Will Sup Forums hate this like they hate Gone Home?
It's less than a videogame than that...
Will Sup Forums hate this like they hate Gone Home?
It's less than a videogame than that...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums hating waifus
>hating waifu simulators
welcome to Sup Forums
Waifu simulator > walking simulator.
And isn't it supossed to be a learning software?
Does Gone Home have cute girls?
I'll be learning something alright. In all its flavors.
Nope, not a single person to talk to even
It's you, in a house, alone. That's it. It's pretty depressing.
It was a classic case of all the artists of the game, a legion of women, seducing reviewers to give it high scores. And we know that story already
This at least didn't push an agenda.
>cutting scars
Is it even coming out? I thought it was just a tech demo.
So it's a simulation of what I already have? Why the fuck would I want to simulate a empty house? Who does this appeal to?
People hated Gone Home because the cute girls ended up being dykes an thus jumped right out of waifu territory. No such risk for summer lesson.
There's the stories of the house occupants to discover. Plus before its release people thought it may kinda be a horror game and the game kinda plays with that, even though in the end it's a coming out story.
That character has animations and a AI that will respond to shit, unlike Gone Home which is litteraly a walking simulator with puzzles a brain dead retard can solve.
You don't understand what the issue is with Gone Home, so why talk about it like you do?
The issue was that it tauted as a 10/10 game in all major publications.
So you demand censoreship?
why's that an issue?
Sup Forums hates gone home because it was a prime example of gamergate back when it came out
The 3 female artists of the game were the ones rubbing the inner thighs of every reviewer to give high scores for a very EMPTY game.
Do your own legwork on the topic, you will understand
It's like comparing Twilight with porn. Both are just wish fulfillment, it's just that nobody gets pretentious about porn.
don't you dare corrupt pure waifu.
Yeah but seriously, that shit is going to be on a completely different level.
She has long hands
This game doesn't have a fag agenda and it has a cute waifu. It will be goty here
Thirsty nerds are hypocrites, news at 11
>Interacting with head motions when she asks quests, able to look the surrounding in 3D space that has details. Made to be pioneer for game type that will be known as 1st person story telling
>Walking simulator that only saving point is story, which could easily made into a novel, but people knew the game wouldn't last even fucking 5 minutes, making it not a game at all.
Jeez, i wonder why people would love first more then second.
And this one is 1 digital female rubbing her inner thighs for you guys to give a very EMPTY game high scores, though.
>Interacting with head motions when she asks quests, able to look the surrounding in 3D space that has details
So it's even less of a game than a walking simulator?
>A simulation isn't a game.
Bravo user.
this one wont get "10/10 GOTY" reviews from the media. gone home did.
really, the only thing that makes people mad about gone homo is how the press showered it with praise and awards, despite it being a very mediocre niche title at best.
So Gone Home is an empty house simulation game?
Looks like your problems is actually game journalists.
Gone Home was only frustrating because it received such high praise, even strongly competing for game of the year at multiple publications.
If Waifusimulator 2016 was also getting the same universal acclaim despite also having no gameplay and a terrible story, yeah, I'd be pretty pissed as well.
theirs an achievement for beating gone home in 1 minute...garbage. i did like the lesbian story though.... still.
I will, if people start shilling it as 10/10 the future of gaming and how video games need to evolve as an artform to lead humanity on the correct path to the future.
If it's just "Here is video game. 5/10" then I will not hate it.
People hated Gone Home because it got dishonestly high scores from media - not because it's not a game. Plenty of not games exist without provoking negative emotions.
There won't be a reason to hate this game.
Gotta love the Sega CD Station 4.
*extends noodly arms and makes trollface grin*
*lubes up poorly MSpaint drawn hands with corrupt-o-lube*
*wiggles closer to your waifu until she is within touching range*
Gone Home's "story" does not have any character development.
Sure, there are characters, and there is conflict.
But the characters do not grow in response to it. They just sort of pussy out and run from responsibility.
That's it. They run away from the conflict and that's the story.
It's a shit story.
No. Would you call a crime simulation done by the police in real life a game?
this. it was a "game" where people would for once not be kidding by calling it a "walking simulator". all you could do was move through an empty house and read things. Pretty sure you can get the same experience from a shitty web 3D house tour. Oh, but the notes talk about some lesbian bitch that ran away from home, so they deserve points for being so progressive and brave! no true goal, no fail state. just walking and reading until you hit the end.
and the game can be finished in 20 minutes.
nobody would care, but several media sources decided this deserved GOTY and several other rewards over actual games.
can I get the high score? =)
Gone Home wasn't bad because it played like a "non-game", it was bad because it baited you into thinking it was some kind of sweet horror game then completely disappoints you with some random SJW Bullshit that no one cares about.
The side story about the parents was infinitely more interesting that the annoying lesbian sister that I think I can safely say everyone was hoping to find hanging in the attic.
Just an extremely disappointing game.
>a game with the bare minimum of gameplay
>a game with a horribly cliched ripped-from-the-90's love story
>a game that should have been seen as a quaint little shitty experiment
>"This is the future of gaming!" said every video game publication in the fucking world
People had such a visceral reaction to Gone Home because they were being told that this is what video games SHOULD be by a bunch of skittle-haired English majors, not because it was just that bad. People didn't only hate the game, they hated the idea that it was being held up as a "correct" example of what some people are trying to turn games into.
English majors really ruffle my jamesters.
people liking one game isn't the same as people saying all games should be like it, you know.
It depends, is it literally 5 minutes long for 20 bucks?
If you play through it normally I'd say it's about 1.5 to 2 hours long
They didn't just say they liked it, they said it was the artform "maturing".
And they say that specifically because there is no gameplay and it feels closer to more traditional artforms like film, which they confuse for maturity. They're incapable of seeing gaming as it's own medium, and their horrible opinions should not be the guiding force of gaming's evolution.
We are almost there, user.
I'll only hate it if the western version only gets the ugly gaijin.
>I'll only hate it if the western version only gets the ugly gaijin.
The Japanese like the blond better though. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
It has the perfect waifu, of course not
Oh wait, we already reach the time of nu-Sup Forums, where these shitheads complaining about Liru
It's a simple formula.
1. Sup Forums is full of edgy Sup Forums teens
2. edgy Sup Forums teens hate gay people
3. Gone Home is about gay people
4. Therefore edgy Sup Forums teens hate Gone Home
5. Therefore Sup Forums hates Gone Home
Did you ever take the time to consider that there might have been other reasons?
It'll get 10/10 GOTYAY MUH WHYFOO threads en masse here though. If anything, that's worse.
Getting unfairly high scores by a bunch of literally noones is worse than getting unfairly high scores by sources that directly affect videogame sales?
Of course not, user. He's a stupid teenager who likes projecting.
Gone Home is about nothing. It's the epilogue of Uncharted 4 just less interactive and boring.
Word of mouth is word of mouth. Weebs buying cancerous shit is just as bad as SJWs buying shit games. Quit thinking yourselves any less damaging or pathetic.
Definitely less damaging.
Word of mount does not lie. If weeaboos like it, they like it for a reason, and that reason is good enough for other weeaboos to buy it.
Media on the other hand is lying when it's giving Gone Home 10 out of 10. The audience, normal honest gamers, will not find that game to be a 10 out of 10.
It couldn't just be that gone home was really bad and therefore no one on Sup Forums liked it?
We have to argue that Sup Forums is one person again and that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the same board?
If anything Sup Forums is pretty good about not letting its Sup Forums seep out as much as other boards
[Spoiler]unfortunately Sup Forums and Sup Forums have fallen into that corruption and it will be a long time before Sup Forums leaves for good[/spoiler]
Oh sorry, i forgot how to argue on Sup Forums
Those SJWs liked their game for a reason too. Again you're literally the same thing, just the polar opposite on stance. You're both faggots, you both push shit games for a retarded agenda, and you both shit up the game industry.
you should worry more about journos than Sup Forums, they think summer lesson is way more scarier than resident evil 7
Here, let me give you a protip.
I don't find neither Gone Home nor weeaboo games to be cancerous games (as you call them).
I'm fine with both of them existing. I do not push any agenda.
What I am against is media giving games unfair scores - which is what happened to Gone Home.
I don't see a problem with anons evaluating gamers they liked a lot highly on an anonymous imageboard.
You don't find games without gameplay to be cancer? Weeaboo confirmed. Fuck off retard.
stop it user, im still recovering
You need to learn to be more accepting. Any game has the right to exist (of course, those that break local laws do not have the right, in areas where they break laws).
Recovering from what?
I'm a stupid phone poster lad. It auto corrected the capital s
I am accepting the fact that you are a cancerous faggotry. How about you become more accepting to the truth of your faggotry and an hero?