I take crazy pills, or did this game look awesome?(If still scripted)
This is the game is was trying to remember the name of.
COD IN SPACE is not innovative you cum guzzling faggot
I don't want COD to innovate, I want it to fuck off
It LOOKS LIKE they are actually taking advantage of the creative freedom that comes with the future setting
Star Citizen got 100+ million dollar in funding so they made a Star Citizen-looking game (kickstarter was very fast, E:D was also kickstarted, so they may have seen a potential) . That's my limited view about the subject.
>first hard-scifi shooter in years (sincce Halo 3)
get the FUCK out.
>COD IN SPACE is not innovative you cum guzzling faggot
It actually is. How many games can you compare it to?
During the presentation people didn't even realize it was CoD.
feel like this is going to be good/average and BF1 is going to be a trainwreck
haven't played COD since blops2
I must admit, this was the most shocking presentation after Resident Evil 7. I was enjoying the footage a lot and genuinely never even thought of CoD until the title appeared. I bet more people felt this. This was smart of them. Only when I saw CoD's title I flashbacked into the trailer and found 2 or 3 elements that were very representative of that franchise. I was actually thinking it would be a PS4 exclusive and ready to comment on how this game would be cool with keyboard/mouse. Pleasant surprise.
There's a bunch of women on your side, but are any women among the soldiers you kill?
Also since this was sony, was this a bullshot trailer where someone wasn't playing it?
this. Now I don't say the game looks super good, it's probably still CoD, but it looks less shitty and more actual balls-to-the-wall action fun, because they stopped taking it all so seriously. Meanwhile normies ONLY NOW decided to jump "lel cawadoody is shit, same erry yer, RIP XD" just when CoD looks not AS bad as usual, but a fun-dumb little action shooter.
This ignorant shit makes me furious.
>Also since this was sony, was this a bullshot trailer where someone wasn't playing it?
Sony made it a point to have several cameras focused around the player to show that they were playing the games, unlike in say the MS conference where stuff like Forza was obviously pre-recorded.
You thought this game had jumped the shark? Well, youre wrong! Hang on to your hats for we present you...
Wait for it...
Still neckbeards will buy this shit.
I am actually hyped about it more than BF1 because DICE fucked up in so many places.
Meantime we get pre-Gundam with lots of freedom of movement.
What exactly?
I wish I could buy this and skip the MP.
Because even if SP will be fun zero-G space colonial warfare, the MP will most likely be a run&gun small map same old shit as always.
And I don't have time for unlock treadmill.
BF1 and this look good
Halo 3 is not hard sci fi fuck off. Anything with plasma guns, lasers and ayyliems is not hard sci fi.
Am I the only one who thought this trailer/gameplay vid was awesome as fuck? I was surprised when it said CoD at the end; i never watched the original trailer everyone hated
Same reason why people shat themselves when halo 4 came out.
It was different so they hated it.
halo was never good
Why is every game coming out this year wanting to be Lost Planet 2? We already achieved perfection, no need to ape it.
>people play cod
how do we fix humanity?
>structured differently
pls elaborate
>cod innovates
>tfw Lost Planet 3 didn't want to be Lost Planet 2
I'm still s/mad
Don't confuse innovation with gimmicks
but... but could we repeat it? Please? Like do it again but good enough please?
Holy shit I had no idea I can still be mad about Planet side 3
The thing with CoD is that the trailer looked impressive and interesting, albeit something was off and kinda bland in the shooting. Then when CoD title appeared everyone knew that was on rails and completely a shooting gallery, everything will be linear and scripted.
CoD is all linear, scripted and constrictive. It's not really that fun.
>advanced warfare with less gravity
>balls-to-the-wall action fun
Are you kidding? It looked slow and plodding as fuck. Not to mention it was completely on rails, with jarring cutscenes every few meters. Why do people keep making excuses for this shitty ass franchise.
Wait but how did the Nazis and/or brown people get into space?
Black Ops 3 completely threw all pretense of being conventional out the window and turned into a kafkaesque adventure in an alien nightmarescape
People still
Accused it of being "the same as last year"
>A new visual aesthetic is INNOVATION
Try again, child.
That's because nobody played the campaign you twit
>they reskinned the evil Russian terrorists and bombed out middle eastern cities with futuristic themes
>gameplay exactly the same except for some gimmick that manages to take away freedom of control
Kraut space magic