>nigger and woman go save the day
>white man is relegated to window washing duty
if you ignore them they'll go away they said
>nigger and woman go save the day
>white man is relegated to window washing duty
if you ignore them they'll go away they said
Look surprisingly good after that shitty year one edition of the first game.
Yeah I noticed that as well. It's not even subtle nowadays.
I am into interracial so I don't mind
>African Americans do all the work and risk dying
>White guy stays safe and wash windows.
if that was a nigga they would cry and whine all over the internet...
ho that a white guys... that okay right?
how do you folks manage to go about your day without getting triggered by everything
After the state of the "Year one" release and pulling the original from steam they can eat a sack of cocks if they think they're getting my money
>person washing the car continues to wash the car
Oh shit it must be the jews
also look at that camera angle, the woman and nigger are first while the white man is in the background
you can't make this shit up
>playing story mode
>of Stay of Decay
top fucking kek just go to the free play and do the fuck you want until it became repetitive shit.
Did you mean to post that on tumblr?
This, both Sup Forums and the tumblr crowd get upset over the dumbest shit.
No, Sup Forums gets triggered over one side of the coin while tumblr gets triggered by the other. Neither camps have any chill whatsoever.
>me and other white men are so under-represented in games!
Jesus christ who cares, you're as bad as the sjw's you make fun of.
Nothing more ironic than Sup Forums kiddies getting triggered by boogeymen.
I'd love to see one of these faggots in real life -- scowling and turning bright red any time they encounter someone that isn't a straight white male. What a pathetic sheltered life.
On the plus side, they will never reproduce. The baby boomers dying off will be a great boon to social progress. Then we wait for fags like OP to off themselves and it's all good.
that was racism not under represented
the white man wash the car
you would be so mad if that was a nigga washing the car
Just like the last one! nice.
Reminder that crying about white men being under represented makes you just like the niggers, cunts, and gays who cry about being under represented.
>Hey guys don't you think anzi-sjws are just as bad as sjws, those misogynistic racists?
why does Sup Forums think there's some SJW/BLM agenda conspiracy going on
you people are just as bad as the SJW's
Kids keep using this greentext deflection and I don't get it. Yes, I am literally saying that you are just as bad, or worse, than the SJWs. I'm not implying it in a roundabout subtle way. I'm saying it. Are you incapable of believing that not every other white guy is as big a piece of shit as you and your worthless bigot buddies?
We all grow up some day, kid. Either join us in the future or fuck off back to the dark ages.
It's the hip new meme.
You realize \you are acting just like the SJWs by LOOKING for things to be offended by?
Rule 3 user
>Yes, I am literally saying that you are just as bad, or worse, than the SJWs
>shit up videogames with their agenda
>try to fight against that
How are they just as bad?
Nevermind, you're just a phoneposting blue pilled leftiecuck
>sjws shit up Sup Forums with their agenda
>anti-sjws shit up Sup Forums with their agenda
I want both sides to leave
>Why is shitposting as bad as shitposting?
ignore them and they will go away
not like they can do any damage
>try to fight against that
except with a whole bunch of overreacting over video games. this bullshit can be discussed without introducing vitriol into the mix. no need to act like the very social studies warriors you hate.
They are both looking for things to be triggers by
jesus christ go back to Sup Forums and reddit
if you actually think the sjw agenda is managing to do something you should go outside more and talk to real humans
the media is laughing at sjw's, the sjw's never had a chance to do anything
>Literally triggered
Tumblr is that way.
Why do women prefer the BBC?
>Nevermind, you're just a phoneposting blue pilled leftiecuck
Any real words there or are you just spewing bullshit ebin may-mays you saw the other kids using online?
>tfw you're into qt espresso girls with white features
>tfw they prefer superior white dick
can't wait for Sup Forums to be uncucked once Trump mandates mandatory testosterone injections for all males
who is "us"? the "Cucks Without Borders"?
go prep the bull, don't make him wait
uncucked from what?
Dumbass. The white guy obviously looked like the leader therefore, takes initiative. You'd know this if you weren't too busy fantasizing about black dicks
I'm gonna level with you for a moment. It's true that a few women prefer black men, but you wanna know why? They like it rough, they know where they're more likely to get it. Dick size has to do fuck all since every man is a gamble anyways.
Just look at the most popular fetishes for white men and then imagine yourself as a subby woman who just wants to get dominated regardless of race.
Best thing you can do is to embrace the most pure and supreme fetish in history: maledom.